if (rlang::is_installed(c("withr", "testthat"))) { # Imports that will be used later #### # Must be outside of testthat, so that they can be referred to later suppressWarnings({ otree_2_2_4 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_2.2.4"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE) otree_5_4_0 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_5.4.0"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE) # Alternative: # file.path(".", "exp_data_5.4.0"), otree_5_4_0_non_unique <- otree_5_4_0 otree_5_4_0 <- delete_duplicate(otree_5_4_0) otree_old_one <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "old_one"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE) # Alternative: # file.path(".", "old_one"), otree_all <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE) otree_new_empty <- import_otree( del_empty = FALSE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE) # Alternative: # file.path(".", "exp_data"), }) # App time #### testthat::test_that("App time - problematic first app old and new", { otree2 <- otree_all # Delete duplicates otree2$Time <- otree2$Time[!duplicated(otree2$Time), ] # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, "start", combine = TRUE) testthat::expect_true( setequal(names(output), c("mean_duration", "min_duration", "max_duration", "single_durations", "warnings", "first_app_one_page", "messages"))) }) testthat::test_that("App time - problematic first app old and new", { otree2 <- otree_all # Delete duplicates otree2$Time <- otree2$Time[!duplicated(otree2$Time), ] # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, combine = TRUE) testthat::expect_true( setequal(names(output$start), c("mean_duration", "min_duration", "max_duration", "single_durations", "warnings", "first_app_one_page", "messages"))) }) testthat::test_that("App time - all duplicate participants all apps", { # Prepare data (make duplicate data) otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$Time <- rbind(otree2$Time, otree2$Time) # Run function output <- apptime(otree2) # Test test <- grepl(paste0("Durations not calculated. ", "There are duplicate data in your Time data frame."), output) testthat::expect_true(test) }) testthat::test_that("App time - one duplicate participant", { # Prepare data (make duplicate data) otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[ otree2$all_apps_wide$participant._current_app_name == "survey"][1L] otree2$Time <- rbind(otree2$Time, otree2$Time[otree2$Time$participant_code == person, ]) # Run function output <- apptime(otree2) # Test test3 <- setequal(names(output$start), c("mean_duration", "min_duration", "max_duration", "single_durations", "duplicate_participants", "messages")) test4 <- length(output$start$messages) == 1L test1 <- setequal(names(output$chatapp), c("mean_duration", "min_duration", "max_duration", "single_durations", "warnings", "duplicate_participants", "messages")) test2 <- length(output$chatapp$messages) == 2 test5 <- setequal(names(output$dictator), c("mean_duration", "min_duration", "max_duration", "single_durations", "duplicate_participants", "warnings", "messages")) test6 <- length(output$dictator$messages) == 2 testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6))) # Test if participant is in list duplicate_participants test2 <- output$dictator$duplicate_participants == person test2 <- output$start$duplicate_participants == person test3 <- output$chatapp$duplicate_participants == person test4 <- output$survey$duplicate_participants == person testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("App time - one app oTree old", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, apps = "start", sinfo = "session_id") # Test testthat::expect_true(setequal( names(output), "messages")) testthat::expect_true( grepl(paste0("Durations not calculated. If the first app only has one ", "page, the indices for the first"), output["messages"])) }) testthat::test_that("App time - one app durations not calculated", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Keep only cases that didn't make it to the app delcases <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[ otree2$all_apps_wide$participant._current_app_name == "survey"] otree2 <- delete_cases(otree2, delcases, reason = "test") # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, apps = "survey") # Test test1 <- setequal( names(output), "messages") test2 <- grepl("Durations not calculated. Check your data before rerunning the function.", output[["messages"]]) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) }) testthat::test_that("App time - several apps firstappproblemparticipant", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Delete rows to make the first app to only have one page otree2$Time <- otree2$Time[otree2$Time$page_index != 0L, ] # Run function output <- apptime(otree2) # Test for problematic first app test2 <- setequal(names(output$start), "messages") test3 <- expect_true(grepl( pattern = "If the first app only has one page, the indices", x = output$start$message)) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test2, test3))) # Test structure testthat::expect_output(str(output$start), "List of 1") testthat::expect_true(all( c("messages") %in% names(output$start))) testthat::expect_output(str(output$chatapp), "List of 6") testthat::expect_true(all( c("mean_duration", "min_duration", "max_duration", "single_durations", "warnings", "messages") %in% names(output$chatapp))) testthat::expect_output(str(output$dictator), "List of 6") testthat::expect_output(str(output$survey), "List of 6") # Test the others # Important. In new oTree, there is no need for a first-app-one-stage # warning, because there is a index number 0! # Also: firstappwarning is also not shown for new oTree. test1 <- !is.null(output$dictator$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$mean_duration) test2 <- !is.null(output$dictator$min_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$min_duration) test3 <- !is.null(output$dictator$max_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$max_duration) test4 <- (nrow(output$dictator$single_durations) + length(output$dictator$warnings)) == nrow(otree2$dictator) / 3L # Test if the values and the single_durations align test5 <- round(output$dictator$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$dictator$single_durations$duration), 2L) test6 <- round(output$dictator$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$dictator$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$dictator$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$dictator$single_durations$duration), 2L) # Run testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7))) }) testthat::test_that("App time - all apps old oTree specified person", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2) person <- otree_2_2_4$Time$participant__code[ otree_2_2_4$Time$app_name == "survey"][1L] # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, pcode = person, sinfo = "session_id") # Test test1 <- is.numeric(output$chatapp) test2 <- is.numeric(output$dictator) test3 <- is.numeric(output$start) # NA testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) testthat::expect_output(str(output), "List of 4") }) testthat::test_that("App time - all apps, seconds = FALSE", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, sinfo = NULL) # Test testthat::expect_output(str(output$start), "List of 4") # No warnings testthat::expect_output(str(output$chatapp), "List of 6") testthat::expect_true(all( c("mean_duration", "min_duration", "max_duration", "single_durations", "warnings", "messages") %in% names(output$chatapp))) testthat::expect_true(all( c("mean_duration", "min_duration", "max_duration", "single_durations", "warnings", "messages") %in% names(output$chatapp))) testthat::expect_output(str(output$dictator), "List of 6") testthat::expect_output(str(output$survey), "List of 6") # Important. In new oTree, there is no need for a first-app-one-stage # warning, because there is a index number 0! # Also: firstappwarning is also not shown for new oTree. test1 <- !is.null(output$dictator$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$mean_duration) test2 <- !is.null(output$dictator$min_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$min_duration) test3 <- !is.null(output$dictator$max_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$max_duration) test4 <- (nrow(output$dictator$single_durations) + length(output$dictator$warnings)) == nrow(otree2$dictator) / 3L # Test if the values and the single_durations align test5 <- round(output$dictator$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$dictator$single_durations$duration), 2L) test6 <- round(output$dictator$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$dictator$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$dictator$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$dictator$single_durations$duration), 2L) # Test for exact values testthat::expect_true(output$chatapp$min_duration == 0.08) testthat::expect_true(output$chatapp$max_duration == 0.27) testthat::expect_true(output$chatapp$mean_duration == 0.21) testthat::expect_true(output$start$min_duration == 0.02) testthat::expect_true(output$start$max_duration == 0.15) testthat::expect_true(output$start$mean_duration == 0.07) testthat::expect_true(output$survey$min_duration == 0.23) testthat::expect_true(output$survey$max_duration == 0.37) testthat::expect_true(output$survey$mean_duration == 0.28) # Run testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7))) # Test warnings testthat::expect_true( grepl(pattern = "or some participants, no duration could be calculated", x = output$chatapp$message)) testthat::expect_true(exists("warnings", output$chatapp)) test1 <- length(output$start$single_durations$participant) == 8L # Warnings not in durations! test2 <- !any(output$chatapp$warnings %in% output$chatapp$single_durations$participant) test3 <- !any(output$dictator$warnings %in% output$dictator$single_durations$participant) test4 <- !any(output$survey$warnings %in% output$survey$single_durations$participant) # No duplicates in durations test5 <- !anyDuplicated(output$start$single_durations$participant) test6 <- !anyDuplicated(output$chatapp$single_durations$participant) test7 <- !anyDuplicated(output$dictator$single_durations$participant) test8 <- !anyDuplicated(output$survey$single_durations$participant) # No duplicates in warning test9 <- !anyDuplicated(output$chatapp$warnings) test10 <- !anyDuplicated(output$dictator$warnings) test11 <- !anyDuplicated(output$survey$warnings) # Run testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7, test8, test9, test10, test11))) }) testthat::test_that("App time - all apps, without session info", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function output <- apptime(otree2) # Test testthat::expect_output(str(output), "List of 4") # Test fi values are there test1 <- !is.null(output$dictator$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$mean_duration) test2 <- !is.null(output$dictator$min_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$min_duration) test3 <- !is.null(output$dictator$max_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$max_duration) test4 <- (nrow(output$dictator$single_durations) + length(output$dictator$warnings)) == nrow(otree2$dictator) / 3L # Test if the values and the single_durations align test5 <- round(output$dictator$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$dictator$single_durations$duration), 2L) test6 <- round(output$dictator$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$dictator$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$dictator$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$dictator$single_durations$duration), 2L) # Test warnings testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7))) # Test for exact values testthat::expect_true(output$chatapp$min_duration == 0.08) testthat::expect_true(output$chatapp$max_duration == 0.27) testthat::expect_true(output$chatapp$mean_duration == 0.21) testthat::expect_true(output$start$min_duration == 0.02) testthat::expect_true(output$start$max_duration == 0.15) testthat::expect_true(output$start$mean_duration == 0.07) testthat::expect_true(output$survey$min_duration == 0.23) testthat::expect_true(output$survey$max_duration == 0.37) testthat::expect_true(output$survey$mean_duration == 0.28) # Test more warnings testthat::expect_true( grepl(pattern = "or some participants, no duration could be calculated", x = output$chatapp$message)) testthat::expect_true(exists("warnings", output$chatapp)) test1 <- length(output$start$single_durations$participant) == 8L # Warnings not in durations! test2 <- !any(output$chatapp$warnings %in% output$chatapp$single_durations$participant) test3 <- !any(output$dictator$warnings %in% output$dictator$single_durations$participant) test4 <- !any(output$survey$warnings %in% output$survey$single_durations$participant) # No duplicates in durations test5 <- !anyDuplicated(output$start$single_durations$participant) test6 <- !anyDuplicated(output$chatapp$single_durations$participant) test7 <- !anyDuplicated(output$dictator$single_durations$participant) test8 <- !anyDuplicated(output$survey$single_durations$participant) # No duplicates in warning test9 <- !anyDuplicated(output$chatapp$warnings) test10 <- !anyDuplicated(output$dictator$warnings) test11 <- !anyDuplicated(output$survey$warnings) }) testthat::test_that("App time - all apps, seconds = TRUE", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function output_second <- apptime(otree2, seconds = TRUE, digits = 4L) output_minutes <- apptime(otree2, seconds = FALSE, digits = 4L) # Test testthat::expect_output(str(output_second), "List of 4") test1 <- round(output_minutes$dictator$mean_duration * 60L, 2L) == round(output_second$dictator$mean_duration, 2L) test2 <- round(output_minutes$dictator$min_duration * 60L, 2L) == round(output_second$dictator$min_duration, 2L) test3 <- round(output_minutes$dictator$max_duration * 60L, 2L) == round(output_second$dictator$max_duration, 2L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) # Test for exact values testthat::expect_true( output_second$chatapp$min_duration == round(0.0833 * 60L)) testthat::expect_true( output_second$chatapp$max_duration == round(0.2667 * 60L)) testthat::expect_true( output_second$chatapp$mean_duration == 12.5) testthat::expect_true( output_second$start$min_duration == round(0.0167 * 60L)) testthat::expect_true( output_second$start$max_duration == round(0.15 * 60L)) testthat::expect_true( output_second$start$mean_duration == round(0.0667 * 60L)) testthat::expect_true( output_second$survey$min_duration == round(0.2333 * 60L)) testthat::expect_true( output_second$survey$max_duration == round(0.3667 * 60L)) testthat::expect_true( output_second$survey$mean_duration == 16.75) testthat::expect_true(output_minutes$chatapp$min_duration == 0.0833) testthat::expect_true(output_minutes$chatapp$max_duration == 0.2667) testthat::expect_true(output_minutes$chatapp$mean_duration == 0.2084) testthat::expect_true(output_minutes$start$min_duration == 0.0167) testthat::expect_true(output_minutes$start$max_duration == 0.15) testthat::expect_true(output_minutes$start$mean_duration == 0.0667) testthat::expect_true(output_minutes$survey$min_duration == 0.2333) testthat::expect_true(output_minutes$survey$max_duration == 0.3667) testthat::expect_true(output_minutes$survey$mean_duration == 0.2792) }) testthat::test_that("App time - all apps, old oTree", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2) # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, sinfo = "session_id") # Test structure testthat::expect_output(str(output), "List of 4") # Start testthat::expect_output(str(output$start), "List of 1") testthat::expect_true(setequal( "messages", names(output$start))) # Dictator testthat::expect_output(str(output$dictator), "List of 6") testthat::expect_true(all( c("mean_duration", "min_duration", "max_duration", "single_durations", "messages", "warnings") %in% names(output$dictator))) # Survey testthat::expect_output(str(output$survey), "List of 6") testthat::expect_true(all( c("mean_duration", "min_duration", "max_duration", "single_durations", "messages", "warnings") %in% names(output$survey))) # Chatapp testthat::expect_output(str(output$chatapp), "List of 6") testthat::expect_true(all( c("mean_duration", "min_duration", "max_duration", "single_durations", "messages", "warnings") %in% names(output$chatapp))) # Further tests testthat::expect_true(setequal(names(output$start), "messages")) test1 <- grepl(pattern = "Durations not calculated", x = output$start$messages) test2 <- !is.vector(output$start$first_app_one_page) # Dictator test3 <- !is.null(output$dictator$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$mean_duration) test4 <- !is.null(output$dictator$min_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$min_duration) test5 <- !is.null(output$dictator$max_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$max_duration) # Such tests do not work in the old oTree, # because not all persons are also in the time file. # test4 <- (nrow(output$dictator$single_durations) + # length(output$dictator$warnings)) == nrow(otree2$dictator) / 3 # Test if the values and the single_durations align # Min, max, mean durations according to single_durations frame test6 <- round(output$dictator$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$dictator$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$dictator$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$dictator$single_durations$duration), 2L) test8 <- round(output$dictator$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$dictator$single_durations$duration), 2L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7, test8))) # Specific values testthat::expect_true(output$chatapp$min_duration == 0.22) testthat::expect_true(output$chatapp$max_duration == 1.17) testthat::expect_true(output$chatapp$mean_duration == 0.44) testthat::expect_true(output$dictator$min_duration == 0.33) testthat::expect_true(output$dictator$max_duration == 1.88) testthat::expect_true(output$dictator$mean_duration == 1.02) # Test more warnings testthat::expect_true( grepl(pattern = "or some participants, no duration could be calculated", x = output$chatapp$message)) testthat::expect_true(exists("warnings", output$chatapp)) # Dropouts in first app are not in Time frame! participants_who_left_start <- nrow(otree2$start[ otree2$start$participant._current_app_name != "start", ]) participants_who_didnt_leaf_start <- nrow(otree2$start[ otree2$start$participant._current_app_name == "start", ]) testthat::expect_true(length(unique(otree2$Time$participant__code)) == participants_who_left_start) testthat::expect_false(any(participants_who_didnt_leaf_start %in% unique(otree2$Time$participant__code))) # Warnings not in durations! test2 <- !any(output$chatapp$warnings %in% output$chatapp$single_durations$participant) test3 <- !any(output$dictator$warnings %in% output$dictator$single_durations$participant) test4 <- !any(output$survey$warnings %in% output$survey$single_durations$participant) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test2, test3, test4))) # No duplicates in durations test5 <- !anyDuplicated(output$start$single_durations$participant) test6 <- !anyDuplicated(output$chatapp$single_durations$participant) test7 <- !anyDuplicated(output$dictator$single_durations$participant) test8 <- !anyDuplicated(output$survey$single_durations$participant) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test5, test6, test7, test8))) # No duplicates in warnings test9 <- !anyDuplicated(output$chatapp$warnings) test10 <- !anyDuplicated(output$dictator$warnings) test11 <- !anyDuplicated(output$survey$warnings) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test9, test10, test11))) }) testthat::test_that("App time - one app firstappproblemparticipant", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Delete rows to make the first app to only have one page otree2$Time <- otree2$Time[otree2$Time$page_index != 0L, ] # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, "start") # Test test2 <- setequal(names(output), "messages") test3 <- expect_true(grepl( pattern = paste0("Durations not calculated. ", "If the first app only has one page, the indices"), x = output$message)) # Run testthat::expect_true(all(c(test2, test3))) }) testthat::test_that("App time - part code did not make it, othertime", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2 <- pagesec(otree2) otree2$Time$epoch_time_completed <- NULL person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[ otree2$all_apps_wide$participant._current_app_name != "survey"][1L] # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, combine = FALSE, pcode = person, apps = "chatapp") testthat::expect_true(is.na(output)) # TODO decide if message should be shown in the future # and test here (TODO #1). }) testthat::test_that("App time - all apps, old oTree seconds on page2", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2) otree2 <- pagesec(otree2) otree2$Time$time_stamp <- NULL # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, sinfo = "session_id") # Test testthat::expect_output(str(output$start), "List of 4") testthat::expect_output(str(output), "List of 4") # Dictator test3 <- !is.null(output$dictator$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$mean_duration) test4 <- !is.null(output$dictator$min_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$min_duration) test5 <- !is.null(output$dictator$max_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$max_duration) # Such tests do not work in the old oTree, # because not all persons are also in the time file. # test4 <- (nrow(output$dictator$single_durations) + # length(output$dictator$warnings)) == nrow(otree2$dictator) / 3 # Test if the values and the single_durations align test6 <- round(output$dictator$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$dictator$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$dictator$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$dictator$single_durations$duration), 2L) test8 <- round(output$dictator$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$dictator$single_durations$duration), 2L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test3, test4, test5, test6, test7, test8))) # Test warnings testthat::expect_true( grepl(pattern = "or some participants, no duration could be calculated", x = output$chatapp$message)) testthat::expect_true(exists("warnings", output$chatapp)) test1 <- length(output$start$single_durations$participant) == nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) - 2L # Two people never left start page # No person in the Warnings list should be in the durations list! test2 <- !any(output$chatapp$warnings %in% output$chatapp$single_durations$participant) test3 <- !any(output$dictator$warnings %in% output$dictator$single_durations$participant) test4 <- !any(output$survey$warnings %in% output$survey$single_durations$participant) # No duplicates in durations test5 <- !anyDuplicated(output$start$single_durations$participant) test6 <- !anyDuplicated(output$chatapp$single_durations$participant) test7 <- !anyDuplicated(output$dictator$single_durations$participant) test8 <- !anyDuplicated(output$survey$single_durations$participant) # No duplicates in warning test9 <- !anyDuplicated(output$chatapp$warnings) test10 <- !anyDuplicated(output$dictator$warnings) test11 <- !anyDuplicated(output$survey$warnings) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7, test8, test9, test10, test11))) }) testthat::test_that("App time - all apps, old oTree seconds on page", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2) otree2$Time$time_stamp <- NULL # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, sinfo = "session_id") # Test testthat::expect_output(str(output$start), "List of 4") testthat::expect_output(str(output), "List of 4") # Dictator test3 <- !is.null(output$dictator$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$mean_duration) test4 <- !is.null(output$dictator$min_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$min_duration) test5 <- !is.null(output$dictator$max_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$max_duration) # Such tests do not work in the old oTree, # because not all persons are also in the time file. # test4 <- (nrow(output$dictator$single_durations) + # length(output$dictator$warnings)) == nrow(otree2$dictator) / 3 # Test if the values and the single_durations align test6 <- round(output$dictator$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$dictator$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$dictator$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$dictator$single_durations$duration), 2L) test8 <- round(output$dictator$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$dictator$single_durations$duration), 2L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test3, test4, test5, test6, test7, test8))) }) testthat::test_that("App time - Time df empty", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 otree2$Time <- otree2$Time[NULL, ] # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(apptime(otree2, sinfo = NULL), "data frame is empty") }) testthat::test_that("App time - epoch time ", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_old_one # Run function output <- apptime(otree2) # Test testthat::expect_output(str(output), "List of 4") test1 <- "chatapp" %in% names(output) test2 <- "survey" %in% names(output) test3 <- "dictator" %in% names(output) test4 <- "survey" %in% names(output) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) # Test if the values and the single_durations align test5 <- round(output$dictator$mean_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$dictator$single_durations$duration), 2L) test6 <- round(output$dictator$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$dictator$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$dictator$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$dictator$single_durations$duration), 2L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test5, test6, test7))) }) testthat::test_that("App time - all apps old oTree group", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_var = "dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession") # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, group_id = 3L, sinfo = "session_id") # Test test <- setequal(names(output), c("chatapp", "dictator", "start", "survey")) testthat::expect_true(test) # Test for start test1 <- setequal(names(output$start), "messages") testthat::expect_true(test1) # Test for chatapp test1 <- is.numeric(output$chatapp$mean_duration) test2 <- is.numeric(output$chatapp$max_duration) test3 <- is.numeric(output$chatapp$min_duration) test4 <- !is.null(output$chatapp$single_durations) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) # Test for dictator test1 <- is.numeric(output$dictator$mean_duration) test2 <- is.numeric(output$dictator$max_duration) test3 <- is.numeric(output$dictator$min_duration) test4 <- !is.null(output$dictator$single_durations) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) # Test for survey test1 <- is.numeric(output$survey$mean_duration) test2 <- is.numeric(output$survey$max_duration) test3 <- is.numeric(output$survey$min_duration) test4 <- !is.null(output$survey$single_durations) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("App time - all apps old oTree session code", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2) # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(apptime(otree2, sinfo = "session_code"), "There is no session_code or session__code") }) testthat::test_that("App time - all apps no session info ", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2) # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, sinfo = NULL) # Test testthat::expect_output(str(output), "List of 4") test1 <- setequal(names(output), c("chatapp", "dictator", "start", "survey")) testthat::expect_true(test1) # Test for survey test1 <- is.numeric(output$survey$mean_duration) test2 <- is.numeric(output$survey$max_duration) test3 <- is.numeric(output$survey$min_duration) test4 <- is.null(output$survey$single_durations$session) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) # Test for dictator test1 <- is.numeric(output$dictator$mean_duration) test2 <- is.numeric(output$dictator$max_duration) test3 <- is.numeric(output$dictator$min_duration) test4 <- is.null(output$dictator$single_durations$session) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) # Test for start (only old otree not startreal) test1 <- setequal(names(output$start), "messages") testthat::expect_true(test1) }) testthat::test_that("App time - two apps: single durations didn't make it", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2) person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[ otree2$all_apps_wide$participant._current_app_name == "dictator"][1L] # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, pcode = "2scvem7a", apps = c("survey", "chatapp")) # Test test1 <- setequal(names(output), c("survey", "chatapp")) test2 <- is.na(output$chatapp) test3 <- is.na(output$survey) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) }) testthat::test_that("App time - all apps: single durations didn't make it", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2) person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[ otree2$all_apps_wide$participant._current_app_name == "dictator"][1L] # Run function testthat::expect_warning( output <- apptime(otree2, pcode = person), "Duration could not be calculated for the person" ) # Test test1 <- is.numeric(output$start) test2 <- is.numeric(output$dictator) test3 <- is.na(output$chatapp) test4 <- is.na(output$survey) testthat::expect_true(all(test1, test2, test3, test4)) }) testthat::test_that("App time - several apps: several didn't make it", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2) # Run function output <- apptime(otree2) # Test warningmessage <- grepl("For some participants, no duration could", output$survey$messages) testthat::expect_true(warningmessage) sum1 <- nrow(output$survey$single_durations) + length(output$survey$warnings) sum2 <- nrow(output$dictator$single_durations) + length(output$dictator$warnings) sum3 <- nrow(output$chatapp$single_durations) + length(output$chatapp$warnings) testthat::expect_identical(sum1, sum2) testthat::expect_identical(sum1, sum3) # Dictator should have more cases than survey testthat::expect_gte(nrow(output$dictator$single_durations), nrow(output$survey$single_durations)) }) testthat::test_that("App time - all duplicate participants", { # Prepare data (make duplicate data) otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$Time <- rbind(otree2$Time, otree2$Time) # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, apps = "survey") # Test test <- grepl("Durations not calculated", output) testthat::expect_true(test) }) testthat::test_that("App time - some duplicate participants", { # Prepare data (make duplicate data) otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 person1 <- unique(otree2$Time$participant_code)[1L] person2 <- unique(otree2$Time$participant_code)[2L] otree2$Time <- rbind(otree2$Time, otree2$Time[otree2$Time$participant_code == person1, ], otree2$Time[otree2$Time$participant_code == person2, ]) # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, apps = "dictator") # Test test1 <- is.numeric(output$mean_duration) test2 <- is.numeric(output$max_duration) test3 <- is.numeric(output$min_duration) test4 <- all(output$duplicate_participants %in% (c(person1, person2))) test5 <- any(grepl("have duplicate data", output$messages)) test6 <- any(grepl("no duration could be calculated", output$messages)) test7 <- !