context("glmnet") # TODO: better separation of simpleMM, glmnet test_that("method dispatch works", { x <- as.matrix(mtcars[-1]) y <- mtcars$mpg mod00 <- glmnet::glmnet(x, y) mod0 <- glmnet(x, y) mod1 <- glmnet(mpg ~ ., data=mtcars) expect_s3_class(mod1, "glmnet.formula") expect_equal(mod00$beta, mod0$beta) expect_equal(mod0$beta, mod1$beta) }) test_that("simple model matrix works", { mod1 <- glmnet(mpg ~ ., data=mtcars, use.model.frame=TRUE) mod2 <- glmnet(mpg ~ ., data=mtcars, use.model.frame=FALSE) expect_equal(mod1$beta, mod2$beta) }) test_that("glmnet arguments work", { x <- as.matrix(iris[-5]) y <- as.matrix(iris$Species) mod00 <- glmnet::glmnet(x, y, family="multinomial", alpha=0.5) mod0 <- glmnet(x, y, family="multinomial", alpha=0.5) mod1 <- glmnet(Species ~ ., data=iris, family="multinomial") expect_equivalent(mod00$beta, mod0$beta) expect_equivalent(mod0$beta, mod1$beta) data(Insurance, package="MASS") # don't worry about ordered factors for now class(Insurance$Group) <- "factor" class(Insurance$Age) <- "factor" x <- model.matrix(~ District + Group + Age, data=Insurance)[, -1] y <- Insurance$Claims ofs <- Insurance$Holders mod00 <- glmnet::glmnet(x, y, family="poisson", offset=log(ofs)) mod0 <- glmnet(x, y, family="poisson", offset=log(ofs)) mod1 <- glmnet(Claims ~ District + Group + Age, data=Insurance, family="poisson", offset=log(Holders), use.model.frame=TRUE) expect_equivalent(mod00$beta, mod0$beta) expect_equivalent(mod0$beta, mod1$beta) }) test_that("predict and coef work", { x <- as.matrix(iris[-5]) y <- iris$Species mod1.0 <- glmnet(x, y, family="multinomial") mod1.1 <- glmnet(Species ~ ., data=iris, family="multinomial", use.model.frame=TRUE) mod1.2 <- glmnet(Species ~ ., data=iris, family="multinomial", use.model.frame=FALSE) pred1.0 <- predict(mod1.0, as.matrix(iris[-5]), type="class") pred1.1 <- predict(mod1.1, iris, type="class") pred1.2 <- predict(mod1.2, iris, type="class") expect_equivalent(pred1.0, pred1.1) # expect_equivalent because dimnames not always preserved expect_equivalent(pred1.1, pred1.2) coef1.0 <- coef(mod1.0) coef1.1 <- coef(mod1.1) coef1.2 <- coef(mod1.2) expect_equal(coef1.0, coef1.1) expect_equal(coef1.1, coef1.2) x <- as.matrix(mtcars[-1]) y <- mtcars$mpg mod2.0 <- glmnet(x, y, alpha=0.5) mod2.1 <- glmnet(mpg ~ ., data=mtcars, alpha=0.5, use.model.frame=TRUE) mod2.2 <- glmnet(mpg ~ ., data=mtcars, alpha=0.5, use.model.frame=FALSE) pred2.0 <- predict(mod2.0, x, s=1) pred2.1 <- predict(mod2.1, mtcars, s=1) pred2.2 <- predict(mod2.2, mtcars, s=1) expect_equivalent(pred2.0, pred2.1) expect_equivalent(pred2.1, pred2.2) coef2.0 <- coef(mod2.0, s=1) coef2.1 <- coef(mod2.1, s=1) coef2.2 <- coef(mod2.2, s=1) expect_equal(coef2.0, coef2.1) expect_equal(coef2.1, coef2.2) }) test_that("prediction with NA works", { data(Boston, package="MASS") BostonNA <- Boston BostonNA[1, ] <- NA mod1.1 <- glmnet(medv ~ ., data=Boston, alpha=0, use.model.frame=TRUE) mod1.2 <- glmnet(medv ~ ., data=Boston, alpha=0, use.model.frame=FALSE) pred1.1 <- predict(mod1.1, BostonNA, na.action=na.exclude) pred1.2 <- predict(mod1.2, BostonNA, na.action=na.exclude) expect_equivalent(pred1.1, pred1.2) expect(all(!, "NAs found with na.exclude") pred1.3 <- predict(mod1.1, BostonNA, na.action=na.pass) pred1.4 <- predict(mod1.2, BostonNA, na.action=na.pass) expect_equivalent(pred1.3, pred1.4) expect(all([1, ])), "NAs dropped with na.pass") }) test_that("matrix y works", { df <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(100), x2 = rnorm(100), y = rbinom(100, 10, 0.5)) df$ny <- 10 - df$y mod1.1 <- glmnet(cbind(ny, y) ~ x1 + x2, data = df, family = "binomial", use.model.frame = TRUE) mod1.2 <- glmnet(cbind(ny, y) ~ x1 + x2, data = df, family = "binomial", use.model.frame = FALSE) pred1.1 <- predict(mod1.1, df) pred1.2 <- predict(mod1.2, df) expect_equivalent(pred1.1, pred1.2) })