stopifnot(require("testthat"), require("glmmTMB")) ## make sure tests don't run in parallel except where we want them to op <- getOption("glmmTMB.cores", 1) on.exit(options(glmmTMB.cores = op)) options(glmmTMB.cores = 1) ## require() throws a warning, don't want to see it if (suppressWarnings(require("ade4") && require("ape"))) { set.seed(1001) nsp <- 50 beta <- 1.5 dat <- data.frame(spp = 1:nsp, x = rbinom(nsp, 1, 0.4), spp_int = rnorm(nsp, mean=1, sd=0.6), spp_slope = rnorm(nsp, mean=1, sd=0.6)) dat$y <- with(dat, rpois(nsp, exp(x*beta + spp_int + x*spp_slope))) test_that("test propto fit - Identity", { #fit using map ft2 <- glmmTMB(y ~ x + diag( x | spp), data = dat, family = poisson, map = list(theta = factor(c(rep(1, 2))))) mat.I2 <- diag(2) colnames(mat.I2) <- rownames(mat.I2) <- ft2$modelInfo$reTrms$cond$cnms$spp ft2.I <- glmmTMB(y ~ x + propto(x | spp, mat.I2), data = dat, family = poisson) ## check that var matrix is as the same expect_equal(c(VarCorr(ft2.I)$cond[[1]]), c(VarCorr(ft2)$cond[[1]]), tolerance = 1e-6) }) if (require("nlme")) { # example taken from fixcorr data(lizards) tree <- read.tree(text=lizards$hprA) liz <- lizards$traits[tree$tip.label, ] liz$spp <- factor(rownames(liz), levels=rownames(liz)) liz$dummy <- factor(0) mat <- vcv(tree, corr=TRUE)# construct matrix fit <- gls(matur.L ~ age.mat, correlation = corSymm(mat[lower.tri(mat)], fixed=TRUE), data = liz) } test_that("test propto fit - with corr", { fit_phylo <- glmmTMB(matur.L ~ age.mat + propto(0 + spp | dummy, mat), data = liz, dispformula = ~0) ## check equal coefficients to gls() fit all.equal(c(fixef(fit_phylo)$cond), c(coef(fit)), tolerance=5e-6) ## check equal coefficients to gls() fit all.equal(c(fixef(fit_phylo)$cond),c(coef(fit)), tolerance=5e-6) ## check that the correlation matrix is the same as constructed cc <- attr(VarCorr(fit_phylo)$cond[[1]], "correlation") dimnames(cc) = lapply(dimnames(cc), function(x) gsub("^spp","",x)) expect_equal(cc, mat, tolerance = 1e-6) }) test_that("propto error about non-matrix", { junk <- "junk" expect_error( glmmTMB(y ~ x + propto(x | spp, junk), data = dat, family = poisson), "expecting a matrix for propto") }) ## test dimensions of matrix test_that("propto error with incorrect dimensions", { smallmat <- mat[1:10, 1:10] expect_error( glmmTMB(matur.L ~ age.mat + propto(0 + spp | dummy, smallmat), data = liz), "matrix is not the correct dimension") }) ## test names of matrix test_that("propto error with incorrect names", { mattest <- mat colnames(mattest)[1] <- "wrong" rownames(mattest) <- NULL expect_error( glmmTMB(matur.L ~ age.mat + propto(0 + spp | dummy, mattest), data = liz), regexp = "column or row names of the matrix do not match the terms. Expecting names:.sppSa..sppSh..sppTl..sppMc..sppMy..sppPh..sppPg..sppPa..sppPb..sppPm..sppAe..sppTt..sppTs..sppZo..sppZv..sppLa..sppLs..sppLv.", ) }) ## FIXME: test, remove if unnecessary options(glmmTMB.control = op) ## just in case on.exit() is inappropriate? } ## if require("ade4") && require("ape")