(output$single_durations$participant %in% output$duplicate_participants) test8 <- !(output$single_durations$participant %in% output$warnings) test9 <- !(output$duplicate_participants %in% output$warnings) test10 <- !(output$warnings %in% output$duplicate_participants) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7, test8, test9, test10))) }) testthat::test_that("App time - a whole session not there", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$Time$app_name[otree2$Time$app_name == "survey"] <- NA # Run function output <- apptime(otree2) # Test test <- grepl("Durations not calculated", output$survey) testthat::expect_true(test) }) testthat::test_that("App time - participant is there more often ", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 persons <- unique(otree2$Time$participant_code)[c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L)] otree2$Time <- rbind(otree2$Time, otree2$Time[ otree2$Time$participant_code %in% persons, ]) # Run and test dictator output <- apptime(otree2, apps = "dictator") test1 <- all(output$duplicate_participants == persons) testthat::expect_true(test1) test2 <- any(grepl("have duplicate data", output$messages)) testthat::expect_true(test2) test3 <- any(grepl("no duration could be calculated", output$messages)) testthat::expect_true(test3) # Run and test start output <- apptime(otree2, apps = "start") test1 <- all(output$duplicate_participants == persons) testthat::expect_true(test1) test2 <- any(grepl("have duplicate data", output$messages)) testthat::expect_true(test2) }) testthat::test_that("App time - participant code", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 person1 <- unique(otree2$Time$participant_code[ otree2$Time$page_index > 10L])[1L] # Expect x <- otree2$Time[otree2$Time$participant_code == person1 & otree2$Time$app_name == "dictator", ] max <- max(x$epoch_time_completed) min <- min(x$epoch_time_completed) min <- max(otree2$Time$epoch_time_completed[ otree2$Time$participant_code == person1 & otree2$Time$epoch_time_completed < min]) diff <- max - min diff <- diff / 60L # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, pcode = c(person1)) # Test testthat::expect_identical( output$dictator, round(diff, digits = 2L)) testthat::expect_true( all( names(output) == c("chatapp", "dictator", "start", "survey"))) }) testthat::test_that("App time - participant code did not make it", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Person with only certain entries person1 <- unique(otree2$Time$participant_code[ otree2$Time$page_index > 3L & otree2$Time$page_index < 7L])[1L] # Delete the last pages otree2$Time <- otree2$Time[!(otree2$Time$participant_code == person1 & otree2$Time$page_index >= 7L), ] # Expect for dictator app x <- otree2$Time[otree2$Time$participant_code == person1 & otree2$Time$app_name == "dictator", ] max <- max(x$epoch_time_completed) min <- min(x$epoch_time_completed) min <- max(otree2$Time$epoch_time_completed[ otree2$Time$participant_code == person1 & otree2$Time$epoch_time_completed < min]) diff <- max - min diff <- diff / 60L # Run function testthat::expect_warning( output <- apptime(otree2, pcode = c(person1)), "Duration could not be calculated for the person in app") # Test testthat::expect_true( all( names(output) == c("chatapp", "dictator", "start", "survey"))) testthat::expect_true(is.na(output$survey)) testthat::expect_true(is.na(output$chatapp)) testthat::expect_identical( output$dictator, round(diff, digits = 2L)) }) testthat::test_that("App time - participant code not in any + combine yes", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, combine = TRUE, pcode = "something") # Test testthat::expect_true(all( c("chatapp", "dictator", "survey", "start", "2chatapp", "dictator2") %in% names(output))) testthat::expect_true(is.na(output$survey)) }) testthat::test_that("App time - participant code did not make it", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, combine = TRUE, pcode = "something") # Test test <- is.na(output$survey) testthat::expect_true(test) }) testthat::test_that("App time - two apps oTree old", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2) # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, apps = c("survey", "dictator"), sinfo = "session_id") # Test testthat::expect_output(str(output), "List of 2") }) testthat::test_that("App time - group", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_app = "dictator") # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, group_id = 2L, apps = "dictator") # Test test1 <- !is.null(output$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$mean_duration) test2 <- !is.null(output$min_duration) & !is.na(output$min_duration) test3 <- !is.null(output$max_duration) & !is.na(output$max_duration) test4 <- exists("single_durations", output) test5 <- round(mean(output$single_durations$duration), digits = 2L) == output$mean_duration # Test for exact values testthat::expect_true(output$min_duration == 0.67) testthat::expect_true(output$max_duration == 0.77) testthat::expect_true(output$mean_duration == 0.72) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5))) }) testthat::test_that("App time (e) - participant code not in any", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all # Run function testthat::expect_error( output <- apptime(otree2, combine = FALSE, pcode = "something"), "referred to the time stamp.*referred to the participant code") }) testthat::test_that("App time - participant label", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, pmake = TRUE) # Make new participant labels otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.label <- paste("Person", data.table::rleidv(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) # Expect person_code <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[ otree2$all_apps_wide$participant._current_app_name == "survey" & otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.label != ""][1L] person_label <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.label[ otree2$all_apps_wide$participant._current_app_name == "survey" & otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.label != ""][1L] # Comparison data frame xminus1 <- max(otree2$Time[ otree2$Time$participant_code == person_code & otree2$Time$app_name == "chatapp", ]$epoch_time_completed) x <- otree2$Time[ otree2$Time$participant_code == person_code & otree2$Time$app_name == "survey", ] max <- max(x$epoch_time_completed) diff <- max - xminus1 diff <- diff / 60L # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, plabel = person_label, digits = 2L) # Test testthat::expect_identical( output$survey, round(diff, digits = 2L)) }) testthat::test_that("App time - two apps", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, apps = c("survey", "dictator")) # Test testthat::expect_output(str(output), "List of 2") test1 <- !is.null(output$dictator$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$mean_duration) test2 <- !is.null(output$dictator$min_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$min_duration) test3 <- !is.null(output$dictator$max_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$max_duration) test4 <- !is.null(output$survey$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$survey$mean_duration) test5 <- !is.null(output$survey$min_duration) & !is.na(output$survey$min_duration) test6 <- !is.null(output$survey$max_duration) & !is.na(output$survey$max_duration) test7 <- exists("single_durations", output$dictator) test8 <- exists("single_durations", output$survey) testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) testthat::expect_true(test3) testthat::expect_true(test4) testthat::expect_true(test5) testthat::expect_true(test6) testthat::expect_true(test7) testthat::expect_true(test8) }) testthat::test_that("App time - three apps old", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, sinfo = NULL, apps = c("start", "survey", "dictator")) # Start problem only relevant in old otree testthat::expect_true(setequal( names(output$start), "messages")) testthat::expect_true(grepl( x = output$start$message, pattern = ".*If the first app only has one page, the indices.*" )) # Test testthat::expect_output(str(output), "List of 3") testthat::expect_true(setequal(names(output), c("start", "survey", "dictator"))) test1 <- !is.null(output$dictator$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$mean_duration) test2 <- !is.null(output$dictator$min_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$min_duration) test3 <- !is.null(output$dictator$max_duration) & !is.na(output$dictator$max_duration) test4 <- !is.null(output$survey$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$survey$mean_duration) test5 <- !is.null(output$survey$min_duration) & !is.na(output$survey$min_duration) test6 <- !is.null(output$survey$max_duration) & !is.na(output$survey$max_duration) test7 <- exists("single_durations", output$dictator) test8 <- exists("single_durations", output$survey) testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) testthat::expect_true(test3) testthat::expect_true(test4) testthat::expect_true(test5) testthat::expect_true(test6) testthat::expect_true(test7) testthat::expect_true(test8) }) testthat::test_that("App time (e) - two apps no session_code - old", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( apptime(otree2, apps = c("survey", "dictator")), "no session_code or session__code") }) testthat::test_that("App time (e) - no group_id", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( apptime(otree2, group_id = 6L, apps = "dictator"), "Variable group_id is not in \"Time\" data frame") }) testthat::test_that("App time (e) - non-unique participant label", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function testthat::expect_error( apptime(otree2, plabel = "Person2"), "You do not have unique participant labels in your") }) testthat::test_that("App time (e) - app", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function testthat::expect_error(apptime(otree2, apps = "Hinz")) }) testthat::test_that("App time (e) - no epoch time old", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_old_one otree2$Time$epoch_time <- NULL # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(apptime(otree2), "There is no variable referring to") }) testthat::test_that("App time (e) - no participant code old", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_old_one otree2$Time$participant_code <- NULL # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(apptime(otree2), "No variable referring to") }) testthat::test_that("App time (e) - no Time data frame", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$Time <- NULL # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(apptime(otree2, apps = "survey"), "There is no") }) testthat::test_that("App time (e) - wrong group_id", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_var = "dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession") # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(apptime(otree2, group_id = 400L, apps = "survey"), "group_id is not in \"Time\" data frame") }) testthat::test_that("App time (e) - p.label and no all_apps_wide", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$all_apps_wide <- NULL # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(apptime(otree2, plabel = "Person1", apps = "survey"), "You can only use") }) testthat::test_that("App time (e) - no session_id in the Time data frame", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(apptime(otree2, sinfo = "session_id", apps = "survey"), "There is no session_id in the Time data frame") }) testthat::test_that("App time (e) - no session_id in the Time data frame", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(apptime(otree2, sinfo = "session.id", apps = "survey"), "Please specify a valid sinfo") }) testthat::test_that("App time (e) - only group or participant", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(apptime(otree2, plabel = "Person1", group_id = 1L, apps = "survey"), "Please enter only") }) testthat::test_that("App time (e) - specified duplicate participant", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Make duplicate data person1 <- unique(otree2$Time$participant_code)[1L] otree2$Time <- rbind(otree2$Time, otree2$Time[otree2$Time$participant_code == person1, ]) # Run function testthat::expect_error( apptime(otree2, pcode = person1, apps = "dictator"), "This person has duplicate data in their Time data") }) testthat::test_that("App time (e) - only participant.code or group_id", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(apptime(otree2, pcode = "46kxib6w", group_id = 1L, apps = "survey"), "Please enter only pcode or group_id") }) testthat::test_that("App time (e) - only p.label or p.code", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(apptime(otree2, plabel = "Person1", pcode = "46kxib6w", apps = "survey"), "Please enter only") }) testthat::test_that("App time (e) - two participants (label)", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 part <- c("xx78b3x0", "46kxib6w") # Run function and test part <- c("Person1", "Person2") testthat::expect_error( apptime(otree2, plabel = part), "Please enter only one participant") }) testthat::test_that("App time (e) - two participants (code)", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 part <- c("xx78b3x0", "46kxib6w") # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( apptime(otree2, pcode = part), "Please enter only one participant") }) print("---- extime -----") # App time - one app #### testthat::test_that("App time - one app", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, apps = "dictator") # Test testthat::expect_output(str(output), "List of 6") test1 <- !is.null(output$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$mean_duration) test2 <- !is.null(output$min_duration) & !is.na(output$min_duration) test3 <- !is.null(output$max_duration) & !is.na(output$max_duration) # Test if the values and the single_durations align test5 <- round(output$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test6 <- round(output$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) # Run testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test5, test6, test7))) # Test warnings testthat::expect_true( grepl("or some participants, no duration could be calculated", output$messages)) testthat::expect_true(exists("warnings", output)) # Warnings not in duration testthat::expect_false(any(output$warnings %in% output$single_durations$participant)) # No duplicates in durations testthat::expect_true(!anyDuplicated(output$single_durations$participant)) # No duplicates in warning testthat::expect_true(!anyDuplicated(output$warnings)) }) testthat::test_that("App time - one app", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, "dictator") # Test testthat::expect_output(str(output), "List of 6") test1 <- !is.null(output$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$mean_duration) test2 <- !is.null(output$min_duration) & !is.na(output$min_duration) test3 <- !is.null(output$max_duration) & !is.na(output$max_duration) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) # Test if the values and the single_durations align test5 <- round(output$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test6 <- round(output$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test5, test6, test7))) }) testthat::test_that("App time - one app: seconds on page 2", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2 <- pagesec(otree2) otree2$Time$epoch_time_completed <- NULL # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, "dictator") # Test testthat::expect_output(str(output), "List of 6") test1 <- !is.null(output$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$mean_duration) test2 <- !is.null(output$min_duration) & !is.na(output$min_duration) test3 <- !is.null(output$max_duration) & !is.na(output$max_duration) # Test if the values and the single_durations align test5 <- round(output$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test6 <- round(output$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test5, test6, test7))) tested_message <- paste0( "For some participants, no duration could be ", "calculated. See list in \\$warnings. Did they ", "make it to the app\\(s\\)\\?" ) warningmessage <- grepl(tested_message, output$messages) testthat::expect_true(warningmessage) }) testthat::test_that("App time (e) - one app: one wrong app", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2) # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( apptime(otree2, apps = "wrongapp"), "The apps specified in the argument apps are not in the") }) testthat::test_that("App time - one app: no error one app okay", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2) num_participants <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) # Run function testthat::expect_warning( output <- apptime(otree2, apps = c("wrongapp", "dictator")), "not in the list of oTree data frame") # Test testthat::expect_output(str(output), "List of 6") test1 <- !is.null(output$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$mean_duration) test2 <- !is.null(output$min_duration) & !is.na(output$min_duration) test3 <- !is.null(output$max_duration) & !is.na(output$max_duration) test4 <- exists("single_durations", output) # Warnings not in durations! test5 <- !any(output$warnings %in% output$single_durations$participant) # No duplicates in durations test6 <- !anyDuplicated(output$single_durations$participant) # No duplicates in warning test7 <- !anyDuplicated(output$warnings) test8 <- length(output$single_durations$participant) + length(output$warnings) == num_participants testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7, test8))) }) testthat::test_that("App time - one app: single durations didn't make it", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2) # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, pcode = "2scvem7a", apps = "survey") # Test test <- is.na(output) testthat::expect_true(test) }) testthat::test_that("App time - one app: several durations didn't make it", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2) # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, apps = "survey") # Test test1 <- is.numeric(output$mean_duration) test2 <- is.numeric(output$max_duration) test3 <- is.numeric(output$min_duration) test4 <- !is.null(output$single_durations) test5 <- grepl("For some participants, no duration could", output$messages) test6 <- is.vector(output$warnings) test7 <- !(output$warnings %in% output$single_durations) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7))) }) testthat::test_that("App time - one app oTree old", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2) # Run function output <- apptime(otree2, "dictator", sinfo = "session_id") # Test testthat::expect_output(str(output), "List of 6") test1 <- !is.null(output$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$mean_duration) test2 <- !is.null(output$min_duration) & !is.na(output$min_duration) test3 <- !is.null(output$max_duration) & !is.na(output$max_duration) test4 <- exists("single_durations", output) test5 <- exists("warnings", output) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5))) }) testthat::test_that("App time - one dup part - all data one app", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 person1 <- unique(otree2$Time$participant_code)[1L] # Make duplicate data otree2$Time <- rbind(otree2$Time, otree2$Time[otree2$Time$participant_code == person1, ]) # Run function and test dictator output <- apptime(otree2, apps = "dictator") test0 <- all(output$duplicate_participants == person1) test1 <- is.numeric(output$mean_duration) test2 <- is.numeric(output$max_duration) test3 <- is.numeric(output$min_duration) test4 <- all(output$duplicate_participants %in% (c(person1))) test5 <- any(grepl("have duplicate data", output$messages)) test6 <- any(grepl("no duration could be calculated", output$messages)) test7 <- !(output$single_durations$participant %in% output$duplicate_participants) test8 <- !(output$single_durations$participant %in% output$warnings) test9 <- !(output$duplicate_participants %in% output$warnings) test10 <- !(output$warnings %in% output$duplicate_participants) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test0, test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7, test8, test9, test10))) # Run function and test start output <- apptime(otree2, apps = "start") test0 <- all(output$duplicate_participants == person1) test1 <- is.numeric(output$mean_duration) test2 <- is.numeric(output$max_duration) test3 <- is.numeric(output$min_duration) test4 <- all(output$duplicate_participants %in% (c(person1))) test5 <- any(grepl("have duplicate data", output$messages)) test7 <- !(output$single_durations$participant %in% output$duplicate_participants) test8 <- !("warnings" %in% names(output)) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test0, test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7, test8))) }) # Import tests #### testthat::test_that("Import - Excel", { file_names <- list.files( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_2.1.0"), pattern = "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}.xlsx") # Run function testthat::expect_message( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_2.1.0"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = FALSE, info = TRUE), "Imported:.*Errors when importing these files") # Test testthat::expect_output(str(otree2), "List of 8") testthat::expect_vector(otree2$info$imported_files) # (Plus two because of Chats and Time!) test1 <- length(otree2$info$imported_files) == 7L # Don't do that because there are also # faulty files: length(file_names) + 2 testthat::expect_true(test1) }) testthat::test_that("Import (w, e) - warnings excel", { # Usually, warning messages are suppressed because the same files # also occur in the error messages! file_names <- list.files( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_2.1.0.w"), pattern = "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}.xlsx") # This file would throw a warning # chatapp_2023-05-16.xlsx" # Run function - Errors are only shown if info = TRUE but only as # message! testthat::expect_message( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_2.1.0.w"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = FALSE, info = TRUE), "Errors when importing these files:.*" ) # Run function - Errors are not shown if info = FALSE testthat::expect_error( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_2.1.0.w"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = FALSE, info = FALSE), NA ) testthat::expect_message( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_2.1.0.w"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = FALSE, info = FALSE), NA ) }) testthat::test_that("Import - subapp name test1", { # Run function testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_5.4.0subapp"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE), "globally but also room-specific") # Test test1 <- "2chatapp" %in% names(otree2) test2 <- "chatapp" %in% names(otree2) test3 <- "dictator" %in% names(otree2) test4 <- "dictator2" %in% names(otree2) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export test5 <- "custexp_dictator" %in% names(otree2) test6 <- nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L # Run tests testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6))) }) testthat::test_that("Import - delete dropouts old", { # Run functions # Delete dropouts in two steps otree1 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_2.2.4"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE) testthat::expect_message( otree2 <- delete_dropouts(otree1, final_apps = "survey", info = TRUE), "Dropouts are deleted" ) # Delete dropouts in one step suppressWarnings({ testthat::expect_message( otree3 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_2.2.4"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, final_apps = "survey", info = TRUE), "Dropouts are deleted from all data frames.") }) # No message should be shown if info = FALSE suppressWarnings({ testthat::expect_message( otree3 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_2.2.4"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, final_apps = "survey", info = FALSE), NA) }) # Test if dropouts were deleted test1 <- nrow(otree1$all_apps_wide) > nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) test2 <- nrow(otree1$dictator) > nrow(otree2$dictator) test3 <- nrow(otree1$survey) > nrow(otree2$survey) test4 <- nrow(otree1$Chats) == nrow(otree2$Chats) # Must be equal! test5 <- nrow(otree1$Time) > nrow(otree2$Time) # Run tests testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5))) # Test if after-dropout numbers are the same test1 <- nrow(otree3$all_apps_wide) == nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) test2 <- nrow(otree3$dictator) == nrow(otree2$dictator) test3 <- nrow(otree3$survey) == nrow(otree2$survey) test4 <- nrow(otree3$Chats) == nrow(otree2$Chats) test5 <- nrow(otree3$Time) == nrow(otree2$Time) # Run tests testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5))) }) testthat::test_that("Import - delete dropouts", { # Run functions # Delete dropouts in two steps testthat::expect_warning( otree1 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_5.4.0"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE), "globally") testthat::expect_message( otree2 <- delete_dropouts(otree1, final_apps = "survey", info = TRUE), "Dropouts are deleted" ) # Delete dropouts in one step suppressWarnings({ testthat::expect_message( otree3 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_5.4.0"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, final_apps = "survey", info = TRUE), "Dropouts are deleted from all data frames.") }) # No message should be shown if info = FALSE suppressWarnings({ testthat::expect_message( otree3 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_5.4.0"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, final_apps = "survey", info = FALSE), NA) }) # Test if dropouts were deleted test1 <- nrow(otree1$all_apps_wide) > nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) test2 <- nrow(otree1$dictator) > nrow(otree2$dictator) test3 <- nrow(otree1$survey) > nrow(otree2$survey) test4 <- nrow(otree1$Chats) == nrow(otree2$Chats) # Must be equal! test5 <- nrow(otree1$Time) > nrow(otree2$Time) # Run tests testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5))) # Test if after-dropout numbers are the same test1 <- nrow(otree3$all_apps_wide) == nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) test2 <- nrow(otree3$dictator) == nrow(otree2$dictator) test3 <- nrow(otree3$survey) == nrow(otree2$survey) test4 <- nrow(otree3$Chats) == nrow(otree2$Chats) test5 <- nrow(otree3$Time) == nrow(otree2$Time) # Run tests testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5))) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true("custexp_dictator" %in% names(otree1)) testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree1$custexp_dictator) == 8L) testthat::expect_true("custexp_dictator" %in% names(otree3)) testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree3$custexp_dictator) == 8L) }) testthat::test_that("Import - bot files", { # Run function otree_bot <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = file.path("testdata", "bot_data"), onlybots = TRUE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE) # Test testthat::expect_identical( unique(otree_bot$all_apps_wide$participant._is_bot), 1L) }) testthat::test_that("Import - all info FALSE", { # Run function testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE), "globally but also room-specific") # Test structure testthat::expect_output(str(otree2), "List of 11") testthat::expect_true(all( c("all_apps_wide", "info", "chatapp", "dictator", "survey", "start", "custexp_dictator", "2chatapp", "dictator2", "Time", "Chats") %in% names(otree2))) testthat::expect_true(all( c("imported_files", "initial_n") %in% names(otree2$info) )) }) testthat::test_that("Import - without empty OLD", { # Run function otree2 <- import_otree( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_2.2.4"), del_empty = TRUE, onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE) # Test structure testthat::expect_true(all( c("all_apps_wide", "info", "chatapp", "dictator", "survey", "start", "Time", "Chats") %in% names(otree2))) testthat::expect_true(all( c("imported_files", "initial_n") %in% names(otree2$info) )) # Test if there are no empty testthat::expect_false( "" %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant._current_app_name ) testthat::expect_false( "" %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant._current_page_name ) }) testthat::test_that("Import - with empty OLD", { # Run function otree2 <- import_otree( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_2.2.4"), del_empty = FALSE, onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE) # Test structure testthat::expect_true(all( c("all_apps_wide", "info", "chatapp", "dictator", "survey", "start", "Time", "Chats") %in% names(otree2))) testthat::expect_true(all( c("imported_files", "initial_n") %in% names(otree2$info) )) # Test if there are empty testthat::expect_true( "" %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant._current_app_name ) testthat::expect_true( "" %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant._current_page_name ) }) testthat::test_that("Import - without empty", { # Run function testthat::expect_message( testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = TRUE), "globally but also room-specific"), "Imported:.