if (rlang::is_installed(c("withr", "testthat"))) { print("---- start codebook tests -----") testthat::test_that("Codebook (w) - unmatched square brackets", { testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z13"), fsource = "model", output = "list", doc_info = FALSE), "\\$rankaversion\\$Player\\$gender \\(unmatched square brackets\\).*\\(unmatched brackets\\)") # Brackets cbook$rankaversion$Player$variable$doc == "(A doc in brackets))" cbook$rankaversion$Player$variable2$doc == "A doc with one closing bracket" # No warning when it comes to constants testthat::expect_true( cbook$rankaversion$Constants$Something == "[[information]") # Even if there is a warning, it is still shown testthat::expect_true( cbook$rankaversion$Player$gender$doc == "[[Gender]") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook - quotes", { warning <- testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z4"), fsource = "models", output_format = "latex", output_file = "cb_quotestest", output = "list", settings_replace = NULL, doc_info = FALSE) ) warning <- testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z4"), fsource = "models", output_format = "pdf_simple", output_file = "cb_quotestest_simple", output = "list", settings_replace = NULL, doc_info = FALSE) ) warning <- testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z4"), fsource = "models", output_format = "pdf", output_file = "cb_quotestest", output = "list", settings_replace = NULL, doc_info = FALSE) ) # Doc with """ in them testthat::expect_true(cbook$end$Player$hierarchy_of_principlesArg$doc == "Argument for Rejection") # Doc with ''' in them testthat::expect_true(cbook$end$Player$hierarchy_of_principlesArg2$doc == "Argument for Rejection") testthat::expect_true(cbook$end$Constants$without == "This is a without test") # Normal string - Single values with single string def testthat::expect_true(cbook$end$Constants$name_in_url == "end") # Normal string - Single values with double string def testthat::expect_true(cbook$end$Constants$name_in_url2 == "end") # Normal string - single quoted strings within double string def testthat::expect_true(cbook$end$Constants$singlequoteinsidedouble == "This is a 'test'") # Normal string - escaped quoted strings within double string def testthat::expect_true(cbook$end$Constants$doublequoteinsidesingle == "This is another \"test\"") testthat::expect_true(cbook$end$Constants$doublequoteinsidesingle2 == "This is another \"test\" inside \"another test\"") testthat::expect_true(cbook$end$Constants$escapedsinglequote == "This ia a 'single quote test'") testthat::expect_true(cbook$end$Constants$escapeddoublequote == "This is a \"double quote test\"") # Choices with single quotation marks testthat::expect_true(cbook$end$Player$Acc_DistributionChange$choices$value[1] == "Ich hätte mich dennoch für Verfahren >settings.TokenAdd_1dName< entschieden.") # Test next argument because they have different quotations: testthat::expect_true(cbook$end$Player$Acc_DistributionChange$doc == "Former variable name: AnerkennungPrivat") # Choices with double quotation marks testthat::expect_true( cbook$end$Player$Acc_DistributionChange2$choices$value[1] == "Ich hätte mich dennoch für Verfahren >settings.TokenAdd_1dName< entschieden.") testthat::expect_true(cbook$end$Player$Acc_DistributionChange2$doc == "Former variable name: AnerkennungPrivat") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook - print", { outputfilewithgetwd <- paste0(getwd(), "codebooktestprint") cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), fsource = "init", output_dir = "getwd()", output_format = "latex_document", output_file = outputfilewithgetwd, output = "list", app = "dictator", doc_info = FALSE) # Check for print removal in Constants testthat::expect_true(cbook$dictator$Constants$NAME_IN_URL == "dictator") testthat::expect_true(cbook$dictator$Constants$PLAYERS_PER_GROUP == 2) testthat::expect_true(cbook$dictator$Constants$NUM_ROUNDS == 1) # Here is print testthat::expect_true(cbook$dictator$Constants$ENDOWMENT == "cu(100)") # Check for print removal in Group testthat::expect_true(all( names(cbook$dictator$Group$kept) == c("noargs", "doc", "min", "max", "label", "field"))) testthat::expect_true(cbook$dictator$Group$kept$noargs == FALSE) testthat::expect_true(cbook$dictator$Group$kept$doc == "Amount dictator decided to keep for himself") testthat::expect_true(cbook$dictator$Group$kept$min == 0) testthat::expect_true(cbook$dictator$Group$kept$label == "I will keep") # Check for print removal in Player testthat::expect_true(all( names(cbook$dictator$Player) == c("gender", "chandler"))) testthat::expect_true(cbook$dictator$Player$gender$field == "IntegerField") testthat::expect_true(cbook$dictator$Player$gender$noargs == FALSE) testthat::expect_true(cbook$dictator$Player$gender$doc == "Gender") testthat::expect_true(all( names(cbook$dictator$Player$chandler) == c("noargs","doc", "field"))) testthat::expect_true(cbook$dictator$Player$chandler$field == "IntegerField") testthat::expect_true(cbook$dictator$Player$chandler$noargs == FALSE) testthat::expect_true(cbook$dictator$Player$chandler$doc == "Chandler") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook - new oTree, app_rm", { cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), fsource = "init", output = "list", output_file = "newappapprm", app_rm = "dictator", doc_info = FALSE) test1 <- !is.null(cbook$bargaining) test2 <- is.null(cbook$dictator) testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) testthat::expect_true(cbook$bargaining$Player$level$doc == "choices with only [1,2,3]") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook - brackets", { # TODO also check in PDF and word testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z2"), output = "list", output_dir = NULL, output_format = "pdf_simple", output_file = "cb_bracket_newline", fsource = "models", splitvarname = TRUE, sep_list = "newline", output_open = FALSE ), "Some variables") testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z2"), output = "list", output_dir = NULL, output_format = "latex", output_file = "cb_bracket_newline", fsource = "models", splitvarname = TRUE, sep_list = "newline", output_open = FALSE), "Some variables") testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z2"), output = "list", output_dir = NULL, output_format = "word", output_file = "bracket_newline_word", fsource = "models", splitvarname = TRUE, sep_list = "newline", output_open = FALSE), "Some variables") testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z2"), output = "list", output_dir = NULL, output_file = "bracket_vector", sep_list = "vector", fsource = "models", splitvarname = TRUE), "Some variables") # First and last bracket # First and last brackets are not removed for normale variables! testthat::expect_true( cbook$rankend$Constants$firstlastbr == "(firstlastbracketexample)") # Empty list testthat::expect_identical(cbook$rankend$Constants$emptylist, list()) testthat::expect_identical(cbook$rankend$Constants$emptylist2, list()) # Vector with numbers and strings testthat::expect_true(is.list(cbook$rankaversion$Constants$onelevelvectorl)) testthat::expect_identical( cbook$rankaversion$Constants$onelevelvectorl, list("a", "b", 3)) testthat::expect_identical( cbook$rankaversion$Constants$onelevelvectorl2, list("a", "b", 3, "asdfadsf", "adsfadsfasdf", "00asasdf", 2342, "wqerwerqewr")) testthat::expect_true(is.list(cbook$rankaversion$Constants$onelevelvectorl2)) # Original oTree code has brackets: (Yes) testthat::expect_true(cbook$rankaversion$Player$acceptance$choices$value[1] == "(Yes)") # Test for numeric vectors in Constants testthat::expect_identical(cbook$rankend$Constants$TestVector, list(1, 10, 3, 4, 5)) # Test for numeric vectors in Settings testthat::expect_identical(cbook$rankend$Constants$TestVector2, list(99, 66, 33)) # Test for character vectors in Constants testthat::expect_identical(cbook$rankend$Constants$TestVectorC, list("a", "b", 6)) # Test for character vectors in Settings testthat::expect_identical(cbook$rankend$Constants$TestVectorC2, list("d", "e", 4)) # Test for two-level lists testthat::expect_true(is.list(cbook$rankaversion$Constants$choices)) testthat::expect_true(identical( cbook$rankaversion$Constants$choices[[1]], list(4, 1, 1, 0.5, "noRR_needSat", 3, 2) )) # If closing bracket is at next row testthat::expect_true(all(cbook$rankaversion$Constants$nextrowbracket[[1]] == c(69, 43, 5))) # If closing bracket is at same row testthat::expect_true(all(cbook$rankaversion$Constants$samerowbracke[[1]] == c(69, 43, 5))) # If there is a space before the second opening bracket testthat::expect_true(all(cbook$rankaversion$Constants$spacebeforebracket[[1]] == c(2004, 43, 5))) # If there is a comment before the second opening bracket testthat::expect_true(all(cbook$rankaversion$Constants$commentafterbracket[[1]] == c(69, 43, 5))) # If there is a space before the last closing bracket testthat::expect_true(all(cbook$rankaversion$Constants$spaceafterbracket[[1]] == c(69, 43, 5))) # If there is a space after a comma testthat::expect_true(all(cbook$rankaversion$Constants$spaceaftercomma[[1]] == c(2004, 43, 5))) # If there is a comment after a comma testthat::expect_true(all(cbook$rankaversion$Constants$commentaftercomma[[1]] == c(2004, 43, 5))) }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (e) - three level list in constants", { # In constants testthat::expect_error({ cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z10"), output_dir = NULL, output = "list", fsource = "model") }, "This function does not support lists with more.*Constants") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook - old oTree", { testthat::expect_message( testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z"), fsource = "model", output = "list", doc_info = TRUE), ".*too complex for this function.*rankaversion\\$Constants.*\\$rankend\\$Constants \\(read_csv\\).*\\$settings\\$showupToken \\(float\\).*\\$end\\$Constants\\$showupToken \\(float\\).*\\$end\\$Constants\\$showupTokenTest \\(float\\)" ), "Variables without.*rankaversion\\$Player\\$choicenumber.*rankend\\$Player\\$done_distribution") testthat::expect_true(cbook$rankaversion$Constants$randomtest == 35L) test1 <- is.list(cbook) # Test settings in settings replacements test2 <- cbook$settings$payoffPart1_c == 6L * cbook$settings$ExchangeToken # Test settings in Constants replacement test3 <- cbook$end$Constants$payoffPart1_c == cbook$settings$payoffPart1_c test4 <- cbook$end$Constants$ExchangeToken == cbook$settings$ExchangeToken test5 <- cbook$end$Constants$ExchangeToken == 4L # Test constants in Constants replacement test6 <- cbook$end$Constants$ExchangeRate == as.numeric(cbook$end$Constants$ExchangeToken) / as.numeric(cbook$end$Constants$ExchangeMainCurrency) test7 <- cbook$end$Constants$showupToken == cbook$end$Constants$showupTokenTest testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) testthat::expect_true(test3) testthat::expect_true(test4) testthat::expect_true(test5) testthat::expect_true(test6) testthat::expect_true(test7) }) testthat::test_that("Codebook - several lines", { cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_count"), fsource = "init", output_open = FALSE, output = "list", output_file = "cb_severallines", doc_info = TRUE) }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (w) - vector variable in settings and constants", { # Dissertation code testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z3"), fsource = "models", output = "list", doc_info = FALSE), "too complex for this function") # Since R only saves the same type in a vector testthat::expect_identical( cbook$settings$Something, list(1, 3, "test", 3, 1)) testthat::expect_identical( cbook$rankaversion$Constants$Something, list(1, 3, "test", 3, 1)) # Otherwise testthat::expect_identical( cbook$settings$StartToken, list(9.0, 14.0, 17.0, 23.0, 38.0)) test4 <- cbook$rankaversion$Constants$StartToken == c(9.0, 14.0, 17.0, 23.0, 38.0) test5 <- cbook$rankaversion$Constants$StartToken2 == c(9.0, 14.0, 17.0, 23.0, 38.0) * 2.0 test6 <- cbook$rankaversion$Constants$StartToken3 == c(9.0, 14.0, 17.0, 23.0, 38.0) * 10.0 # Calculations test7 <- cbook$settings$Othertest1 == c(9.0, 14.0, 17.0, 23.0, 38.0) test8 <- cbook$settings$Othertest2 == c(9.0, 14.0, 17.0, 23.0, 38.0) * 5L test9 <- cbook$rankaversion$Constants$players_per_group == "None" test10 <- cbook$rankaversion$Constants$TestToken == unlist(cbook$settings$StartToken) * 5L test11 <- all( cbook$rankaversion$Player$Acc_DistributionChange$value == c("Ich hätte mich dennoch für Verfahren > xyz < entschieden.", "Ich hätte mich für das alternative Verfahren > aaa < entschieden.", "Ich hätte mich für das alternative Verfahren > bbb < entschieden.")) test12 <- all(cbook$rankaversion$Player$acceptance$choices$value == c("xyz", "aaa", "Wrong, trick