#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Test file: Test functions independent of API calls/HTTP failures #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# test_that("download single data only works for one country", { expect_error(object = gie_load(country = c("DE", "AT"), date = "2022-05-01"), regexp = "type character and length 1") }) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# test_that("company must be specified if facility is specified", { expect_error(object = gie_load(country = "DE", date = "2022-05-01", facility = "mock_facility"), regexp = "specified, too") }) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# test_that("warning pops up if date, from and to are set (error 1)", { expect_warning(object = gie_load(country = "DE", date = "2022-05-01", from = "2022-05-01", to = "2022-05-15"), regexp = "override") skip_on_cran() }) test_that("warning pops up if date, from and to are set (error 2)", { expect_warning(object = gie_batchload(countries = c("DE", "AT"), date = "2022-05-01", from = "2022-05-01", to = "2022-05-15"), regexp = "override") skip_on_cran() }) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# test_that("companies must be specified if facility is specified", { expect_error(object = gie_batchload(countries = "DE", date = "2022-05-01", facilities = c("mock_facilities", "mock2_facilities")), regexp = "specified, too") }) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# test_that("companies must be of length one if facility is specified", { expect_error(object = gie_batchload(countries = "DE", date = "2022-05-01", companies = c("mock_facility", "mock2_facility"), facilities = c("mock_facilities", "mock2_facilities")), regexp = "must only contain one company EIC") }) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# test_that("gie_getnews returns errors upon misspecified parameters",{ expect_error(object = gie_getnews(database = "alsi", html_parsed = 1), regexp = "Misspecified") expect_error(object = gie_getnews(database = "foobar"), regexp = "parameter 'database'") }) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# test_that("gie_unav returns errors upon misspecified parameters", { expect_error(object = gie_unav(country = c("DE", "AT")), regexp = "and length 1.") expect_error(object = gie_unav(database = "foobar"), regexp = "between 'agsi' or 'alsi'") expect_error(object = gie_unav(start = 2024), regexp = "be type character") expect_error(object = gie_unav(end = 2024), regexp = "be type character") expect_error(object = gie_unav(type = "alsi"), regexp = "either 'planned' or 'unplanned'") expect_error(object = gie_unav(end_flag = "alsi"), regexp = "either 'confirmed' or 'estimate'") expect_error(object = gie_unav(size = 301), regexp = "max. 300.") }) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#