stopifnot(require("testthat"), require("glmmTMB"), require("lme4")) set.seed(101) n <- 10000 mux <- 10 sdx <- 10 a <- .1 b <- 0 residsd <- .01 x <- rnorm(n, mux, sdx) o <<- 2*x+100 o2 <- rep(c(1,5),each=n/2) r1 <- rnorm(n, sd=residsd) r2 <- rnorm(n, sd=residsd*o2) y0 <- a*x + b + r1 y1 <- a*x+b+o+r1 y2 <- a*x+b+r2 y3 <- a*x + b + o + r2 ## global assignment for testthat dat <<- data.frame(y0, y1, y2, y3, x, o, o2, o3=o) m.lm <- lm(y1~x, offset=o, dat) m.lm0 <- lm(y1~x, dat) test_that("LM with offset as argument", { skip_on_cran() m1 <- glmmTMB(y1~x, offset=o, data = dat) expect_equal(fixef(m1)[[1]], coef(m.lm), tol=1e-6) m3 <- glmmTMB(y1~x, offset=o, data = NULL) expect_equal(fixef(m3)[[1]], coef(m.lm), tol=1e-6) }) test_that("LM with offset in formula", { skip_on_cran() m2 <- glmmTMB(y1~x+offset(o), data = dat) expect_equal(fixef(m2)[[1]], coef(m.lm), tol=1e-6) m4 <- glmmTMB(y1~x+offset(o), data = NULL) expect_equal(fixef(m4)[[1]], coef(m.lm), tol=1e-6) }) ## test_that("LM with offset in zero-inflation formula", { ## don't have anything sensible to try here yet ... ## glmmTMB(y~x,zi=~1+offset(o), dat) ## }) test_that("LM with offset in formula - variable not in environment", { skip_on_cran() m5 <- glmmTMB(y1~x,offset=o3, dat) expect_equal(fixef(m5)[[1]],coef(m.lm), tol=1e-6) nullvalue <- NULL m6 <- glmmTMB(y1~x,offset=nullvalue, dat) expect_equal(fixef(m6)[[1]],coef(m.lm0), tol=1e-6) }) test_that("LM with offset in dispersion formula", { skip_on_cran() expect_equal(sigma(glmmTMB(y1~x, dat)), sigma(glmmTMB(y2~x,disp=~1+offset(log(o2)*2), dat)), tolerance=1e-3) }) test_that("LM with multiple offsets (cond/dispersion)", { skip_on_cran() m1 <<- glmmTMB(y0~x, dat) m2 <<- glmmTMB(y3~x+offset(o),disp=~1+offset(log(o2)*2), dat) expect_equal(sigma(m1),sigma(m2),tolerance=1e-3) expect_equal(fixef(m1),fixef(m2),tolerance=1e-3) }) ## this was broken by an earlier multiple-offset formulation test_that("LM with random crap in the formula", { skip_on_cran() m1 <<- suppressWarnings(glmmTMB(y0~dat$x, data = dat)) m2 <<- glmmTMB(y0~x, data = dat) expect_equal(unname(fixef(m1)$cond), unname(fixef(m2)$cond)) }) test_that("offset in", { skip_on_cran() ss <- lme4::sleepstudy off <- rnorm(nrow(ss),10,20) m1 <<- glmmTMB(Reaction ~ Days,ss,offset=off) m2 <<-,list(Reaction ~ Days,ss,offset=off)) expect_equal(fixef(m1),fixef(m2)) }) test_that("LONG offset in", { skip_on_cran() ss <- lme4::sleepstudy ss <-,replicate(5,ss,simplify=FALSE)) off <- rnorm(nrow(ss),10,20) m1 <- glmmTMB(Reaction ~ Days,ss,offset=off) #works m2 <-,list(Reaction ~ Days,ss,offset=off)) #breaks expect_equal(coef(m1),coef(m2)) }) # GH 773 test_that("offset works with attributes", { skip_on_cran() dat$o <- drop(scale(dat$o)) m2 <- glmmTMB(y1~x + offset(o), data = dat) expect_equal(unname(fixef(m2)$cond), c(101.0121, 1.999318), tol = 1e-4) })