answer", "Correct trick answer")) testthat::expect_true(all(test4)) testthat::expect_true(all(test5)) testthat::expect_true(all(test6)) testthat::expect_true(all(test7)) testthat::expect_true(all(test8)) testthat::expect_true(all(test9)) testthat::expect_true(all(test10)) testthat::expect_true(test11) testthat::expect_true(test12) }) testthat::test_that("choices ohne key", { cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), fsource = "init", output = "list", doc_info = FALSE, app = "bargaining") cbook$bargaining$Player$level2$choices[1] == "No, I won't" cbook$bargaining$Player$level2$choices[2] == "yes, I will" cbook$bargaining$Player$level2$choices[3] == "Maybe I'll do" }) testthat::test_that("Codebook - documentation of variables", { cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z8"), output_dir = NULL, fsource = "models", splitvarname = TRUE, output = "list") testthat::expect_true(cbook$rankaversion$Player$gender$doc == "Gender documentation with double quotations") testthat::expect_true(cbook$rankaversion$Player$gender2$doc == "Gender documentation with single quotations") testthat::expect_true( cbook$rankaversion$Player$gender3$doc == "Gender documentation with tripple double quotations") testthat::expect_true( cbook$rankaversion$Player$gender4$doc == "Gender documentation with tripple single quotations") testthat::expect_true(grepl( cbook$rankaversion$Player$crt_bat$label, pattern = "^A bat and a ball.*cost\\?$")) testthat::expect_true(grepl( cbook$rankaversion$Player$crt_bat2$label, pattern = "^A bat and a ball.* cost\\?$")) }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (w) - constants var not there", { # Try user Var testthat::expect_message( testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new2"), fsource = "init", output = "list"), "is not in Constants"), "Variables without documentation.*bargaining\\$Group\\$total_requests") test1 <- cbook$bargaining$Player$request$max == "C.AMOUNT_SHARED_false" # Check if leading and trailing brackets and comments are removed # TODO compara with prior verison # Original "(Please enter an amount from 0 to 100)" test2 <- cbook$bargaining$Player$request$label == "(Please enter an amount from 0 to 100)" test3 <- cbook$bargaining$Player$request2$label == "Please enter an amount from 0 to 100" test4 <- cbook$bargaining$Player$request3$label == "Please enter an amount from 0 to 100" testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) testthat::expect_true(test3) testthat::expect_true(test4) }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (w) - float in variable name", { testthat::expect_warning( cb <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_y1"), fsource = "models", output = "list" ), paste0( "too complex for this function.*", "\\$test\\$Constants\\$min_payoffAB.*", "\\$test\\$Player\\$min_payoffAB\\$max.*", "\\$test\\$Group\\$min_payoffAB\\$max" )) # Info: Correct result but a string instead of a float testthat::expect_true(cb$test$Group$variable2$max == 3.3) test1 <- cb$test$Constants$min_payoffAB == "(float(1.0)) + (float(1.1)) + (float(1.2))" test2 <- cb$test$Group$min_payoffAB$max == "(float(1.0)) + (float(1.1)) + (float(1.2))" test3 <- cb$test$Player$min_payoffAB$max == "(float(1.0)) + (float(1.1)) + (float(1.2))" test4 <- cb$test$Group$variable2$max == 3.3 testthat::expect_true(all(c(test1, test2, test3, test4))) }) testthat::test_that("Codebook - new oTree, only one app", { testthat::expect_message( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), fsource = "init", output = "list", doc_info = TRUE, app = "public_goods_simple"), "Variables without documentation, label, or verbose name:" ) test1 <- is.list(cbook) test2 <- !is.null(cbook$public_goods_simple$Constants) test3 <- !is.null(cbook$public_goods_simple$Group) test4 <- !is.null(cbook$public_goods_simple$Player) test5 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Constants$NAME_IN_URL == "public_goods_simple" test6 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Group$total_contribution$noargs == "TRUE" test7 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Player$contribution$label == "How much will you contribute?" test8 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Player$contribution$noargs == "FALSE" # Remove leading and trailing """ from doc test9 <- cbook$volunteer_dilemma$Player$volunteer$doc == "Whether player volunteers" # Remove leading and trailing ' from label test9 <- cbook$volunteer_dilemma$Player$volunteer$label == "Do you wish to volunteer?" testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) testthat::expect_true(test3) testthat::expect_true(test4) testthat::expect_true(test5) testthat::expect_true(test6) testthat::expect_true(test7) testthat::expect_true(test8) }) testthat::test_that("Codebook - key value", { cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z7"), output_dir = NULL, fsource = "models", splitvarname = TRUE, output = "list") # Key and value in double quotations testthat::expect_true(all( cbook$rankaversion$Player$gender$choices$key == c("Male1", "Female"))) testthat::expect_true(all( cbook$rankaversion$Player$gender$choices$value == c("Male", "Femaleval"))) # Key and value in single quotations testthat::expect_true(all( cbook$rankaversion$Player$gender2$choices$key == c("Male", "Female"))) testthat::expect_true(all( cbook$rankaversion$Player$gender2$choices$value == c("Male", "Femaleval"))) }) testthat::test_that("Codebook - empty arguments", { testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z2"), output_dir = NULL, fsource = "models", splitvarname = TRUE, output = "list")) # Empty argument after choices testthat::expect_true( cbook$rankaversion$Player$a_richer$choices$value[[2]] == "B is the richer person") testthat::expect_true(all( names(cbook$rankaversion$Player$a_richer) == c("noargs", "doc", "choices", "field"))) testthat::expect_true(all( cbook$rankaversion$Player$a_richer$choices$value == c("A is the richer person", "B is the richer person"))) # Empty arguments after doc testthat::expect_true( cbook$rankaversion$Player$testempty$doc == "This is an example doc") testthat::expect_true(all(names(cbook$rankaversion$Player$testempty) == c("noargs", "doc", "field"))) # Variable after that testthat::expect_true(exists("is_trick", cbook$rankaversion$Player)) }) testthat::test_that("Codebook - from-to string values", { cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z5"), fsource = "models", output_format = "html", output_file = "fromtovalues", output = "list", settings_replace = NULL, doc_info = FALSE) cbook$MIG1$Player$money_in_month$choices[1] == "0-399" cbook$MIG1$Player$money_in_month$choices[2] == "400-699" }) testthat::test_that("Codebook - newlines in doc", { warning <- testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z4"), fsource = "models", output = "list", settings_replace = NULL, doc_info = FALSE)) testthat::expect_true(cbook$end$Player$completionCode$doc == "Completion Code for MTurk. Has no role for the experiment and will not be validated unless there are legal problems with the participants") testthat::expect_true(cbook$end$Player$completionCodespaces$doc == "Completion Code for MTurk. Has no role for the experiment and will not be validated unless there are legal problems with the participants") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (e) - settings var. not there3", { # Try user Var but with some missing testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z2"), fsource = "model", user_settings = list(error = "Test"), settings_replace = "user", output = "list") , " not in user\\_settings and cannot be replaced.*\\$rankaversion\\$MinutesForSurvey") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook - pdf brackets", { # TODO hier überall checken wie rankaversion$Constants$choices in output angezeigt wird testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z2"), output_dir = NULL, fsource = "models", output_file = "newline", # Pretty :) splitvarname = TRUE, doc_info = FALSE, output = "list", sep_list = "newline"), "Some variables") testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z2"), output_dir = NULL, fsource = "models", splitvarname = TRUE, output_file = "cb_vector_complex", # Not pretty yet doc_info = FALSE, output = "list", sep_list = "vector"), "Some variables") # TODO not working properly because the cell is too large, bzw. kommt da keine warning message testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z2"), output_dir = NULL, fsource = "models", splitvarname = TRUE, output_format = "pdf_document_simple", # Not pretty yet output_file = "cb_vector_simple", output = "list", doc_info = FALSE, sep_list = "vector"), "Some variables") testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z2"), output_dir = NULL, fsource = "models", splitvarname = TRUE, output_format = "word_document", # Word works output_file = "vector_word", output = "list", doc_info = FALSE, sep_list = "vector"), "Some variables") }) # Equal sign testthat::test_that("Codebook - escaped equal signs in doc values", { cbook <- codebook(testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_f2"), fsource = "model", app = "MIG1", doc_info = FALSE, output = "list") # Vales in oTree code should be written with \= testthat::expect_true( cbook$MIG1$Player$P1_ConsumptionFinal$doc == "Final Consumption \\= with TokenAdd as voted for by group") testthat::expect_true( cbook$MIG1$Player$P1_ConsumptionNoDis$doc == "Initial Consumption \\= no Redistribution") testthat::expect_true( cbook$MIG1$Player$P1_ConsumptionEqual$doc == "Initial Consumption \\= with TokenAdd as suggested by Experimenter") testthat::expect_true( cbook$MIG1$Player$P1_ConsumptionWeakerFirst$doc == "Initial Consumption \\= with TokenAdd as suggested by Weaker First") testthat::expect_true( cbook$MIG1$Player$P1_ConsumptionMixed$doc == "Initial Consumption \\= with TokenAdd as suggested by Mixed") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (e)- equal signs in doc values", { # If there are unescaped equal signs, errors are thrown testthat::expect_error({ cbook <- codebook(testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_f1"), fsource = "model", doc_info = FALSE, app = "MIG1", output_file = "esindoc", output = "list") }, "read properly by gmoTree.*\\$MIG1\\$Player\\$P1_ConsumptionFinal") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (e)- equal signs in widgets", { # If there are unescaped equal signs, errors are thrown # testthat::expect_error({ cbook <- codebook(testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_f4"), fsource = "model", doc_info = FALSE, app = "MIG1", output_file = "cb_of4", # TODO achtung. hier wird Group blöd angezeigt. output = "list") # }, " cannot be read properly by gmoTree.*(MIG1\\$Player\\$user_total") # TODO hier wird kein error gezegit }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (e)- equal signs in choices values", { # If there are unescaped equal signs, errors are thrown testthat::expect_error({ cbook <- codebook(testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_f3"), fsource = "model", doc_info = FALSE, app = "MIG1", output = "list") }, "cannot be read properly by gmoTree.*\\$MIG1\\$Group\\$treatment_ec.*\\$MIG1\\$Player\\$P1_AckVote") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook - escaped equal signs in choices values", { # If there are unescaped equal signs, errors are thrown cbook <- codebook(testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_f4"), fsource = "model", doc_info = FALSE, app = "MIG1", output = "list") # TODO Also check in output file # TODO check auch wie viele antworten testthat::expect_true(length(cbook$MIG1$Group$treatment_ec$choices) == 2) testthat::expect_true(cbook$MIG1$Group$treatment_ec$choices$key[1] == 0) testthat::expect_true(cbook$MIG1$Group$treatment_ec$choices$value[1] == "0 \\= tolle Anfangssausstattung") testthat::expect_true(length(cbook$MIG1$Player$P1_AckVote$choices) == 2) testthat::expect_true(cbook$MIG1$Player$P1_AckVote$choices$value[1] == "Das Verfahren x \\= 1 soll anerkannt werden") # Other tests testthat::expect_true(all( names(cbook$MIG1$Group$P1_Rej_nArgAkzNo_2) == c("noargs", "initial", "field"))) }) # Output testthat::test_that("Codebook (e) - wrong output format", { testthat::expect_error({ cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), fsource = "init", output = "both", output_format = "WrongFormat", doc_info = FALSE)}, "Output format should be") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (e) - dots in names", { testthat::expect_error({ cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), output_file = "coebook.new", output_dir = "D:/", output = "both", fsource = "init") }, "You are not allowed to use dots in your output_file names") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (e) - dir not there", { testthat::expect_error({ cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), output_file = "codebooknothappening", output_dir = "D:/folder", output = "both", fsource = "init") }, "The directory.