stopifnot(require("testthat"), require("glmmTMB")) data(sleepstudy, cbpp, Pastes, package = "lme4") ## handy for interactive use if (FALSE) { source("tests/testthat/setup_makeex.R") } if (getRversion() < "3.3.0") { sigma.default <- function (object, use.fallback = TRUE, ...) sqrt(deviance(object, ...)/(nobs(object, use.fallback = use.fallback) - length(coef(object)))) } test_that("Fitted and residuals", { expect_equal(length(fitted(fm2)), nrow(sleepstudy)) expect_equal(mean(fitted(fm2)), 298.507891, tolerance = 1e-6) expect_equal(mean(residuals(fm2)), 0, tolerance = 1e-4) ## Pearson and response are the same for a Gaussian model ## FIXME: still true after var -> sd shift? why? scale by SD? expect_equal(residuals(fm2,type="response"), residuals(fm2,type="pearson")) ## ... but not for Poisson or NB ... expect_false(mean(residuals(fm2P,type="response"))== mean(residuals(fm2P,type="pearson"))) expect_false(mean(residuals(fm2NB,type="response"))== mean(residuals(fm2NB,type="pearson"))) rr2 <- function(x) sum(residuals(x,type="pearson")^2) ## test Pearson resids for gaussian, Gamma vs. base-R versions ss <- expect_equal(rr2(glm(Murder~Population,ss,family=gaussian)), rr2(glmmTMB(Murder~Population,ss,family=gaussian))) expect_equal(rr2(glm(Murder~Population,ss,family=Gamma(link="log"))), rr2(glmmTMB(Murder~scale(Population),ss, family=Gamma(link="log"))),tol=1e-5) ## weights are incorporated in Pearson residuals ## GH 307 tmbm4 <- glm(incidence/size ~ period, data = cbpp, family = binomial, weights = size) tmbm5 <- glmmTMB(incidence/size ~ period, data = cbpp, family = binomial, weights = size) expect_equal(residuals(tmbm4,type="pearson"), residuals(tmbm5,type="pearson"),tolerance=1e-6) ## two-column responses give vector of residuals GH 307 tmbm6 <- glmmTMB(cbind(incidence,size-incidence) ~ period, data = cbpp, family = binomial) glm6 <- glm(cbind(incidence,size-incidence) ~ period, data = cbpp, family = binomial) expect_equal(residuals(tmbm4,type="pearson"), residuals(tmbm6,type="pearson"), tolerance=1e-6) ## working residuals; compare with glm (GH #776) expect_equal(residuals(tmbm6, type = "working"), residuals(glm6, type = "working"), tolerance = 1e-6) ## predict handles na.exclude correctly ## GH 568 b <- rnorm(332) mu <- exp(1.5 + .26*b) y <- sapply(mu, function(mu){rpois(1, lambda = mu)}) napos <- 51 b[napos] <- NA <- y[napos] <- NA mod.ex <- glmmTMB(y ~ b, family = "poisson", na.action = "na.exclude", data = NULL) ## Get predictions/resids pr.ex <- predict(mod.ex, type = "response") # SEEMS to work fine expect_equal(which(,napos) rs.ex <- residuals(mod.ex, type = "response") expect_equal(unname(which(,napos) <- pr.ex + rs.ex expect_equal(unname(, ## m1 <- glmmTMB(count ~ cover, family = gaussian, dispformula = ~cover, data = Salamanders) expect_equal(mean(residuals(m1, type = "pearson")), -5.14833310763953e-05, tolerance = 1e-6) expect_equal(residuals(m1, type = "pearson"), residuals(m1)/predict(m1, type = "disp")) }) test_that("Pop-level residuals", { r1 <- residuals(fm2, re.form = NA) r2 <- model.response(model.frame(fm2)) - predict(fm2, re.form = NA) expect_equal(r1, r2) }) test_that("Predict", { expect_equal(predict(fm2),predict(fm2,newdata=sleepstudy)) pr2se <- predict(fm2, i <- sample(nrow(sleepstudy), 20) newdata <- sleepstudy[i, ] pr2sub <- predict(fm2, newdata=newdata, expect_equivalent(pr2se$fit, predict(fm2)) expect_equivalent(pr2se$fit[i], pr2sub$fit) expect_equivalent(pr2se$[i], pr2sub$ expect_equal(unname( pr2se$ fit[1] ), 254.2208, tol=1e-4) expect_equal(unname( pr2se$[1] ), 12.94514, tol=1e-4) expect_equal(unname( pr2se$ fit[100] ), 457.9684, tol=1e-4) expect_equal(unname( pr2se$[100] ), 14.13943, tol=1e-4) ## predict without response in newdata expect_equal(predict(fm2), predict(fm2,newdata=sleepstudy[,c("Days","Subject")])) }) test_that("VarCorr", { vv <- VarCorr(fm2) vv2 <- vv$cond$Subject expect_equal(dim(vv2),c(2,2)) expect_equal(outer(attr(vv2,"stddev"), attr(vv2,"stddev"))*attr(vv2,"correlation"), vv2,check.attributes=FALSE) vvd <- VarCorr(fm2diag) expect_equal(vvd$cond$Subject[1,2],0) ## off-diagonal==0 }) test_that("drop1", { dd <- drop1(fm2,test="Chisq") expect_equal(dd$AIC,c(1763.94,1785.48),tol=1e-4) }) test_that("anova", { aa <- anova(fm0,fm2) expect_equal(aa$AIC,c(1785.48,1763.94),tol=1e-4) }) test_that("anova ML/REML checks", { skip_on_cran() ## FIXME: too slow? ## speed up/save so we don't need to skip on CRAN fmA1 <- glmmTMB(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy, REML = TRUE) suppressWarnings(fmA2 <- glmmTMB(Reaction ~ Days + diag(Days | Subject), sleepstudy, REML = TRUE)) fmA3 <- glmmTMB(Reaction ~ 1 + (1 | Subject), sleepstudy, REML = TRUE) fmA4 <- glmmTMB(Reaction ~ Days + (1 | Subject), sleepstudy, REML = FALSE) fmA5 <- glmmTMB(Reaction ~ 1 + (1 | Subject), sleepstudy, REML = FALSE) dd <- data.frame(y=rnorm(100),a=rnorm(100), b=rnorm(100)) fmA6 <- glmmTMB(y~a*b, data=dd, REML=TRUE) fmA7 <- glmmTMB(y~b*a, data=dd, REML=TRUE) ## ML, differing fixed effects expect_equal(class(anova(fmA4,fmA5)), c("anova", "data.frame")) ## REML, differing RE expect_equal(class(anova(fmA1,fmA2)), c("anova", "data.frame")) ## REML, FE in different order expect_equal(class(anova(fmA6,fmA7)), c("anova", "data.frame")) expect_false(identical(attr(terms(fmA6),"term.labels"), attr(terms(fmA7),"term.labels"))) ## REML, differing fixed expect_error(anova(fmA1,fmA3), "Can't compare REML fits with different") ## REML vs ML expect_error(anova(fmA1,fmA4), "Can't compare REML and ML") }) test_that("terms", { ## test whether terms() are returned with predvars for doing ## model prediction etc. with complex bases dd <<- data.frame(x=1:10,y=1:10) require("splines") ## suppress convergence warnings(we know this is a trivial example) suppressWarnings(m <- glmmTMB(y~ns(x,3),dd)) ## if predvars is not properly attached to term, this will ## fail as it tries to construct a 3-knot spline from a single point expect_equal(model.matrix(delete.response(terms(m)),data=data.frame(x=1)), structure(c(1, 0, 0, 0), .Dim = c(1L, 4L), .Dimnames = list("1", c("(Intercept)", "ns(x, 3)1", "ns(x, 3)2", "ns(x, 3)3")), assign = c(0L, 1L, 1L, 1L))) }) test_that("terms back-compatibility", { f0 <- up2date(readRDS(system.file("test_data", "oldfit.rds", package="glmmTMB", mustWork=TRUE))) expect_true(!is.null(terms(f0))) }) test_that("summary_print", { getVal <- function(x,tag="Dispersion") { cc <- capture.output(print(summary(x))) if (length(gg <- grep(tag,cc,value=TRUE))==0) return(NULL) cval <- sub("^.