test_that("dates in segment annotation work", { dt <- structure(list(month = structure(c(1364774400, 1377993600), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC"), total = c(-10.3, 11.7)), .Names = c("month", "total"), row.names = c(NA, -2L), class = "data.frame") p <- ggplot(dt, aes(month, total)) + geom_point() + annotate("segment", x = as.POSIXct("2013-04-01"), xend = as.POSIXct("2013-07-01"), y = -10, yend = 10 ) expect_true(all(c("xend", "yend") %in% names(layer_data(p, 2)))) }) test_that("segment annotations transform with scales", { # Line should match data points df <- data_frame(x = c(1, 10), y = c(10, 1)) plot <- ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) + geom_point() + annotate("segment", x = 1, y = 10, xend = 10, yend = 1, colour = "red") + scale_y_reverse(NULL, breaks = NULL) + scale_x_continuous(NULL, breaks = NULL) expect_doppelganger("line matches points", plot) }) test_that("annotation_* has dummy data assigned and don't inherit aes", { skip_if_not_installed("maps") skip_if(packageVersion("base") < "3.5.0") custom <- annotation_custom(zeroGrob()) logtick <- annotation_logticks() usamap <- map_data("state") map <- annotation_map(usamap) rainbow <- matrix(hcl(seq(0, 360, length.out = 50 * 50), 80, 70), nrow = 50) raster <- annotation_raster(rainbow, 15, 20, 3, 4) dummy <- dummy_data() expect_equal(custom$data, dummy) expect_equal(logtick$data, dummy) expect_equal(map$data, dummy) expect_equal(raster$data, dummy) expect_false(custom$inherit.aes) expect_false(logtick$inherit.aes) expect_false(map$inherit.aes) expect_false(raster$inherit.aes) }) test_that("annotation_raster() and annotation_custom() requires cartesian coordinates", { rainbow <- matrix(hcl(seq(0, 360, length.out = 50 * 50), 80, 70), nrow = 50) p <- ggplot() + annotation_raster(rainbow, 15, 20, 3, 4) + coord_polar() expect_snapshot_error(ggplotGrob(p)) p <- ggplot() + annotation_custom( grob = grid::roundrectGrob(), xmin = -Inf, xmax = Inf, ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf ) + coord_polar() expect_snapshot_error(ggplotGrob(p)) }) test_that("annotation_map() checks the input data", { expect_snapshot_error(annotation_map(letters)) expect_snapshot_error(annotation_map(mtcars)) }) test_that("unsupported geoms signal a warning (#4719)", { expect_snapshot_warning(annotate("hline", yintercept = 0)) }) test_that("annotate() checks aesthetic lengths match", { expect_snapshot_error(annotate("point", 1:3, 1:3, fill = c('red', 'black'))) }) test_that("annotation_logticks warns about deprecated `size` argument", { expect_snapshot_warning(annotation_logticks(size = 5)) }) test_that("annotate() warns about `stat` or `position` arguments", { expect_snapshot_warning( annotate("point", 1:3, 1:3, stat = "density", position = "dodge") ) })