context("dark_or_light") test_that("color: yellow, switch to black, default threshold", { res <- dark_or_light("yellow") expect_equal(res, "black") }) test_that("color: darkblue, switch to white, default threshold", { res <- dark_or_light("darkblue") expect_equal(res, "white") }) test_that("color: #FFFFFF, switch to black, default threshold", { res <- dark_or_light("#FFFFFF") expect_equal(res, "black") }) test_that("color: #000000, switch to white, default threshold", { res <- dark_or_light("#000000") expect_equal(res, "white") }) test_that("color: #000000, switch to light.color specified, default threshold", { res <- dark_or_light("#000000", dark.color = "darkblue", light.color = "lightgrey") expect_equal(res, "lightgrey") }) test_that("color: #000000, switch to dark.color specified, default threshold", { res <- dark_or_light("#FFFFFF", dark.color = "darkblue", light.color = "lightgrey") expect_equal(res, "darkblue") }) test_that("color: yellow, threshold 0.8, switch to white", { res <- dark_or_light("yellow", threshold = 0.8) expect_equal(res, "white") }) test_that("threshold: off range triggers error", { expect_no_error(dark_or_light("yellow", threshold = 0)) expect_no_error(dark_or_light("yellow", threshold = 1)) expect_error(dark_or_light("yellow", threshold = -0.1)) expect_error(dark_or_light("yellow", threshold = 1.1)) }) test_that("threshold: length != 1 triggers error", { expect_error(dark_or_light("yellow", threshold = numeric())) expect_error(dark_or_light("yellow", threshold = NULL)) expect_error(dark_or_light("yellow", threshold = c(0.45, 0.45))) })