*: ","",gg) ## get value after colon ... return(as.numeric(cval)) } ## no dispersion printed for Gaussian or disp==1 families expect_equal(getVal(fm2),654.9,tolerance=1e-2) expect_equal(getVal(fm2P),NULL) expect_equal(getVal(fm2G),0.00654,tolerance=1e-2) expect_equal(getVal(fm2NB,"Dispersion"),286,tolerance=1e-2) }) test_that("sigma", { s1 <<- sigma(lm(Reaction~Days,sleepstudy)) s2 <<- sigma(glm(Reaction~Days,sleepstudy,family=Gamma(link="log"))) s3 <<- MASS::glm.nb(round(Reaction)~Days,sleepstudy) ## remove bias-correction expect_equal(sigma(fm3),s1*(1-1/nobs(fm3)),tolerance=1e-3) expect_equal(sigma(fm3G),s2,tolerance=5e-3) expect_equal(s3$theta,sigma(fm3NB),tolerance=1e-4) }) test_that("confint", { ci <- confint(fm2, 1:2, estimate=FALSE) expect_equal(ci, structure(c(238.406083254105, 7.52295734348693, 264.404107485727, 13.4116167530013), .Dim = c(2L, 2L), .Dimnames = list(c("(Intercept)", "Days"), c("2.5 %", "97.5 %"))), ## answers changed with var -> SD shift, increased tolerance ## rather than substituting new values tolerance=1e-3) ciw <- confint(fm2, 1:2, method="Wald", estimate=FALSE) expect_warning(confint(fm2,type="junk"), "extra arguments ignored") ## Gamma test Std.Dev and sigma ci.2G <- confint(fm2G, full=TRUE, estimate=FALSE) ci.2G.expect <- structure(c(5.48101734463302, 0.0247781469514953, 0.0720456818212051, 0.0676097041346203, 0.011594983924248, -0.518916569196735, 5.58401849103819, 0.0429217639953163, 0.0907365112688002, 0.150456372085535, 0.0264376535893084, 0.481694558546289), dim = c(6L, 2L), dimnames = list(c("cond.(Intercept)", "cond.Days", "sigma", "cond.Std.Dev.(Intercept)|Subject", "cond.Std.Dev.Days|Subject", "cond.Cor.Days.(Intercept)|Subject"), c("2.5 %", "97.5 %"))) expect_equal(ci.2G, ci.2G.expect, tolerance=1e-6) ## nbinom2 test Std.Dev and sigma ci.2NB <- confint(fm2NB, full=TRUE, estimate=FALSE) ci.2NB.expect <- structure(c(5.48098713179567, 0.0248163864044954, 183.810584890723, 0.0661772532477245, 0.0113436358430644, -0.520883898564637, 5.58422550744882, 0.0428993234541745, 444.735666513929, 0.150917865012838, 0.0263549887724962, 0.502211643318002), dim = c(6L, 2L), dimnames = list(c("cond.(Intercept)", "cond.Days", "sigma", "cond.Std.Dev.(Intercept)|Subject", "cond.Std.Dev.Days|Subject", "cond.Cor.Days.(Intercept)|Subject"), c("2.5 %", "97.5 %"))) expect_equal(ci.2NB, ci.2NB.expect, tolerance=1e-6) ## profile CI ## ... no RE ci.prof0 <- confint(fm_noRE, full=TRUE, method="profile", npts=3) expect_equal(ci.prof0, structure(c(238.216039176535, 7.99674863649355, 3.758897, 264.368471102549, 12.8955469713508, 3.966739), .Dim = 3:2, .Dimnames = list(c("(Intercept)", "Days", "disp~(Intercept)"), c("2.5 %", "97.5 %"))), tolerance=1e-4) <- confint(fm2,parm=1,method="profile", npts=3) expect_equal(, structure(c(237.27249, 265.13383), .Dim = 1:2, .Dimnames = list( "(Intercept)", c("2.5 %", "97.5 %"))), tolerance=1e-6) ## uniroot CI ci.uni <- confint(fm2,parm=1,method="uniroot") expect_equal(ci.uni, structure(c(237.68071,265.12949,251.4050979), .Dim = c(1L, 3L), .Dimnames = list("(Intercept)", c("2.5 %", "97.5 %", "Estimate"))), ## values changed slightly with var -> SD param shift for Gaussian; loosened tolerance tolerance=1e-3) ## check against 'raw' tmbroot tmbr <- TMB::tmbroot(fm2$obj,name=1) expect_equal(ci.uni[1:2],unname(c(tmbr))) ## GH #438 cc <- confint(fm4) expect_equal(dim(cc),c(5,3)) expect_equal(rownames(cc), c("(Intercept)", "Illiteracy", "Population", "Area", "`HS Grad`")) }) test_that("confint with theta/beta", { set.seed(101) n <- 1e2 bd <- data.frame( year=factor(sample(2002:2018, size=n, replace=TRUE)), class=factor(sample(1:20, size=n, replace=TRUE)), x1 = rnorm(n), x2 = rnorm(n), x3 = factor(sample(c("low","reg","high"), size=n, replace=TRUE), levels=c("low","reg","high")), count = rnbinom(n, mu = 3, size=1)) m1 <- glmmTMB(count~x1+x2+x3+(1|year/class), data = bd, zi = ~x2+x3+(1|year/class), family = truncated_nbinom2, ) expect_equal(rownames(confint(m1, "beta_")), c("cond.(Intercept)", "cond.x1", "cond.x2", "cond.x3reg", "cond.x3high", "zi.(Intercept)", "zi.x2", "zi.x3reg", "zi.x3high")) expect_equal(rownames(confint(m1, "theta_")), c("cond.Std.Dev.(Intercept)|class:year", "cond.Std.Dev.(Intercept)|year", "zi.Std.Dev.(Intercept)|class:year", "zi.Std.Dev.(Intercept)|year")) }) test_that("confint with multiple REs", { if (requireNamespace("lme4")) { dd <- expand.grid(r = 1:10, a = factor(1:2), b = factor(1:3), f = factor(1:5), g = factor(1:6)) dd$y <- simulate( seed = 101, ~ 1 + (a|f) + (b|g), newdata = dd, newparams = list(beta = 1, theta = rep(1,9), sigma = 1), family = gaussian)[[1]] res <- glmmTMB(y~ 1 + (a+0|f) + (b+0|g), data = dd) cc <- confint(res) expect_identical(rownames(cc), c("(Intercept)", "Std.Dev.a1|f", "Std.Dev.a2|f", "Cor.a2.a1|f", "Std.Dev.b1|g", "Std.Dev.b2|g", "Std.Dev.b3|g", "Cor.b2.b1|g", "Cor.b3.b1|g", "Cor.b3.b2|g")) } }) test_that("confint with mapped parameters", { data(randu) randu$A <- factor(rep(c(1,2), 200)) randu$B <- factor(rep(c(1,2,3,4), 100)) test0 <- glmmTMB(y ~ x + z + (0 +x|A) + (1|B), family="gaussian", data=randu) test1 <- update(test0, start = list(theta = c(0,log(1e3))), map = list(theta = factor(c(1,NA)))) test2 <- update(test0, start = list(beta = c(1,0,0)), map = list(beta = factor(c(1,NA,2)))) ## getParms() not exported ... ## expect_equal(getParms("beta_", test2), 1:2) ## expect_equal(getParms("beta_", test2, include_mapped = TRUE), 1:3) v1 <- vcov(test2, include_nonest = TRUE) expect_equal(dim(v1$cond), c(3,3)) expect_true(all($cond["x",] ))) c1 <- confint(test2, parm = "beta_", include_nonest = TRUE) expect_equal(nrow(c1), 3) expect_equal(unname(unlist(c1["x",])), c(NA_real_, NA_real_, 0)) ## getParms("theta_", test2) ## 4:5 ## getParms("theta_", test2, include_mapped = TRUE) ## 5:6 c3 <- confint(test2) expect_equal(nrow(c3), 4) expect_equal(rownames(c3), c("(Intercept)", "z", "Std.Dev.x|A", "Std.Dev.