test_that(".params works", { reqs <- list() mockery::stub(gh, "gh_build_request", function(...) { reqs <<- c(reqs, list(gh_build_request(...))) stop("just this") }) expect_error( gh("POST /repos/:org/:repo/issues/:number/labels", org = "ORG", repo = "REPO", number = "1" ) ) expect_error( gh("POST /repos/:org/:repo/issues/:number/labels", org = "ORG", repo = "REPO", .params = list(number = "1") ) ) expect_error( gh("POST /repos/:org/:repo/issues/:number/labels", .params = list(org = "ORG", repo = "REPO", number = "1") ) ) expect_identical(reqs[[1]], reqs[[2]]) expect_identical(reqs[[2]], reqs[[3]]) }) test_that("generates a useful message", { skip_if_no_github() expect_snapshot(gh("/missing"), error = TRUE) }) test_that("errors return a github_error object", { skip_if_no_github() e <- tryCatch(gh("/missing"), error = identity) expect_s3_class(e, "github_error") expect_s3_class(e, "http_error_404") }) test_that("can catch a given status directly", { skip_if_no_github() e <- tryCatch(gh("/missing"), "http_error_404" = identity) expect_s3_class(e, "github_error") expect_s3_class(e, "http_error_404") }) test_that("can use per_page or .per_page but not both", { skip_on_cran() resp <- gh("/orgs/tidyverse/repos", per_page = 2) expect_equal(attr(resp, "request")$query$per_page, 2) resp <- gh("/orgs/tidyverse/repos", .per_page = 2) expect_equal(attr(resp, "request")$query$per_page, 2) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, gh("/orgs/tidyverse/repos", per_page = 1, .per_page = 2) ) }) test_that("can paginate", { skip_on_cran() pages <- gh("/orgs/tidyverse/repos", per_page = 1, .limit = 5, .progress = FALSE) expect_length(pages, 5) }) test_that("trim output when .limit isn't a multiple of .per_page", { skip_on_cran() pages <- gh("/orgs/tidyverse/repos", per_page = 2, .limit = 3, .progress = FALSE) expect_length(pages, 3) }) test_that("can paginate repository search", { skip_on_cran() pages <- gh("/search/repositories", q = "tidyverse", per_page = 10, .limit = 35) expect_named(pages, c("total_count", "incomplete_results", "items")) # Eliminates aren't trimmed to .limit in this case expect_length(pages$items, 40) })