test_that("inputs are concatenated, interpolated variables recycled", { expect_equal(glue("test", "a", "string", "{1:2}"), c("testastring1", "testastring2")) }) test_that("glue errors if the expression fails", { expect_error(glue("{NoTfOuNd}"), "object .* not found") }) test_that("glue ignores trailing empty argument", { expect_equal(glue("x", ), glue("x")) }) test_that("glue errors if invalid format", { expect_error(glue("x={x"), "Expecting '}'") }) test_that("glue returns length 1 string from length 1 input", { expect_equal(glue(""), "") }) test_that("glue works with single expressions", { foo <- "foo" expect_equal(glue("{foo}"), foo) foo <- 1L expect_identical(glue("{foo}"), as_glue(foo)) foo <- as.raw(1) expect_identical(glue("{foo}"), as_glue(foo)) foo <- TRUE expect_identical(glue("{foo}"), as_glue(foo)) foo <- as.Date("2016-01-01") expect_identical(glue("{foo}"), as_glue(foo)) }) test_that("glue works with repeated expressions", { foo <- "foo" expect_equal(glue("{foo} {foo}"), paste(foo, foo)) foo <- 1L expect_equal(glue("{foo} {foo}"), paste(as.character(foo), as.character(foo))) foo <- as.raw(1) expect_equal(glue("{foo} {foo}"), paste(as.character(foo), as.character(foo))) foo <- TRUE expect_equal(glue("{foo} {foo}"), paste(as.character(foo), as.character(foo))) foo <- as.Date("2016-01-01") expect_equal(glue("{foo} {foo}"), paste(as.character(foo), as.character(foo))) }) test_that("glue works with multiple expressions", { foo <- "foo" bar <- "bar" expect_equal(glue("{foo} {bar}"), paste(foo, bar)) foo <- 1L bar <- 2L expect_equal(glue("{foo} {bar}"), paste(as.character(foo), as.character(bar))) foo <- as.raw(1) bar <- as.raw(2) expect_equal(glue("{foo} {bar}"), paste(as.character(foo), as.character(bar))) foo <- TRUE bar <- FALSE expect_equal(glue("{foo} {bar}"), paste(as.character(foo), as.character(bar))) foo <- as.Date("2016-01-01") bar <- as.Date("2016-01-02") expect_equal(glue("{foo} {bar}"), paste(as.character(foo), as.character(bar))) }) test_that("glue with doubled braces are converted glue single braces", { expect_equal(glue("{{foo}}"), "{foo}") }) test_that("glue works with complex expressions", { `foo}\`` <- "foo" expect_equal(glue("{ { '}\\'' # { and } in comments, single quotes \"}\\\"\" # or double quotes are ignored `foo}\\`` # as are { in backticks } }"), `foo}\``) }) test_that("glue works with large outputs", { # initial buffer allocates input string length + 1024, 40 * 26 = 1040 foo <- paste(rep(letters, 40), collapse = "") # re-allocation on result expect_equal(glue("{foo}"), foo) # re-allocation on input bar <- paste(rep(letters, 40), collapse = "") additional <- " some more text that requires an allocation" expect_equal(glue("{bar}", additional), paste0(bar, additional)) }) test_that("glue works with named arguments", { name <- "Fred" res <- glue('My name is {name},', ' my age next year is {age + 1},', ' a dot is a {.}', name = "Joe", age = 40, . = "'.'") expect_equal( res, "My name is Joe, my age next year is 41, a dot is a '.'" ) expect_identical(name, "Fred") }) test_that("glue evaluates arguments in the expected environment", { x <- 2 fun <- function() { x <- 1 glue("x: {x}, x+1: {y}", y = x + 1, .envir = parent.frame()) } expect_equal(fun(), "x: 2, x+1: 3") }) test_that("glue assigns arguments in the environment", { expect_equal(glue("{b}", a = 1, b = a), "1") }) test_that("error if non length 1 inputs", { expect_error(glue(1:2, "{1:2}"), "All unnamed arguments must be length 1") }) test_that("error if not