(Intercept)|B")) c4 <- confint(test2, include_nonest = TRUE) expect_equal(confint(test2, include_nonest = TRUE, parm = "theta_"), confint(test2, parm = "theta_")) c5 <- confint(test2, parm = "sigma") ## expect_equal(getParms("theta_", test1), 5L) ## expect_equal(getParms("theta_", test1, include_mapped = TRUE), 5:6) v2 <- vcov(test1, include_nonest = TRUE, full = TRUE) expect_equal(dim(v2), c(6,6)) expect_true(all(["theta_1|B.1",]))) c6 <- confint(test1, include_nonest = TRUE) expect_equal(rownames(c6), c("(Intercept)", "x", "z", "Std.Dev.x|A", "Std.Dev.(Intercept)|B")) c7 <- confint(test1, parm = "theta_") expect_equal(rownames(c7), "Std.Dev.x|A") c8 <- confint(test1, parm = "theta_", include_nonest = TRUE) expect_equal(rownames(c8), c("Std.Dev.x|A", "Std.Dev.(Intercept)|B")) expect_equal(unname(c8["Std.Dev.(Intercept)|B", 1:2]), rep(NA_real_, 2)) }) test_that("profile", { p1_th <- profile(fm1, parm="theta_", npts=4) expect_true(all(p1_th$.par=="theta_1|Subject.1")) p1_b <- profile(fm1,parm="beta_",npts=4) expect_equal(unique(as.character(p1_b$.par)), c("(Intercept)","Days")) }) test_that("profile (no RE)", { p0_th <- profile(fm_noRE,npts=4) ## graphical check, looks fine ## library(ggplot2) ## ggplot(p0_th, aes(.focal, value)) + geom_point() + geom_line() + ## facet_wrap(~.par, scale = "free") expect_equal(dim(p0_th),c(43, 3)) }) test_that("vcov", { expect_equal(dim(vcov(fm2)[[1]]),c(2,2)) expect_equal(dim(vcov(fm2,full=TRUE)),c(6,6)) expect_equal(rownames(vcov(fm2,full=TRUE)), structure(c("(Intercept)", "Days", "disp~(Intercept)", "theta_Days|Subject.1", "theta_Days|Subject.2", "theta_Days|Subject.3"), .Names = c("cond1", "cond2", "disp", "theta1", "theta2", "theta3"))) ## vcov doesn't include dispersion for non-dispersion families ... expect_equal(dim(vcov(fm2P,full=TRUE)),c(5,5)) ## oops, dot_check() disabled in vcov.glmmTMB ... ## expect_error(vcov(fm2,x="junk"),"unknown arguments") }) test_that("simulate with re.form = NA", { s1 <- simulate(fm_diag2, seed = 101) ## s1_pop <- simulate(fm_diag2, seed = 101, re.form = NA) s1_lmer <- simulate(fm_diag2_lmer, seed = 101) ## s1_lmer_pop <- simulate(fm_diag2_lmer, seed = 101, re.form = NA) }) test_that("formula", { expect_equal(formula(fm2),Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)) expect_equal(formula(fm2, fixed.only=TRUE),Reaction ~ Days) expect_equal(formula(fm2, component="disp"), ~1) expect_equal(formula(fm2, component="disp", fixed.only=TRUE), ~1) expect_equal(formula(fm2, component="zi"), ~0) expect_equal(formula(fm2, component="zi", fixed.only=TRUE), ~0) }) test_that("residuals from binomial factor responses", { expect_equal(residuals(fm2Bf),residuals(fm2Bn)) }) mkstr <- function(dd) { ff <- which(vapply(dd,is.factor,logical(1))) for (i in ff) { dd[[i]] <- as.character(dd[[i]]) } return(dd) } rr <- function(txt) { read.table(header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE,text=txt, colClasses=rep(c("character","numeric"),c(5,2))) } test_that(" works", { expect_equal( mkstr([c("cond.1","cond.19","zi.1"),]), rr( " component grpvar term grp condval condsd cond.1 cond Subject (Intercept) 308 1.066599e-02 0.040430751 cond.19 cond Subject Days 308 2.752424e-02 0.007036958 zi.1 zi Subject (Intercept) 308 -2.850238e-07 0.127106817 "), tolerance=1e-5) expect_equal( mkstr([c("cond.1","cond.19"),]), rr( " component grpvar term grp condval