*does not exist yet.") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (e) - wrong output", { # Wrong text testthat::expect_error({ cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), output_dir = NULL, output = "WRONG", fsource = "init")}, "Output should be") # NULL testthat::expect_error({ cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), output_dir = NULL, output = "NULL", fsource = "init")}, "Output should be") # Two inputs testthat::expect_error({ cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), output_dir = NULL, fsource = "init", output = c("file", "list"))}, "Output should be") # Output dir and file don't align testthat::expect_error({ cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), output_file = "D:/folder/filename", output_dir = "D:/folder2", output = "both", fsource = "init")}, "When using an absolute path for") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (e) - output file contains invalid path", { testthat::expect_error( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), fsource = "init", output_dir = NULL, output_file = "D:/GMO/gmoTree2/codebooktestprint/ocode_newivalpath", output = "both", app = "dictator", doc_info = FALSE), "The directory .* does not exist.") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (e) - empty output_file", { testthat::expect_error({ cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), output_file = NULL, output = "both", fsource = "init") }, "Please enter a output_file name!") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (e) - params", { warnings <- testthat::capture_warnings( testthat::expect_error( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z2"), fsource = "model", params = "ab", output = "list"), "params must be a list")) }) # Choosing apps testthat::test_that("Codebook (e) - app and app rm specified", { testthat::expect_error( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), fsource = "init", output = "list", doc_info = FALSE, app = "dictator", app_rm = "public_goods_simple"), "Please specify only \"app\" or \"app_rm") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (e) - apps don't exist", { testthat::expect_error({ cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), fsource = "init", output = "list", app = c("dictator", "nonexistingapp"), doc_info = FALSE)}, "At least one app") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (e) - one app not there", { testthat::expect_error( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z"), fsource = "init", # wrong because old otree output = "list", doc_info = TRUE, app = "xyp"), "not in oTree code" ) }) # Settings testthat::test_that("Codebook - three level list in settings work", { # If settings_replace is global testthat::expect_error({ cbook1 <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z11"), output_dir = NULL, output = "list", settings_replace = "global", fsource = "model") }, "not support lists.*settings") # If settings_replace is NULL cbook2 <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z11"), output_dir = NULL, output = "list", settings_replace = NULL, fsource = "model") testthat::expect_null(cbook2$rankaversion$settings) testthat::expect_true( cbook2$rankaversion$Constants$Something == "settings.Something") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (w) - setting var not there 4", { # Try user Var message <- capture_messages( testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new3"), settings_replace = "global", fsource = "init", output = "list") , "are not in settings and")) testthat::expect_true( grepl(x = paste(message, collapse = ""), pattern = "Variables without documentation.*bargaining\\$Group\\$total_requests")) test1 <- cbook$bargaining$Player$request$max == "settings.AMOUNT_SHARED" testthat::expect_true(test1) }) testthat::test_that("Codebook - setting, constants type", { cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z9"), fsource = "models", output = "list", doc_info = FALSE) testthat::expect_identical( cbook$settings$Something, list(1, 3, "test", 3, 1)) testthat::expect_identical( cbook$settings$Something, cbook$rankaversion$Constants$Something) }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (w) - i - with example, no settings.py", { # Tests code that contains "with" + no settings.py mywarnings <- testthat::capture_warnings( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_g"), fsource = "init", # wrong because old otree output = "list", doc_info = FALSE) ) test1 <- any(grepl( pattern = "not in settings and cannot be replaced", x = mywarnings)) test2 <- any(grepl( pattern = "too complex for this function", x = mywarnings)) test3 <- cbook$effort_add$Constants$NUM_ROUNDS == 1L test4 <- cbook$effort_add$Constants$NAME_IN_URL == "effort_add" test5 <- cbook$effort_add$Constants$NUM_TASKS == "len(INTS)" test6 <- cbook$effort_add$Constants$TASK_TIMER == "settings.task_timer" testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) testthat::expect_true(test3) testthat::expect_true(test4) testthat::expect_true(test5) testthat::expect_true(test6) }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (e) - wrong settings replace", { # Wrong text testthat::expect_error( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z2"), fsource = "model", user_settings = list(error = "Test"), settings_replace = "wrongString", output = "list"), "must be either") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (e) - user settings and global_s mismatch", { # Wrong settings_replace testthat::expect_error( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z2"), fsource = "model", user_settings = list(error = "Test", showupToken = 2L), settings_replace = "global", output = "list") , "settings_replace must be set to" ) # Wrong variable testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z2"), fsource = "model", user_settings = list(error = "Test", showupToken = 2L), settings_replace = "user", output = "list"), "not in user_settings and" ) }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (w) - settings var. not there 1", { # Settings not there warnings <- testthat::capture_warnings( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z2"), fsource = "model", output = "list", doc_info = FALSE) ) test1 <- any(grepl(pattern = "not in settings and cannot be replaced", x = warnings)) test2 <- any(grepl(pattern = "too complex for this function", x = warnings)) testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (w) - folder without settings", { warnings <- testthat::capture_warnings( cbook <- codebook( fsource = "model", path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z3.1"), output = "list", doc_info = FALSE)) test1 <- any(grepl( pattern = "There is no settings.