*Errors when importing these files") # Test structure testthat::expect_output(str(otree2), "List of 11") testthat::expect_true(all( c("all_apps_wide", "info", "chatapp", "dictator", "survey", "start", "custexp_dictator", "2chatapp", "dictator2", "Time", "Chats") %in% names(otree2))) testthat::expect_true(all( c("imported_files", "initial_n") %in% names(otree2$info) )) # Test if there are no empty testthat::expect_false( "" %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant._current_app_name ) testthat::expect_false( "" %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant._current_page_name ) }) testthat::test_that("Import - with empty", { # Run function testthat::expect_message( testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = FALSE, onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = TRUE), "globally but also room-specific"), "Imported:.*Errors when importing these files") # Test structure testthat::expect_output(str(otree2), "List of 11") testthat::expect_true(all( c("all_apps_wide", "info", "chatapp", "dictator", "survey", "start", "custexp_dictator", "2chatapp", "dictator2", "Time", "Chats") %in% names(otree2))) testthat::expect_true(all( c("imported_files", "initial_n") %in% names(otree2$info) )) # Test if there are empty testthat::expect_true( "" %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant._current_app_name ) testthat::expect_true( "" %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant._current_page_name ) }) testthat::test_that("Import - all", { # Del_empty is TRUE testthat::expect_message( testthat::expect_warning( otree1 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = TRUE ), "globally but also room-specific"), "Imported:.*Errors when importing") # Del_empty is FALSE testthat::expect_message( testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = FALSE, onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = TRUE ), "globally but also room-specific"), "Imported:.*Errors when importing") # Test testthat::expect_output(str(otree2), "List of 11") # "start", "dictator", "chatapp", "survey", # "all_apps_wide", "Time", "Chats" "custexp_dictator" diff <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide[ otree2$all_apps_wide$participant._current_app_name == "", ]) test1 <- (otree2$info$initial_n - otree1$info$initial_n) == diff testthat::expect_true(test1) }) testthat::test_that("Import - subapp name test2 ", { # Run function otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_5.4.0subapp"), file_names = c("2chatapp_2023-05-16.csv", "chatapp_2023-05-16.csv", "dictator2_2023-05-16.csv", "dictator_2023-05-16.csv"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE) # Test test1 <- "2chatapp" %in% names(otree2) test2 <- "chatapp" %in% names(otree2) test3 <- "dictator" %in% names(otree2) test4 <- "dictator2" %in% names(otree2) testthat::expect_true(all(c( test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Import - empty rows check", { # Run function testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = FALSE, onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE), "globally but also room-specific") testthat::expect_warning( otree3 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE), "globally but also room-specific") # Test testthat::expect_gt(nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide), nrow(otree3$all_apps_wide)) testthat::expect_gt(nrow(otree2$dictator), nrow(otree3$dictator)) testthat::expect_gt(nrow(otree2$survey), nrow(otree3$survey)) testthat::expect_identical(nrow(otree2$Time), nrow(otree3$Time)) testthat::expect_identical(nrow(otree2$Chats), nrow(otree3$Chats)) }) testthat::test_that("Import - with 2 paths", { # Run function otree1 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = c(testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_2.2.4")), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE) # No warning here testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_5.4.0"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE), " stored all_apps_wide globally but also room-specific") testthat::expect_warning( otree3 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = c(testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_2.2.4"), testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_5.4.0")), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE ), " stored all_apps_wide globally but also room-specific") # Test test1 <- nrow(otree1$all_apps_wide) + nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) == nrow(otree3$all_apps_wide) testthat::expect_true(test1) }) testthat::test_that("Import - with file_names(path included)", { # Run function otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, file_names = c("testdata\\exp_data_5.4.0\\all_apps_wide-2023-05-16.csv", "testdata\\exp_data_5.4.0\\ChatMessages-2023-05-16.csv", "testdata\\exp_data_5.4.0\\PageTimes-2023-05-16.csv"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE) # Test testthat::expect_output(str(otree2), "List of 4") test1 <- ("initial_n" %in% names(otree2$info)) testthat::expect_true(test1) test2 <- length(otree2$info$imported_files) == 3L testthat::expect_true(test2) }) testthat::test_that("Import - with file_names- one warning", { # Test if there is no warning if "all apps wide" is saved with - # and not with _ before the date. (as it should be) # Run function expect_warning( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = "testdata", file_names = c( file.path("exp_data", "all_apps_wide-2023-03-27.csv"), file.path("exp_data", "ChatMessages-2023-03-27.csv"), file.path("exp_data", "PageTimes-2023-03-27.csv") ), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE), NA) # Test testthat::expect_output(str(otree2), "List of 4") test1 <- ("initial_n" %in% names(otree2$info)) testthat::expect_true(test1) test2 <- length(otree2$info$imported_files) == 3L testthat::expect_true(test2) }) testthat::test_that("Import - only Chats", { # Run function otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = "testdata", file_names = file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "ChatMessages-2023-05-16.csv"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE) # Test test <- "Chats" %in% names(otree2) testthat::expect_true(test) }) testthat::test_that("Import - only Time", { # Run function otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_5.4.0"), file_names = "PageTimes-2023-05-16.csv", onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE) # Test test <- "Time" %in% names(otree2) testthat::expect_true(test) }) testthat::test_that("Import - only Chats not faulty", { # Run function testthat::expect_message( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata"), file_names = c( file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "all_apps_wide-2900-05-16.csv"), file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "ChatMessages-2023-05-16.csv"), file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "PageTimes-2900-05-16.csv") ), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = TRUE), "Imported: 0 app.*No Time fil.*Imported: Chat file.*Errors when importi") # Test test0 <- !is.null(otree2$info) test1 <- !("initial_n" %in% names(otree2$info)) # Not available without AAW test2 <- length(otree2$info$imported_files) == 1L test3 <- ("Chats" %in% names(otree2)) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test0, test1, test2, test3))) }) testthat::test_that("Import - only TIME not faulty", { # Run function testthat::expect_message( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, testthat::test_path("testdata"), file_names = c( file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "all_apps_wide-2900-05-16.csv"), file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "ChatMessages-2090-05-16.csv"), file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "PageTimes-2023-05-16.csv"), file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "PageTimes-2900-05-16.csv") ), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = TRUE), "Imported: 0 app.*Imported: Time fil.*No chat files available.*Errors wh") # Test test1 <- !("initial_n" %in% names(otree2$info)) # Not available without AAW test2 <- length(otree2$info$imported_files) == 1L test3 <- ("Time" %in% names(otree2)) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) }) testthat::test_that("Import - with some faulty file_names", { # Run function message <- capture_messages( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata"), file_names = c( file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "all_apps_wide-2023-05-16.csv"), file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "all_apps_wide-2023-05-96.csv"), # - file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "dictator_2023-05-16.csv"), file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "ChatMessages-2900-05-16.csv"), # - file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "ChatMessages-2900-05-26.csv"), # - file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "PageTimes-2900-05-16.csv"), # - file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "PageTimes-2901-05-16.csv"), # - file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "PageTimes-2023-05-16.csv"), file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "ChatMessages-2023-05-16.csv") ), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = TRUE)) testthat::expect_true( grepl(pattern = "Imported:.*Errors when importing.*cannot open the conne", x = message) ) # Test test1 <- ("initial_n" %in% names(otree2$info)) test2 <- length(otree2$info$imported_files) == 4L test3 <- "dictator" %in% names(otree2) test4 <- "Chats" %in% names(otree2) test5 <- "Time" %in% names(otree2) test6 <- "all_apps_wide" %in% names(otree2) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6))) }) testthat::test_that("Import - with file_names(path included)", { # Run function message <- capture_messages( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, file_names = c("testdata/exp_data_5.4.0/all_apps_wide-2023-05-16.csv", "testdata/exp_data_5.4.0/ChatMessages-2023-05-16.csv", "testdata/exp_data_5.4.0/PageTimes-2023-05-16.csv"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = TRUE)) testthat::expect_true( grepl(pattern = "Imported", x = message)) # Test testthat::expect_output(str(otree2), "List of 4") test1 <- ("initial_n" %in% names(otree2$info)) test2 <- length(otree2$info$imported_files) == 3L testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) }) testthat::test_that("Import - specific csv without all apps wide", { file_names <- c( "dictator_2023-03-27.csv", "ChatMessages-2023-03-27.csv", "PageTimes-2023-03-27.csv") # Run function otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data"), file_names = file_names, onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, info = FALSE) # Test testthat::expect_output(str(otree2), "List of 4") # Test if there is no initial_n (should be omitted if there is no aaw!) test1 <- !("initial_n" %in% names(otree2$info)) testthat::expect_true(test1) test2 <- length(otree2$info$imported_files) == length(file_names) testthat::expect_true(test2) }) testthat::test_that("Import - without all apps wide xlsx", { file_names <- c( "dictator_2023-05-16.xlsx", "Chat-messages-(accessed-2023-05-16).csv", "TimeSpent-(accessed-2023-05-16).csv") # Run function otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_2.1.0"), file_names = file_names, onlybots = FALSE, csv = FALSE, recursive = TRUE, info = FALSE) # Test testthat::expect_output(str(otree2), "List of 4") # Test if there is no initial_n (should be omitted if there is no aaw!) test1 <- !("initial_n" %in% names(otree2$info)) test2 <- length(otree2$info$imported_files) == length(file_names) test3 <- "dictator" %in% names(otree2) test4 <- "Chats" %in% names(otree2) test5 <- "Time" %in% names(otree2) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5))) }) testthat::test_that("Import - with file names", { file_names <- c("all_apps_wide-2023-03-27.csv", "ChatMessages-2023-03-27.csv", "PageTimes-2023-03-27.csv") # Run function otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data"), file_names = file_names, onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE) # Test testthat::expect_output(str(otree2), "List of 4") test1 <- "initial_n" %in% names(otree2$info) test2 <- length(otree2$info$imported_files) == length(file_names) test3 <- "all_apps_wide" %in% names(otree2) test4 <- "Chats" %in% names(otree2) test5 <- "Time" %in% names(otree2) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test3, test4, test5))) }) testthat::test_that("Import (e) - no files", { # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "empty") ), "No files to import") }) testthat::test_that("Import (e) - file_names(empty path)", { # Run function testthat::expect_error( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = NULL, file_names = c( file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "all_apps_wide-2023-05-16.csv"), file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "ChatMessages-2023-05-16.csv"), file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "PageTimes-2023-05-16.csv") ), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = TRUE), "Path must not be NULL!") }) testthat::test_that("Import (e) - csv - all faulty file_names", { # Run function and test # This error message is only shown because all of them are faulty testthat::expect_error( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata"), file_names = c("exp_data_5.4.0/all_apps_wide-2900-05-16.csv", "exp_data_5.4.0/ChatMessages-2900-05-16.csv", "exp_data_5.4.0/PageTimes-2900-05-16.csv"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = TRUE), "Errors when importing these files") }) testthat::test_that("Import (e) - xlsx - all faulty file_names", { # Run function and test # This error message is only shown because all of them are faulty testthat::expect_error( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata"), file_names = c( file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "all_apps_wide-2900-05-16.xlsx"), file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "dictator-2900-05-16.xlsx"), file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "ChatMessages-2900-05-16.csv"), file.path("exp_data_5.4.0", "PageTimes-2900-05-16.csv") ), onlybots = FALSE, csv = FALSE, info = TRUE), "Errors when importing these files") }) testthat::test_that("Import (e) - xlsx - some faulty file_names", { # Run function testthat::expect_message( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = "testdata", file_names = c( file.path(".", "exp_data_2.1.0", "all_apps_wide-2900-05-16.xlsx"), file.path(".", "exp_data_2.1.0", "all_apps_wide_2023-05-16.xlsx"), file.path(".", "exp_data_2.1.0", "dictator_2023-05-16.xlsx"), file.path(".", "exp_data_2.1.0", "dictator-2900-05-16.xlsx"), file.path(".", "exp_data_2.1.0", "start-2900-05-16.xlsx"), file.path(".", "exp_data_2.1.0", "ChatMessages-2900-05-16.csv"), file.path(".", "exp_data_2.1.0", "Chat-messages-(accessed-2023-05-16).csv"), file.path(".", "exp_data_2.1.0", "TimeSpent-(accessed-2023-05-16).csv"), file.path(".", "exp_data_2.1.0", "PageTimes-2900-05-16.csv") ), onlybots = FALSE, csv = FALSE, info = TRUE), "Errors when importing these files") # Test test1 <- !("start" %in% names(otree2)) test2 <- "dictator" %in% names(otree2) test3 <- "Time" %in% names(otree2) test4 <- "Chats" %in% names(otree2) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Import (w) - erroneous files", { # Dictator file is faulty errormessage <- paste0("Errors when importing these.*", "dictator_2023-03-27.csv") # Run function testthat::expect_warning( testthat::expect_message( otree2 <- import_otree( info = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_wrong_data")), errormessage), "stored all_apps_wide globally but also room-specific") # Test test2 <- "survey" %in% names(otree2) test3 <- !("dictator" %in% names(otree2)) test4 <- "Chats" %in% names(otree2) test5 <- "Time" %in% names(otree2) test6 <- "all_apps_wide" %in% names(otree2) test7 <- !(any(grepl("dictator", otree2$info$imported_files))) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7))) }) testthat::test_that("Import (e) - path", { # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = "xyz", onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = TRUE), "This path does not exist") }) print("---- delete_duplicate -----") # Delete duplicate #### testthat::test_that("Delete duplicate - time and chat", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all otree2$all_apps_wide <- rbind(otree2$all_apps_wide, otree2$all_apps_wide) otree2$dictator <- rbind(otree2$dictator, otree2$dictator) otree2$survey <- rbind(otree2$survey, otree2$survey) otree2$Time <- rbind(otree2$Time, otree2$Time) otree2$Chats <- rbind(otree2$Chats, otree2$Chats) # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) n_before_custom <- nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) before_n <- otree2$info$initial_n # Run function otree2 <- delete_duplicate(otree2) # Test n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) after_n <- otree2$info$initial_n n_after_custom <- nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) testthat::expect_gt(n_before_aaw, n_after_aaw) testthat::expect_gt(n_before_dictator, n_after_dictator) testthat::expect_gt(before_n, after_n) testthat::expect_equal(n_before_custom, n_after_custom) }) testthat::test_that("Delete duplicate", { # Prepare data testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = TRUE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_5.4.0"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE)) # Alternative: # file.path(".", "exp_data_5.4.0"), n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_before_custom_dictator <- nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) before_n <- otree2$info$initial_n # Run function otree2 <- delete_duplicate(otree2) # Test n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_custom_dictator <- nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) after_n <- otree2$info$initial_n testthat::expect_gt(n_before_aaw, n_after_aaw) testthat::expect_gt(n_before_dictator, n_after_dictator) testthat::expect_equal(n_before_custom_dictator, n_after_custom_dictator) testthat::expect_gt(before_n, after_n) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) }) print("---- messy_time -----") # Messy time #### testthat::test_that("Messy time", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all # Run function and test (combine only time stamps) testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- messy_time(otree2, combine = TRUE, epoch_time = TRUE, info = TRUE), "referred to the time stamp.*referred to the participant code") test1 <- !("epoch_time" %in% names(otree2$Time)) test2 <- !("time_stamp" %in% names(otree2$Time)) test3 <- !("participant__code" %in% names(otree2$Time)) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) }) # The other messy tests are below inside the other functions tests testthat::test_that("Messy time", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( messy_time(otree2), "referred to the time stamp.*referred to the participant code") }) testthat::test_that("Messy time", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(messy_time(otree2), "referred to the time stamp") }) testthat::test_that("Messy time - combine false, epoch time false", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all # Run function and test (combine only time stamps testthat::expect_error(messy_time(otree2, combine = FALSE, epoch_time = FALSE), "referred to the participant code") }) print("---- messy_chat -----") # Messy chat #### testthat::test_that("Messy chat", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(messy_chat(otree2), " referred to the session code") }) testthat::test_that("Messy chat - combine", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all # Run function and test testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- messy_chat(otree2, combine = TRUE, info = TRUE), "referred to") }) testthat::test_that("Messy chat (e) - more participant code variables", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(messy_chat(otree2, session = FALSE), "referred to the participant code") }) print("---- delete_cases -----") # Delete cases #### testthat::test_that("Delete cases - new oTree", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[1L] # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true("custexp_dictator" %in% names(otree2)) testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) # Run function and test testthat::expect_message( otree2 <- delete_cases(otree2, person, reason = "Upon request", info = TRUE), "Cases are deleted") # After n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) n_after_export_dictator <- nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true("custexp_dictator" %in% names(otree2)) testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) # Diff diff_aaw <- n_before_aaw - n_after_aaw diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test difference testthat::expect_gt(diff_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_chat, 0L) # Test if not all cases were deleted! testthat::expect_gt(n_after_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_chat, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_export_dictator, 0L) # Test if deleted people are really deleted test0 <- length(otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]]) == 1L test1 <- person %in% otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]] test2 <- !any(otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]] %in% unique(otree2$Time$participant_code)) test3 <- !any(otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]] %in% unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) testthat::expect_true(test0) testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) testthat::expect_true(test3) # Test if participant is really deleted - version 2 test1 <- !(person %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(person %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(person %in% otree2$start$participant.code) test4 <- !(person %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test5 <- !(person %in% otree2$Time$participant__code) test6 <- !(person %in% otree2$Chats$participant__code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6))) # Test for consistency test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases - new oTree, one random data frame", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[1L] otree2$random_dataframe <- data.frame( a = c(1L, 2L, 3L), b = c(4L, 5L, 6L), c = c(7L, 8L, 9L)) # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) before_random <- nrow(otree2$random_dataframe) # Run function and test testthat::expect_message( delete_cases(otree2, person, reason = "Upon request", info = TRUE), "Cases are deleted") otree2 <- delete_cases(otree2, person, reason = "Upon request") # After n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) n_after_random <- nrow(otree2$random_dataframe) # Diff diff_aaw <- n_before_aaw - n_after_aaw diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat diff_random <- before_random - n_after_random # Test difference testthat::expect_gt(diff_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_chat, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_random, 0L) # Test if not all cases were deleted! testthat::expect_gt(n_after_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_chat, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_random, 0L) # Test if deleted people are really deleted test0 <- length(otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]]) == 1L test1 <- person %in% otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]] test2 <- !any(otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]] %in% unique(otree2$Time$participant_code)) test3 <- !any(otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]] %in% unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) testthat::expect_true(test0) testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) testthat::expect_true(test3) # Test if participant is really deleted - version 2 test1 <- !(person %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(person %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(person %in% otree2$start$participant.code) test4 <- !(person %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test5 <- !(person %in% otree2$Time$participant__code) test6 <- !(person %in% otree2$Chats$participant__code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6))) # Test for consistency test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases - old and new otree", { # Prepare data (delete person from old and new data frame) otree2 <- otree_all person1 <- otree2$Time$participant_code[ !is.na(otree2$Time$participant_code)][1L] person2 <- otree2$Time$participant__code[ !is.na(otree2$Time$participant__code)][1L] person <- c(person1, person2) # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Run function and test otree2 <- messy_time(otree2, combine = TRUE) otree2 <- messy_chat(otree2, combine = TRUE) testthat::expect_message( otree2 <- delete_cases(otree2, person, reason = "Upon request", info = TRUE), "2 case") # After n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Diff diff_aaw <- n_before_aaw - n_after_aaw diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test difference testthat::expect_gt(diff_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_chat, 0L) # Test if not all cases were deleted! testthat::expect_gt(n_after_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_chat, 0L) # Test if deleted people are really deleted (sample) test1 <- all(person %in% otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]]) test2 <- !any(otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]] %in% unique(otree2$Time$participant_code[ !is.na(otree2$Time$participant_code)])) test3 <- !any(otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]] %in% unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) testthat::expect_true(test3) test1 <- length(otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]]) == 2L testthat::expect_true(test1) # Test if participant is really deleted - version 2 test1 <- !(person %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(person %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(person %in% otree2$start$participant.code) test4 <- !(person %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test5 <- !(person %in% otree2$Time$participant__code) test6 <- !(person %in% otree2$Chats$participant__code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6))) # Test for consistency test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases - more people ", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L)] # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Run function otree2 <- delete_cases(otree2, person, reason = "Upon request") # After n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Diff diff_aaw <- n_before_aaw - n_after_aaw diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test: Nothing should be deleted testthat::expect_gt(diff_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_chat, 0L) # Test if deleted people are really deleted (sample) test1 <- all( person %in% otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]]) test2 <- !any(otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]] %in% unique(otree2$Time$participant_code)) test3 <- !any(otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]] %in% unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) testthat::expect_true(test3) # Test if participant is really deleted - version 2 test1 <- !(person %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(person %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(person %in% otree2$start$participant.code) test4 <- !(person %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test5 <- !(person %in% otree2$Time$participant__code) test6 <- !(person %in% otree2$Chats$participant__code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6))) # Test for consistency test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true("custexp_dictator" %in% names(otree2)) testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases - more people - one not there", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 person <- c(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L)], "notthere") # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Run function otree2 <- delete_cases(otree2, person, reason = "Upon request") # After n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Diff diff_aaw <- n_before_aaw - n_after_aaw diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test difference testthat::expect_gt(diff_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_chat, 0L) # Test if not all cases were deleted! testthat::expect_gt(n_after_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_chat, 0L) # Test if deleted people are really deleted (sample) test1 <- all( person[person != "notthere"] %in% otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]]) test2 <- !any(otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]] %in% unique(otree2$Time$participant_code)) test3 <- !any(otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]] %in% unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) testthat::expect_true(test3) # Test if participant is really deleted - version 2 test1 <- !