### We can't run the test on Windows because we have to pipe the output into a new process and I don't think that's possible :[ if (tolower(.Platform$OS.type) == "windows"){ invisible(TRUE) } else { passpassword <- function(pw, msg="", showstars=FALSE, noblank=FALSE) { syscmd <- paste0("echo '", pw, "' | ${R_HOME}/bin${R_ARCH_BIN}/Rscript -e 'cat(getPass:::readline_masked_term(msg=", paste0("\"", msg, "\""), ",", showstars, ",", noblank, "))'") system(syscmd, intern=TRUE) } pw <- 'asdf' test <- passpassword(pw) stopifnot(identical(test, pw)) pw.preblank <- paste0("\n\n", pw) test <- passpassword(pw.preblank) stopifnot(identical(test, character(0))) test <- passpassword(pw.preblank, noblank=TRUE) stopifnot(identical(test, pw)) }