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Type 'q()' to quit R. > > library('geostatsp') Loading required package: Matrix Loading required package: terra terra 1.8.15 > data('swissRain') > swissRain = unwrap(swissRain) > swissAltitude = unwrap(swissAltitude) > > Ncores = c(1,2)[1+(.Platform$OS.type=='unix')] > > > > sr2 = swissRain > sr2$elev = extract(swissAltitude, sr2) Warning message: [`[[<-`] only using the first column > swissFit = likfitLgm( + data=sr2, + formula=rain~ elev, + param=c(range=10000,shape=1,nugget=0,boxcox=0.5,anisoRatio=2,anisoAngleDegrees=45), + paramToEstimate = c("range",'anisoAngleDegrees','anisoRatio'), + reml=FALSE, + verbose=FALSE + ) > > > # calculate log-likelihood at the MLE's, but re-estimate variance > sl = loglikLgm( + swissFit$param[c('range','shape','boxcox', 'anisoRatio', 'anisoAngleRadians')], + data=sr2, + formula=rain~ elev, + reml=swissFit$model$reml) > > > # calculate log-likelihood without re-estimating variance > sigSqHat = attributes(sl)$totalVarHat > sl1 = loglikLgm( + c(attributes(sl)$param[ + c('boxcox','anisoRatio','anisoAngleRadians','shape', 'range')], + variance=sigSqHat), + data=sr2, + formula=rain~ elev, + reml=swissFit$model$reml) > > > # re=estimate the anisotropy parameters but not the range > sf2 = likfitLgm( + data=swissFit$data, + formula=swissFit$model$formula, + param= swissFit$param[c('range','nugget','shape','boxcox', 'anisoRatio', 'anisoAngleRadians')], + paramToEstimate = c('variance','anisoAngleRadians','anisoRatio'), + reml=swissFit$model$reml) > > # these should all be the same > as.numeric(sl1) [1] 644.4812 > as.numeric(sl) [1] 644.4812 > swissFit$optim$logL m2logL.ml logL.ml 644.4812 -322.2406 > sf2$optim$logL m2logL.ml logL.ml 644.4812 -322.2406 > > date() [1] "Thu Feb 6 23:05:23 2025" > x=profLlgm(swissFit, mc.cores=Ncores, + range=seq(15000, 55000 , len=12) + ) > date() [1] "Thu Feb 6 23:05:26 2025" > > > swissInf = informationLgm(swissFit) > > > > if(!interactive()) + pdf("profLswissAngle.pdf") > > plot(x[[1]],x[[2]], xlab=names(x)[1], + # yaxt='n', + ylab='log L', + ylim=c(min(x[[2]], na.rm=TRUE),x$maxLogL), + type='n') > lines(x[[1]],x[[2]]) > abline(h=x$breaks[-1], + col=x$col, + lwd=1.5) > axis(2,at=x$breaks,labels=x$prob, + line=-1.2,tick=F, + las=1,padj=1.2,hadj=0,col.axis='red') > > abline(v=x$ciLong$par, + lty=2, + col=x$col[as.character(x$ciLong$prob)]) > > > axis(1,at=x$ciLong$par, + labels=x$ciLong$quantile, + padj= -6,hadj=0.5, + tcl=0.5,cex.axis=0.8, + col=NA,col.ticks='red',col.axis='red') > > ciCols = grep("^ci", colnames(swissInf$summary), + value=TRUE) > > ciValues = unlist(swissInf$summary[intersect(names(x), rownames(swissInf$summary)),ciCols]) > if(any(!is.na(ciValues))) + axis(1,at=ciValues, + labels=gsub("^ci","",ciCols), + padj= 2,hadj=0.5, + tcl=-2,cex.axis=0.7, + col=NA,col.ticks='blue',col.axis='blue') > > lines(x[[1]],x[[2]], type='o') > > if(!interactive()) + dev.off() null device 1 > > > if(interactive() | Sys.info()['user'] =='patrick') { + Ncores = c(1,2)[1+(.Platform$OS.type=='unix')] + date() + x2d=profLlgm(swissFit, mc.cores=Ncores, + anisoAngleRadians=seq(22, 60 , len=24)*(2*pi/360), + anisoRatio =exp(seq(log(1.5),log(20),len=36)) + ) + date() + if(!interactive()) + pdf("profLswiss2d.pdf") + image(x2d[[1]],x2d[[2]],x2d[[3]], + breaks=x2d$breaks, + col=x2d$col,log='y', + xlab=names(x2d)[1], + ylab=names(x2d)[2]) + + thesevars = c("anisoAngleRadians","log(anisoRatio)") + thisV = swissInf$information[ + thesevars,thesevars] + thisMean= c(x2d$MLE["anisoAngleRadians"], + log(x2d$MLE['anisoRatio'])) + + + if(requireNamespace("ellipse", quietly=TRUE)) { + + for(D in x2d$prob[x2d$prob>0&x2d$prob<1]) { + thisE = ellipse::ellipse(thisV, centre=thisMean, + level=D) + colnames(thisE) = names(thisMean) + thisE = cbind(thisE, + anisoRatioExp = exp(thisE[,"anisoRatio"])) + lines(thisE[,"anisoAngleRadians"], + thisE[,"anisoRatioExp"],lwd=4) + lines(thisE[,"anisoAngleRadians"], + thisE[,"anisoRatioExp"], col=x2d$col[as.character(D)], + lwd=3) + } + } + + points(x2d$MLE[1],x2d$MLE[2],pch=15) + + legend("topright", fill=x2d$col, legend=x2d$prob[-length(x2d$prob)]) + + if(!interactive()) + dev.off() + + + + # isotropic + sr2$sqrtY = sqrt(sr2$rain) + swissFitIso = likfitLgm( + data=sr2, + formula=sqrtY ~ elev, + param=c(range=10000,shape=1,nugget=0), + reml=FALSE, + verbose=FALSE + ) + + swissFitIso$parameters + + newParamList = list( + range=seq(15, 100 , len=24)*1000, + nugget = seq(0,0.25,len=24) + ) + newParam= do.call(expand.grid, newParamList) + + res= mapply( + function(range, nugget) { + loglikLgm( + c(swissFitIso$parameters[c('shape')], + range = unname(range), nugget = unname(nugget)), + data = sr2, + formula = swissFitIso$model$formula, + reml = swissFitIso$model$reml, + minustwotimes=FALSE) + }, + range = newParam$range, + nugget = newParam$nugget + ) + + lMatrix = matrix(res, length(newParamList[[1]]), length(newParamList[[2]])) + + if(requireNamespace("mapmisc", quietly=TRUE)) { + myCol = mapmisc::colourScale(lMatrix, breaks=8, dec=0) + + if(!interactive()) + pdf("profLswissIso.pdf") + image( + newParamList[[1]]/1000, newParamList[[2]], lMatrix, + col = myCol$col, breaks=myCol$breaks, + xlab = names(newParamList)[1], + ylab = names(newParamList)[2] + ) + mapmisc::legendBreaks('topright', myCol) + + if(!interactive()) + dev.off() + + } + } > > > proc.time() user system elapsed 7.92 0.21 8.11