(person %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(person %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(person %in% otree2$start$participant.code) test4 <- !(person %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test5 <- !(person %in% otree2$Time$participant__code) test6 <- !(person %in% otree2$Chats$participant__code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6))) # Test for consistency test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases - person not in aaw", { # Prepare data otree1 <- otree_5_4_0 person <- otree1$all_apps_wide$participant.code[1L] otree1$all_apps_wide <- tail(otree1$all_apps_wide, -1L) # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree1$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree1$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree1$Chats) # Run function otree2 <- delete_cases(otree1, person, reason = "Upon request") # After n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Diff diff_aaw <- n_before_aaw - n_after_aaw diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test difference testthat::expect_identical(diff_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_chat, 0L) # Test if not all cases were deleted! testthat::expect_gt(n_after_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_chat, 0L) # Test if deleted people are really deleted test1 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test4 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Time$participant_code) test5a <- otree1$Chats$participant_code %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes # Chats differently: Before test5b <- otree2$Chats$participant_code %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes # Chats differently: After testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test3, test4))) testthat::expect_identical(test5a, test5b) # Test if participant is really deleted - version 2 test1 <- !(person %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(person %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(person %in% otree2$start$participant.code) test4 <- !(person %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test5 <- !(person %in% otree2$Time$participant__code) test6 <- !(person %in% otree2$Chats$participant__code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6))) # Test for consistency test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases - without aaw", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[1L] otree2$all_apps_wide <- NULL # Before n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Run function otree2 <- delete_cases(otree2, pcodes = person, reason = "Upon request") # After n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Diff diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test difference testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_chat, 0L) # Test if not all cases were deleted! testthat::expect_gt(n_after_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_chat, 0L) # Test if deleted people are really deleted (sample) test1 <- person %in% otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]] test2 <- !any(otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]] %in% unique(otree2$Time$participant_code)) test3 <- !any(otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]] %in% unique(otree2$dictator$participant.code)) testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) testthat::expect_true(test3) # Test if participant is really deleted - version 2 test2 <- !(person %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(person %in% otree2$start$participant.code) test4 <- !(person %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test5 <- !(person %in% otree2$Time$participant__code) test6 <- !(person %in% otree2$Chats$participant__code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test2, test3, test4, test5, test6))) # Test for consistency test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true("custexp_dictator" %in% names(otree2)) testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases - plabels", { # Prepare data otree1 <- otree_5_4_0 person <- c("Person4", "Person1") person_codes <- otree1$all_apps_wide$participant.code[ otree1$all_apps_wide$participant.label %in% person] # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree1$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree1$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree1$Chats) # Run function otree2 <- delete_cases(otree1, plabels = person, reason = "Only tests") # After n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Diff diff_aaw <- n_before_aaw - n_after_aaw diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test difference testthat::expect_gt(diff_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_chat, 0L) # Test if not all cases were deleted! testthat::expect_gt(n_after_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_chat, 0L) # Test if deleted people are really deleted test0 <- all(person_codes %in% otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]]) test1 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test4 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Time$participant_code) test5a <- otree1$Chats$participant_code %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes # Chats differently: Before test5b <- otree2$Chats$participant_code %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes # Chats differently: After testthat::expect_true(all(c(test0, test1, test2))) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test3, test4))) testthat::expect_identical(test5a, test5b) test1 <- length(otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]]) == length(person_codes) testthat::expect_true(test1) # Test for consistency test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases - plabels not character", { # Prepare data otree1 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function testthat::expect_error( otree2 <- delete_cases(otree1, plabels = TRUE, reason = "Only tests"), "must be a character") }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases - pcodes not character", { # Prepare data otree1 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function testthat::expect_error( otree2 <- delete_cases(otree1, pcodes = TRUE, reason = "Only tests"), "must be a character") }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases - old", { # Prepare data otree1 <- otree_2_2_4 labels <- c("Person4", "Person1") person <- otree1$all_apps_wide$participant.code[ otree1$all_apps_wide$participant.label %in% labels] # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree1$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree1$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree1$Chats) # Run function otree2 <- delete_cases(otree1, plabels = labels, reason = "Only tests") # After n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Diff diff_aaw <- n_before_aaw - n_after_aaw diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test difference testthat::expect_gt(diff_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_chat, 0L) # Equal zero!!! # Test if not all cases were deleted! testthat::expect_gt(n_after_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_chat, 0L) # Test if deleted people are really deleted test0a <- all( person %in% otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]]) test0b <- length(otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]]) == length(person) test1 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test4 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Time$participant_code) test5a <- otree1$Chats$participant_code %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes # Chats differently: Before test5b <- otree2$Chats$participant_code %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes # Chats differently: After testthat::expect_true(all(c(test0a, test0b, test1, test2))) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test3, test4))) testthat::expect_identical(test5a, test5b) # Test if participant is really deleted - version 2 test1 <- !(person %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(person %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(person %in% otree2$start$participant.code) test4 <- !(person %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test5 <- !(person %in% otree2$Time$participant__code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5))) # Test for consistency test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases - saved vars", { # Prepare data otree1 <- otree_5_4_0 person <- otree1$all_apps_wide$participant.code[1L] # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree1$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree1$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree1$Chats) # Run function otree2 <- delete_cases(otree1, pcodes = person, reason = "Upon request", saved_vars = "dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession") # After n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Diff diff_aaw <- n_before_aaw - n_after_aaw diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test difference testthat::expect_gt(diff_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_chat, 0L) # Test if not all cases were deleted! testthat::expect_gt(n_after_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_chat, 0L) # Test if deleted people are really deleted (sample) test0 <- person %in% otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]] # Test if deleted people are really deleted test1 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test4 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Time$participant_code) test5a <- otree1$Chats$participant_code %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes # Chats differently: Before test5b <- otree2$Chats$participant_code %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes # Chats differently: After testthat::expect_true(all(c(test0, test1, test2))) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test3, test4))) testthat::expect_identical(test5a, test5b) test1 <- length(otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]]) == 1L testthat::expect_true(test1) # Test if participant is really deleted - version 2 test1 <- !(person %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(person %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(person %in% otree2$start$participant.code) test4 <- !(person %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test5 <- !(person %in% otree2$Time$participant__code) test6 <- !(person %in% otree2$Chats$participant__code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6))) # Test for consistency test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases - old", { # Prepare data otree1 <- otree_2_2_4 person <- otree1$all_apps_wide$participant.code[1L] # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree1$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree1$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$Time) check_time <- person %in% otree1$Time$participant__code n_before_chat <- nrow(otree1$Chats) # Run function otree2 <- delete_cases(otree1, person, reason = "Upon request") # After n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Diff diff_aaw <- n_before_aaw - n_after_aaw diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test difference testthat::expect_gt(diff_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) if (check_time) { testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) } else { testthat::expect_identical(diff_time, 0L) } testthat::expect_identical(diff_chat, 0L) # Test if not all cases were deleted! testthat::expect_gt(n_after_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_chat, 0L) # Test if deleted people are really deleted test1 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test4 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Time$participant__code) test5a <- otree1$Chats$participant__code %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes # Chats differently: Before test5b <- otree2$Chats$participant__code %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes # Chats differently: After testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test3, test4))) testthat::expect_identical(test5a, test5b) test1 <- length(otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]]) == 1L testthat::expect_true(test1) # Test if participant is really deleted - version 2 test1 <- !(person %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(person %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(person %in% otree2$start$participant.code) test4 <- !(person %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test5 <- !(person %in% otree2$Time$participant__code) test6 <- (person %in% otree2$Chats$participant__code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6))) # Test for consistency test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases (e) - old label not there", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(delete_cases(otree2, plabels = "xyz", reason = "Only tests")) }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases (e)- person not there", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(delete_cases(otree2, "notthere", reason = "Upon request"), "not in data frames") }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases (e) - saved vars", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(delete_cases(otree2, "46kxib6w", reason = "Upon request", saved_vars = "wrongvars"), "not in") }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases (e) - only participant code or label", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(delete_cases(otree2, pcodes = "46kxib6w", plabels = "Person1", reason = "Upon request", saved_vars = "wrongvars"), "Please only specify either") }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases (e) - participant not there", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(delete_cases(otree2, pcodes = "falsecode", reason = "Upon request"), "not in data frames") }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases (e) - no variable", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code <- NULL # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(delete_cases(otree2, plabels = "Person1", reason = "Upon request"), "this function needs the variable") }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases (e) - saved vars", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$all_apps_wide <- NULL # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(delete_cases(otree2, "46kxib6w", reason = "Upon request", saved_vars = "wrongvars"), "only works") }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases (e) - no participants", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$all_apps_wide <- NULL # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(delete_cases(otree2, reason = "Upon request", saved_vars = "wrongvars"), "Please specify pcodes or plabels") }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases (e) - participant code NA", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 person <- c("46kxib6w", NA) # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(delete_cases(otree2, pcodes = person, reason = "Only tests"), "At least one element in pcodes is NA") }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases (e) - empty participant code", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 person <- c() # NULL Don't remove c() from code! Necessary for the check! # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(delete_cases(otree2, pcodes = person, reason = "Only tests"), "Please specify pcodes or plabels") }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases (e) - really empty participant code", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(delete_cases(otree2, pcodes = erroneousinput, reason = "Only tests"), "object .* not found") }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases (e) - really empty participant label", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(delete_cases(otree2, plabels = erroneousinput, reason = "Only tests"), "object .* not found") }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases (e) - participant label NA", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 person <- c("Person4", NA) # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(delete_cases(otree2, plabels = person, reason = "Only tests"), "plabel is NA") }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases (e) - not oTree", { x <- c(1L, 2L, 3L) testthat::expect_error(delete_cases(x, reason = "Only tests"), "not a list of oTree") }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases (e) - not otree2", { x <- list(a = 1L, b = 2L, c = 3L) testthat::expect_error(delete_cases(x, reason = "Only tests"), "not a list of oTree") }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases (e) - old and new otree", { # Prepare data (delete person from old and new data frame) otree2 <- otree_all person1 <- otree2$Time$participant_code[ !is.na(otree2$Time$participant_code)][1L] person2 <- otree2$Time$participant__code[ !is.na(otree2$Time$participant__code)][1L] person <- c(person1, person2) # Run function error <- tryCatch( delete_cases(otree2, person, reason = "Upon request", info = TRUE), error = function(e) e) # Test testthat::expect_true(grepl( "You combined data from old and new oTree versions", error)) testthat::expect_true(grepl( "messy_chat", error)) testthat::expect_true(grepl( "messy_time", error)) }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases (e) - all but messed time done", { # Prepare data (delete person from old and new data frame) otree2 <- otree_all person1 <- otree2$Time$participant_code[ !is.na(otree2$Time$participant_code)][1L] person2 <- otree2$Time$participant__code[ !is.na(otree2$Time$participant__code)][1L] person <- c(person1, person2) otree2 <- messy_time(otree2, combine = TRUE) # Run function error <- tryCatch( delete_cases(otree2, person, reason = "Upon request", info = TRUE), error = function(e) e) # Test testthat::expect_true(grepl( "You combined data from old and new oTree versions", error)) testthat::expect_true(grepl( "messy_chat", error)) testthat::expect_false(grepl( "messy_time", error)) }) testthat::test_that("Delete cases (e) - all but messed chat done", { # Prepare data (delete person from old and new data frame) otree2 <- otree_all person1 <- otree2$Time$participant_code[ !is.na(otree2$Time$participant_code)][1L] person2 <- otree2$Time$participant__code[ !is.na(otree2$Time$participant__code)][1L] person <- c(person1, person2) otree2 <- messy_chat(otree2, combine = TRUE) # Run function error <- tryCatch( delete_cases(otree2, person, reason = "Upon request", info = TRUE), error = function(e) e) # Test testthat::expect_true(grepl( "You combined data from old and new oTree versions", error)) testthat::expect_false(grepl( "messy_chat", error)) testthat::expect_true(grepl( "messy_time", error)) }) print("---- show_dropouts -----") # Delete sessions #### testthat::test_that("Delete sessions - old ", { # Prepare data (get a session with at least 4 cases) otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 session <- as.data.frame(table(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) session <- session[session$Freq >= 4L, 1L] part <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[ otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code == session] # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Run function testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- delete_sessions(otree2, scodes = session, reason = "Only tests"), "Session information is taken from the data frames") # After n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Diff diff_aaw <- n_before_aaw - n_after_aaw diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test testthat::expect_gt(diff_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_chat, 0L) # Test if sessions are really deleted test1 <- !(session %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code) test2 <- !(session %in% otree2$dictator$session.code) test3 <- !(session %in% otree2$start$session.code) test4 <- !(session %in% otree2$survey$session.code) test5 <- !(session %in% otree2$Chats$participant__session__code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5))) # Test if participant is really deleted test1 <- !(part %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(part %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(part %in% otree2$start$participant.code) test4 <- !(part %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test5 <- !(part %in% otree2$Time$participant__code) test6 <- !(part %in% otree2$Chats$participant__code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6))) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Delete sessions - new", { # Prepare data (get a session with at least 4 cases) otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 session <- as.data.frame(table(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) session <- session[session$Freq >= 4L, 1L] part <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[ otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code == session] # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Run function otree2 <- delete_sessions(otree2, scodes = session, reason = "Only tests") # After n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Diff diff_aaw <- n_before_aaw - n_after_aaw diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test testthat::expect_gt(diff_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_chat, 0L) # Test if participant is really deleted - version 1 test1 <- !(part %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(part %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(part %in% otree2$start$participant.code) test4 <- !(part %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test5 <- !(part %in% otree2$Time$participant__code) test6 <- !(part %in% otree2$Chats$participant__code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6))) # Test if deleted people are really deleted - version 2 test1 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test4 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Time$participant_code) test5 <- !(otree2$Chats$participant_code %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test3, test4))) testthat::expect_true(all(test5)) # Test if deleted people are really deleted - version 3 test1 <- !(session %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code) test2 <- !(session %in% otree2$dictator$session.code) test3 <- !(session %in% otree2$start$session.code) test4 <- !(session %in% otree2$survey$session.code) test5 <- !(session %in% otree2$Time$session_code) test6 <- !(session %in% otree2$Chats$session_code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6))) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true("custexp_dictator" %in% names(otree2)) testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) }) testthat::test_that("Delete sessions - new, one random data frame", { # Prepare data (get a session with at least 4 cases) otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$random_dataframe <- data.frame( a = c(1L, 2L, 3L), b = c(4L, 5L, 6L), c = c(7L, 8L, 9L)) session <- as.data.frame(table(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) session <- session[session$Freq >= 4L, 1L] part <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[ otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code == session] # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) before_random <- nrow(otree2$random_dataframe) # Run function otree2 <- delete_sessions(otree2, scodes = session, reason = "Only tests") # After n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) n_after_random <- nrow(otree2$random_dataframe) # Diff diff_aaw <- n_before_aaw - n_after_aaw diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat diff_random <- before_random - n_after_random # Test testthat::expect_gt(diff_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_chat, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_random, 0L) # Test if deleted people are really deleted test1 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test4 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Time$participant_code) test5 <- !(otree2$Chats$participant_code %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test3, test4))) testthat::expect_true(all(test5)) # Test if participant is really deleted - version 2 test1 <- !(part %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(part %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(part %in% otree2$start$participant.code) test4 <- !(part %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test5 <- !(part %in% otree2$Time$participant__code) test6 <- !(part %in% otree2$Chats$participant__code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6))) # Test if participant is really deleted - version 3 test1 <- !(session %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code) test2 <- !(session %in% otree2$dictator$session.code) test3 <- !(session %in% otree2$start$session.code) test4 <- !(session %in% otree2$survey$session.code) test5 <- !(session %in% otree2$Time$session_code) test6 <- !(session %in% otree2$Chats$session_code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6))) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true("custexp_dictator" %in% names(otree2)) testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) }) testthat::test_that("Delete sessions - new info = TRUE", { # Prepare data (get a session with at least 4 cases) otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 session <- as.data.frame(table(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) session <- session[session$Freq >= 4L, 1L] # Run function testthat::expect_message( otree2 <- delete_sessions(otree2, scodes = session, reason = "Only tests", info = TRUE), "deleted") }) testthat::test_that("Delete sessions - no cases", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_before_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Run function testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- delete_sessions(otree2, scodes = "xyz", reason = "Only tests"), "The session can not be found in any of the data frames") # After n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Diff diff_aaw <- n_before_aaw - n_after_aaw diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_time - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test testthat::expect_identical(diff_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_chat, 0L) # Test for consistency of the info output (everything is NULL!) test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true("custexp_dictator" %in% names(otree2)) testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) }) testthat::test_that("Delete sessions - without aaw", { # Prepare data # (take a session with more people so there is a chat in it) otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 session <- as.data.frame(table(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) session <- session[session$Freq >= 4L, 1L] part <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[ otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code == session] otree2$all_apps_wide <- NULL # Before n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Run function otree2 <- delete_sessions(otree2, scodes = session, reason = "Only tests") # After n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Diff diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_chat, 0L) # here greater 0 because all people # in one group/chat are deleted # Test if deleted people are really deleted test1 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test4 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Time$participant_code) test5 <- !any(otree2$Chats$participant_code %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test3, test4))) testthat::expect_true(test5) # Test if participant is really deleted - version 2 test1 <- !(part %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(part %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(part %in% otree2$start$participant.code) test4 <- !(part %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test5 <- !(part %in% otree2$Time$participant__code) test6 <- !(part %in% otree2$Chats$participant__code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6))) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Delete sessions - old - warning Chats", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 session <- unique(otree2$Chats$participant__session__code)[1L] otree2$Chats$participant__session__code <- NULL part <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[ otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code == session] # Before n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_before_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Run function warning <- capture_warnings( otree2 <- delete_sessions(otree2, scodes = session, reason = "Only tests")) testthat::expect_true( any(grepl(x = warning, pattern = "No variable called .session"))) # After n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Diff diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_time - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_chat, 0L) # here greater 0 because all people # in one group/chat are deleted # Test if deleted people are really deleted test1 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test4 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Time$participant__code) test5 <- !any(otree2$Chats$participant__code %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test3, test4))) testthat::expect_true(test5) # Test if participant is really deleted - version 2 test1 <- !(part %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(part %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(part %in% otree2$start$participant.code) test4 <- !(part %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test5 <- !(part %in% otree2$Time$participant__code) test6 <- !