source("incl/start.R") message("*** cleanup() ...") message("- cleanup() with remapped base functions") ## Don't clean out renamed base functions ## globals <- list( my_fcn = function(x) x, ## should not be deleted identity = base::identity, my_identity = base::identity ## should not be deleted ) expected <- c("my_fcn", "my_identity") ## Add an example of an internal/non-exported package object from 'utils'. ## Such objects need to be kept because they will not be on the search path ## even if the package is attached ns <- asNamespace("utils") pkg <- as.environment("package:utils") internals <- setdiff(ls(ns, all.names = TRUE), ls(pkg, all.names = TRUE)) internals <- grep("^print", internals, value = TRUE) if (length(internals) > 0L) { name <- internals[1] obj <- get(name, envir = ns, inherits = FALSE) stopifnot(!exists(name, envir = pkg, inherits = FALSE)) globals[[name]] <- obj expected <- c(expected, name) name <- sprintf("my-%s", name) globals[[name]] <- obj expected <- c(expected, name) } globals <- as.Globals(globals) str(globals) globals <- cleanup(globals) str(globals) assert_identical_sets(names(globals), expected) message("- cleanup() with missing globals") rm(list = "b") expr <- quote(a <- b) print(expr) globals <- globalsOf(expr, mustExist = FALSE) str(globals) stopifnot(identical(names(globals), c("<-", "b"))) message("- cleanup(globals) with missing globals") pruned <- cleanup(globals) str(pruned) stopifnot(length(pruned) == 0L) message("- cleanup(globals, drop = 'missing') with missing globals") pruned <- cleanup(globals, drop = "missing") str(pruned) stopifnot(identical(names(pruned), c("<-"))) message("- cleanup(globals, drop = 'base-packages') with missing globals") pruned <- cleanup(globals, drop = "base-packages") str(pruned) stopifnot(identical(names(pruned), c("b"))) message("*** cleanup() ... DONE") source("incl/end.R")