## test more exotic familes/model types stopifnot(require("testthat"), require("glmmTMB")) simfun0 <- function(beta=c(2,1), sd.re=5, ngrp=10,nobs=200, invlink=exp) { x <- rnorm(nobs) f <- factor(rep(1:ngrp,nobs/ngrp)) u <- rnorm(ngrp,sd=sd.re) eta <- beta[1]+beta[2]*x+u[f] mu <- invlink(eta) return(data.frame(x,f,mu)) } test_that("binomial", { load(system.file("testdata","radinger_dat.RData",package="lme4")) radinger_dat <<- radinger_dat ## global assignment for testthat mod1 <<- glmmTMB(presabs~predictor+(1|species),family=binomial, radinger_dat) mod2 <<- update(mod1,as.logical(presabs)~.) expect_equal(predict(mod1),predict(mod2)) ## Compare 2-column and prop/size specification dd <- data.frame(success=1:10, failure=11:20) dd$size <- rowSums(dd) dd$prop <- local( success / size, dd) mod4 <- glmmTMB(cbind(success,failure)~1,family=binomial,data=dd) mod5 <- glmmTMB(prop~1,weights=size,family=binomial,data=dd) expect_equal( logLik(mod4) , logLik(mod5) ) expect_equal( fixef(mod4)$cond , fixef(mod5)$cond ) ## Now with extra weights dd$w <- 2 mod6 <- glmmTMB(cbind(success,failure)~1,family=binomial,data=dd,weights=w) mod7 <- glmmTMB(prop~1,weights=size*w,family=binomial,data=dd) mod6.glm <- glm(cbind(success,failure)~1,family=binomial,data=dd,weights=w) mod7.glm <- glm(prop~1,weights=size*w,family=binomial,data=dd) expect_equal( logLik(mod6)[[1]] , logLik(mod6.glm)[[1]] ) expect_equal( logLik(mod7)[[1]] , logLik(mod7.glm)[[1]] ) expect_equal( fixef(mod6)$cond , fixef(mod7)$cond ) ## Test TRUE/FALSE specification x <- c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE) dx <- data.frame(x) m1 <- glmmTMB(x~1, family=binomial(), data=dx) m2 <- glm (x~1, family=binomial(), data=dx) expect_equal( as.numeric(logLik(m1)), as.numeric(logLik(m2)) ) expect_equal( as.numeric(unlist(fixef(m1))), as.numeric(coef(m2)) ) ## Mis-specifications prop <- c(.1, .2, .3) ## weights=1 => prop * weights non integers expect_warning( glmmTMB(prop~1, family=binomial()) ) ## Warning as glm x <- c(1, 2, 3) ## weights=1 => x > weights ! expect_error ( glmmTMB(x~1, family=binomial(), data = data.frame(x))) ## Error as glm }) ## check for negative values test_that("detect negative values in two-column binomial response", { x <- matrix(c(-1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4), nrow = 3) expect_error(glmmTMB(x~1, family=binomial(), data = NULL), "negative values not allowed") }) count_dists <-c("poisson", "genpois", "compois", "truncated_genpois", "nbinom1", "nbinom2", "truncated_nbinom1", "truncated_nbinom2" ) binom_dists <- c("binomial", "betabinomial") test_that("count distributions", { dd <- data.frame(y=c(0.5, rep(1:4, c(9, 2, 2, 2)))) for (f in count_dists) { expect_warning(glmmTMB(y~1, data=dd, family=f), "non-integer") } }) test_that("binom-type distributions", { dd <- data.frame(y=c(0.5, rep(1:4, c(9, 2, 2, 2)))/10) for (f in binom_dists) { expect_warning(glmmTMB(y~1, weights = rep(10, nrow(dd)), data=dd, family=f), "non-integer") } }) test_that("beta", { skip_on_cran() set.seed(101) nobs <- 200; eps <- 0.001; phi <- 0.1 dd0 <- simfun0(nobs=nobs,sd.re=1,invlink=plogis) y <- with(dd0,rbeta(nobs,shape1=mu/phi,shape2=(1-mu)/phi)) dd <<- data.frame(dd0,y=pmin(1-eps,pmax(eps,y))) m1 <- glmmTMB(y~x+(1|f),family=beta_family(), data=dd) expect_equal(fixef(m1)[[1]], structure(c(1.98250567574413, 0.843382531038295), .Names = c("(Intercept)", "x")), tol=1e-5) expect_equal(c(VarCorr(m1)[[1]][[1]]), 0.433230926800709, tol=1e-5) ## allow family="beta", but with warning expect_warning(m2 <- glmmTMB(y~x+(1|f),family="beta", data=dd),"please use") expect_equal(coef(summary(m1)),coef(summary(m2))) }) test_that("nbinom", { skip_on_cran() nobs <- 200; phi <- 0.1 set.seed(101) dd0 <- simfun0(nobs=nobs) ## global assignment for testthat (??) dd <- data.frame(dd0,y=rnbinom(nobs,size=phi,mu=dd0$mu)) m1 <- glmmTMB(y~x+(1|f),family=nbinom2(), data=dd) expect_equal(fixef(m1)[[1]], structure(c(2.09866748794435, 1.12703589660625), .Names = c("(Intercept)", "x")), tolerance = 1e-5) expect_equal(c(VarCorr(m1)[[1]][[1]]), 9.54680210862774, tolerance = 1e-5) expect_equal(sigma(m1),0.09922738,tolerance = 1e-5) expect_equal(head(residuals(m1, type = "deviance"),2), c(`1` = -0.806418177063906, `2` = -0.312895476230701), tolerance = 1e-5) ## nbinom1 ## to simulate, back-calculate shape parameters for NB2 ... nbphi <- 2 nbvar <- nbphi*dd0$mu ## n.b. actual model is (1+phi)*var, ## so estimate of phi is approx. 1 ## V = mu*(1+mu/k) -> mu/k = V/mu-1 -> k = mu/(V/mu-1) k <- with(dd0,mu/(nbvar/mu - 1)) y <- rnbinom(nobs,size=k,mu=dd$mu) dd <- data.frame(dd0,y=y) ## global assignment for testthat m1 <- glmmTMB(y~x+(1|f),family=nbinom1(), data=dd) expect_equal(c(unname(c(fixef(m1)[[1]])), c(VarCorr(m1)[[1]][[1]]), sigma(m1)), c(1.93154240357181, 0.992776302432081, 16.447888398429, 1.00770603513152), tolerance = 1e-5) expect_equal(head(residuals(m1, type = "deviance"),2), c(`1` = 0.966425183534698, `2` = -0.213960044837981), tolerance = 1e-5) ## identity link: GH #20 x <- 1:100; m <- 2; b <- 100 y <- m*x+b set.seed(101) dat <<- data.frame(obs=rnbinom(length(y), mu=y, size=5), x=x) ## with(dat, plot(x, obs)) ## coef(mod1 <- MASS::glm.nb(obs~x,link="identity",dat)) expect_equal(fixef(glmmTMB(obs~x, family=nbinom2(link="identity"), dat)), structure(list(cond = structure(c(115.092240041138, 1.74390840106971), .Names = c("(Intercept)", "x")), zi = numeric(0), disp = structure(1.71242627201796, .Names = "(Intercept)")), .Names = c("cond", "zi", "disp"), class = "fixef.glmmTMB")) ## segfault (GH #248) dd <- data.frame(success=1:10,failure=10) expect_error(glmmTMB(cbind(success,failure)~1,family=nbinom2,data=dd), "matrix-valued responses are not allowed") }) test_that("dbetabinom", { skip_on_cran() set.seed(101) nobs <- 200; eps <- 0.001; phi <- 0.1 dd0 <- simfun0(nobs=nobs,sd.re=1,invlink=plogis) p <- with(dd0,rbeta(nobs,shape1=mu/phi,shape2=(1-mu)/phi)) p <- pmin(1-eps,pmax(p,eps)) b <- rbinom(nobs,size=5,prob=p) dd <<- data.frame(dd0,y=b,N=5) m1 <- glmmTMB(y/N~x+(1|f), weights=N, family=betabinomial(), data=dd) expect_equal(c(unname(c(fixef(m1)[[1]])), c(VarCorr(m1)[[1]][[1]]), sigma(m1)), c(2.1482114,1.0574946,0.7016553,8.3768711), tolerance=1e-5) ## Two-column specification m2 <- glmmTMB(cbind(y, N-y) ~ x + (1|f), family=betabinomial(), data=dd) expect_identical(m1$fit, m2$fit) ## Rolf Turner example: X <- readRDS(system.file("test_data","turner_bb.rds",package="glmmTMB")) fmla <- cbind(Dead, Alive) ~ (Trt + 0)/Dose + (Dose | Rep) ## baseline (binomial, not betabinomial) fit0 <- glmmTMB(fmla, data = X, family = binomial(link = "cloglog"), dispformula = ~1) skip_on_cran() ## fails ATLAS tests with failure in inner optimization ## loop ("gradient function must return a numeric vector of length 16") fit1 <- suppressWarnings( ## NaN function evaluation; ## non-pos-def Hessian; ## false convergence warning from nlminb glmmTMB(fmla, data = X, family = betabinomial(link = "cloglog"), dispformula = ~1) ) fit1_glmmA <- readRDS(system.file("test_data","turner_bb_GLMMadaptive.rds", package="glmmTMB")) suppressWarnings( fit2 <- glmmTMB(fmla, data = X, family = betabinomial(link = "cloglog"), dispformula = ~1, start=list(beta=fixef(fit0)$cond)) ## non-pos-def Hessian warning ## diagnose() suggests a singular fit ## but fixed effects actually look OK ) ff1 <- fixef(fit1)$cond ff2 <- fixef(fit2)$cond ## conclusions: ## (1) glmmTMB fit from initial starting vals is bad ## (2) glmmTMB fit from restart is OK (for fixed effects) ## (3) GLMMadaptive matches OK **but not** for nAGQ=1 (which _should_ ## fit) -- np <- length(ff1) ff_GA <- fit1_glmmA[1:np,ncol(fit1_glmmA)] expect_equal(ff_GA, ff2, tolerance=0.05) if (FALSE) { ## graphical exploration ... cc <- cbind(ff1,ff2,fit1_glmmA[1:np,]) matplot(cc,type="b") ## plot diffs between glmmTMB fit and GLMMadaptive for nAGQ>1 adiff <- sweep(fit1_glmmA[1:np,-1],1,ff2,"-") matplot(adiff, type="b", ylab="diff from glmmTMB") } }) test_that("truncated", { skip_on_cran() ## Poisson set.seed(101) z_tp <<- rpois(1000,lambda=exp(1)) z_tp <<- z_tp[z_tp>0] if (FALSE) { ## n.b.: keep library() calls commented out, they may ## trigger CRAN complaints ## library(glmmADMB) g0_tp <- glmmadmb(z_tp~1,family="truncpoiss",link="log") fixef(g0) ## 0.9778591 } g1_tp <- glmmTMB(z_tp~1,family=truncated_poisson(), data=data.frame(z_tp)) expect_equal(unname(fixef(g1_tp)[[1]]),0.9778593,tolerance = 1e-5) ## Truncated poisson with zeros => invalid: num_zeros <- 10 z_tp0 <<- c(rep(0, num_zeros), z_tp) expect_error(g1_tp0 <- glmmTMB(z_tp0~1,family=truncated_poisson(), data=data.frame(z_tp0))) ## Truncated poisson with zeros and zero-inflation: g1_tp0 <- glmmTMB(z_tp0~1,family=truncated_poisson(), ziformula=~1, data=data.frame(z_tp0)) expect_equal( plogis(as.numeric(fixef(g1_tp0)$zi)), num_zeros/length(z_tp0), tolerance = 1e-7 ) ## Test zero-prob expect_equal(fixef(g1_tp0)$cond, fixef(g1_tp)$cond, tolerance = 1e-6) ## Test conditional model ## nbinom2 set.seed(101) z_nb <<- rnbinom(1000,size=2,mu=exp(2)) z_nb <<- z_nb[z_nb>0] if (FALSE) { ## library(glmmADMB) g0_nb2 <- glmmadmb(z_nb~1,family="truncnbinom",link="log") fixef(g0_nb2) ## 1.980207 g0_nb2$alpha ## 1.893 } g1_nb2 <- glmmTMB(z_nb~1,family=truncated_nbinom2(), data=data.frame(z_nb)) expect_equal(c(unname(fixef(g1_nb2)[[1]]),sigma(g1_nb2)), c(1.980207,1.892970),tolerance = 1e-5) ## Truncated nbinom2 with zeros => invalid: num_zeros <- 10 z_nb0 <<- c(rep(0, num_zeros), z_nb) expect_error(g1_nb0 <- glmmTMB(z_nb0~1,family=truncated_nbinom2(), data=data.frame(z_nb0))) ## Truncated nbinom2 with zeros and zero-inflation: g1_nb0 <- glmmTMB(z_nb0~1,family=truncated_nbinom2(), ziformula=~1, data=data.frame(z_nb0)) expect_equal( plogis(as.numeric(fixef(g1_nb0)$zi)), num_zeros/length(z_nb0), tolerance = 1e-7 ) ## Test zero-prob expect_equal(fixef(g1_nb0)$cond, fixef(g1_nb2)$cond, tolerance = 1e-6) ## Test conditional model ## nbinom1: constant mean, so just a reparameterization of ## nbinom2 (should have the same likelihood) ## phi=(1+mu/k)=1+exp(2)/2 = 4.69 if (FALSE) { ## library(glmmADMB) g0_nb1 <- glmmadmb(z_nb~1,family="truncnbinom1",link="log") fixef(g0_nb1) ## 2.00112 g0_nb1$alpha ## 3.784 } g1_nb1 <- glmmTMB(z_nb~1,family=truncated_nbinom1(), data=data.frame(z_nb)) expect_equal(c(unname(fixef(g1_nb1)[[1]]),sigma(g1_nb1)), c(1.980207,3.826909),tolerance = 1e-5) ## Truncated nbinom1 with zeros => invalid: expect_error(g1_nb0 <- glmmTMB(z_nb0~1,family=truncated_nbinom1(), data=data.frame(z_nb0))) ## Truncated nbinom2 with zeros and zero-inflation: g1_nb0 <- glmmTMB(z_nb0~1,family=truncated_nbinom1(), ziformula=~1, data=data.frame(z_nb0)) expect_equal( plogis(as.numeric(fixef(g1_nb0)$zi)), num_zeros/length(z_nb0), tolerance = 1e-7 ) ## Test zero-prob expect_equal(fixef(g1_nb0)$cond, fixef(g1_nb1)$cond, tolerance = 1e-6) ## Test conditional model }) ##Genpois test_that("truncated_genpois",{ skip_on_cran() tgp1 <<- glmmTMB(z_nb ~1, data=data.frame(z_nb), family=truncated_genpois()) tgpdat <<- data.frame(y=simulate(tgp1)[,1]) tgp2 <<- glmmTMB(y ~1, tgpdat, family=truncated_genpois()) expect_equal(sigma(tgp1), sigma(tgp2), tolerance = 1e-1) expect_equal(fixef(tgp1)$cond[1], fixef(tgp2)$cond[1], tolerance = 1e-2) cc <- confint(tgp2, full=TRUE) expect_lt(cc["sigma", "2.5 %"], sigma(tgp1)) expect_lt(sigma(tgp1), cc["sigma", "97.5 %"]) expect_lt(cc["cond.(Intercept)", "2.5 %"], unname(fixef(tgp1)$cond[1])) expect_lt(unname(fixef(tgp1)$cond[1]), cc["cond.(Intercept)", "97.5 %"]) }) ##Compois test_that("truncated_compois",{ skip_on_cran() cmpdat <<- data.frame(f=factor(rep(c('a','b'), 10)), y=c(15,5,20,7,19,7,19,7,19,6,19,10,20,8,21,8,22,7,20,8)) tcmp1 <<- glmmTMB(y~f, cmpdat, family= truncated_compois()) expect_equal(unname(fixef(tcmp1)$cond), c(2.9652730653, -0.9773987194), tolerance = 1e-6) expect_equal(sigma(tcmp1), 0.1833339, tolerance = 1e-6) expect_equal(predict(tcmp1,type="response")[1:2], c(19.4, 7.3), tolerance = 1e-6) }) test_that("compois", { skip_on_cran() # cmpdat <<- data.frame(f=factor(rep(c('a','b'), 10)), # y=c(15,5,20,7,19,7,19,7,19,6,19,10,20,8,21,8,22,7,20,8)) cmp1 <<- glmmTMB(y~f, cmpdat, family=compois()) expect_equal(unname(fixef(cmp1)$cond), c(2.9652730653, -0.9773987194), tolerance = 1e-6) expect_equal(sigma(cmp1), 0.1833339, tolerance = 1e-6) expect_equal(predict(cmp1,type="response")[1:2], c(19.4, 7.3), tolerance = 1e-6) }) test_that("genpois", { skip_on_cran() gendat <<- data.frame(y=c(11,10,9,10,9,8,11,7,9,9,9,8,11,10,11,9,10,7,13,9)) gen1 <<- glmmTMB(y~1, family=genpois(), gendat) expect_equal(unname(fixef(gen1)$cond), 2.251292, tolerance = 1e-6) expect_equal(sigma(gen1), 0.235309, tolerance = 1e-6) }) test_that("tweedie", { skip_on_cran() ## Boiled down tweedie:::rtweedie : rtweedie <- function (n, xi = power, mu, phi, power = NULL) { mu <- array(dim = n, mu) if ((power > 1) & (power < 2)) { rt <- array(dim = n, NA) lambda <- mu^(2 - power)/(phi * (2 - power)) alpha <- (2 - power)/(1 - power) gam <- phi * (power - 1) * mu^(power - 1) N <- rpois(n, lambda = lambda) for (i in (1:n)) { rt[i] <- sum(rgamma(N[i], shape = -alpha, scale = gam[i])) } } else stop() as.vector(rt) } ## Simulation experiment nobs <- 2000; mu <- 4; phi <- 2; p <- 1.7 set.seed(101) y <- rtweedie(nobs, mu=mu, phi=phi, power=p) twm <- glmmTMB(y ~ 1, family=tweedie(), data = NULL) ## Check mu expect_equal(unname( exp(fixef(twm)$cond) ), mu, tolerance = .1) ## Check phi expect_equal(unname( exp(fixef(twm)$disp) ), phi, tolerance = .1) ## Check power expect_equal(unname( plogis(twm$fit$par["psi"]) + 1 ), p, tolerance = .01) ## Check internal rtweedie used by simulate y2 <- c(simulate(twm)[,1],simulate(twm)[,1]) twm2 <- glmmTMB(y2 ~ 1, family=tweedie(), data = NULL) expect_equal(fixef(twm)$cond, fixef(twm2)$cond, tolerance = 1e-1) expect_equal(sigma(twm), sigma(twm2), tolerance = 1e-1) expect_equal(ranef(twm), structure(list(cond = list(), zi = list(), disp = list()), class = "ranef.glmmTMB")) }) test_that("gaussian_sqrt", { set.seed(101) nobs <- 200 dd0_sqrt <- simfun0(nobs=nobs,sd.re=1,invlink=function(x) x^2) dd0_sqrt$y <- rnorm(nobs,mean=dd0_sqrt$mu,sd=0.1) g1 <- glmmTMB(y~x+(1|f), family=gaussian(link="sqrt"), data=dd0_sqrt) expect_equal(fixef(g1), structure(list(cond = c(`(Intercept)` = 2.03810165917618, x = 1.00241002916226 ), zi = numeric(0), disp = c(`(Intercept)` = -2.341751)), class = "fixef.glmmTMB"), tolerance = 1e-6) }) test_that("link function info available", { fam1 <- c("poisson","nbinom1","nbinom2","compois") fam2 <- c("binomial","beta_family","betabinomial","tweedie") for (f in c(fam1,paste0("truncated_",fam1),fam2)) { ## print(f) expect_true("linkinv" %in% names(get(f)())) } }) d.AD <- data.frame(counts=c(18,17,15,20,10,20,25,13,12), outcome=gl(3,1,9), treatment=gl(3,3)) glm.D93 <- glmmTMB(counts ~ outcome + treatment, family = poisson(), data=d.AD) glm.D93C <- glmmTMB(counts ~ outcome + treatment, family = "poisson", data=d.AD) test_that("link info added to family", { expect_warning(glm.D93B <- glmmTMB(counts ~ outcome + treatment, family = list(family="poisson", link="log"), d.AD)) ## note update(..., family= ...) is only equal up to tolerance=5e-5 ... expect_equal(predict(glm.D93),predict(glm.D93B)) expect_equal(predict(glm.D93),predict(glm.D93C)) }) test_that("lognormal family", { test_fun <- function(n, m, v) { x <- rnorm(n, mean=m, sd=sqrt(v)) dd <- data.frame(y=exp(x)) m1 <- glmmTMB(y~1, family="lognormal", data=dd) m2 <- glmmTMB(log(y) ~ 1, data = dd) expect_equal(logLik(m1), logLik(m2)-sum(log(dd$y))) ## noisy because of expected vs observed mean/variance expect_equal(unname(fixef(m1)$cond), m+v/2, tolerance = 1e-2) expect_equal(sigma(m1), sqrt((exp(v)-1)*exp(2*m+v)), tolerance = 5e-2) } set.seed(102) test_fun(n = 2e4, m = 0.4, v = 0.2) test_fun(n = 2e4, m = 0.7, v = 0.5) set.seed(101) dd <- data.frame(y = c(0, rlnorm(100, 1, 1))) expect_is(glmmTMB(y ~ 1, data = dd, family = lognormal(), ziformula = ~1), "glmmTMB") expect_error(glmmTMB(y ~ 1, data = dd, family = lognormal()), "must be > 0 ") dd <- rbind(dd, data.frame(y=-1)) expect_error(glmmTMB(y ~ 1, data = dd, family = lognormal(), ziformula = ~1), "must be >= 0") }) test_that("t-distributed response", { set.seed(101) dd <- data.frame(y = 3 + 5*rt(1000, df = 10)) m1 <- glmmTMB(y ~ 1, family = t_family, data = dd) expect_equal(unname(fixef(m1)$cond), 2.89682907080939, tolerance = 1e-6) expect_equal(sigma(m1), 4.96427774321411, tolerance = 1e-6) m2 <- glmmTMB(y ~ 1, family = t_family, data = dd, start = list(psi = log(10)), map = list(psi = factor(NA))) expect_equal(sigma(m2), 5.01338678750139, tolerance = 1e-6) }) test_that("nbinom12 family", { set.seed(101) n <- 10000 x <- rnorm(n) mu <- exp(2 + 1*x) vv <- mu*(1+2+mu/0.5) k <- mu/(vv/mu - 1) dd <- data.frame(x, y = rnbinom(n, mu = mu, size = k)) m1 <- glmmTMB(y ~ x, family = nbinom12, data = dd) ## basic test ## should have phi = 2, k = 0.5 ## log(phi) ~ 0.7, log(psi) ~ -0.7 expect_equal( m1$obj$env$last.par.best, c(beta = 1.98948426828242, beta = 1.00635151325394, betadisp = 0.68344614610532, psi = -0.686823594633112), tolerance = 1e-6) expect_equal(sigma(m1), 1.980692, tolerance = 1e-6) }) test_that("skewnormal family", { dd <- data.frame(dummy = rep(1, 500)) dd$y <- simulate_new(~1, newdata = dd, newparams = list(beta = -1, betadisp = 3, psi = -5), seed = 101, family = "skewnormal")[[1]] expect_equal(range(dd$y), c(-64.8363758099827, 32.87734399648)) expect_equal(length(unique(dd$y)), 500L) fit <- glmmTMB(y ~ 1, data = dd, family = "skewnormal", start = list(betadisp = log(sd(dd$y)), psi = -5)) expect_equal(fit$obj$env$last.par.best, c(beta = 0.0765490512716489, betadisp = 2.94927708520387, psi = -6.12362878509844), tolerance = 1e-6) expect_equal(family_params(fit), c(`Skewnormal shape` = -6.12362878509844), tolerance = 1e-6) }) test_that("make_family initialize works", { ## GH #1133 if (require(effects)) { data("sleepstudy", package = "lme4") m2 <- glmmTMB(round(Reaction) ~ Days + (1 | Subject), sleepstudy, family = truncated_nbinom2) ee <- suppressWarnings(effects::Effect("Days", m2)) expect_equal(c(ee$fit), c(5.5317435373068, 5.6003872162399, 5.669030895173, 5.77199641357265, 5.84064009250575)) } })