stopifnot(require("testthat"), require("glmmTMB")) ## make sure tests don't run in parallel except where we want them to op <- getOption("glmmTMB.cores", 1) on.exit(options(glmmTMB.cores = op)) options(glmmTMB.cores = 1) if (require(mvabund)) { data(spider) sppTot <- sort(colSums(spider$abund), decreasing = TRUE) tmp <- cbind(spider$abund, spider$x) tmp$id <- 1:nrow(tmp) spiderDat <- reshape(tmp, idvar = "id", timevar = "Species", times = colnames(spider$abund), varying = list(colnames(spider$abund)), v.names = "abund", direction = "long") spiderDat_common <- subset(spiderDat, Species %in% names(sppTot)[1:4]) test_that("rr model fit", { ## Fit poison model with rr spider_p1 <<- glmmTMB(abund ~ Species + rr(Species + 0|id, d = 1), family = poisson, data=spiderDat_common) spider_p2 <<- update(spider_p1, control = glmmTMBControl(start_method = list(method = "res", = 0.2))) expect_equal(as.numeric(logLik(spider_p1)), c(-736.0022), tolerance=1e-4) expect_equal(fixef(spider_p1),fixef(spider_p2), tolerance=1e-4) }) test_that("rr works with symbolic d", { d <- 1 spider_p1d <- glmmTMB(abund ~ Species + rr(Species + 0|id, d = d), family = poisson, data=spiderDat_common) expect_equal(fixef(spider_p1d), fixef(spider_p1)) expect_equal(VarCorr(spider_p1d), VarCorr(spider_p1)) }) test_that("rr error about un-eval'able d", { if (exists("junk")) rm(junk) expect_error(glmmTMB(abund ~ Species + rr(Species + 0|id, d = junk), family = poisson, data=spiderDat_common), "can't evaluate reduced-rank dimension") }) test_that("rr error about non-numeric d", { junk <- "junk" expect_error(glmmTMB(abund ~ Species + rr(Species + 0|id, d = junk), family = poisson, data=spiderDat_common), "non-numeric value for reduced-rank dimension") }) test_that("rr warning about parallel eval", { options(glmmTMB.cores = 2) expect_warning( glmmTMB(abund ~ Species + rr(Species + 0|id, d = 2), family = poisson, data=spiderDat_common) ## have to protect () in the regex ... , "rr\\(\\) not compatible with parallel execution") options(glmmTMB.cores = 1) }) set.seed(101) n <- 1000 ngrp <- 10 dd <- data.frame(x=rnorm(n),y=rnorm(n),z=rnorm(n), g1=factor(sample(ngrp,size=n,replace=TRUE)), g2=factor(sample(ngrp,size=n,replace=TRUE))) beta <- 1; names(beta) <- "(Intercept)" theta <- rep(1,2*10) dd$w <- suppressMessages(simulate(~1 + (x+y+z|g1) + (x+y+z|g2), newdata=dd, family=gaussian, newparams=list(beta = beta, theta=theta,sigma=1))[[1]]) test_that("rr eigenvalues", { m1 <- glmmTMB(w ~ 1 + rr(x+y+z|g1,2), data=dd) eigenvalues <- zapsmall(eigen(VarCorr(m1)$cond$g1)$values) expect_equal(eigenvalues[3:4], c(0, 0)) m2 <- glmmTMB(w ~ 1 + rr(x+y+z|g1,3) + (x+y+z|g2), data=dd) eigenvalues <- zapsmall(eigen(VarCorr(m2)$cond$g1)$values) expect_equal(eigenvalues[4], 0) }) ## FIXME: test, remove if unnecessary options(glmmTMB.control = op) ## just in case on.exit() is inappropriate? } ## if require(mvabund)