condsd cond.1 cond Subject (Intercept) 308 1.854597 13.294388 cond.19 cond Subject Days 308 9.236420 2.699692 "), tolerance=1e-5) }) test_that("ranef(.) works with more than one grouping factor", { expect_equal(sort(names(ranef(fmP)[["cond"]])), c("batch","sample")) expect_equal(dim(, c(40,6)) }) test_that("coef(.) works", { cc <- coef(fm3ZIP) expect_equal(cc[["cond"]][[1]][1,], structure(list(`(Intercept)` = 5.54291514202372, Days = 0.0613847280572168), row.names = "308", class = "data.frame"), tolerance=1e-5) expect_equal(cc[["zi"]][[1]][1,,drop=FALSE], structure(list(`(Intercept)` = -13.2478200379555), row.names = "308", class = "data.frame"), tolerance=1e-5) }) test_that("simplified coef(.) printing", { op <- options(digits=2) cc <- capture.output(print(coef(fm0))) expect_equal(cc[1:3],c("$Subject", " Days (Intercept)", "308 20.6 249")) options(op) }) ## weird stuff here with environments, testing ... test_that("various binomial response types work", { skip_on_cran() ## FIXME: test for factors, explicit cbind(.,.) ## do we need to define this within this scope? ddb <- data.frame(y=I(yb)) ddb <- within(ddb, { w <- rowSums(yb) prop <- y[,1]/w }) s1 <- simulate(f1b, 1, seed=1) f1 <- fixef(refit(f1b,s1[[1]])) s3 <- simulate(f3b, 1, seed=1) f3 <- fixef(refit(f3b,s3[[1]])) expect_equal(f1,f3) expect_error(refit(f4b,s3[[1]]), "can't find response in data") }) test_that("binomial response types work with data in external scope", { s1 <- simulate(f1b, 1, seed=1) f1 <- fixef(refit(f1b,s1[[1]])) s3 <- simulate(f3b, 1, seed=1) f3 <- fixef(refit(f3b,s3[[1]])) expect_equal(f1,f3) }) test_that("confint works for models with dispformula", { ## FIXME: should make this an example sim1 <- function(nfac=40, nt=100, facsd=0.1, tsd=0.15, mu=0, residsd=1) { dat <- expand.grid(fac=factor(letters[1:nfac]), t=1:nt) n <- nrow(dat) dat$REfac <- rnorm(nfac, sd=facsd)[dat$fac] dat$REt <- rnorm(nt, sd=tsd)[dat$t] dat$x <- rnorm(n, mean=mu, sd=residsd) + dat$REfac + dat$REt dat } set.seed(101) d1 <- sim1(mu=100, residsd=10) d2 <- sim1(mu=200, residsd=5) d1$sd <- "ten" d2$sd <- "five" dat <- rbind(d1, d2) m1 <- glmmTMB(x ~ sd + (1|t), dispformula=~sd, data=dat) ref_val <- structure(c(1.57425515082352, 0.654799732331337, 1.62861475468597, 0.731675819905297, 1.60143495275475, 0.693237776118317), dim = 2:3, dimnames = list(c("disp.(Intercept)", "disp.sdten"), c("2.5 %", "97.5 %", "Estimate"))) cc <- confint(m1) expect_equal(cc[grep("^disp",rownames(cc)),], ref_val, tolerance = 1e-6) }) simfun <- function(formula, family, data, beta=c(0,1)) { ss <- list(beta=beta) if (grepl("nbinom",family)) ss$betadisp <- 0 suppressWarnings(m1 <- glmmTMB(formula, family=family, data=data, start=ss, control=glmmTMBControl(optCtrl=list(eval.max=0,iter.max=0)))) return(m1) } ntab <- function(formula=y~x, family, data, seed=101) { set.seed(seed) m1 <- simfun(formula, family, data) return(table(exp(data$x),unlist(simulate(m1)))) } pfun <- function(i,tab, dist="nbinom2", data, plot=TRUE) { n <- as.numeric(names(tab[i,])) s_tab <- tab[i,]/sum(tab[i,]) if (plot) plot(n,s_tab) m <- exp(data$x)[i] argList <- switch(dist, nbinom1=list(n, phi=1, mu=m), nbinom2=list(n, size=1, mu=m), poisson=list(n, lambda=m)) expected <-"dtruncated_",dist), argList) if (plot) lines(n,expected) return(list(n = n, obs = s_tab, exp = expected)) } test_that("trunc nbinom simulation", { ## GH 572 dd <- data.frame(f=factor(1:2), y=rep(1,2)) ## results for second element of sim, depending on family: simres <- c(truncated_nbinom2=1,truncated_nbinom1=2) for (f in paste0("truncated_nbinom",1:2)) { ## generate a model with two groups, one with a ridiculously low (log mean). ## don't allow the optimizer to actually do anything, so coefs will remain ## at their starting values m1 <- simfun(y~f, family=f, data=dd, beta=c(-40,39)) expect_equal(fixef(m1)$cond, c(`(Intercept)` = -40, f2 = 39)) res <- list("truncated_nbinom1" = c(1.44269504088896, 1.6344435754591), "truncated_nbinom2" = c(1, 1 + exp(-1))) ## values were previously 0, exp(-1) regardless of nbinom1 vs nbinom2 (dispersion param == 1, start value) ## now that response predicts mean of *truncated* distribution, they differ expect_equal(fitted(m1), res[[f]], tolerance = 1e-5) ## should NOT get NaN (or zero) for the first group if hack/fix is working expect_equal(unname(unlist(simulate(m1,seed=101))),c(1,1)) } }) test_that("trunc nbinom sim 2", { set.seed(101) dd <- expand.grid(x=log(1:5), rep=1:10000, y=1) t1 <- ntab(family="truncated_nbinom1", data=dd) t2 <- ntab(family="truncated_nbinom2", data=dd) p1 <- pfun(1,tab=t1,dist="nbinom1",data=dd, plot=FALSE) p2 <- pfun(1,tab=t2,dist="nbinom2",data=dd, plot=FALSE) expect_equal(unname(p1$obs), p1$exp, tolerance = 0.01) expect_equal(unname(p2$obs), p2$exp, tolerance = 0.01) if (FALSE) { op <- par(ask=TRUE) for (i in 1:nrow(t1)) pfun(i,tab=t1,dist="nbinom1",data=dd) for (i in 1:nrow(t2)) pfun(i,tab=t2,dist="nbinom2",data=dd) par(op) } }) test_that("trunc poisson simulation", { dd <- expand.grid(x=log(1:5), rep=1:10000, y=1) t3 <- ntab(family="truncated_poisson", data=dd) expect_equal(unname(t3[1,1:6]), c(5829L, 2905L, 963L, 242L, 56L, 5L)) ## explore if (FALSE) { op <- par(ask=TRUE) for (i in 1:nrow(t3)) pfun(i,tab=t3,dist="poisson",data=dd) par(op) } }) test_that("de novo simulation", { dd <- data.frame(x = 1:10) expect_error(simulate_new(y ~ x), "should take a one-sided") ss <- simulate_new(~ x, seed = 101, family = gaussian, newdata = dd, newparams = list(beta = 1:2, betadisp = 0)) expect_equal(head(ss[[1]], 2), c(2.67396350948461, 5.55246185541914)) }) test_that("de novo simulation with binomial N>1", { dd <- data.frame(x = 1:10) ss <- simulate_new(~ x, seed = 101, family = binomial, weights = rep(10, 10), newdata = dd, newparams = list(beta = c(-0.5, 0.1)) ) expect_equal(head(ss[[1]], 2), c(3, 2)) }) test_that("de novo simulation error checking", { dd <- data.frame(x = 1:10) expect_warning(simulate_new(~ x, seed = 101, family = gaussian, newdata = dd, newparams = list(beta = 0)), "length mismatch in component beta") expect_warning(simulate_new(~ x, seed = 101, family = gaussian, newdata = dd, newparams = list(beta = rep(0,2), junk = 1:3)), "unmatched parameter names: junk") }) test_that("good simulate_new response values for beta", { data("sleepstudy", package = "lme4") ss <- simulate_new( ~ Days + (Days | Subject), newdata = sleepstudy, newparams = list(beta = c(-1, 0.1), theta = c(-1, -1, 0), betadisp = 10), family = "beta_family", seed = 101) expect_equal(head(ss[[1]], 3), c(0.246573218210702, 0.309824346705961, 0.367484246522732)) }) test_that("weighted residuals", { set.seed(101) data("cbpp", package = "lme4") wts <- sample(1:2, size = nrow(cbpp), replace = TRUE) ## Pearson tested above ... tmbm4 <- glm(incidence ~ period, data = cbpp, family = poisson, weights = wts) tmbm5 <- glmmTMB(incidence ~ period, data = cbpp, family = poisson, weights = wts) resid_types <- setdiff(eval(formals(residuals.glmmTMB)$type), "dunn-smyth") for (type in resid_types) { expect_equal(residuals(tmbm4, type = type), residuals(tmbm5, type = type), tolerance = 1e-6) } }) test_that("ranef for rr() models", { set.seed(101) m1 <- glmmTMB(abund ~ Species + rr(Species + 0|id, d = 1), data = spider_long) expect_equal(tolerance = 1e-6, head(, 2), structure(list(component = c("cond", "cond"), grpvar = c("id", "id"), term = structure(c(1L, 1L), levels = c("SpeciesAlopacce", "SpeciesAlopcune", "SpeciesAlopfabr", "SpeciesArctlute", "SpeciesArctperi", "SpeciesAuloalbi", "SpeciesPardlugu", "SpeciesPardmont", "SpeciesPardnigr", "SpeciesPardpull", "SpeciesTrocterr", "SpeciesZoraspin"), class = "factor"), grp = structure(c(9L, 7L), levels = c("7", "5", "13", "4", "14", "3", "2", "6", "1", "8", "16", "12", "15", "18", "17", "19", "20", "25", "21", "11", "9", "10", "28", "26", "22", "23", "24", "27"), class = "factor"), condval = c(-0.893053872609456, -1.00956536260405), condsd = c(1.13999978200572, 1.29609467840739 )), row.names = c("cond.1", "cond.2"), class = "data.frame")) }) test_that("dunn-smyth residuals", { set.seed(101) expect_equal(head(residuals(fm2NB, type = "dunn-smyth")), c(-0.359359541418763, -0.650271471641143, -1.65874788276259, 0.534218575163113, 1.13173385534682, 2.37431279792035), tolerance = 1e-6) }) test_that("profiling with mapped parameters", { data("sleepstudy", package = "lme4") m1 <- glmmTMB(Reaction ~ Days, data = sleepstudy, family = gaussian, map = list(beta = factor(c(NA, 1))), start = list(beta = c(250, 0))) pp <- profile(m1) expect_equal(dim(pp), c(50, 3)) }) test_that("vcov(full=TRUE) with non-NA mapped parameters", { ## GH 1120 M0 <- suppressWarnings( glmmTMB( Reaction ~ Days + cs(0 + factor(Days) | Subject), dispformula = ~ 0, data = sleepstudy, REML = TRUE) ) M0_map <- suppressWarnings( update(M0, map = list(theta = factor(c(rep(1, 10), 2)))) ) v0 <- vcov(M0, full = TRUE) v1 <- vcov(M0_map, full = TRUE) expect_identical(dim(v0), dim(v1)) expect_true(!any( expect_equal(sum(, 153L) }) # This test started also giving a warning on os "mac". # test_that("bad inversion in vcov", { # skip_on_os(c("windows", "linux")) # d <- readRDS(system.file("test_data", "strengejacke_nasummary.rds", # package = "glmmTMB")) # m <- glmmTMB( # QoL ~ time + age + x_tv_dm + x_tv_gm + z1_ti + z2_ti + (1 + time | ID) + (1 + x_tv_dm | ID), # data = d, # REML = TRUE # ) # ## only fails on some platforms ... this is sufficient for now ... FIXME # if (getRversion() >= "4.3.0") { # expect_true(all($cond))) # } # })