library(testthat) library(gluedown) library(stringr) library(glue) library(rvest) test_that("md_fence creates a simple backtick code block (ex. 89)", { # lines <- md_fence(c("<", " >"), info = NULL) node <- md_convert(lines) %>% find_nodes("pre") %>% html_node("code") expect_full(node) }) test_that("md_fence creates a simple tilde code block (ex. 90)", { # lines <- md_fence(c("<", " >"), char = "`", info = NULL) node <- md_convert(lines) %>% find_nodes("pre") %>% html_node("code") expect_full(node) }) test_that("md_fence can have all empty lines as content (ex. 99)", { # node <- md_fence(c("\n", " "), info = NULL) %>% md_convert() %>% find_nodes("code") %>% html_text() expect_nchar(str_trim(node), 0) }) test_that("md_fence can havbe no content (ex. 100)", { # node <- md_fence("", info = NULL) %>% md_convert() %>% find_nodes("code") expect_full(node) }) test_that("md_fence blocks can interrupt paragraphs (ex. 110)", { # lines <- md_softline( "foo", md_fence("bar", info = NULL), "baz" ) node <- md_convert(lines) %>% find_nodes("code") %>% html_text(trim = TRUE) expect_equal(node, "bar") }) test_that("md_fence works when surrounded by blocks and no newline (ex. 111)", { # lines <- md_softline( md_setext("foo", 2), md_fence("bar", char = "~", info = NULL), md_heading("baz", 1) ) node <- md_convert(lines) %>% find_nodes("h2") %>% html_text(trim = TRUE) expect_equal(node, "foo") node <- md_convert(lines) %>% find_nodes("code") %>% html_text(trim = TRUE) expect_equal(node, "bar") node <- md_convert(lines) %>% find_nodes("h1") %>% html_text(trim = TRUE) expect_equal(node, "baz") }) test_that("md_fence uses an info string that creates a class tag (ex. 112)", { # lines <- c("def foo(x)"," return 3", "end") %>% md_fence(char = "`", info = "ruby") node <- md_convert(lines) %>% find_nodes("code") %>% html_attr("class") expect_match(node, "^(language-)?ruby$") }) test_that("md_fence info string can ignore extra (ex. 113)", { skip("This render is not supported by markdown::markdownToHTML()") # lines <- c("def foo(x)"," return 3", "end") %>% md_fence(char = "`", info = " ruby startline=3 $%@#$") node <- md_convert(lines) %>% find_nodes("code") %>% html_attr("class") expect_equal(node, "ruby") }) test_that("md_fence backtick info string can't contain backticks (ex. 115)", { # expect_error(md_fence("foo", info = "aa ```")) }) test_that("md_fence tilde info string can contain backticks (ex. 116)", { # # this doesn't actual work due to md_convert issue with info strings # not a violation of gfm spec, just a conversion issue node <- md_fence("foo", char = "~", info = "aa ```") %>% md_convert() %>% find_nodes("code") expect_full(node) }) test_that("md_chunk can call each chunk type", { x <- deparse(md_bold) node <- md_chunk(x, "tick") %>% md_convert() %>% find_nodes("code") expect_full(node) node <- md_chunk(x, "tilde") %>% md_convert() %>% find_nodes("code") expect_full(node) node <- md_chunk(x, "indent") %>% md_convert() %>% find_nodes("code") expect_full(node) })