(part %in% otree2$Chats$participant__code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6))) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Delete sessions (e) - not oTree", { x <- c(1L, 2L, 3L) testthat::expect_error(delete_sessions(x, scodes = "t0rog7nz", reason = "Only tests"), "not a list of oTree") }) testthat::test_that("Delete sessions (e) - app Test", { x <- list(a = 1L, b = 2L, c = 3L) testthat::expect_error(delete_sessions(x, scodes = "t0rog7nz", reason = "Only tests"), "not a list of oTree") }) testthat::test_that("Delete sessions (e) - all messy time and chat", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all session <- as.data.frame(table(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) session <- session[session$Freq >= 4L, 1L] # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( otree2 <- delete_sessions(otree2, scodes = session, reason = "Only tests"), "You combined data from old and new oTree versions") }) testthat::test_that("Delete sessions (e) - all messy chat", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all session <- as.data.frame(table(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) session <- session[session$Freq >= 4L, 1L] testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- messy_time(otree2, combine = TRUE, info = TRUE)) # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( otree2 <- delete_sessions(otree2, scodes = session, reason = "Only tests"), "You combined data from old and new oTree versions") }) testthat::test_that("Delete sessions (e) - all messy time", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all session <- as.data.frame(table(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) session <- session[session$Freq >= 4L, 1L] otree2 <- messy_chat(otree2, combine = TRUE) # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( otree2 <- delete_sessions(otree2, scodes = session, reason = "Only tests"), "You combined data from old and new oTree versions") }) # Show dropouts #### testthat::test_that("Show dropouts - new oTree, final_apps", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function output <- show_dropouts(otree2, final_apps = "survey") # Test # Test if all data frames and other vectors/values are there test1 <- "full" %in% names(output) test2 <- "unique" %in% names(output) test3 <- "all_end" %in% names(output) test4 <- "codes" %in% names(output) test5 <- "count" %in% names(output) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5))) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(output$unique$participant.code, output$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(output$unique$participant.code, output$codes) test3 <- length(output$codes) == output$count test4 <- length(output$codes) == nrow(output$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Show dropouts - new oTree, final_apps, one random df", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$random_dataframe <- data.frame( a = c(1L, 2L, 3L), b = c(4L, 5L, 6L), c = c(7L, 8L, 9L)) # Run function output <- show_dropouts(otree2, final_apps = "survey") # Test # Test if random df is not in list test1 <- !(any(grepl("random_dataframe", output$full$reason))) testthat::expect_true(test1) # Test if all data frames and other vectors/values are there test1 <- "full" %in% names(output) test2 <- "unique" %in% names(output) test3 <- "all_end" %in% names(output) test4 <- "codes" %in% names(output) test5 <- "count" %in% names(output) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5))) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(output$unique$participant.code, output$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(output$unique$participant.code, output$codes) test3 <- length(output$codes) == output$count test4 <- length(output$codes) == nrow(output$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Show dropouts - 2", { # Prepare data (example with inconsistent end pages) otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[ otree2$all_apps_wide$participant._current_app_name == "survey"][1L] otree2$all_apps_wide$participant._current_app_name[ otree2$all_apps_wide$participant._current_app_name == "survey"][1L] <- "othername" # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_before_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Run function testthat::expect_warning( output <- show_dropouts(otree2, final_apps = "survey"), "At least one participant in the dropout") # Test test1 <- person %in% output$unique$participant.code test2 <- person %in% output$full$participant.code test3 <- person %in% output$codes testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(output$unique$participant.code, output$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(output$unique$participant.code, output$codes) test3 <- length(output$codes) == output$count test4 <- length(output$codes) == nrow(output$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Show dropouts - 2.2.4", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 # Run function output <- show_dropouts(otree2, final_apps = "survey") # Test # Test if all data frames and other vectors/values are there test1 <- "full" %in% names(output) test2 <- "unique" %in% names(output) test3 <- "all_end" %in% names(output) test4 <- "codes" %in% names(output) test5 <- "count" %in% names(output) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5))) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(output$unique$participant.code, output$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(output$unique$participant.code, output$codes) test3 <- length(output$codes) == output$count test4 <- length(output$codes) == nrow(output$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Show dropouts - pagenames", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function output <- show_dropouts(otree2, final_pages = "Demographics") # Test # Test if all data frames and other vectors/values are there test1 <- "full" %in% names(output) test2 <- "unique" %in% names(output) test3 <- "all_end" %in% names(output) test4 <- "codes" %in% names(output) test5 <- "count" %in% names(output) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5))) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(output$unique$participant.code, output$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(output$unique$participant.code, output$codes) test3 <- length(output$codes) == output$count test4 <- length(output$codes) == nrow(output$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Show dropouts - final_apps and pagenames", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function output <- show_dropouts(otree2, final_apps = "survey", final_pages = "Demographics") # Test # Test if all data frames and other vectors/values are there test1 <- "full" %in% names(output) test2 <- "unique" %in% names(output) test3 <- "all_end" %in% names(output) test4 <- "codes" %in% names(output) test5 <- "count" %in% names(output) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5))) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(output$unique$participant.code, output$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(output$unique$participant.code, output$codes) test3 <- length(output$codes) == output$count test4 <- length(output$codes) == nrow(output$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Show dropouts - saved vars", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function output <- show_dropouts(otree2, "survey", saved_vars = "dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession") # Test # Test if all data frames and other vectors/values are there test1 <- "full" %in% names(output) test2 <- "unique" %in% names(output) test3 <- "all_end" %in% names(output) test4 <- "codes" %in% names(output) test5 <- "count" %in% names(output) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5))) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(output$unique$participant.code, output$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(output$unique$participant.code, output$codes) test3 <- length(output$codes) == output$count test4 <- length(output$codes) == nrow(output$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) # Test if saved variable is there test1 <- "dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession" %in% names(output$unique) test2 <- "dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession" %in% names(output$full) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) }) testthat::test_that("Show dropouts - saved vars not there", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(show_dropouts(otree2, "survey", saved_vars = "invalidvar"), "saved_vars not in all_apps_wide") }) testthat::test_that("Show dropouts (e) - specify", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test expect_error(show_dropouts(otree2), "Please specify final_apps or final_pages or both") }) testthat::test_that("Show dropouts (w) - saved vars", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$all_apps_wide <- NULL # Run function and test testthat::expect_warning( output <- show_dropouts(otree2, final_apps = "survey", saved_vars = "dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession"), "is ignored.") # Test # Test if all data frames and other vectors/values are there test1 <- "full" %in% names(output) test2 <- "unique" %in% names(output) # all_end is only shown if AAW exist: test3 <- !("all_end" %in% names(output)) test4 <- "codes" %in% names(output) test5 <- "count" %in% names(output) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5))) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(output$unique$participant.code, output$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(output$unique$participant.code, output$codes) test3 <- length(output$codes) == output$count test4 <- length(output$codes) == nrow(output$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) print("---- delete_dropouts -----") # Delete dropouts #### testthat::test_that("Delete dropouts - final_apps new oTree, custom exp", { # Prepare data otree1 <- otree_5_4_0 # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree1$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree1$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree1$Chats) # Run function otree2 <- delete_dropouts(otree1, final_apps = "survey") # After n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Diff diff_aaw <- n_before_aaw - n_after_aaw diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test difference testthat::expect_gt(diff_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_chat, 0L) # Equal zero!!! # Test if not all cases were deleted! testthat::expect_gt(n_after_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_chat, 0L) # if deleted people are really deleted test1 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test4 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Time$participant_code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test3, test4))) # Chats differently test5a <- (otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree1$Chats$participant_code) # Before test5b <- (otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Chats$participant_code) # After testthat::expect_identical(test5a, test5b) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true("custexp_dictator" %in% names(otree2)) testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) }) testthat::test_that("Delete dropouts - final_apps new oTree, random df", { # Prepare data otree1 <- otree_5_4_0 otree1$random_dataframe <- data.frame( a = c(1L, 2L, 3L), b = c(4L, 5L, 6L), c = c(7L, 8L, 9L)) # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree1$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree1$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree1$Chats) before_random <- nrow(otree1$random_dataframe) # Run function otree2 <- delete_dropouts(otree1, final_apps = "survey") # After n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) n_after_random <- nrow(otree2$random_dataframe) # Diff diff_aaw <- n_before_aaw - n_after_aaw diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat diff_random <- before_random - n_after_random # Test difference testthat::expect_gt(diff_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_chat, 0L) # Equal zero!!! testthat::expect_identical(diff_random, 0L) # Test if not all cases were deleted! testthat::expect_gt(n_after_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_chat, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_random, 0L) # Test if random df is not in list test1 <- !(any(grepl("random_dataframe", otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$reason))) testthat::expect_true(test1) # Test if deleted people are really deleted test1 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test4 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Time$participant_code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test3, test4))) # Chats differently test5a <- (otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree1$Chats$participant_code) # Before test5b <- (otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Chats$participant_code) # After testthat::expect_identical(test5a, test5b) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true("custexp_dictator" %in% names(otree2)) testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) }) testthat::test_that("Delete dropouts - final_apps old oTree", { # Prepare data otree1 <- otree_2_2_4 # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree1$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree1$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree1$Chats) # Run function otree2 <- delete_dropouts(otree1, final_apps = "survey") # After n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Diff diff_aaw <- n_before_aaw - n_after_aaw diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test difference testthat::expect_gt(diff_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_chat, 0L) # Equal zero!!! # Test if not all cases were deleted! testthat::expect_gt(n_after_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_chat, 0L) # Test if deleted people are really deleted test1 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test4 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Time$participant_code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test3, test4))) # Chats differently test5a <- (otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree1$Chats$participant_code) # Before test5b <- (otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Chats$participant_code) # After testthat::expect_identical(test5a, test5b) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Delete dropouts - different otree versions", { # Prepare data otree1 <- otree_all # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree1$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree1$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree1$Chats) # Run function otree2 <- delete_dropouts(otree1, final_apps = "survey") # After n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Diff diff_aaw <- n_before_aaw - n_after_aaw diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test difference testthat::expect_gt(diff_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_chat, 0L) # Equal zero!!! # Test if not all cases were deleted! testthat::expect_gt(n_after_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_chat, 0L) # Test if deleted people are really deleted test1 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test3))) # Time differently test1 <- !any(otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]] %in% unique(otree2$Time$participant_code)) test2 <- !any(otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]] %in% unique(otree2$Time$participant__code)) testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) # Chats differently test5a <- otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree1$Chats$participant_code # Before test5b <- otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Chats$participant_code # After testthat::expect_identical(test5a, test5b) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Delete dropouts - final_apps & pagenames", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Run function otree2 <- delete_dropouts(otree2, final_apps = "survey", final_pages = "Demographics") # After n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Diff diff_aaw <- n_before_aaw - n_after_aaw diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test difference testthat::expect_gt(diff_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_chat, 0L) # Test if not all cases were deleted! testthat::expect_gt(n_after_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_chat, 0L) # Test if deleted people are really deleted (sample) test1 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test4 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Time$participant_code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test3, test4))) # Chats differently test5a <- otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Chats$participant_code # Before test5b <- otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Chats$participant_code # After testthat::expect_identical(test5a, test5b) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Delete dropouts - only pagenames", { # Prepare data otree1 <- otree_5_4_0 # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree1$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree1$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree1$Chats) # Run function otree2 <- delete_dropouts(otree1, final_pages = "Demographics") # After n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Diff diff_aaw <- n_before_aaw - n_after_aaw diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test difference testthat::expect_gt(diff_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_chat, 0L) # Test if not all cases were deleted! testthat::expect_gt(n_after_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_chat, 0L) # Test if deleted people are really deleted test1 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test4 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Time$participant_code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test3, test4))) # Chats differently test5a <- otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree1$Chats$participant_code # Before test5b <- otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Chats$participant_code # After testthat::expect_identical(test5a, test5b) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Delete dropouts 2 - inconsistent yes", { # Prepare data (example with inconsistent end pages) otree1 <- otree_5_4_0 person <- otree1$all_apps_wide$participant.code[ otree1$all_apps_wide$participant._current_app_name == "survey"][1L] otree1$all_apps_wide$participant._current_app_name[ otree1$all_apps_wide$participant._current_app_name == "survey"][1L] <- "othername" # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree1$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree1$dictator) before_start <- nrow(otree1$start) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree1$Chats) # Run function otree2 <- delete_dropouts(otree1, final_apps = "survey", inconsistent = "yes") # After n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Diff diff_aaw <- n_before_aaw - n_after_aaw diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test difference testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_chat, 0L) # Test if not all cases were deleted! testthat::expect_gt(n_after_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_chat, 0L) # Test if deleted people are really deleted test1 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test4 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Time$participant_code) test5a <- otree1$Chats$participant_code %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes # Chats differently: Before test5b <- otree2$Chats$participant_code %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes # Chats differently: After testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test3, test4))) testthat::expect_identical(test5a, test5b) # Test - check if person gets deleted anyways (version 2) test3 <- person %in% otree2$info[["deleted_cases"]][["codes"]] test4 <- !(person %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test5 <- !(person %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test6 <- !(person %in% otree2$Time$participant.code) test7 <- !(person %in% otree2$start$participant.code) test8 <- !(person %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7, test8))) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true("custexp_dictator" %in% names(otree2)) testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) }) testthat::test_that("Delete dropouts 2 - inconsistent no", { # Prepare data (example with inconsistent end pages) otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$all_apps_wide$participant._current_app_name[ otree2$all_apps_wide$participant._current_app_name == "survey"][1L] <- "othername" before <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(delete_dropouts(otree2, final_apps = "survey", inconsistent = "no"), "The user requested termination") }) testthat::test_that("Delete dropouts 2 - inconsistent check", { # Prepare data (example with inconsistent end pages) otree1 <- otree_5_4_0 otree1$all_apps_wide$participant._current_app_name[ otree1$all_apps_wide$participant._current_app_name == "survey"][1L] <- "othername" # Before n_before_aaw <- nrow(otree1$all_apps_wide) n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree1$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree1$Chats) # Run function and capture user-interaction ans <- "yes" my_file <- textConnection(ans) withr::with_options( list(mypkg.connection = my_file), { output <- capture.output( otree2 <- delete_dropouts(otree1, final_apps = "survey")) # Test if the output from the cat() function is shown cat_output_displayed <- any(grepl("At least one participant in the dropout list", output)) testthat::expect_true(cat_output_displayed) }) close(my_file) # Test # After n_after_aaw <- nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide) n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Diff diff_aaw <- n_before_aaw - n_after_aaw diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test difference testthat::expect_gt(diff_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_chat, 0L) # Equal zero!!! # Test if not all cases were deleted! testthat::expect_gt(n_after_aaw, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_chat, 0L) # Test if deleted people are really deleted test1 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test4 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Time$participant_code) test5a <- otree1$Chats$participant_code %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes # Chats differently: Before test5b <- otree2$Chats$participant_code %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes # Chats differently: After testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test3, test4))) testthat::expect_identical(test5a, test5b) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Delete dropouts (e) - specify final_apps or pages", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test expect_error(delete_dropouts(otree2), "Please specify final_apps or final_pages") }) testthat::test_that("Delete dropouts (e) - saved vars no aaw", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$all_apps_wide <- NULL # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( delete_dropouts(otree2, final_apps = "survey", saved_vars = "dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession"), "The argument \"saved_vars\" only works when") }) testthat::test_that("Delete dropouts (e) - saved vars 2 ", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(delete_dropouts(otree2, final_apps = "survey", saved_vars = "notthere"), "not in all_apps_wide") }) testthat::test_that("Delete dropouts (e) - no all apps wide", { # Prepare data otree1 <- otree_5_4_0 otree1$all_apps_wide <- NULL # Before n_before_dictator <- nrow(otree1$dictator) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$survey) n_before_survey <- nrow(otree1$Time) n_before_chat <- nrow(otree1$Chats) # Run function testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- delete_dropouts(otree1, final_pages = "Demographics"), "No") # Test # After n_after_dictator <- nrow(otree2$dictator) n_after_survey <- nrow(otree2$survey) n_after_time <- nrow(otree2$Time) n_after_chat <- nrow(otree2$Chats) # Diff diff_dictator <- n_before_dictator - n_after_dictator diff_survey <- n_before_survey - n_after_survey diff_time <- n_before_survey - n_after_time diff_chat <- n_before_chat - n_after_chat # Test difference testthat::expect_gt(diff_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(diff_time, 0L) testthat::expect_identical(diff_chat, 0L) # Equal zero!!! # Test if not all cases were deleted! testthat::expect_gt(n_after_dictator, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_survey, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_time, 0L) testthat::expect_gt(n_after_chat, 0L) # Test if deleted people are really deleted test1 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) test2 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$dictator$participant.code) test3 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$survey$participant.code) test4 <- !(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Time$participant_code) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test3, test4))) # Chats differently test5a <- otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree1$Chats$participant_code # Before test5b <- otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes %in% otree2$Chats$participant_code # After testthat::expect_identical(test5a, test5b) }) print("---- delete_sessions -----") # Combined deletion test #### testthat::test_that("several deletions - version 1", { otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Delete cases person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L)] otree2 <- delete_cases(otree2, person, reason = "Upon request") # Delete dropouts otree2 <- delete_dropouts(otree2, final_apps = "survey") # Session delete session <- as.data.frame(table(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) session <- session[session$Freq >= 2L, 1L] otree2 <- delete_sessions(otree2, scodes = session, reason = "Only tests") # Test test0 <- !("" %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$reason) test1 <- "ENC" %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$reason test2 <- "Only tests" %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$reason test3 <- "Upon request" %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$reason testthat::expect_true(all(c(test0, test1, test2, test3))) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true("custexp_dictator" %in% names(otree2)) testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) }) testthat::test_that("several deletions - version 2", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) # Delete dropouts otree2 <- delete_dropouts(otree2, final_apps = "survey") # Delete cases person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[1L] otree2 <- delete_cases(otree2, person, reason = "Upon request") # Session delete otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code[1L] otree2 <- delete_sessions(otree2, scodes = otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code[1L], reason = "Only tests") # Test test0 <- !("" %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$reason) test1 <- "ENC" %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$reason test2 <- "Only tests" %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$reason test3 <- "Upon request" %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$reason testthat::expect_true(all(c(test0, test1, test2, test3))) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true("custexp_dictator" %in% names(otree2)) testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) }) testthat::test_that("several deletions - version 3", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Session delete otree2 <- delete_sessions(otree2, scodes = otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code[1L], reason = "Only tests") # Delete dropouts otree2 <- delete_dropouts(otree2, final_apps = "survey") # Delete cases person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[c(1L, 2L)] otree2 <- delete_cases(otree2, person, reason = "Upon request") # Test test0 <- !("" %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$reason) test1 <- "ENC" %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$reason test2 <- "Only tests" %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$reason test3 <- "Upon request" %in% otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$reason testthat::expect_true(all(c(test0, test1, test2, test3))) # Test for consistency of the info output test1 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$full$participant.code) test2 <- setequal(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique$participant.code, otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) test3 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == otree2$info$deleted_cases$count test4 <- length(otree2$info$deleted_cases$codes) == nrow(otree2$info$deleted_cases$unique) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) # Make IDs #### testthat::test_that("Make IDs - from_var, gmake = TRUE", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 order_aaw_before <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_before <- otree2$dictator$participant.code # Run function otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, pmake = TRUE, gmake = TRUE, from_var = "dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession", emptyrows = "yes") # ignore empty rows stop # Test # Test if order of DF entries did not change order_aaw_after <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_after <- otree2$dictator$participant.code test1 <- all(order_aaw_before == order_aaw_after) test2 <- all(order_dictator_before == order_dictator_after) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) # Test if variables are there and not NA test1 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$group_id) test2 <- !