simple recycling", { expect_error(glue("{1:2}{1:10}"), "Variables must be length 1 or 10") }) test_that("recycle_columns returns if zero length input", { expect_identical(recycle_columns(list()), list()) expect_identical(recycle_columns(list(character())), character()) }) test_that("glue_data evaluates in the object first, then enclosure, then parent", { x <- 1 y <- 1 z <- 1 fun <- function(env = environment()) { y <- 2 glue_data(list(x = 3), "{x} {y} {z}", .envir = env) } # The function environment expect_equal(fun(), "3 2 1") # This environment env <- environment() expect_equal(fun(env), "3 1 1") # A new environment env2 <- new.env(parent = emptyenv()) env2$x <- 3 env2$y <- 3 env2$z <- 3 expect_equal(glue_data(env2, "{x} {y} {z}"), "3 3 3") }) test_that("glue_data lazily evaluates named interpolation variables, in order", { # Decoy 'x', which should not be evaluated delayedAssign("x", stop("This 'x' shouldn't have been referenced")) env <- new.env() env$x <- "blah" expect_equal( glue_data(.x = env, "{x}{z}", y = stop("!"), z = x), "blahblah" ) expect_equal( glue_data(.x = env, "{x}{z}", z = x, y = stop("!")), "blahblah" ) expect_equal( glue_data(.x = list(x = "blah"), "{x}{z}", y = stop("!"), z = x), "blahblah" ) expect_equal( glue_data(.x = list(x = "blah"), "{x}{z}", z = x, y = stop("!")), "blahblah" ) expect_equal( glue_data(.x = NULL, "{x}{z}", x = "blah", y = stop("!"), z = x), "blahblah" ) expect_equal( glue_data(.x = NULL, "blahblah", y = stop("!"), z = x), "blahblah" ) expect_equal( glue_data(.x = NULL, "blahblah", x = x, y = stop("!"), z = x), "blahblah" ) }) test_that("converting glue to character", { expect_identical(as.character(glue("foo bar")), "foo bar") }) test_that("converting glue to glue", { expect_equal(glue("foo bar"), "foo bar") }) test_that("printing glue identical to cat()", { expect_output(print(glue("foo\nbar")), "foo\nbar") }) test_that("length 0 inputs produce length 0 outputs", { expect_equal(glue("foo", character(0)), character(0)) expect_equal(glue("foo", NULL), character(0)) expect_equal(glue("foo", NULL, "bar"), character(0)) expect_equal(glue("foo", "{character(0)}"), character(0)) expect_equal(glue("foo {character(0)}"), character(0)) }) test_that("values are trimmed before evaluation", { x <- " a1\n b2\n c3" expect_equal( glue(" A {x} B "), "A a1 b2 c3 B") }) test_that("glue works with alternative delimiters", { expect_equal(glue("{1}", .open = "", .close = ""), "{1}") expect_equal(glue("{{}}", .open = "", .close = ""), "{{}}") expect_equal(glue("<<1>>", .open = "<<", .close = ">>"), "1") expect_equal(glue("<<<<>>>>", .open = "<<", .close = ">>"), "<<>>") expect_equal(glue("{{1}}", .open = "{{", .close = "}}"), "1") expect_equal(glue("{{ {{1}} }}", .open = "{{", .close = "}}"), "1") expect_equal(glue("{{ {{{1}}} }}", .open = "{{", .close = "}}"), "1") expect_equal(glue("{{ {{{{1}}}} }}", .open = "{{", .close = "}}"), "1") expect_equal(glue("[letters[[1]]]", .open = "[", .close = "]"), "a") expect_equal(glue("[[ letters[[1]] ]]", .open = "[[", .close = "]]"), "a") }) test_that("you can disable trimming in glue and glue_data", { expect_equal(glue("\nfoo\n"), "foo") expect_equal(glue("\nfoo\n", .trim = FALSE), "\nfoo\n") expect_equal(glue_data(list(), "\nfoo\n"), "foo") expect_equal(glue_data(list(), "\nfoo\n", .trim = FALSE), "\nfoo\n") }) test_that("glue always returns UTF-8 encoded strings regardless of input encodings", { x <- "fa\xE7ile" Encoding(x) <- "latin1" x_out <- as_glue(enc2utf8(x)) expect_identical(glue(x), x_out) expect_identical(glue("{x}"), x_out) expect_equal(Encoding(glue(x)), "UTF-8") expect_equal(Encoding(glue("{x}")), "UTF-8") y <- "p\u00E4o" Encoding(y) <- "UTF-8" y_out <- as_glue(enc2utf8(y)) expect_identical(glue(y), y_out) expect_identical(glue("{y}"), y_out) expect_equal(Encoding(glue(y)), "UTF-8") expect_equal(Encoding(glue("{y}")), "UTF-8") xy_out <- as_glue(paste0(x_out, y_out)) expect_identical(glue(x, y), xy_out) expect_identical(glue("{x}{y}"), xy_out) expect_equal(Encoding(glue(x, y)), "UTF-8") expect_equal(Encoding(glue("{x}{y}")), "UTF-8") expect_equal(Encoding(glue_collapse(x)), "UTF-8") skip_on_os(c("mac", "linux", "solaris")) withr::with_locale(c(LC_CTYPE = "Chinese (Simplified)_China.936"), { z <- "{format(as.Date(\"2018-01-04\"), \"%Y\U5E74\")}" z_out <- glue(z) expect_equal(Encoding(z_out), "UTF-8") expect_equal(z_out, "2018\U5E74") }) }) test_that("glue always returns NA_character_ if given any NA input and `.na` == NULL", { expect_equal( glue("{NA}", .na = NULL), NA_character_) expect_equal( glue(NA, .na = NULL), NA_character_) expect_equal( glue(NA, 1, .na = NULL), NA_character_) expect_equal( glue(1, NA, 2, .na = NULL), NA_character_) x <- c("foo", NA_character_, "bar") expect_equal( glue("{x}", .na = NULL), c("foo", NA_character_, "bar")) expect_equal( glue("{1:3} - {x}", .na = NULL), c("1 - foo", NA_character_, "3 - bar")) }) test_that("glue always returns .na if given any NA input and `.na` != NULL", { expect_equal( glue("{NA}", .na = "foo"), "foo") expect_equal( glue("{NA}", .na = "foo"), "foo") expect_equal( glue(NA, .na = "foo"), "foo") expect_equal( glue(NA, 1, .na = "foo"), "foo1") expect_equal( glue(1, NA, 2, .na = "foo"), "1foo2") x <- c("foo", NA_character_, "bar") expect_equal( glue("{x}", .na = "baz"), c("foo", "baz", "bar")) expect_equal( glue("{1:3} - {x}", .na = "baz"), c("1 - foo", "2 - baz", "3 - bar")) }) test_that("glue always returns character() if given any NULL input if `.null` == character()", { expect_equal( glue("{NULL}", .null = character()), character()) expect_equal( glue("{}", .null = character()), character()) expect_equal( glue(NULL, .null = character()), character()) expect_equal( glue(NULL, 1, .null = character()), character()) expect_equal( glue(1, NULL, 2, .null = character()), character()) expect_equal( glue("x: ", if (FALSE) "positive", .null = character()), character()) expect_equal( glue("x: {NULL}", .null = character()), character()) }) test_that("glue drops any NULL input if `.null` == NULL", { # This should work like `paste0()` expect_equal( glue("{NULL}", .null = NULL), character()) expect_equal( glue("{}", .null = NULL), character()) expect_equal( glue(NULL, .null = NULL), character()) expect_equal( glue(NULL, 1, .null = NULL), "1") expect_equal( glue(1, NULL, 2, .null = NULL), "12") expect_equal( glue("x: ", if (FALSE) "positive", .null = NULL), "x: ") expect_equal( glue("x: {NULL}", .null = NULL), "x: ") }) test_that("glue replaces NULL input if `.null` is not NULL or character()", { expect_equal( glue("{NULL}", .null = "foo"), "foo") expect_equal( glue("{}", .null = "foo"), "foo") expect_equal( glue(NULL, .null = "foo"), "foo") expect_equal( glue(NULL, 1, .null = "foo"), "foo1") expect_equal( glue(1, NULL, 2, .null = "foo"), "1foo2") expect_equal( glue("x: ", if (FALSE) "positive", .null = "foo"), "x: foo") expect_equal( glue("x: {NULL}", .null = "foo"), "x: foo") }) test_that("glue works within functions", { x <- 1 f <- function(msg) glue(msg, .envir = parent.frame()) expect_equal(f("{x}"), "1") }) test_that("scoping works within lapply (#42)", { f <- function(msg) { glue(msg, .envir = parent.frame()) } expect_identical(lapply(1:2, function(x) f("{x * 2}")), list(as_glue("2"), as_glue("4"))) }) test_that("glue works with lots of arguments", { expect_equal( glue("a", "very", "long", "test", "of", "how", "many", "unnamed", "arguments", "you", "can", "have"), "averylongtestofhowmanyunnamedargumentsyoucanhave") }) test_that("glue does not drop it's class when subsetting", { expect_equal(glue("foo")[1], "foo") expect_equal(glue("foo")[[1]], "foo") expect_equal(glue("{1:2}")[2], "2") }) test_that("interpolation variables can have same names as their values (#89)", { x <- 1 expect_equal( glue("{x}", x = x + 1), "2") }) test_that("as_glue works", { expect_identical(as_glue(as_glue("x")), as_glue("x")) }) test_that("throws informative error if interpolating a function", { expect_error(glue("{cat}"), "is a function") # some crayon functions are OK, make sure this still works if (require("crayon", quietly = TRUE)) { expect_s3_class(glue("{red}red{reset}"), "glue") } }) test_that("`+` method for glue works", { expect_identical(glue("foo") + "bar", "foobar") expect_identical("foo" + glue("bar"), "foobar") }) test_that("`+` method requires character vectors", { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { as_glue("a") + 1 1 + as_glue("a") }) }) test_that("`+` method does not interpolate twice", { expect_identical(glue("{x}", x = "{wut}") + "y", "{wut}y") }) test_that("`+` method returns length-0 if there is a length-0 input", { expect_identical(as_glue("hello") + character(), character()) }) test_that("`+` method returns length-0 if there is a `NULL` input", { expect_identical(as_glue("hello") + NULL, character()) }) test_that("`+` recycles", { x <- c("a", "b", "c") expect_identical("(" + as_glue(x) + ")", paste0("(", x, ")")) y <- as.character(1:3) expect_identical(as_glue(x) + y, c("a1", "b2", "c3")) }) test_that("`+` method errors for inputs of incompatible size", { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { as_glue(letters[1:2]) + letters[1:3] }) }) test_that("unterminated quotes are error", { expect_error(glue("{this doesn\"t work}"), "Unterminated quote") expect_error(glue("{this doesn't work}"), "Unterminated quote") expect_error(glue("{this doesn`t work}"), "Unterminated quote") }) test_that("unterminated comment", { expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, glue("pre {1 + 5 # comment} post") ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, glue("pre {1 + 5 # comment") ) expect_equal(glue("pre {1 + 5 + #comment\n 4} post"), "pre 10 post") }) test_that("empty glue produces no output", { expect_equal(capture.output(print(glue())), character()) }) test_that("glue objects can be compared to regular strings", { expect_equal(capture.output(print(glue())), character()) }) test_that("glue can use different comment characters (#193)", { expect_equal( glue(.comment = "", "{foo#}", .transformer = function(x, ...) x), "foo#" ) }) test_that("`.literal` treats quotes and `#` as regular characters", { expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, glue("{'fo`o\"#}", .transformer = function(x, ...) x) ) expect_equal( glue("{'fo`o\"#}", .literal = TRUE, .transformer = function(x, ...) x), "'fo`o\"#" ) }) test_that("`.literal` is not about (preventing) evaluation", { x <- "world" expect_equal(glue("hello {x}!"), glue("hello {x}!", .literal = TRUE)) })