if (file.exists("../../dev/environment.yml")) { do.call( Sys.setenv, yaml::yaml.load_file("../../dev/environment.yml") ) } suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(dplyr)) # Set environment variables in github CI test_api_version <- Sys.getenv("GITLABR_TEST_API_VERSION", unset = 4) test_private_token <- Sys.getenv("GITLABR_TEST_TOKEN") test_url <- Sys.getenv("GITLABR_TEST_URL", unset = "https://gitlab.com") test_login <- Sys.getenv("GITLABR_TEST_LOGIN", unset = "statnmap") test_user_id <- Sys.getenv("GITLABR_TEST_LOGIN_ID") test_password <- Sys.getenv("GITLABR_TEST_PASSWORD") test_commented_commit <- Sys.getenv("COMMENTED_COMMIT", unset = "12c5cd8b7e95d7b6cde856c305d32bb229fc6426") test_project_name <- Sys.getenv("GITLABR_TEST_PROJECT_NAME", unset = "testor.main") test_project_id <- Sys.getenv("GITLABR_TEST_PROJECT_ID", unset = "28485393") test_group_name <- Sys.getenv("GITLABR_TEST_GROUP_NAME", unset = "thinkr-open") test_group_id <- Sys.getenv("GITLABR_TEST_GROUP_ID", unset = "15567755") # thinkr-open test_subgroup_name <- Sys.getenv("GITLABR_TEST_SUBGROUP_NAME", unset = "dontdelete.subgroup.for.gitlabr") test_subgroup_id <- Sys.getenv("GITLABR_TEST_SUBGROUP_ID", unset = "68261328") test_subgroup_project_name <- Sys.getenv("GITLABR_TEST_SUBGROUP_PROJECT_NAME", unset = "test.project.for.gitlab.in.group") test_subgroup_project_id <- Sys.getenv("GITLABR_TEST_SUBGROUP_PROJECT_ID", unset = "46477404") # Print to test what GitHub Actions see print(test_url) print(test_project_name) # Main branch is called master in some cases if (grepl("master", test_project_name)) { gitlabr_options_set("gitlabr.main", "master") } else { gitlabr_options_set("gitlabr.main", "main") } # Set GitLab connection for all tests # Set the connection for the session set_gitlab_connection( gitlab_url = test_url, private_token = test_private_token, api_version = test_api_version ) # Set project connection for all tests my_project <- gl_project_connection( gitlab_url = test_url, project = test_project, private_token = test_private_token, api_version = test_api_version ) # There are too many users on GitLab.com and you may not appear in the first ones, # you will need to set your ID and project ID test_user <- as.numeric(test_user_id) test_project <- as.numeric(test_project_id)