simData <- function(n, p, betaMax, link, ySim) { beta <- c(0, seq(-betaMax, betaMax, length.out=p)) x <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow=n)) eta <- as.vector(x %*% beta) mu <- link$linkinv(eta) y <- ySim(n, mu) list(x=x, y=y, eta=eta, mu=mu, beta=beta) } test_that("gldrm and gldrmFit match", { set.seed(100) lf <-"log") ySim <- function(n, mu) rgamma(n, 1, scale=mu) dat <- simData(n=100, p=5, betaMax=0, lf, ySim) m1 <- gldrm(dat$y~dat$x-1, data=NULL, link="log") m2 <- gldrm:::gldrmFit(x=dat$x, y=dat$y, linkfun=lf$linkfun, linkinv=lf$linkinv, mu.eta=lf$mu.eta) m1[c("formula", "data", "link", "offset")] <- NULL expect_equal(m1, m2, tolerance=1e-3, check.attributes=FALSE) }) test_that("gldrm matches intercept-only (empirical distribution) model", { set.seed(100) ySim <- function(n, mu) rpois(n, 1) dat <- simData(n=100, p=0, betaMax=0,"identity"), ySim) m1 <- as.vector(table(dat$y)) / length(dat$y) m2 <- gldrm(dat$y~dat$x-1, data=NULL, link="identity") # link function doesn't matter with no covariates fcorr <- c(gldrm:::getTheta(spt=m2$spt, f0=m2$f0, mu=mean(dat$y), sampprobs=NULL, ySptIndex=1)$fTilt) # tilt f0 so mean = mean(y) ## this is an intercept-only model, so all observations have fitted mean equal to mean(y) expect_equal(mean(dat$y), m2$beta, check.attributes=FALSE) ## f0 should match response frequency table expect_equal(m1, fcorr) }) test_that("gldrm matches logistic regression", { set.seed(100) ySim <- function(n, mu) rbinom(n, 1, mu) dat <- simData(n=100, p=5, betaMax=.5,"logit"), ySim) m1 <- with(dat, glm(y ~ -1 + x, family=binomial(link="logit"))) m2 <- gldrm(dat$y~dat$x-1, data=NULL, link="logit") ## SPGLM should match logistic regression coefficient estimates ## (semiparametric model is identical to fully parametric in this case) expect_equal(as.vector(coef(m1)), m2$beta, tolerance=1e-7, check.attributes=FALSE) }) test_that("Can handle muHat on boundary of spt", { n <- 10 y <- rep(c(0, 1), each=n/2) x <- cbind(1, y) m1 <- gldrm(y~x-1, data=NULL, link="identity") expect_equal(m1$beta, c(0, 1), check.attributes=FALSE) m2 <- gldrm(y~x-1, data=NULL, link="logit") expect_equal(m2$mu, y) }) test_that("Can handle singular covariate matrix", { n <- 10 y <- rep(c(0, 1), each=n/2) x <- matrix(1, nrow=n, ncol=2) m1 <- gldrm(y~x-1, data=NULL, link="identity") expect_equal(m1$beta, c(.5, NA), check.attributes=FALSE) m2 <- gldrm(y~x-1, data=NULL, link="logit") expect_equal(m2$beta, c(0, NA), check.attributes=FALSE) })