* in your path..*\\$rankaversion\\$Testnumber, reference \"settings.Testnumber", x = warnings)) test2 <- any(grepl( pattern = "too complex", x = warnings)) testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) # Check if variables are there only once testthat::expect_true( stringr::str_count(warnings, "\\$rankaversion\\$Testnumber") == 1) testthat::expect_true( stringr::str_count(warnings, "\\$rankaversion\\$Something") == 1) testthat::expect_true( stringr::str_count(warnings, "\\$rankaversion\\$TestToken") == 1) # User settings warnings <- testthat::capture_warnings( cbook <- codebook( fsource = "model", path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z3.1"), output = "list", settings_replace = "user", doc_info = FALSE)) # Check if variables are there only once testthat::expect_true( stringr::str_count(warnings, "\\$rankaversion\\$Testnumber") == 1) testthat::expect_true( stringr::str_count(warnings, "\\$rankaversion\\$Something") == 1) testthat::expect_true( stringr::str_count(warnings, "\\$rankaversion\\$TestToken") == 1) }) testthat::test_that("Codebook - user_settings", { # Comparison without settings.py variable testthat::expect_warning( cbook_default <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z2"), fsource = "model", settings_replace = "global", doc_info = FALSE, output = "list")) # Try user Var testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z2"), fsource = "model", user_settings = list(error2 = "Test", showupToken = 2, max_payoffPart1_ab = 1, ExchangeMainCurrency = 1, payoff_survey = 1, MinutesForSurvey = 20, TestVector2 = c(1,2,3), TestVectorC2 = c("a", "b"), ExchangeToken = 1, timer123 = 12, payoffPart1_c = 1), settings_replace = "user", doc_info = FALSE, output = "list"), "too complex for this function") cbook$rankend$Constants$settings.TestVector2 # Models.py: errorvariable <- settings.error testthat::expect_true(cbook_default$rankend$Constants$Test1 == 1000) testthat::expect_identical(cbook_default$rankend$Constants$TestVector, list(1,10,3,4,5)) testthat::expect_identical(cbook_default$rankend$Constants$TestVectorC, list("a", "b", 6)) # Variables in settings.py test1 <- cbook_default$rankaversion$Constants$error2 == "Error2insettings" test2 <- cbook_default$rankaversion$Constants$MinutesForSurvey == 18 # User setting variables testthat::expect_identical( cbook_default$rankend$Constants$TestVector2, list(99, 66, 33)) # settings.TestVector2 testthat::expect_identical(cbook_default$rankend$Constants$TestVectorC2, list("d", "e", 4)) test3 <- cbook$rankaversion$Constants$error2 == "Test" # This variable is not in settings.py test4 <- cbook$rankaversion$Constants$MinutesForSurvey == 20 testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) testthat::expect_true(test3) testthat::expect_true(test4) }) # Fsource testthat::test_that("Codebook (e) - fsource not valid", { # Wrong source text testthat::expect_error( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), fsource = "xx", output = "list", doc_info = TRUE, app = "public_goods_simple"), "fsource must be either") # If source is NULL testthat::expect_error( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), fsource = NULL, output = "list", doc_info = TRUE, app = "public_goods_simple"), "fsource must be either") # Wrong length testthat::expect_error({ cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), output_dir = NULL, fsource = c("init", "model"), output = "list")}, "Please enter only one fsource") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (e) - fsource init instead of models", { testthat::expect_error( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z"), fsource = "init", # wrong because old otree output = "list", doc_info = TRUE), "At least one of your init-files is empty" ) }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (e) - fsource models instead of init", { testthat::expect_error( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), fsource = "model", # wrong because new otree output = "list", doc_info = TRUE, app = "public_goods_simple"), "No files to process" ) }) # List variables testthat::test_that("Codebook - vector variable in settings and constants", { warning <- testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z3"), fsource = "models", output = "list", doc_info = FALSE) , "code that is too complex for this function" # read csv problem ) # Since R only saves the same type in a vector testthat::expect_identical(cbook$settings$Something, list(1, 3, "test", 3, 1)) testthat::expect_identical( cbook$rankaversion$Constants$Something,list(1, 3, "test", 3, 1)) # Otherwise testthat::expect_identical(cbook$settings$StartToken, list(9.0, 14.0, 17.0, 23.0, 38.0)) test4 <- cbook$rankaversion$Constants$StartToken == c(9.0, 14.0, 17.0, 23.0, 38.0) test5 <- cbook$rankaversion$Constants$StartToken2 == c(9.0, 14.0, 17.0, 23.0, 38.0) * 2.0 test6 <- cbook$rankaversion$Constants$StartToken3 == c(9.0, 14.0, 17.0, 23.0, 38.0) * 10.0 # Calculations test7 <- cbook$settings$Othertest1 == c(9.0, 14.0, 17.0, 23.0, 38.0) test8 <- cbook$settings$Othertest2 == c(9.0, 14.0, 17.0, 23.0, 38.0) * 5L test9 <- cbook$rankaversion$Constants$players_per_group == "None" testthat::expect_identical( cbook$rankaversion$Constants$TestToken, unlist(cbook$settings$StartToken) * 5.0 ) test11 <- all(cbook$rankaversion$Player$Acc_DistributionChange$value == c("Ich hätte mich dennoch für Verfahren > xyz < entschieden.", "Ich hätte mich für das alternative Verfahren > aaa < entschieden.", "Ich hätte mich für das alternative Verfahren > bbb < entschieden.")) test12 <- all(cbook$rankaversion$Player$acceptance$choices$value == c("xyz", "aaa", "Wrong, trick answer", "Correct trick answer")) testthat::expect_true(all(test4)) testthat::expect_true(all(test5)) testthat::expect_true(all(test6)) testthat::expect_true(all(test7)) testthat::expect_true(all(test8)) testthat::expect_true(all(test9)) testthat::expect_true(test11) testthat::expect_true(test12) }) testthat::test_that("Codebook - check sublists with different types", { # Other sublist tests are in brackets tests testthat::expect_warning( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_z6"), output_dir = NULL, fsource = "models", splitvarname = TRUE, output = "list") ) # Currently, numbers are still in strings if one of the elements is a string element # Check if original numbers are numbers testthat::expect_true(cbook$rankaversion$Constants$choices[[1]][[1]] == 8) testthat::expect_true(cbook$rankaversion$Constants$choices[[2]][[1]] == 80) testthat::expect_true(cbook$rankaversion$Constants$choices[[3]][[1]] == "8") testthat::expect_true(cbook$rankaversion$Constants$choices[[1]][[6]] == "replacingsettingsworked") testthat::expect_true(cbook$rankaversion$Constants$choices[[2]][[6]] == "settings.shouldnotwork") }) # Path testthat::test_that("Codebook (e) - path does not exist", { testthat::expect_error( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "nopath"), fsource = "init", output = "list", doc_info = TRUE, app = "public_goods_simple"), "does not exist") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (e) - path is NULL", { # Wrong path testthat::expect_error( cbook <- codebook( path = NULL, output = "list", doc_info = TRUE), "Path must not be NULL") }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (e) - relative path", { # Relative path testthat::expect_error( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), fsource = "init", output_dir = "../", output = "both", doc_info = TRUE), "Please don't use relative paths in output_dir") # Relative path testthat::expect_error( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), output_dir = "..", output = "both", doc_info = TRUE), "Please don't use relative paths in output_dir") # Relative path testthat::expect_error( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), output_dir = ".", output = "both", doc_info = TRUE), "Please don't use relative paths in output_dir") # Relative path testthat::expect_error( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), output_dir = "./", output = "both", doc_info = TRUE), "Please don't use relative paths in output_dir") }) # Sort testthat::test_that("Codebook - new oTree, correct sort", { cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), fsource = "init", output = "list", doc_info = FALSE, sort = c("traveler_dilemma", "survey", "bargaining", "volunteer_dilemma", "bertrand", "common_value_auction", "cournot", "dictator", "guess_two_thirds", "matching_pennies", "payment_info", "prisoner", "public_goods_simple", "trust", "trust_simple")) test1 <- is.list(cbook) test2 <- !is.null(cbook$public_goods_simple$Constants) test3 <- !is.null(cbook$public_goods_simple$Group) test4 <- !is.null(cbook$public_goods_simple$Player) test5 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Constants$NAME_IN_URL == "public_goods_simple" test6 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Group$total_contribution$noargs == "TRUE" test7 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Player$contribution$label == "How much will you contribute?" test8 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Player$contribution$noargs == "FALSE" # If there is only one group field without information in it test9 <- cbook$bertrand$Group$winning_price$field == "CurrencyField" # If there is one group field that has information in it test10 <- cbook$dictator$Group$kept$field == "CurrencyField" # If there are two group fields with no information in them test11 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Group$total_contribution$field == "CurrencyField" test12 <- all(names(cbook) == c("settings", "traveler_dilemma", "survey", "bargaining", "volunteer_dilemma", "bertrand", "common_value_auction", "cournot", "dictator", "guess_two_thirds", "matching_pennies", "payment_info", "prisoner", "public_goods_simple", "trust", "trust_simple")) testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) testthat::expect_true(test3) testthat::expect_true(test4) testthat::expect_true(test5) testthat::expect_true(test6) testthat::expect_true(test7) testthat::expect_true(test8) testthat::expect_true(test9) testthat::expect_true(test10) testthat::expect_true(test11) testthat::expect_true(test12) }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (w) - new oTree, too many sort 2", { original_sort <- c("bargaining", "bertrand", "common_value_auction", "cournot", "dictator", "guess_two_thirds", "matching_pennies", "payment_info", "prisoner", "public_goods_simple", "survey", "traveler_dilemma", "trust", "trust_simple", "volunteer_dilemma") new_sort <- c("thisisnothere", "payment_info", "bargaining", "volunteer_dilemma", "bertrand", "common_value_auction", "cournot", "dictator", "guess_two_thirds", "matching_pennies", "prisoner", "public_goods_simple", "survey", "traveler_dilemma", "trust", "trust_simple") thiswarning <- capture_warnings( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), fsource = "init", output = "list", doc_info = FALSE, sort = new_sort) ) testthat::expect_true(any( grepl(x = thiswarning, pattern = "Sort elements not in apps are"))) testthat::expect_true( any(grepl("Sort apps are not equal to all apps", thiswarning))) testthat::expect_true(any(grepl("Sort elements not in apps are", thiswarning))) test1 <- is.list(cbook) test2 <- !is.null(cbook$public_goods_simple$Constants) test3 <- !is.null(cbook$public_goods_simple$Group) test4 <- !is.null(cbook$public_goods_simple$Player) test5 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Constants$NAME_IN_URL == "public_goods_simple" test6 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Group$total_contribution$noargs == "TRUE" test7 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Player$contribution$label == "How much will you contribute?" test8 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Player$contribution$noargs == "FALSE" # If there is only one group field without information in it test9 <- cbook$bertrand$Group$winning_price$field == "CurrencyField" # If there is one group field that has information in it test10 <- cbook$dictator$Group$kept$field == "CurrencyField" # If there are two group fields with no information in them test11 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Group$total_contribution$field == "CurrencyField" test12 <- all(names(cbook) == c("settings", original_sort)) testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) testthat::expect_true(test3) testthat::expect_true(test4) testthat::expect_true(test5) testthat::expect_true(test6) testthat::expect_true(test7) testthat::expect_true(test8) testthat::expect_true(test9) testthat::expect_true(test10) testthat::expect_true(test11) testthat::expect_true(test12) }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (w) - new oTree, false sort", { thiswarning <- capture_warnings( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), fsource = "init", output = "list", doc_info = FALSE, sort = c("public_goods_simple", "dictator") )) testthat::expect_true( any(grepl("Sort apps are not equal to all apps", thiswarning))) test1 <- is.list(cbook) test2 <- !is.null(cbook$public_goods_simple$Constants) test3 <- !is.null(cbook$public_goods_simple$Group) test4 <- !is.null(cbook$public_goods_simple$Player) test5 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Constants$NAME_IN_URL == "public_goods_simple" test6 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Group$total_contribution$noargs == "TRUE" test7 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Player$contribution$label == "How much will you contribute?" test8 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Player$contribution$noargs == "FALSE" # If there is only one group field without information in it test9 <- cbook$bertrand$Group$winning_price$field == "CurrencyField" # If there is one group field that has information in it test10 <- cbook$dictator$Group$kept$field == "CurrencyField" # If there are two group fields with no information in them test11 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Group$total_contribution$field == "CurrencyField" test12 <- all(names(cbook) == c("settings", "bargaining", "bertrand", "common_value_auction", "cournot", "dictator", "guess_two_thirds", "matching_pennies", "payment_info", "prisoner", "public_goods_simple", "survey", "traveler_dilemma", "trust", "trust_simple", "volunteer_dilemma")) testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) testthat::expect_true(test3) testthat::expect_true(test4) testthat::expect_true(test5) testthat::expect_true(test6) testthat::expect_true(test7) testthat::expect_true(test8) testthat::expect_true(test9) testthat::expect_true(test10) testthat::expect_true(test11) testthat::expect_true(test12) }) testthat::test_that("Codebook (w) - too many sort", { # Without trust_simple original_sort <- c("bargaining", "bertrand", "common_value_auction", "cournot", "dictator", "guess_two_thirds", "matching_pennies", "payment_info", "prisoner", "public_goods_simple", "survey", "traveler_dilemma", "trust", "trust_simple", "volunteer_dilemma") new_sort <- c("thisisnothere", "payment_info", "bargaining", "volunteer_dilemma", "bertrand", "common_value_auction", "cournot", "dictator", "guess_two_thirds", "matching_pennies", "prisoner", "public_goods_simple", "survey", "traveler_dilemma", "trust") thiswarning <- capture_warnings( cbook <- codebook( path = testthat::test_path("testdata", "ocode_new"), fsource = "init", output = "list", output_format = "word_document", doc_info = FALSE, sort = new_sort) ) testthat::expect_true(any( grepl(x = thiswarning, pattern = "Sort elements not in apps are"))) testthat::expect_true( any(grepl("Sort apps are not equal to all apps", thiswarning))) testthat::expect_true(any(grepl("Sort elements not in apps are", thiswarning))) test1 <- is.list(cbook) test2 <- !is.null(cbook$public_goods_simple$Constants) test3 <- !is.null(cbook$public_goods_simple$Group) test4 <- !is.null(cbook$public_goods_simple$Player) test5 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Constants$NAME_IN_URL == "public_goods_simple" test6 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Group$total_contribution$noargs == "TRUE" test7 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Player$contribution$label == "How much will you contribute?" test8 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Player$contribution$noargs == "FALSE" # If there is only one group field without information in it test9 <- cbook$bertrand$Group$winning_price$field == "CurrencyField" # If there is one group field that has information in it test10 <- cbook$dictator$Group$kept$field == "CurrencyField" # If there are two group fields with no information in them test11 <- cbook$public_goods_simple$Group$total_contribution$field == "CurrencyField" test12 <- all(names(cbook) == c("settings", original_sort)) testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) testthat::expect_true(test3) testthat::expect_true(test4) testthat::expect_true(test5) testthat::expect_true(test6) testthat::expect_true(test7) testthat::expect_true(test8) testthat::expect_true(test9) testthat::expect_true(test10) testthat::expect_true(test11) testthat::expect_true(test12) # Check if "yes, I will" is one element testthat::expect_true( length(cbook$bargaining$Player$level2$choices) == 3L) # ACHTUNG. Bei einlistigen Sachen funzt was nicht testthat::expect_true( cbook$bargaining$Player$level2$choices[1] == "No, I won't") testthat::expect_true( cbook$bargaining$Player$level2$choices[3] == "Maybe I'll do") # Test for ''' documentations test1 <- grepl( pattern = "^A bat and a ball cost 22 dollars in tota.*the ball cost\\?$", x = cbook$survey$Player$crt_bat$label) # Test for """ documentations test2 <- grepl( pattern = "^If it takes 5 machines 5.*make 100 widgets\\?$", x = cbook$survey$Player$crt_widget$label) # TODO removal of three """ testthat::expect_true(test1) testthat::expect_true(test2) # Test for ' choices testthat::expect_true( cbook$survey$Player$gender$choices$key[1L] == "Male") testthat::expect_true( cbook$survey$Player$gender$choices$key[2L] == "Female") testthat::expect_true( cbook$survey$Player$gender$choices$value[1L] == "Male") testthat::expect_true( cbook$survey$Player$gender$choices$value[2L] == "Female") # Test for " choices testthat::expect_true( cbook$survey$Player$gender2$choices$key[1L] == "Male") testthat::expect_true( cbook$survey$Player$gender2$choices$key[2L] == "Female") testthat::expect_true( cbook$survey$Player$gender2$choices$value[1L] == "Male") testthat::expect_true( cbook$survey$Player$gender2$choices$value[2L] == "Female") # Further testthat::expect_equal(length(cbook$prisoner$Player$cooperate$choices), 2L) # True: Cooperate, False Defect testthat::expect_true(is.data.frame(cbook$prisoner$Player$cooperate$choices)) }) }