(anyNA(otree2$dictator$group_id)) test3 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$session_id) test4 <- !(anyNA(otree2$dictator$session_id)) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) # Test if all IDs are there test1 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) test2 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) test3 <- all( 1L:(length(otree2$dictator$group_id) / 3L / 2L) %in% otree2$dictator$group_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) # Test for increasing IDs # Test if group_ids are increasing with session_id otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$session_id, otree2$dictator$group_id), ] test1 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$group_id) >= 0L) # Test if participant_ids are increasing with group_ids otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$group_id, otree2$dictator$participant_id), ] test2 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$participant_id) >= 0L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) testthat::expect_true(all(names(otree2$custexp_dictator) == c("test", "testplayer"))) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (w) - from_var, gmake = TRUE", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$random_dataframe <- data.frame( a = c(1L, 2L, 3L), b = c(4L, 5L, 6L), c = c(7L, 8L, 9L)) order_aaw_before <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_before <- otree2$dictator$participant.code # Run function testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, pmake = TRUE, gmake = TRUE, from_var = "dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession", emptyrows = "yes"), # ignore empty rows stop "Participant code variable couldn't be found in") # Test # Test if order of DF entries did not change order_aaw_after <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_after <- otree2$dictator$participant.code test1 <- all(order_aaw_before == order_aaw_after) test2 <- all(order_dictator_before == order_dictator_after) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) # Test if variables are there and not NA test1 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$group_id) test2 <- !anyNA(otree2$dictator$group_id) test3 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$session_id) test4 <- !anyNA(otree2$dictator$session_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) # Test if all IDs are there test1 <- all( seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) test2 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) test3 <- all( 1L:(length(otree2$dictator$group_id) / 3L / 2L) %in% otree2$dictator$group_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) # Test for increasing IDs # Test if group_ids are increasing with session_id otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$session_id, otree2$dictator$group_id), ] test1 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$group_id) >= 0L) # Test if participant_ids are increasing with group_ids otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$group_id, otree2$dictator$participant_id), ] test2 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$participant_id) >= 0L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (w) - two sessions na", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code[c(1L, 2L, 3L)] <- NA order_aaw_before <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_before <- otree2$dictator$participant.code # Run function testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, pmake = TRUE, gmake = TRUE, from_var = "dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession", emptyrows = "yes"), "At least one of your session.codes in your from_app is NA") # Test # Test if order of DF entries did not change order_aaw_after <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_after <- otree2$dictator$participant.code test1 <- all(order_aaw_before == order_aaw_after) test2 <- all(order_dictator_before == order_dictator_after) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) # Test if variables are there and not NA test1 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$group_id) test2 <- !anyNA(otree2$dictator$group_id) test3 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$session_id) test4 <- !anyNA(otree2$dictator$session_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) # Test if all IDs are there test1 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) test2 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) test3 <- all( 1L:(length(otree2$dictator$group_id) / 3L / 2L) %in% otree2$dictator$group_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) # Test for increasing IDs # Test if group_ids are increasing with session_id otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$session_id, otree2$dictator$group_id), ] test1 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$group_id) >= 0L) # Test if participant_ids are increasing with group_ids otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$group_id, otree2$dictator$participant_id), ] test2 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$participant_id) >= 0L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs - from_var", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 order_aaw_before <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_before <- otree2$dictator$participant.code # Run function otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, pmake = TRUE, from_var = "dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession") # Test if order of DF entries did not change order_aaw_after <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_after <- otree2$dictator$participant.code test1 <- all(order_aaw_before == order_aaw_after) test2 <- all(order_dictator_before == order_dictator_after) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) # Test if variables are there and not NA test1 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$group_id) test2 <- !anyNA(otree2$dictator$group_id) test3 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$session_id) test4 <- !anyNA(otree2$dictator$session_id) test5 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$participant_id) test6 <- !anyNA(otree2$dictator$participant_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6))) # Test if all IDs are there test1 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) test2 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) test3 <- all( 1L:(length(otree2$dictator$group_id) / 3L / 2L) %in% otree2$dictator$group_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) # Test for increasing Ids # Test if group_ids are increasing with session_id otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$session_id, otree2$dictator$group_id), ] test1 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$group_id) >= 0L) # Test if participant_ids are increasing with group_ids otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$group_id, otree2$dictator$participant_id), ] test2 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$participant_id) >= 0L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs - from_var, other starts", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 order_aaw_before <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_before <- otree2$dictator$participant.code # Run function otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, pmake = TRUE, sstart = 3L, gstart = 4L, pstart = 8L, from_var = "dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession") # Test # Test if order of DF entries did not change order_aaw_after <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_after <- otree2$dictator$participant.code test1 <- all(order_aaw_before == order_aaw_after) test2 <- all(order_dictator_before == order_dictator_after) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) # Test if variables exist / don't exist test1 <- !is.null(otree2$all_apps_wide$group_id) test2 <- !is.null(otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) test3 <- !is.null(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) # Test for minimum values test1 <- min(otree2$all_apps_wide$group_id) == 4L test2 <- min(otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) == 3L test3 <- min(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) == 8L testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) # Test for increasing IDs # Test if group_ids are increasing with session_id otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$session_id, otree2$dictator$group_id), ] test1 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$group_id) >= 0L) # Test if participant_ids are increasing with group_ids otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$group_id, otree2$dictator$participant_id), ] test2 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$participant_id) >= 0L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs - from_var, dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 order_aaw_before <- otree2$all_apps_wide$dictator.1.player.payoff order_dictator_before <- otree2$dictator$player.payoff # Run function testthat::expect_no_warning( otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = FALSE, # will be overwritten by code! pmake = FALSE, from_var = "dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession")) # Test if order of DF entries did not change order_aaw_after <- otree2$all_apps_wide$dictator.1.player.payoff order_dictator_after <- otree2$dictator$player.payoff test1 <- order_aaw_before == order_aaw_after test2 <- order_dictator_before == order_dictator_after testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) # Test if variables exist / don't exist test1 <- !is.null(otree2$all_apps_wide$group_id) test2 <- !is.null(otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) test3 <- is.null(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) # Test if all IDs are there # No participants! test2 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) test3 <- all( 1L:(length(otree2$dictator$group_id) / 3L / 2L) %in% otree2$dictator$group_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test2, test3))) # Test for increasing IDs # Test if group_ids are increasing with session_id otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$session_id, otree2$dictator$group_id), ] test1 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$group_id) >= 0L) testthat::expect_true(test1) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs - all the same", { # Prepare data (make group IDs all the same) otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$all_apps_wide$start.1.group.id_in_subsession <- otree2$all_apps_wide$dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession otree2$all_apps_wide$survey.1.group.id_in_subsession <- otree2$all_apps_wide$dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession otree2$all_apps_wide$chatapp.1.group.id_in_subsession <- otree2$all_apps_wide$dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession order_aaw_before <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_before <- otree2$dictator$participant.code # Run function otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE) # Test max_part <- length(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) max_group <- length( unique(paste(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code, otree2$all_apps_wide$dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession))) max_session <- length(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) testthat::expect_equal( max(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id, na.rm = TRUE), max_part) testthat::expect_equal( max(otree2$all_apps_wide$group_id, na.rm = TRUE), max_group) testthat::expect_equal( max(otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id, na.rm = TRUE), max_session) # Test if order of DF entries did not change order_aaw_after <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_after <- otree2$dictator$participant.code test1 <- all(order_aaw_before == order_aaw_after) test2 <- all(order_dictator_before == order_dictator_after) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) # Test if all IDs are there test1 <- all(1L:max_part %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) test2 <- all(1L:max_session %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) test3 <- all( 1L:max_group %in% otree2$dictator$group_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs - no time start", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.time_started[ seq_len(nrow(otree2$all_apps_wide))] <- NA order_aaw_before <- otree2$all_apps_wide$dictator.1.player.payoff order_dictator_before <- otree2$dictator$player.payoff # Run function otree2 <- make_ids(otree2) # Test if order of DF entries did not change order_aaw_after <- otree2$all_apps_wide$dictator.1.player.payoff order_dictator_after <- otree2$dictator$player.payoff test1 <- order_aaw_before == order_aaw_after test2 <- order_dictator_before == order_dictator_after testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) # Test if variables exist / don't exist test1 <- !is.null(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) test2 <- is.null(otree2$dictator$group_id) test3 <- !is.null(otree2$survey$participant_id) test4 <- is.null(otree2$survey$group_id) test5 <- !is.null(otree2$survey$session_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5))) # Test - check if no two session codes have the same session id id_code_pairs <- unique(paste( otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id, otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) numbers <- as.integer(sub("^([0-9]+).*", "\\1", id_code_pairs)) strings <- sub("^[0-9]+ (.*)", "\\1", id_code_pairs) test1 <- !anyDuplicated(numbers) test2 <- !anyDuplicated(strings) testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) # Test - check if no two participant codes have the same participant id id_code_pairs <- unique(paste( otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id, otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) numbers <- as.integer(sub("^([0-9]+).*", "\\1", id_code_pairs)) strings <- sub("^[0-9]+ (.*)", "\\1", id_code_pairs) test1 <- !anyDuplicated(numbers) test2 <- !anyDuplicated(strings) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) # Test if variables exist / don't exist test1 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) test2 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) test3 <- is.null(otree2$dictator$group_id) test4 <- is.null(otree2$all_apps_wide$group_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) # Test for increasing IDs # Test if participant_ids are increasing with session_ids otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$session_id, otree2$dictator$participant_id), ] test2 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$participant_id) >= 0L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (w) - from_var - first constant", { # Prepare data (make all group variables to 1) otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 order_aaw_before <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_before <- otree2$dictator$participant.code otree2$all_apps_wide$dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession <- otree2$all_apps_wide$survey.1.group.id_in_subsession otree2$all_apps_wide$dictator.2.group.id_in_subsession <- otree2$all_apps_wide$survey.1.group.id_in_subsession otree2$all_apps_wide$dictator.3.group.id_in_subsession <- otree2$all_apps_wide$survey.1.group.id_in_subsession otree2$all_apps_wide$chatapp.1.group.id_in_subsession <- otree2$all_apps_wide$survey.1.group.id_in_subsession # Run function testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, icw = TRUE), paste0( "The group variable values \\(of the first group variable\\) ", "are constant. ", "Group IDs now correspond to session IDs.")) # Test test1 <- all(otree2$all_apps_wide$group_id == otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) testthat::expect_true(test1) # Test if order of DF entries did not change order_aaw_after <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_after <- otree2$dictator$participant.code test1 <- all(order_aaw_before == order_aaw_after) test2 <- all(order_dictator_before == order_dictator_after) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) # Test - check if no two session codes have the same session id id_code_pairs <- unique(paste( otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id, otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) numbers <- as.integer(sub("^([0-9]+).*", "\\1", id_code_pairs)) strings <- sub("^[0-9]+ (.*)", "\\1", id_code_pairs) test1 <- !anyDuplicated(numbers) test2 <- !anyDuplicated(strings) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) # Test - check if no two participant codes have the same participant id id_code_pairs <- unique(paste( otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id, otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) numbers <- as.integer(sub("^([0-9]+).*", "\\1", id_code_pairs)) strings <- sub("^[0-9]+ (.*)", "\\1", id_code_pairs) test1 <- !anyDuplicated(numbers) test2 <- !anyDuplicated(strings) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) # Test if all IDs are there test1 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) test2 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) test3 <- otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id == otree2$all_apps_wide$group_id testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs - from_app", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 order_aaw_before <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_before <- otree2$dictator$participant.code # Run function otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_app = "dictator") # Test if order of DF entries did not change order_aaw_after <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_after <- otree2$dictator$participant.code test1 <- all(order_aaw_before == order_aaw_after) test2 <- all(order_dictator_before == order_dictator_after) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) # Test test_participant <- unique(sort(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) testthat::expect_length(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id, length(test_participant)) # Test if variables exist / don't exist test1 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$group_id) test2 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$session_id) testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) # Test if all IDs are there test1 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) test2 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) test3 <- all( 1L:(length(otree2$dictator$group_id) / 3L / 2L) %in% otree2$dictator$group_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs - from_app, random_df", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$random_dataframe <- data.frame( a = c(1L, 2L, 3L), b = c(4L, 5L, 6L), c = c(7L, 8L, 9L)) # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_app = "random_dataframe"), "Your from_app is not a normal oTree") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs - one participant not in from_app", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2 <- delete_duplicate(otree2) delsomedictators <- unique(otree2$dictator$participant.code)[1L] otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[ !(otree2$dictator$participant.code %in% delsomedictators), ] order_aaw_before <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_before <- otree2$dictator$participant.code # Run function testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_app = "dictator"), "all_apps_wide.*chatapp.*start.*survey.*Time.*has more participants than") # Test # Test if order of DF entries did not change order_aaw_after <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_after <- otree2$dictator$participant.code test1 <- all(order_aaw_before == order_aaw_after) test2 <- all(order_dictator_before == order_dictator_after) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) # Test test_participant <- unique(sort(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) testthat::expect_length(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id, length(test_participant)) # Test if variables exist / don't exist test1 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$group_id) test2 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$session_id) testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) # Test if all IDs are there test1 <- all( 1L:(length(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) - 1L) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) test2 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) test3 <- all( 1L:(length(otree2$dictator$group_id) / 3L / 2L) %in% otree2$dictator$group_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs - from_var constant", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 order_aaw_before <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_before <- otree2$dictator$participant.code # Run function testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_app = "survey"), "values are constant") # Test if order of DF entries did not change order_aaw_after <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_after <- otree2$dictator$participant.code test1 <- all(order_aaw_before == order_aaw_after) test2 <- all(order_dictator_before == order_dictator_after) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) # Test testthat::expect_identical(otree2$group_id, otree2$session_id) # Test if variables exist / don't exist test1 <- !is.null(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) test2 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$group_id) test3 <- !is.null(otree2$survey$participant_id) test4 <- !is.null(otree2$survey$group_id) test5 <- !is.null(otree2$survey$session_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5))) # Test if all IDs are there test1 <- all( seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) test2 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) test3 <- all( otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id == otree2$all_apps_wide$group_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) # Test for increasing IDs # Test if group_ids are increasing with session_id otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$session_id, otree2$dictator$group_id), ] test1 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$group_id) >= 0L) # Test if participant_ids are increasing with group_ids otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$group_id, otree2$dictator$participant_id), ] test2 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$participant_id) >= 0L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs - others more cases than from-app", { # Info: Cases are then shown as NA # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[7L:nrow(otree2$dictator), ] order_aaw_before <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_before <- otree2$dictator$participant.code # Run function testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_app = "dictator"), "has more participants than") # Test # Test if order of DF entries did not change order_aaw_after <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_after <- otree2$dictator$participant.code test1 <- all(order_aaw_before == order_aaw_after) test2 <- all(order_dictator_before == order_dictator_after) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) # Test test_participant <- unique(sort(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) testthat::expect_length( otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id, length(test_participant)) # Test if variables exist / don't exist test1 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$group_id) test2 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$session_id) test3 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$participant_id) # Test if NAs are there test4 <- NA %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) # Test if all IDs are there # Bit more complicated here, because some IDs are NA test1 <- all(1L:(length(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) - sum(is.na(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id))) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) test2 <- all(1L:(length(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) - 1L) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) test3 <- all( 1L:(length(otree2$dictator$group_id) / 3L / 2L) %in% otree2$dictator$group_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) # Test for NAs test1 <- NA %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id test2 <- NA %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$group_id test3 <- NA %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) # Test for increasing IDs # Test if group_ids are increasing with session_id otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$session_id, otree2$dictator$group_id), ] test1 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$group_id) >= 0L) # Test if participant_ids are increasing with group_ids otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$group_id, otree2$dictator$participant_id), ] test2 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$participant_id) >= 0L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs - from_app more cases than all apps wide", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 delperson <- otree2$dictator$participant.code[1L] otree2$all_apps_wide <- otree2$all_apps_wide[ otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code != delperson, ] order_aaw_before <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_before <- otree2$dictator$participant.code # Run function otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_app = "dictator") # Test test_participant <- unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code) testthat::expect_length(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id, length(test_participant)) # Test if order of DF entries did not change order_aaw_after <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_after <- otree2$dictator$participant.code test1 <- all(order_aaw_before == order_aaw_after) test2 <- all(order_dictator_before == order_dictator_after) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) # Test if variables are there and not NA test1 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$group_id) test2 <- !anyNA(otree2$dictator$group_id) test3 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$session_id) test4 <- !anyNA(otree2$dictator$session_id) test5 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$participant_id) test6 <- !anyNA(otree2$dictator$participant_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6))) # Test if values are not there twice test <- !anyDuplicated(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) testthat::expect_true(test) # Test if all IDs are there test1 <- all(2L:(length(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) test2 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) test3 <- all( 1L:(length(otree2$dictator$group_id) / 3L / 2L) %in% otree2$dictator$group_id) testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) testthat::expect_true(test3) # Test for increasing IDs # Test if group_ids are increasing with session_id otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$session_id, otree2$dictator$group_id), ] test1 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$group_id) >= 0L) # Test if participant_ids are increasing with group_ids otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$group_id, otree2$dictator$participant_id), ] test2 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$participant_id) >= 0L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (w) - from_var constant", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 order_aaw_before <- otree2$all_apps_wide$dictator.1.player.payoff order_dictator_before <- otree2$dictator$player.payoff # Run function testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, from_var = "survey.1.group.id_in_subsession"), "The group variable values are constant") # Test if order of DF entries did not change order_aaw_after <- otree2$all_apps_wide$dictator.1.player.payoff order_dictator_after <- otree2$dictator$player.payoff test1 <- order_aaw_before == order_aaw_after test2 <- order_dictator_before == order_dictator_after testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) # Test testthat::expect_identical(otree2$all_apps_wide$group_id, otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) # Test if variables are there and not NA test1 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$group_id) test2 <- !anyNA(otree2$dictator$group_id) test3 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$participant_id) test4 <- !anyNA(otree2$dictator$participant_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) # Test if all IDs are there test1 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) test2 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) # Because group is constant: test3 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$group_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) # Test for increasing IDs # Test if group_ids are increasing with session_id otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$session_id, otree2$dictator$group_id), ] test1 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$group_id) >= 0L) # Test if participant_ids are increasing with group_ids otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$group_id, otree2$dictator$participant_id), ] test2 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$participant_id) >= 0L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (w) - constant group variable", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 order_aaw_before <- otree2$all_apps_wide$dictator.1.player.payoff order_dictator_before <- otree2$dictator$player.payoff # Run function testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_app = "survey"), "group variable values are constant") # Test if order of DF entries did not change order_aaw_after <- otree2$all_apps_wide$dictator.1.player.payoff order_dictator_after <- otree2$dictator$player.payoff test1 <- order_aaw_before == order_aaw_after test2 <- order_dictator_before == order_dictator_after testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) # Test test1 <- !is.null(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) test2 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$group_id) test3 <- !is.null(otree2$survey$participant_id) test4 <- !is.null(otree2$survey$group_id) test5 <- !is.null(otree2$survey$session_id) test6 <- otree2$survey$group_id == otree2$survey$session_id test7 <- otree2$all_apps_wide$group_id == otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7))) # Test if all IDs are there test1 <- all(seq_along( unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) test2 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) # Test for increasing IDs # Test if group_ids are increasing with session_id otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$session_id, otree2$dictator$group_id), ] test1 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$group_id) >= 0L) # Test if participant_ids are increasing with group_ids otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$group_id, otree2$dictator$participant_id), ] test2 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$participant_id) >= 0L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (w) - from_var - no participant code variable", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2 <- delete_duplicate(otree2) otree2$survey$participant.code <- NULL order_aaw_before <- otree2$all_apps_wide$dictator.1.player.payoff order_dictator_before <- otree2$dictator$player.payoff # Run function testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, pmake = TRUE, from_app = "dictator"), "Participant code variable couldn't be found") # Test if order of DF entries did not change order_aaw_after <- otree2$all_apps_wide$dictator.1.player.payoff order_dictator_after <- otree2$dictator$player.payoff test1 <- order_aaw_before == order_aaw_after test2 <- order_dictator_before == order_dictator_after testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) # Test test1 <- !is.null(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) test2 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$group_id) test3 <- is.null(otree2$survey$participant_id) test4 <- is.null(otree2$survey$group_id) test5 <- is.null(otree2$survey$session_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5))) # Test if all IDs are there test1 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) test2 <- all(seq_along(unique(otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) %in% otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) test3 <- all( 1L:(length(otree2$dictator$group_id) / 3L / 2L) %in% otree2$dictator$group_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) # Test for increasing IDs # Test if group_ids are increasing with session_id otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$session_id, otree2$dictator$group_id), ] test1 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$group_id) >= 0L) # Test if participant_ids are increasing with group_ids otree2$dictator <- otree2$dictator[order(otree2$dictator$group_id, otree2$dictator$participant_id), ] test2 <- all(diff(otree2$dictator$participant_id) >= 0L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - empty rows - from app aaw", { # If there are empty rows, an error occurs # Prepare data testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = FALSE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_5.4.0"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE), "globally but also room-specific") testthat::expect_error( otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, pmake = TRUE, gmake = TRUE, from_var = "dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession", emptyrows = "yes"), "length of participant codes is not equal the length of unique") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - empty rows - from app dictator", { # If there are empty rows, an error occurs # Prepare data testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- import_otree( del_empty = FALSE, path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_data_5.4.0"), onlybots = FALSE, csv = TRUE, info = FALSE), "globally but also room-specific") # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, pmake = TRUE, gmake = TRUE, from_app = "dictator", emptyrows = "yes"), "The length of participant codes is not equal the length of unique part") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - empty rows yes", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_new_empty ans <- "yes" my_file <- textConnection(ans) withr::with_options( list(mypkg.connection = my_file), { # Capture the output of make_ids output <- capture.output( make_ids(otree2, pmake = TRUE, gmake = TRUE, from_var = "dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession")) # Test if the output from the cat() function is shown cat_output_displayed <- any(grepl("Your from_app contains empty rows", output)) testthat::expect_true(cat_output_displayed) }) close(my_file) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - empty rows no", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_new_empty ans <- paste("no") my_file <- textConnection(ans) withr::with_options( list(mypkg.connection = my_file), { # Capture the output of make_ids testthat::expect_error( output <- capture.output( make_ids(otree2, pmake = TRUE, gmake = TRUE, from_var = "dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession")), "You chose to stop this function") } ) close(my_file) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - duplicate data", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0_non_unique # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( make_ids(otree2, pmake = TRUE, gmake = TRUE, from_var = "dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession", emptyrows = "yes"), "length of participant codes is not equal the length of unique") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - wrong from_app", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_app = "Chats", emptyrows = "yes"), "You can not use ") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - no participant.code", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code <- NULL # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(make_ids(otree2, gmake = FALSE, emptyrows = "yes"), "There is no participant.code in") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - participant.code is NA", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code <- NA # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(make_ids(otree2, gmake = FALSE, emptyrows = "yes"), "There are NAs in your participant.code") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - from_app not found", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_app = "xyz", emptyrows = "yes"), "not found") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - from_app not data frame", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 otree2$notadataframe <- c(1L, 2L, 3L) # Run function testthat::expect_error(make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_app = "notadataframe"), "not a data frame") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - from_app empty data frame", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$emptydataframe <- data.frame() # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_app = "emptydataframe"), "Your from_app is not a normal oTree all_apps_wide or apps data frame.") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - from_app empty data frame", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Make empty data frame otree2$survey <- otree2$survey[NULL, ] # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_app = "survey"), "has no entries") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - no variable", { # Prepare data (delete group_id) otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$all_apps_wide <- otree2$all_apps_wide[ , !(endsWith(names(otree2$all_apps_wide), "group.id_in_subsession"))] # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE), "No variable that ends with") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - group_id cannot be calculated", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE), "roup_id can not be calculated") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - participant_code and participant__code", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE), "You combined data.*messy_time.*messy_chat") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - participant_code and participant__code", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all otree2 <- messy_time(otree2, combine = TRUE) # Run function error <- tryCatch( make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE), error = function(e) e) # Test testthat::expect_true(grepl( "You combined data from old and new oTree versions", error)) testthat::expect_false(grepl( "messy_time", error)) testthat::expect_true(grepl( "messy_chat", error)) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - participant_code and participant__code", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all otree2 <- messy_chat(otree2, combine = TRUE) # Run function error <- tryCatch( make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE), error = function(e) e) # Test testthat::expect_true(grepl( "You combined data from old and new oTree versions", error)) testthat::expect_false(grepl( "messy_chat", error)) testthat::expect_true(grepl( "messy_time", error)) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - NA in participant__code", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 # Only NAs in participant_code otree2$Chats$participant__code[1L] <- NA # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE), "There are NAs in your participant__code variable in the") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - NA in participant_code", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$Chats$participant_code[1L] <- NA # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE), "There are NAs in your participant_code variable in the") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - session_code and session__code", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( make_ids(otree2, gmake = FALSE), "You combined data from old and new oTree versions") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - group_id not the same", { otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 testthat::expect_error( make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE), "You don't have the same group.id_in_subsession in every app") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - only use from_app or from_var", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( make_ids(oTree = otree2, from_app = "dictator", from_var = "dictator.1.group.id_in_subsession", gmake = TRUE), "Please only use") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - from_var constant - nondistinct", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0_non_unique # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, from_var = "survey.1.group.id_in_subsession"), "length of participant codes is not equal the length of unique") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - from_var not found", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_var = "donotfind"), "not found") # Test if variables exist / don't exist test1 <- is.null(otree2$all_apps_wide$group_id) test2 <- is.null(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) test3 <- is.null(otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - from_var not found, session codes Na", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code[c(1L, 5L, 3L)] <- NA # Run function testthat::expect_error( otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_var = "donotfind"), "from_var.*not found") # Test if variables exist / don't exist test1 <- is.null(otree2$all_apps_wide$group_id) test2 <- is.null(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) test3 <- is.null(otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - chat_warning", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$Chats$participant_code <- 1L # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(make_ids(otree2, icw = FALSE), "bug") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - wrong from_var", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(make_ids(otree2, from_var = "gender"), "not found") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs (e) - from_app & data there twice", { # Prepare data otree3 <- otree_5_4_0 otree3$all_apps_wide <- rbind(otree3$all_apps_wide, otree3$all_apps_wide) otree3$dictator <- rbind(otree3$dictator, otree3$dictator) # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( otree3 <- make_ids(otree3, gmake = TRUE, from_app = "dictator"), "The length of participant codes is not equal") }) testthat::test_that("Make IDs - from_app (old)", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 otree2 <- delete_duplicate(otree2) otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code otree2$dictator$session.code order_aaw_before <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_before <- otree2$dictator$participant.code # Run function otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_app = "dictator", emptyrows = "yes") # Test testthat::expect_equal(max(otree2$dictator$participant_id), length(unique(otree2$dictator$participant.code))) testthat::expect_equal(max(otree2$dictator$group_id), 6L) testthat::expect_equal(max(otree2$dictator$session_id), 2L) # Test if variables exist / don't exist test1 <- !is.null(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id) test2 <- !is.null(otree2$dictator$group_id) test3 <- !is.null(otree2$survey$participant_id) test4 <- !is.null(otree2$survey$group_id) test5 <- !is.null(otree2$survey$session_id) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5))) # Test if order of DF entries did not change order_aaw_after <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code order_dictator_after <- otree2$dictator$participant.code test1 <- all(order_aaw_before == order_aaw_after) test2 <- all(order_dictator_before == order_dictator_after) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) # Test - check if no two session codes have the same session id id_code_pairs <- unique(paste( otree2$all_apps_wide$session_id, otree2$all_apps_wide$session.code)) numbers <- as.integer(sub("^([0-9]+).*", "\\1", id_code_pairs)) strings <- sub("^[0-9]+ (.*)", "\\1", id_code_pairs) test1 <- !anyDuplicated(numbers) testthat::expect_true(test1) test2 <- !anyDuplicated(strings) testthat::expect_true(test2) # Test - check if no two participant codes have the same participant id id_code_pairs <- unique(paste( otree2$all_apps_wide$participant_id, otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code)) numbers <- as.integer(sub("^([0-9]+).*", "\\1", id_code_pairs)) strings <- sub("^[0-9]+ (.*)", "\\1", id_code_pairs) test1 <- !anyDuplicated(numbers) testthat::expect_true(test1) test2 <- !anyDuplicated(strings) testthat::expect_true(test2) }) # Experiment time #### testthat::test_that("extime - all oTree", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- messy_time(otree2, combine = TRUE, info = TRUE), "referred to the time stamp.*participant code") # Run function output <- extime(otree2) # Test # Test if variables exist / don't exist test1 <- !is.null(output$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$mean_duration) test2 <- !is.null(output$min_duration) & !is.na(output$min_duration) test3 <- !is.null(output$max_duration) & !is.na(output$max_duration) test4 <- exists("single_durations", output) # Test if the values and the single_durations align test5 <- round(output$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test6 <- round(output$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7))) }) testthat::test_that("extime - new otree", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function output <- extime(otree2, startat = 1L) # Test # Test if variables exist / don't exist test1 <- !is.null(output$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$mean_duration) test2 <- !is.null(output$min_duration) & !is.na(output$min_duration) test3 <- !is.null(output$max_duration) & !is.na(output$max_duration) test4 <- exists("single_durations", output) # Test if the values and the single_durations align test5 <- round(output$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test6 <- round(output$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7))) }) testthat::test_that("extime - new oTree - secondsonpage2", { # Calculation not with time stamp but with secondsonpage2 # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function output <- extime(otree2) otree3 <- pagesec(otree2) otree3$Time$epoch_time_completed <- NULL output2 <- extime(otree3) # Test test1 <- output$mean_duration == output2$mean_duration test2 <- output$min_duration & output2$min_duration test3 <- output$min_duration & output2$min_duration test4 <- exists("single_durations", output2) test6 <- round(mean(output2$single_durations$duration), digits = 2L) == output2$mean_duration testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test6))) }) testthat::test_that("extime - new otree seconds on page error", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function otree2 <- pagesec(otree2) otree2$Time$epoch_time_completed <- NULL testthat::expect_error( extime(otree2, startat = "real", sinfo = NULL), "There is no variable referring to the time stamp" ) }) testthat::test_that("extime - messy not included", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( output <- extime(otree2, combine = FALSE), # Is automatically TRUE "using data from different " ) }) testthat::test_that("extime - messy included", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all # Run function output <- extime(otree2, combine = TRUE) # Is automatically TRUE # Test # Test if variables exist / don't exist test1 <- !is.null(output$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$mean_duration) test2 <- !is.null(output$min_duration) & !is.na(output$min_duration) test3 <- !is.null(output$max_duration) & !is.na(output$max_duration) test4 <- exists("single_durations", output) # Test if the values and the single_durations align test5 <- round(output$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test6 <- round(output$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7))) }) testthat::test_that("extime - 3 digits", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function output <- extime(otree2, digits = 3L) # Test test1 <- round(mean(output$single_durations$duration), digits = 3L) == output$mean_duration test2 <- round(min(output$single_durations$duration), digits = 3L) == output$min_duration test3 <- round(max(output$single_durations$duration), digits = 3L) == output$max_duration # Test if the values and the single_durations align test5 <- round(output$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test6 <- round(output$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test5, test6, test7))) }) testthat::test_that("extime - for a specific group", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_app = "dictator") # Run output <- extime(otree2, group_id = 1L) # Test test1 <- !is.null(output$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$mean_duration) test2 <- !is.null(output$min_duration) & !is.na(output$min_duration) test3 <- !is.null(output$max_duration) & !is.na(output$max_duration) test4 <- exists("single_durations", output) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("extime - experiment just one page", { otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 # Run output <- extime(otree2, sinfo = NULL) # Test # Test if variables exist / don't exist test1 <- !is.null(output$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$mean_duration) test2 <- !is.null(output$min_duration) & !is.na(output$min_duration) test3 <- !is.null(output$max_duration) & !is.na(output$max_duration) test4 <- exists("single_durations", output) test5 <- grepl( pattern = "the experiment only has one page", x = output$messages) test6 <- is.vector(output$only_one_page) # Test if the values and the single_durations align test7 <- round(output$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test8 <- round(output$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test9 <- round(output$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7, test8, test9))) }) testthat::test_that("extime - with sinfo session_code", { otree2 <- otree_all testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- messy_time(otree2, combine = TRUE, info = TRUE), "More than one variable referred to") # Run function output <- extime(otree2, sinfo = "session_code") # Test # Test if variables exist / don't exist test1 <- !is.null(output$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$mean_duration) test2 <- !is.null(output$min_duration) & !is.na(output$min_duration) test3 <- !is.null(output$max_duration) & !is.na(output$max_duration) test4 <- exists("single_durations", output) # Test if the values and the single_durations align test5 <- round(output$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test6 <- round(output$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7))) }) testthat::test_that("extime - session_id", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all otree2 <- delete_duplicate(otree2) testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- messy_chat(otree2, combine = TRUE, info = TRUE), "More than one variable referred to") testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- messy_time(otree2, combine = TRUE, info = TRUE), "More than one variable referred to") otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, pmake = TRUE) # Run function output <- extime(otree2, combine = TRUE, sinfo = "session_id") # Test test1 <- is.numeric(output$mean_duration) test2 <- is.numeric(output$max_duration) test3 <- is.numeric(output$min_duration) test4 <- is.numeric(output$single_durations$session) # Test if the values and the single_durations align test5 <- round(output$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test6 <- round(output$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) # Test warnings test8 <- !is.null(output$only_one_page) test9 <- any(grepl( "For at least one participant, the experiment only has one page", output$messages)) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7, test8, test9))) }) testthat::test_that("extime - otree all: no session_id", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all otree2 <- delete_duplicate(otree2) # Run function output <- extime(otree2, combine = TRUE, sinfo = "session_id") # Test test1 <- is.numeric(output$single_durations$session) testthat::expect_true(test1) }) testthat::test_that("extime - otree all: session_code", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all otree2 <- delete_duplicate(otree2) # Run function output <- extime(otree2, combine = TRUE, sinfo = "session_code") # Test test1 <- is.vector(output$single_durations$session) testthat::expect_true(test1) # Test if the values and the single_durations align test5 <- round(output$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test6 <- round(output$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test5, test6, test7))) }) testthat::test_that("extime - one person only one page", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 person <- aggregate(otree2$Time, list(person = otree2$Time$participant__code), FUN = "max") person <- unlist(person[person$page_index == 1L, ][1L]) # Run function testthat::expect_warning( output <- extime(otree2, combine = TRUE, sinfo = NULL, person), "the experiment only has one page") # Test test1 <- is.na(output) testthat::expect_true(test1) }) testthat::test_that("extime - startat real", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function output <- extime(otree2, startat = "real", seconds = TRUE, sinfo = NULL) # Test test1 <- !is.null(output$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$mean_duration) test2 <- !is.null(output$min_duration) & !is.na(output$min_duration) test3 <- !is.null(output$max_duration) & !is.na(output$max_duration) test4 <- exists("single_durations", output) # Test if the values and the single_durations align test5 <- round(output$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test6 <- round(output$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7))) }) testthat::test_that("extime - startat comparison - comparison real und 1", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function output <- extime(otree2, startat = "real", seconds = TRUE, sinfo = NULL) output2 <- extime(otree2, startat = 1L, seconds = TRUE, sinfo = NULL) # The difference to startat = 1 is that startat = 1 does # not result in decimal numbers. # startat = "real" has a more precise start time!!! # Test test1 <- !is.null(output$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$mean_duration) test2 <- !is.null(output$min_duration) & !is.na(output$min_duration) test3 <- !is.null(output$max_duration) & !is.na(output$max_duration) test4 <- exists("single_durations", output) # Test if the values and the single_durations align test5 <- round(output$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test6 <- round(output$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7))) }) testthat::test_that("extime - seconds", { otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function output <- extime(otree2, seconds = TRUE) # Test test1 <- !is.null(output$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$mean_duration) test2 <- !is.null(output$min_duration) & !is.na(output$min_duration) test3 <- !is.null(output$max_duration) & !is.na(output$max_duration) test4 <- exists("single_durations", output) # Test if the values and the single_durations align test5 <- round(output$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test6 <- round(output$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7))) }) testthat::test_that("extime - old otree", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 # Run function output <- extime(otree2, sinfo = NULL) # Test test1 <- !is.null(output$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$mean_duration) test2 <- !is.null(output$min_duration) & !is.na(output$min_duration) test3 <- !is.null(output$max_duration) & !is.na(output$max_duration) test4 <- exists("single_durations", output) # Test if the values and the single_durations align test5 <- round(output$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test6 <- round(output$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7))) }) testthat::test_that("extime - old otree seconds on page", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 # Run function output <- extime(otree2, sinfo = NULL) otree2$Time$time_stamp <- NULL output2 <- extime(otree2, sinfo = NULL) # Test test1 <- output$mean_duration == output2$mean_duration test2 <- output$min_duration & output2$min_duration test3 <- output$min_duration & output2$min_duration test4 <- exists("single_durations", output2) test6 <- round(mean(output2$single_durations$duration), digits = 2L) == output2$mean_duration testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test6))) }) testthat::test_that("extime - old otree seconds on page error", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 # Run function otree2$Time$time_stamp <- NULL testthat::expect_error( extime(otree2, startat = "real", sinfo = NULL), "There is no variable referring to the time stamp" ) }) testthat::test_that("extime - oTree version 2.2.4", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 # otree2$Time$session_id # There is already a variable called session_id otree2 <- make_ids(otree2) # otree2$Time$session_id # The new session_id looks the same # Run function output <- extime(otree2, sinfo = "session_id") # Test test1 <- !is.null(output$mean_duration) & !is.na(output$mean_duration) test2 <- !is.null(output$min_duration) & !is.na(output$min_duration) test3 <- !is.null(output$max_duration) & !is.na(output$max_duration) test4 <- exists("single_durations", output) # Test if the values and the single_durations align test5 <- round(output$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test6 <- round(output$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7))) }) testthat::test_that("extime - old specific", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[1L] # Run function output <- extime(otree2, pcode = person, sinfo = NULL) # Test test <- !is.null(output) & !is.na(output) testthat::expect_true(test) }) testthat::test_that("extime - old startatreal without session info", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_app = "dictator") # Run function output <- extime(otree2, startat = "real", sinfo = NULL) # Test testthat::expect_output(str(output), "List of 6") # Test if the values and the single_durations align test5 <- round(output$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test6 <- round(output$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test5, test6, test7))) }) testthat::test_that("extime - old startatreal with session info", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_app = "dictator") # Run function and test # If sinfo is not NULL, there will be an error in some of the old oTree # versions because they don't save the session_code there testthat::expect_error( output <- extime(otree2, startat = "real", sinfo = "session_code"), "There is no variable called session_code or session__code") }) testthat::test_that("extime - for a specific individual - code", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_app = "dictator") person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[1L] # Run function output <- extime(otree2, person) # Test # Last entry for the person max <- max(otree2$Time$epoch_time_completed[ otree2$Time$participant_code == person]) # First entry for the person min <- min(otree2$Time$epoch_time_completed[ otree2$Time$participant_code == person]) # Duration duration <- max - min duration <- duration / 60L testthat::expect_identical(output, round(duration, 2L)) }) testthat::test_that("extime - for a specific individual - label", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Make unique participant labels otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.label <- sapply(seq_along(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.label), function(x) paste("Person ", x)) person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.label[1L] # Run function output <- extime(otree2, plabel = person, sinfo = NULL) pcode <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[ otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.label == person] # Test max <- max(otree2$Time$epoch_time_completed[ otree2$Time$participant_code == pcode]) min <- min(otree2$Time$epoch_time_completed[ otree2$Time$participant_code == pcode]) duration <- max - min duration <- duration / 60L testthat::expect_identical(output, round(duration, 2L)) }) testthat::test_that("extime - for a specific individual (real)", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_app = "dictator") person1 <- unique(otree2$Time$participant_code)[1L] # Run function output <- extime(otree2, person1, startat = "real") # Test max <- max(otree2$Time$epoch_time_completed[ otree2$Time$participant_code == person1]) min <- (as.numeric( as.POSIXct(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.time_started[ otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code == person1], tz = "UTC"))) duration <- max - min duration <- duration / 60L testthat::expect_identical(output, round(duration, 2L)) }) testthat::test_that("extime - old specific, warning not enough entries", { # Prepare data (get a person with only one index entry) otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 person <- aggregate(otree2$Time, list(person = otree2$Time$participant__code), FUN = "max") person <- unlist(person[person$page_index == 1L, ][1L]) # Run function and test testthat::expect_warning( output <- extime(otree2, pcode = person, sinfo = NULL), "the experiment only has one page") test1 <- is.na(output) testthat::expect_true(test1) }) testthat::test_that("extime - old specific, startat", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[1L] # Run function output <- extime(otree2, pcode = person, sinfo = NULL, startat = "real") # Test test <- !is.null(output) & !is.na(output) testthat::expect_true(test) }) testthat::test_that("extime - old startatreal", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 # Run function output <- extime(otree2, startat = "real", sinfo = NULL) # Test testthat::expect_output(str(output), "List of 6") test1 <- is.numeric(output$mean_duration) test2 <- is.numeric(output$max_duration) test3 <- is.numeric(output$min_duration) test4 <- !is.null(output$single_durations) test5 <- is.null(output$single_durations$session) test6 <- !is.null(output$messages) test7 <- !is.null(output$only_one_page) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7))) # Test if the values and the single_durations align test5 <- round(output$min_duration, 2L) == round(min(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test6 <- round(output$max_duration, 2L) == round(max(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) test7 <- round(output$mean_duration, 2L) == round(mean(output$single_durations$duration), 2L) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test5, test6, test7))) }) testthat::test_that("extime - old startat and 0 comparison", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[1L] # Run function startattime_real <- extime(otree2, startat = "real", seconds = TRUE, digits = 5L, sinfo = NULL) startattime_0 <- extime(otree2, startat = 1L, seconds = TRUE, digits = 5L, sinfo = NULL) # Test val_real <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.time_started_utc[ otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code == person] # Delete last part of val_real (more detailed time than val0) # val0 only seconds val_real <- stringr::str_remove(val_real, ".