test_that("tidied dags are in good shape", { .mag <- dagitty::dagitty("mag{ x<-> y }") expect_error( tidy_dagitty(.mag), "`.dagitty` must be of graph type `dag`" ) tidy_dag <- dagify(y ~ x + z, x ~ z) %>% tidy_dagitty() expect_true(dagitty::is.dagitty(pull_dag(tidy_dag))) expect_true(dplyr::is.tbl(pull_dag_data(tidy_dag))) dag_col_names <- names(pull_dag_data(tidy_dag)) expected_names <- c( "x", "y", "xend", "yend", "name", "direction", "to", "circular" ) expect_true(all(expected_names %in% dag_col_names)) expect_equal(unique(pull_dag_data(tidy_dag)$name), c("x", "y", "z")) expect_equal( pull_dag_data(tidy_dag)$direction, factor(c("->", NA, "->", "->"), levels = c(c("->", "<->", "--"))) ) expect_true(is.logical(pull_dag_data(tidy_dag)$circular)) expect_true(is.numeric(pull_dag_data(tidy_dag)$x)) expect_true(is.numeric(pull_dag_data(tidy_dag)$y)) }) test_that("nodes without edges are captured correctly", { .dagitty <- dagitty::dagitty("dag { x -> y z }") x <- tidy_dagitty(.dagitty) expect_identical(pull_dag_data(x)$name, c("x", "y", "z")) }) test_that("`as_tidy_dagitty()` returns correct objects", { testthat::skip_on_ci() testthat::skip_on_cran() expect_error( as_tidy_dagitty(data.frame()), "Columns `name` and `to` not found" ) df_dag <- data.frame(name = c("c", "c", "x"), to = c("x", "y", "y")) %>% as_tidy_dagitty(seed = 1234, layout = "time_ordered") expect_true(is.tidy_dagitty(df_dag)) expect_true(dagitty::is.dagitty(pull_dag(df_dag))) expect_true(dplyr::is.tbl(pull_dag_data(df_dag))) # `as_tidy_dagitty()` is the same for `dagitty` objects .dag <- dagify(y ~ x + z, x ~ z) v1_dag <- tidy_dagitty(.dag, seed = 1234) v2_dag <- as_tidy_dagitty(.dag, seed = 1234) expect_equal(v1_dag, v2_dag) }) test_that("`as_tidy_dagitty()` works with other configurations", { .df <- data.frame( name = c("c", "c", "x"), to = c("x", "y", "y"), x = 1, y = 1, xend = 1, yend = 1 ) df_dag <- .df %>% as_tidy_dagitty(seed = 1234) expect_true(is.tidy_dagitty(df_dag)) expect_true(dagitty::is.dagitty(pull_dag(df_dag))) expect_true(dplyr::is.tbl(pull_dag_data(df_dag))) .df <- dplyr::full_join( .df, data.frame( name = c("x", "y", "c"), status = c("exposure", "outcome", "latent"), adjusted = c("unadjusted", "unadjusted", "adjusted") ), by = "name" ) %>% dplyr::mutate(x = 1, y = 1, xend = 1, yend = 1) status_dag <- as_tidy_dagitty(.df) %>% pull_dag() expect_identical(dagitty::exposures(status_dag), "x") expect_identical(dagitty::outcomes(status_dag), "y") expect_identical(dagitty::latents(status_dag), "c") expect_identical(dagitty::adjustedNodes(status_dag), "c") }) test_that("Forbidden layouts error", { expect_error( tidy_dagitty(dagify(y ~ x + z, x ~ z), layout = "dendogram"), "Layout type `dendogram` not supported in ggdag" ) }) expect_function_produces_name <- function(tidy_dag, column) { .df <- pull_dag_data(tidy_dag) expect_true(all(column %in% names(.df))) } test_that("node functions produce correct columns", { tidy_dag <- dagify(y ~ x + z, x ~ z) %>% tidy_dagitty() expect_function_produces_name(node_ancestors(tidy_dag, "y"), "ancestor") expect_function_produces_name(node_children(tidy_dag, "z"), "children") expect_function_produces_name(node_collider(tidy_dag), "colliders") expect_function_produces_name( node_dconnected(tidy_dag, "x", "y"), c("adjusted", "d_relationship") ) expect_function_produces_name(node_descendants(tidy_dag, "z"), "descendant") expect_function_produces_name( node_drelationship(tidy_dag, "x", "y"), c("adjusted", "d_relationship") ) expect_function_produces_name( node_dseparated(tidy_dag, "x", "y"), c("adjusted", "d_relationship") ) expect_function_produces_name(node_equivalent_class(tidy_dag), "reversable") expect_function_produces_name(node_equivalent_dags(tidy_dag), "dag") expect_function_produces_name(node_exogenous(tidy_dag), "exogenous") expect_function_produces_name( node_instrumental(tidy_dag, exposure = "x", outcome = "y" ), c("adjusted", "instrumental") ) expect_function_produces_name(node_parents(tidy_dag, "z"), "parent") expect_function_produces_name(node_status(tidy_dag), "status") }) test_that("`as_tibble()` and friends convert data frames", { tidy_dag <- dagify(y ~ x + z, x ~ z) %>% tidy_dagitty() df_dag1 <- dplyr::as_tibble(tidy_dag) expect_true(dplyr::is.tbl(df_dag1)) # all other friends deprecated! }) test_that("coordinate conversion functions work forward and backwards", { coords <- list( x = c(A = 1, B = 2, D = 3, C = 3, F = 3, E = 4, G = 5, H = 5, I = 5), y = c(A = 0, B = 0, D = 1, C = 0, F = -1, E = 0, G = 1, H = 0, I = -1) ) coord_df <- coords2df(coords) expect_true(is.data.frame(coord_df)) expect_length(coord_df, 3) expect_equal(nrow(coord_df), length(coords$x)) expect_equal(coords, coords2list(coord_df)) })