library(testthat) library(gluedown) library(stringr) library(glue) library(rvest) test_that("md_indent creates a simple code block (ex. 77)", { # lines <- md_indent(c("a simple", " indented code block")) node <- md_convert(lines) %>% find_nodes("pre") %>% html_node("code") %>% html_text() %>% str_trim() %>% str_squish() check <- str_trim(str_squish(str_c(lines, collapse = " "))) expect_equal(node, check) }) test_that("md_inline creates lines without other formatting (ex. 80)", { # lines <- md_indent(c( "", md_bold("hi"), "\n", md_bullet("one", "-") )) node <- md_convert(lines) %>% find_nodes("al") expect_empty(node) node <- md_convert(lines) %>% find_nodes("strong") expect_empty(node) node <- md_convert(lines) %>% find_nodes("ul") expect_empty(node) }) expect_that("md_indent doesn't interupt a paragraph (ex. 83)", { skip("could not find function 'condition'") # node <- c("Foo", md_indent("bar")) %>% md_softline() %>% md_convert() %>% read_html() %>% html_node("code") expect_true( }) expect_that("md_indent ends after non-blank line (ex. 84)", { # node <- c(md_indent("Foo"), "bar") %>% md_softline() %>% md_convert() %>% find_nodes("code") %>% html_text(trim = TRUE) expect_equal(node, "Foo") }) test_that("md_indent can occur immediately before other blocks (ex. 85)", { # lines <- md_softline( md_heading("Heading"), md_indent("foo"), md_setext("Heading", 2, 6), md_indent("foo"), md_rule("-", 4) ) node <- md_convert(lines) %>% find_nodes("code") %>% html_text(trim = TRUE) expect_length(node, 2) expect_equal(unique(node), "foo") }) test_that("md_indent ignores blank lines before and after (ex. 87)", { # node <- md_indent(c("", "foo", "")) %>% md_convert() %>% find_nodes("code") %>% html_text(trim = TRUE) expect_equal(nchar(node), 3) }) test_that("md_indent preserves trailing spaces in block (ex. 88)", { # node <- md_indent("foo ") %>% md_convert() %>% find_nodes("code") %>% html_text() %>% str_remove("\n") expect_true(str_detect(node, "\\s\\s")) }) test_that("md_indent errors with less than four spaces", { expect_error(md_indent("foo", n = 3)) })