[0-9]{6}") val0 <- otree2$Time$epoch_time_completed[ otree2$Time$participant_code == person & otree2$Time$page_index == 0L] val0 <- as.POSIXct(val0, tz = "UTC", origin = "1970-01-01") # Remove UTC val0 <- stringr::str_remove(val0, " UTC") test1 <- val_real == val0 testthat::expect_true(test1) }) testthat::test_that("extime (w) - warning only one page for old specific", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 person <- aggregate(otree2$Time, list(person = otree2$Time$participant__code), FUN = "max") person <- unlist(person[person$page_index == 1L, ][1L]) # Run function and test testthat::expect_warning( output <- extime(otree2, pcode = person, sinfo = NULL), "the experiment only has one page") test <- is.na(output) testthat::expect_true(test) }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - plabel and group_id", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( extime(otree2, plabel = "Person 1", group_id = 1L, sinfo = NULL), "Please enter only plabel or group_id") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - plabel and pcode", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[1L] # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( extime(otree2, plabel = "Person 1", pcode = person, sinfo = NULL), "Please enter only pcode or plabel") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - several plabels in argument", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( extime(otree2, plabel = c("Person 1", "Person 2"), sinfo = NULL), "Please enter only one participant label") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - several plabels in data", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.label <- rep("Person1", "Person2", length(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.label)) # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( extime(otree2, plabel = c("Person 1"), sinfo = NULL), paste0("You do not have unique participant labels in your ", "all_apps_wide data frame!")) }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - plabel but no aaw", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$all_apps_wide <- NULL # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( extime(otree2, plabel = "Person 1", sinfo = NULL), "if there is an all_apps_wide-data frame") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - old specific: TIME empty", { # Prepare data (delete everything from time) otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 otree2$Time <- otree2$Time[NULL, ] # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(extime(otree2, sinfo = NULL), "data frame is empty") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - old specific: TIME for one empty", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[2L] otree2$Time <- otree2$Time[otree2$Time$participant__code != person, ] # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(extime(otree2, pcode = person, sinfo = NULL), "The participant is not in the") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - starting value old specific", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[2L] # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( extime(otree2, pcode = person, sinfo = NULL, startat = 20L), "The chosen starting value startat is higher than the total") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - startat specific - old", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[1L] # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( extime(otree2, startat = 400L, pcode = person, sinfo = NULL), "The chosen starting value startat is higher than the total number") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - startat: old", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( extime(otree2, startat = 400L, sinfo = NULL), "The chosen starting value startat is higher than the total number") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - startat: new", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( extime(otree2, startat = 400L, sinfo = NULL), "The chosen starting value startat is higher than the total number") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - startat: new specific", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[1L] # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( extime(otree2, pcode = person, startat = 400L, sinfo = NULL), "The chosen starting value startat is higher than the total number") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - startat: old specific", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 otree2 <- delete_duplicate(otree2) person <- otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code[1L] # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( extime(otree2, pcode = person, startat = 400L, sinfo = NULL), "The chosen starting value startat is higher than the total number") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - startat: new too low", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 otree2$Time <- otree2$Time[otree2$Time$page_index > 2L, ] # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( extime(otree2, startat = 1L, sinfo = NULL), "is lower than") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - startat: new too low", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 otree2$Time <- otree2$Time[otree2$Time$page_index > 2L, ] person <- otree2$Time$participant__code[otree2$Time$page_index > 5L][1L] # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( extime(otree2, pcode = person, startat = 1L, sinfo = NULL), "is lower than") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - startat real and no aaw", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$all_apps_wide <- NULL # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(extime(otree2, startat = "real", sinfo = NULL), "only works if there is a") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - nonexistent specific individual ", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(extime(otree2, "fake_individual"), "The participant is not in the") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - individual + group specified", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(extime(otree2, pcode = "3ttf7yix", group_id = 1L), "specify either the pcode or the group_id") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - variable group_id not there", { # Run function and test otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test error if group_id is not defined yet testthat::expect_error(extime(otree2, group_id = 7L)) }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - this group_id not there", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2 <- make_ids(otree2, gmake = TRUE, from_app = "dictator") # Run function and test error if chosen group_id is not in data frame testthat::expect_error(extime(otree2, group_id = 47L)) }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - no session_code", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$Time$session_code <- NULL # Run function and test error if chosen group_id is not in data frame testthat::expect_error(extime(otree2), "no variable called session_code") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - valid session info", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(extime(otree2, sinfo = "any"), "Please specify a valid sinfo") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - no session id", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$Time$session_id <- NULL # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(extime(otree2, sinfo = "session_id"), "There is no session_id in the") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - only one participant", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( extime(otree2, pcode = c("164r1hs4", "7wa8kk3d")), "Please enter only one participant") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - no Time data frame", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$Time <- NULL # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(extime(otree2), "There is no \"Time\" data frame") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - participant not there", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( extime(otree2, sinfo = "session_id", combine = TRUE, pcode = "wrongcode"), "The participant is not in the ") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - messy data", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all # Run function and test error testthat::expect_error( extime(otree2, sinfo = "session_id", combine = FALSE), "It seems as if you are using data from different oTree versions") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - starting value", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all namesbefore <- names(otree2$Time) # Run function testthat::expect_error(extime(otree2, combine = TRUE, startat = 400L), "The chosen starting value startat") # Test namesafter <- names(otree2$Time) test1 <- length(namesbefore) == length(namesafter) # of course testthat::expect_true(test1) }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - otree new - no session_id", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2 <- delete_duplicate(otree2) # Run function testthat::expect_error( extime(otree2, combine = TRUE, sinfo = "session_id"), "no session_id in the") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - no time stamp", { otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$Time$epoch_time_completed <- NULL testthat::expect_error(extime(otree2), "There is no variable") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - no valid starttime", { otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 testthat::expect_error(extime(otree2, startat = -3L), "Please choose a valid") }) testthat::test_that("extime (e) - no participant var", { otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$Time$participant_code <- NULL testthat::expect_error(extime(otree2), "There is no variable") }) print("---- apptime -----") print("---- pagesec -----") # Page seconds #### testthat::test_that("pagesec", { # Run function # Make minutes otree2 <- pagesec(otree_5_4_0, minutes = TRUE) # Make seconds otree2 <- pagesec(otree2, minutes = FALSE) # Test test1 <- mean(otree2$Time$minutes_on_page, na.rm = TRUE) > 0L test2 <- mean(otree2$Time$seconds_on_page2, na.rm = TRUE) > 0L test3 <- testthat::expect_identical( otree2$Time$minutes_on_page[!is.na(otree2$Time$minutes_on_page)], round(otree2$Time$seconds_on_page2[ !is.na(otree2$Time$seconds_on_page2)] / 60L, 2L)) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2))) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) }) testthat::test_that("pagesec - minutes ", { # Run function otree2 <- pagesec(otree_5_4_0, minutes = TRUE) otree2 <- pagesec(otree2, minutes = FALSE) # Test variable <- otree2$Time$seconds_on_page2 test1 <- testthat::expect_true( mean(variable, na.rm = TRUE) > 0.0 ) testthat::expect_identical( otree2$Time$minutes_on_page[!is.na(otree2$Time$minutes_on_page)], round(otree2$Time$seconds_on_page2[ !is.na(otree2$Time$seconds_on_page2)] / 60L, 2L)) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) }) testthat::test_that("pagesec - oTree 2.2.4", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 # Run function otree2 <- pagesec(otree2) # Test testthat::expect_false(is.null(otree2$Time$seconds_on_page2)) test1 <- all(otree2$Time$seconds_on_page2[ !is.na(otree2$Time$seconds_on_page2)] == otree2$Time$seconds_on_page[!is.na(otree2$Time$seconds_on_page2)]) testthat::expect_true(test1) }) testthat::test_that("pagesec - messy time", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all # Run function testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- pagesec(otree2, minutes = TRUE, combine = TRUE), "referred to ") otree2 <- pagesec(otree2, minutes = FALSE) # Test test1 <- mean(otree2$Time$minutes_on_page, na.rm = TRUE) > 0.0 test2 <- mean(otree2$Time$seconds_on_page2, na.rm = TRUE) > 0.0 test3 <- all( otree2$Time$seconds_on_page2[!is.na(otree2$Time$seconds_on_page2) & !is.na(otree2$Time$seconds_on_page)] == otree2$Time$seconds_on_page[!is.na(otree2$Time$seconds_on_page2) & !is.na(otree2$Time$seconds_on_page)]) test4 <- testthat::expect_identical( otree2$Time$minutes_on_page[!is.na(otree2$Time$minutes_on_page)], round(otree2$Time$seconds_on_page2[ !is.na(otree2$Time$seconds_on_page2)] / 60L, 2L)) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3))) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) %% 8L == 0L) }) testthat::test_that("pagesec (e) - messy time", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_all # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( pagesec(otree2, minutes = TRUE), "referred to the time stamp.*referred to the participant code") }) testthat::test_that("pagesec (e) - no epoch time", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$Time$epoch_time_completed <- NULL # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( pagesec(otree2, minutes = TRUE), "no variable referring to the time stamp") }) testthat::test_that("pagesec (e) - no participant code", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$Time$participant_code <- NULL # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( pagesec(otree2, minutes = TRUE), "no variable referring to the participant") }) testthat::test_that("pagesec (e) - no Time files", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$Time <- NULL # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(pagesec(otree2), "No Time data frame") }) print("---- show_constant -----") # Show constant #### testthat::test_that("Show constant - empty ", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function output <- show_constant(otree2, value = "donotfind") # Test test1 <- "all_apps_wide" %in% names(output) test2 <- "chatapp" %in% names(output) test3 <- "dictator" %in% names(output) test4 <- "start" %in% names(output) test5 <- "survey" %in% names(output) test6 <- "Time" %in% names(output) test7 <- "Chats" %in% names(output) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7))) test1 <- length(output$all_apps_wide) == 0L test2 <- length(output$chatapp) == 0L test3 <- length(output$dictator) == 0L test4 <- length(output$start) == 0L test5 <- length(output$survey) == 0L test6 <- length(output$Time) == 0L test7 <- length(output$Chats) == 0L testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7))) }) testthat::test_that("Show constant - NA ", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function output <- show_constant(otree2, value = NA) # Test test1 <- "all_apps_wide" %in% names(output) test2 <- "chatapp" %in% names(output) test3 <- "dictator" %in% names(output) test4 <- "start" %in% names(output) test5 <- "survey" %in% names(output) test6 <- "Time" %in% names(output) test7 <- "Chats" %in% names(output) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7))) }) testthat::test_that("Show constant - any", { # Run function output <- show_constant(otree_5_4_0, value = "any") # Test test1 <- "all_apps_wide" %in% names(output) test2 <- "chatapp" %in% names(output) test3 <- "dictator" %in% names(output) test4 <- "start" %in% names(output) test5 <- "survey" %in% names(output) test6 <- "Time" %in% names(output) test7 <- "Chats" %in% names(output) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7))) }) testthat::test_that("Show constant - -99", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$all_apps_wide$constant_col <- -99L # Make fake column # Run function output <- show_constant(otree2, value = -99L) # Test test1 <- "all_apps_wide" %in% names(output) test2 <- "chatapp" %in% names(output) test3 <- "dictator" %in% names(output) test4 <- "start" %in% names(output) test5 <- "survey" %in% names(output) test6 <- "Time" %in% names(output) test7 <- "Chats" %in% names(output) testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7))) test1 <- length(output$all_apps_wide) == 1L test2 <- length(output$chatapp) == 0L test3 <- length(output$dictator) == 0L test4 <- length(output$start) == 0L test5 <- length(output$survey) == 0L test6 <- length(output$Time) == 0L test7 <- length(output$Chats) == 0L testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7))) }) testthat::test_that("Show constant (e) - only one value", { # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(show_constant(otree_5_4_0, c(-99L, NA)), "Please only enter only one value") }) testthat::test_that("Show constant (e) - valid value", { # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(show_constant(otree_5_4_0, NULL), "Please enter a valid value!") }) print("---- assignv -----") # Assign variable #### testthat::test_that("Assign variable - new", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function otree2 <- assignv(oTree = otree2, variable = "survey.1.player.gender", newvar = "gender") # Test testthat::expect_vector(otree2$survey$gender) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) }) testthat::test_that("Assign variable - new, one random df", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$random_dataframe <- data.frame( a = c(1L, 2L, 3L), b = c(4L, 5L, 6L), c = c(7L, 8L, 9L)) # Run function otree2 <- assignv(oTree = otree2, variable = "survey.1.player.gender", newvar = "gender") # Test testthat::expect_vector(otree2$survey$gender) testthat::expect_null(otree2$random_dataframe$gender) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) }) testthat::test_that("Assign variable - old", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_2_2_4 # Run function otree2 <- assignv(oTree = otree2, variable = "survey.1.player.gender", newvar = "gender") # Test testthat::expect_vector(otree2$survey$gender) }) testthat::test_that("Assign variable - res after", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$survey$younger30 <- as.integer(otree2$survey$player.age < 30L) # Run function otree2 <- assignv_to_aaw(otree2, app = "survey", variable = "younger30", newvar = "younger30", resafter = "survey.1.player.age") # Test diff <- match("younger30", names(otree2$all_apps_wide)) - match("survey.1.player.age", names(otree2$all_apps_wide)) testthat::expect_identical(diff, 1L) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) }) testthat::test_that("Assign variable (e) - no aaw", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$all_apps_wide <- NULL # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(assignv(oTree = otree2, variable = "survey.1.player.gender", newvar = "gender"), "There is no \"all_apps_wi") }) testthat::test_that("Assign variable (e) - too many vars", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( assignv(oTree = otree2, variable = c("survey.1.player.gender", "asdfasfd"), newvar = "gender"), "Please enter only one variable name") }) testthat::test_that("Assign variable (e) - too many vars", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( assignv(oTree = otree2, variable = c("survey.1.player.gender", "somevar"), newvar = c("gender", "somenewvar")), "Please enter only one variable name") }) testthat::test_that("Assign variable (e) - too many newvars", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( assignv(oTree = otree2, variable = "somevar", newvar = c("gender", "somenewvar")), "Please enter only one new variable name") }) testthat::test_that("Assign variable (e) - aaw not there", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$survey$younger30 <- as.integer(otree2$survey$player.age < 30L) otree2$all_apps_wide <- NULL # Run function testthat::expect_error( otree2 <- assignv_to_aaw(otree2, app = "survey", variable = "younger30", newvar = "younger30", resafter = "survey.1.player.age"), "There is no") }) testthat::test_that("Assign variable (e) - nonexistent variable", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( assignv(oTree = otree2, variable = "fake_variable", newvar = "gender"), "The variable does not exist") }) print("---- assign to AAW ----") # Assign to AAW #### testthat::test_that("Assign variable to aaw", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$survey$younger30 <- as.integer(otree2$survey$player.age < 30L) # Run function otree2 <- assignv_to_aaw(otree2, app = "survey", variable = "younger30", newvar = "younger30") # Test testthat::expect_vector(otree2$all_apps_wide$younger30) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) }) testthat::test_that("Assign variable to aaw - random df", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$random_dataframe <- data.frame( a = c(1L, 2L, 3L), b = c(4L, 5L, 6L), c = c(7L, 8L, 9L)) # Run function testthat::expect_error( otree2 <- assignv_to_aaw(otree2, app = "random_dataframe", variable = "a", newvar = "a"), "This function does not work with random_dataframe" ) }) testthat::test_that("Assign variable to aaw - one person missing", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Make sure the first player has a value otree2$survey$player.age[1L] <- 15L person <- otree2$survey$participant.code[1L] otree2$survey$younger30 <- as.integer(otree2$survey$player.age < 30L) otree2$survey <- otree2$survey[3L:nrow(otree2$survey), ] # Run function testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- assignv_to_aaw(otree2, app = "survey", variable = "younger30", newvar = "younger30"), "However, there is an unequal number of participants") # Test testthat::expect_vector(otree2$all_apps_wide$younger30) testthat::expect_true(is.na(otree2$all_apps_wide$younger30[ otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code == person ])) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) }) testthat::test_that("Assign variable to aaw - all NA", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$survey$younger30 <- NA # Run function otree2 <- assignv_to_aaw(otree2, app = "survey", variable = "younger30", newvar = "younger30") # Test testthat::expect_vector(otree2$all_apps_wide$younger30) testthat::expect_true(all(is.na(otree2$all_apps_wide$younger30))) }) testthat::test_that("Assign variable to aaw (w)", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Create new variable (delete first row) person <- otree2$survey$participant.code[1L] otree2$survey <- otree2$survey[2L:nrow(otree2$survey), ] otree2$survey$younger30 <- as.integer(otree2$survey$player.age < 30L) # Run function testthat::expect_warning( otree2 <- assignv_to_aaw(otree2, app = "survey", variable = "younger30", newvar = "younger30"), "unequal number of") # Test testthat::expect_vector(otree2$all_apps_wide$younger30) test1 <- is.na(otree2$all_apps_wide$younger30[ otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.code == person]) testthat::expect_true(test1) }) testthat::test_that("Assign variable to aaw (e) - no aaw", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$survey$younger30 <- as.integer(otree2$survey$player.age < 30L) otree2$all_apps_wide <- NULL # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(assignv_to_aaw(otree2, app = "survey", variable = "younger30", newvar = "younger30"), "There is no \"all_apps_wide\" in your list") }) testthat::test_that("Assign variable to aaw (e) - only one var", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$survey$younger30 <- as.integer(otree2$survey$player.age < 30L) # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( assignv_to_aaw(otree2, app = "survey", variable = c("younger30", "wrongvarname"), newvar = "younger30"), "Please enter only one variable name!") }) testthat::test_that("Assign variable to aaw (e) - only one var and newvar", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$survey$younger30 <- as.integer(otree2$survey$player.age < 30L) # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( assignv_to_aaw(otree2, app = "survey", variable = c("younger30", "wrongvarname"), newvar = c("younger30", "wrongnewname")), "Please enter only one variable name!") }) testthat::test_that("Assign variable to aaw (e) - only one newvar", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$survey$younger30 <- as.integer(otree2$survey$player.age < 30L) # Run function and test testthat::expect_error( assignv_to_aaw(otree2, app = "survey", variable = "younger30", newvar = c("younger30", "toomanynames")), "Please enter only one new variable name!") }) testthat::test_that("Assign variable to aaw (e) - nonexistent variable", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(assignv_to_aaw(otree2, app = "survey", variable = "fake_variable", newvar = "younger30" ), "The variable does not exist in the app") }) testthat::test_that("Assign variable to aaw (e) - Chats", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function and test testthat::expect_error(assignv_to_aaw(otree2, app = "Chats", variable = "nickname", newvar = "nickname"), "This function does not work with Chats") }) print("---- delete_plabels ----") # Delete participant labels #### testthat::test_that("Delete participant labels", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 # Run function otree2 <- delete_plabels(otree2) # Test testthat::expect_null(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.label) testthat::expect_null(otree2$Time$participant_label) testthat::expect_null(otree2$Time$participant__label) testthat::expect_null(otree2$Chats$participant_label) testthat::expect_null(otree2$Chats$participant__label) testthat::expect_null(otree2$dictator$participant.label) testthat::expect_null(otree2$survey$participant.label) # Check if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true("custexp_dictator" %in% names(otree2)) testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) }) testthat::test_that("Delete participant labels - random df", { # Prepare data otree2 <- otree_5_4_0 otree2$random_dataframe <- data.frame( a = c(1L, 2L, 3L), b = c(4L, 5L, 6L), c = c(7L, 8L, 9L)) # Run function otree2 <- delete_plabels(otree2) # Test testthat::expect_null(otree2$all_apps_wide$participant.label) testthat::expect_null(otree2$Time$participant_label) testthat::expect_null(otree2$Time$participant__label) testthat::expect_null(otree2$Chats$participant_label) testthat::expect_null(otree2$Chats$participant__label) testthat::expect_null(otree2$dictator$participant.label) testthat::expect_null(otree2$survey$participant.label) # Check if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true("custexp_dictator" %in% names(otree2)) testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) }) # Custom export #### testthat::test_that("Import - custom export", { otree2 <- import_otree( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "exp_cust_data_rename"), info = TRUE, del_empty = FALSE ) # Test if nothing is deleted from custom export testthat::expect_true(length(names(otree2)) == 4L) testthat::expect_true(nrow(otree2$custexp_dictator) == 8L) }) }