stopifnot(require("testthat"), require("glmmTMB"), require("MASS")) set.seed(1) nrep <- 20 nsim <- 5 sdi <- .1 sdii <- .2 rho <- -.1 slope <- .8 ni<-100 dat <- expand.grid(i=1:ni, rep=1:nrep , x=c(0 ,.2, .4)) RE <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = ni, mu =c(0, 0), Sigma = matrix(c(sdi*sdi, rho*sdi*sdii, rho*sdi*sdii ,sdii*sdii),2,2)) inddat <- transform(dat, y=rpois(n=nrow(dat), lambda = exp(RE[i,1] + x*(slope + RE[i,2])))) ## aggdat = ddply(inddat, ~i+x+y, summarize, freq=length(rep)) aggdat <- with(inddat,,x,y), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)) aggdat <- aggdat[with(aggdat,order(i,x,y)),] ## cosmetic/match previous aggdat <- subset(aggdat,Freq>0) ## drop zero categories aggdat <- transform(aggdat, i=as.integer(i), x=as.numeric(x), y=as.numeric(y)) ## only difference from previous is name of weights arg (Freq vs freq) test_that("Weights can be an argument", { wei_glmmtmb <<- glmmTMB(y ~ x+(x|i), data=aggdat, weight=Freq, family="poisson") expect_equal(unname(fixef(wei_glmmtmb)$cond), c(-0.00907013282660578, 0.944062427131668), tolerance=1e-6) }) test_that("Return weights", { expect_equal(weights(wei_glmmtmb), aggdat$Freq) expect_equal(weights(wei_glmmtmb, type="prior"), aggdat$Freq) ## partial matching expect_equal(weights(wei_glmmtmb, type="prior"), aggdat$Freq) expect_error(weights(wei_glmmtmb, type = "working"), "should be") expect_warning(weights(wei_glmmtmb, junk = "abc"), "unused arguments ignored") }) ind_glmmtmb <<- glmmTMB(y ~ x+(x|i), data=inddat, family="poisson") test_that("Estimates are the same", { expect_equal(summary(wei_glmmtmb)$coefficients$cond, summary(ind_glmmtmb)$coefficients$cond, tolerance=1e-6) expect_equal(ranef(wei_glmmtmb), ranef(ind_glmmtmb), tolerance=1e-5) expect_equal(AIC(wei_glmmtmb), AIC(ind_glmmtmb), tolerance=1e-5) })