test_that("ggsave creates file", { path <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(path)) p <- ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point() expect_false(file.exists(path)) ggsave(path, p, device = "pdf", width = 5, height = 5) expect_true(file.exists(path)) }) test_that("ggsave restores previous graphics device", { # When multiple devices are open, dev.off() restores the next one in the list, # not the previously-active one. (#2363) path <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(path)) png(tempfile()) png(tempfile()) on.exit(graphics.off(), add = TRUE) old_dev <- dev.cur() p <- ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point() ggsave(path, p, device = "png", width = 5, height = 5) expect_identical(old_dev, dev.cur()) }) test_that("ggsave uses theme background as image background", { skip_if_not_installed("svglite") skip_if_not_installed("xml2") path <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(path)) p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(disp, mpg)) + geom_point() + coord_fixed() + theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#00CCCC")) ggsave(path, p, device = "svg", width = 5, height = 5) img <- xml2::read_xml(path) # Find background rect in svg bg <- as.character(xml2::xml_find_first(img, xpath = "d1:rect/@style")) expect_true(grepl("fill: #00CCCC", bg)) }) test_that("ggsave can handle blank background", { skip_if_not_installed("svglite") skip_if_not_installed("xml2") path <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(path)) p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(disp, mpg)) + geom_point() + theme(plot.background = element_blank()) ggsave(path, p, device = "svg", width = 5, height = 5) img <- xml2::read_xml(path) bg <- as.character(xml2::xml_find_first(img, xpath = "d1:rect/@style")) expect_true(grepl("fill: none", bg)) }) test_that("ggsave warns about empty or multiple filenames", { plot <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(disp, mpg)) + geom_point() withr::with_tempfile(c("file1", "file2"), fileext = ".png", { expect_warning( suppressMessages(ggsave(c(file1, file2), plot)), "`filename` must have length 1" ) }) expect_error( ggsave(character(), plot), "`filename` cannot be empty." ) }) test_that("ggsave fails informatively for no-extension filenames", { plot <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(disp, mpg)) + geom_point() expect_error( ggsave(tempfile(), plot), '`filename` has no file extension and `device` is "NULL"' ) }) # plot_dim --------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("guesses and informs if dim not specified", { png(width = 10, height = 10, units = "in", res = 300) on.exit(capture.output(dev.off())) expect_message(out <- plot_dim(), "10 x 10") expect_equal(out, c(10, 10)) }) test_that("uses 7x7 if no graphics device open", { expect_equal(plot_dim(), c(7, 7)) }) test_that("warned about large plot unless limitsize = FALSE", { expect_error(plot_dim(c(50, 50)), "exceed 50 inches") expect_equal(plot_dim(c(50, 50), limitsize = FALSE), c(50, 50)) expect_error(plot_dim(c(15000, 15000), units = "px"), "in pixels).") }) test_that("scale multiplies height & width", { expect_equal(plot_dim(c(10, 10), scale = 1), c(10, 10)) expect_equal(plot_dim(c(5, 5), scale = 2), c(10, 10)) }) # plot_dev --------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("unknown device triggers error", { expect_snapshot_error(plot_dev(1)) expect_error(plot_dev("xyz"), "Unknown graphics device") expect_error(plot_dev(NULL, "test.xyz"), "Unknown graphics device") }) test_that("text converted to function", { expect_identical(body(plot_dev("png"))[[1]], quote(png_dev)) expect_identical(body(plot_dev("pdf"))[[1]], quote(grDevices::pdf)) }) test_that("if device is NULL, guess from extension", { expect_identical(body(plot_dev(NULL, "test.png"))[[1]], quote(png_dev)) }) # parse_dpi --------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("DPI string values are parsed correctly", { expect_type(parse_dpi("print"), "double") expect_type(parse_dpi("screen"), "double") expect_type(parse_dpi("retina"), "double") expect_type(parse_dpi(100), "double") expect_type(parse_dpi(300L), "integer") }) test_that("invalid single-string DPI values throw an error", { expect_snapshot_error(parse_dpi("abc")) }) test_that("invalid non-single-string DPI values throw an error", { expect_snapshot_error(parse_dpi(factor(100))) expect_snapshot_error(parse_dpi(c("print", "screen"))) expect_snapshot_error(parse_dpi(c(150, 300))) expect_snapshot_error(parse_dpi(list(150))) })