R Under development (unstable) (2025-02-05 r87692 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library('geostatsp') Loading required package: Matrix Loading required package: terra terra 1.8.15 > matrix(NNmat(7, 7)[,25], 7, 7) [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [1,] 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 [2,] 0 0 5 4 5 0 0 [3,] 0 5 3 2 3 5 0 [4,] 6 4 2 1 2 4 6 [5,] 0 5 3 2 3 5 0 [6,] 0 0 5 4 5 0 0 [7,] 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 > > myr = squareRaster(ext(0,600,0,300), 60) > theNN = NNmat(myr) > > > params=c(range = 6*xres(myr), + cellSize=xres(myr), + shape=2, + variance=1600) > > > # precision matrix without adjusting for edge effects > system.time({precMat = maternGmrfPrec(N=theNN, param=params, + adjustEdges=FALSE)}) user system elapsed 0.59 0.05 0.64 > > > system.time({theNNadj = NNmat(N=myr, nearest=params['shape']+1, adjustEdges=TRUE)}) user system elapsed 0.06 0.01 0.07 > # and with the adjustment > system.time({precMatCorr =maternGmrfPrec(N=theNNadj, param=params, + adjustEdges=TRUE)}) user system elapsed 0.99 0.03 1.01 > > # find better parameters using a numerical optimizer > system.time({precMatAdj =maternGmrfPrec(theNNadj, param=params, + adjustEdges='optimalShape') }) user system elapsed 0.95 0.00 0.95 > > attributes(precMat)$info$adjustEdges [1] FALSE > attributes(precMatAdj)$info$adjustEdges [1] "optimalShape" > attributes(precMatCorr)$info$adjustEdges [1] "theo" > > Nx = attributes(theNN)$Nx > Ny = attributes(theNN)$Ny > midcell = Nx*round(Ny/2) + round(Nx/2) # the middle cell > edgecell = Nx*5 + 5 # cell near corner > > > # show precision of mid cell > precMid=matrix(precMat[,midcell], Ny, Nx, byrow=TRUE) > precMid[round(Ny/2)+seq(-3, 3), round(Nx/2)+seq(-3, +3)] [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [1,] 0.000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.000000000 0.0000000000 [2,] 0.000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 -0.000125894 0.0000000000 [3,] 0.000000000 0.0000000000 -0.0003776821 0.001678587 -0.0003776821 [4,] 0.000000000 -0.0003776821 0.0033571746 -0.008593434 0.0033571746 [5,] -0.000125894 0.0016785873 -0.0085934344 0.017766776 -0.0085934344 [6,] 0.000000000 -0.0003776821 0.0033571746 -0.008593434 0.0033571746 [7,] 0.000000000 0.0000000000 -0.0003776821 0.001678587 -0.0003776821 [,6] [,7] [1,] 0.0000000000 0.000000000 [2,] 0.0000000000 0.000000000 [3,] 0.0000000000 0.000000000 [4,] -0.0003776821 0.000000000 [5,] 0.0016785873 -0.000125894 [6,] -0.0003776821 0.000000000 [7,] 0.0000000000 0.000000000 > > if(Sys.info()['user'] =='patrick') { + + # invert to get variance matrices + precMatAdjInv = solve(precMatAdj) + precMatCorrInv = solve(precMatCorr) + precMatInv = solve(precMat) + + # check range of diagonal entries, should be + params['variance'] + range(diag(precMatInv)) + range(diag(precMatCorrInv)) + range(diag(precMatAdjInv)) + + # map marginal variances + tempA=tempC=tempU = attributes(precMat)$raster + values(tempC) = diag(precMatCorrInv) + values(tempU) = diag(precMatInv) + values(tempA) = diag(precMatAdjInv) + + if(!interactive()){ + pdf("maternGmrfMarginalVarRasters.pdf",height=10,width=5) + } + par(mfrow=c(3,1)) + plot(tempU) + plot(tempC) + plot(tempA) + if(!interactive()){ + dev.off() + } + + + + # variance matrices + Ncell = Nx*Ny + midVec = sparseMatrix(midcell,1,x=1,dims=c(Ncell,1)) + edgeVec = sparseMatrix(edgecell,1,x=1,dims=c(Ncell,1)) + + therast = attributes(precMat)$raster + values(therast)=NA + varRast = c(therast, therast,therast,therast,therast,therast) + names(varRast) = c('mid','edge','midCor','edgeCor','midAdj','edgeAdj') + values(varRast[['mid']]) = as.vector(Matrix::solve(precMat, midVec)) + values(varRast[['edge']]) = as.vector(Matrix::solve(precMat, edgeVec)) + values(varRast[['midCor']]) = as.vector(Matrix::solve(precMatCorr, midVec)) + values(varRast[['edgeCor']]) = as.vector(Matrix::solve(precMatCorr, edgeVec)) + values(varRast[['midAdj']]) = as.vector(Matrix::solve(precMatAdj, midVec)) + values(varRast[['edgeAdj']]) = as.vector(Matrix::solve(precMatAdj, edgeVec)) + + + if(!interactive()){ + pdf("maternGmrfPredRasters.pdf",height=11,width=4) + } + par(mfrow=c(7,2)) + + mMid = matern(varRast[[1]],y=xyFromCell(varRast,midcell),param=params) + mEdge = matern(varRast[[1]],y=xyFromCell(varRast,edgecell),param=params) + plot(mMid) + plot(mEdge) + + + plot(varRast[['mid']]) + plot(varRast[['edge']]) + + plot(varRast[['mid']]-mMid) + plot(varRast[['edge']]-mEdge) + + plot(varRast[['midCor']]) + plot(varRast[['edgeCor']]) + plot(varRast[['midCor']]-mMid) + plot(varRast[['edgeCor']]-mEdge) + + plot(varRast[['midAdj']]) + plot(varRast[['edgeAdj']]) + plot(varRast[['midAdj']]-mMid) + plot(varRast[['edgeAdj']]-mEdge) + + + if(!interactive()){ + dev.off() + } + + + # compare covariance matrix to the matern + + xseqFull = seq(-1.5, 1.5, len=401)*params["range"] + + diagdist = sqrt(2) + + xymid = xyFromCell(varRast, midcell) + + xseq = seq(xmin(varRast)+xres(varRast)/2,xmax(varRast), by=xres(varRast)) + yseq = seq(ymin(varRast)+yres(varRast)/2,ymax(varRast), by=yres(varRast)) + + vx= extract(varRast, + vect(cbind(xseq, + rep(xymid[2],length(xseq))) + )) + vy = extract(varRast, + vect(cbind( + rep(xymid[1],length(yseq)), + yseq) + ) + ) + + aseq = seq(0,100,by=xres(varRast)) + aseq = sort(unique(c(aseq, -aseq))) + + lur = vect(cbind(xymid[1]+aseq,xymid[2]+aseq)) + lll = vect(cbind(xymid[1]-aseq,xymid[2]+aseq)) + + vur = extract(varRast, + lur ) + + + vll= extract(varRast, + lll ) + xyedg = xyFromCell(varRast, edgecell) + + xseqe = seq(xmin(varRast)+xres(varRast)/2,xmax(varRast), by=xres(varRast)) + yseqe = seq(ymin(varRast)+yres(varRast)/2,ymax(varRast), by=yres(varRast)) + + vxe= extract(varRast, + vect(cbind(xseqe, + rep(xyedg[2],length(xseqe))) + )) + vye = extract(varRast, + vect(cbind( + rep(xyedg[1],length(yseqe)), + yseqe) + ) + ) + + aseqe = seq(0,100,by=xres(varRast)) + aseqe = sort(unique(c(aseqe, -aseqe))) + + lure = vect(cbind(xyedg[1]+aseqe,xyedg[2]+aseqe)) + llle = vect(cbind(xyedg[1]-aseqe,xyedg[2]+aseqe)) + + vure = extract(varRast, + lure ) + + vlle= extract(varRast, + llle ) + + + + + theedg = c('edge','edgeAdj','edgeCor') + + + + themid = c('mid','midAdj','midCor') + + + thecol =c(mid='red',edge='red',midCor='green',edgeCor='green', + midAdj='blue',edgeAdj='blue') + thelwd = c(mid=3,midCor=1,midAdj=1,edge=3,edgeCor=1,edgeAdj=1) + + if(!interactive()){ + pdf("maternGmrfPred.pdf",height=5,width=10) + } + par(mfrow=c(2,2),mar=c(3,2,0,0)) + # middle cell, full plot + plot(xseqFull, matern(xseqFull, param=params), + type = 'l',ylab='cov', xlab='dist', + main="matern v gmrf", + ylim=c(0,params['variance']*1.1),col='grey',lwd=9) + + matlines(xseq-xymid[1],vx[,themid],col=thecol[themid],lty=1, + type='o',lwd=thelwd[themid]) + matlines(yseq-xymid[2],vy[,themid],col=thecol[themid],lty=1, + type='o',lwd=thelwd[themid]) + + + matlines(aseq*diagdist, + vur[,themid],col=thecol[themid],lty=2,type='o', + lwd=thelwd[themid]) + matlines(aseq*diagdist, + vll[,themid],col=thecol[themid],lty=2,type='o',lwd=thelwd[themid]) + + + + + + + legend("topright", lty=1, + col=thecol[c('edge','edgeCor','edgeAdj')], + legend=c('vanilla','edge','adj') + ) + + + # edge cell, full plot + plot(xseqFull, matern(xseqFull, param=params), + type = 'l',ylab='cov', xlab='dist', + main="matern v gmrf", + ylim=c(0,params['variance']*1.1)) + + + + matlines(xseqe-xyedg[1],vxe[,theedg],col=thecol[theedg],lty=1, + lwd=thelwd[theedg]) + matlines(yseqe-xyedg[2],vye[,theedg],col=thecol[theedg],lty=1, + lwd=thelwd[theedg]) + + + matlines(aseqe*diagdist, vure[,theedg],col=thecol[theedg],lty=2, + lwd=thelwd[themid]) + + matlines(aseqe*diagdist, vlle[,theedg],col=thecol[theedg],lty=2, + lwd=thelwd[theedg]) + + # middle cell detail plot + + plot(xseqFull, matern(xseqFull, param=params), + type = 'l',ylab='cov', xlab='dist', + main="matern v gmrf", + ylim=params['variance']*c(0.5,1.05), + xlim=c(-0.5, 0.5)*params['range'],col='grey',lwd=4) + + + + matlines(xseq-xymid[1],vx[,themid],col=thecol[themid], + lty=1, + lwd=thelwd[themid]) + matlines(yseq-xymid[2],vy[,themid],col=thecol[themid],lty=1, + lwd=thelwd[themid]) + + + matlines(aseq*diagdist, vur[,themid],col=thecol[themid],lty=2, + lwd=thelwd[themid]) + + matlines(aseq*diagdist, vll[,themid],col=thecol[themid],lty=2, + lwd=thelwd[themid]) + + + + # edge cells + + plot(xseqFull, matern(xseqFull, param=params), + type = 'l',ylab='cov', xlab='dist', + main="matern v gmrf", + ylim=params['variance']*c(0.5,1.05), + xlim=c(-0.5, 0.5)*params['range']) + + + matlines(xseqe-xyedg[1],vxe[,theedg],col=thecol[theedg], + lty=1, + lwd=thelwd[theedg]) + matlines(yseqe-xyedg[2],vye[,theedg],col=thecol[theedg], + lty=1, + lwd=thelwd[theedg]) + + + matlines(aseqe*diagdist, vure[,theedg],col=thecol[theedg], + lty=2, + lwd=thelwd[themid]) + + matlines(aseqe*diagdist, vlle[,theedg],col=thecol[theedg], + lty=2, + lwd=thelwd[theedg]) + + + + if(!interactive()){ + dev.off() + } + + # matern variance matrix + covMatMatern = + matern(attributes(precMat)$raster, + param=params[c('range','shape','variance')]) + + covMatMaternAdj = + matern(attributes(precMat)$raster, + param=attributes(precMatAdj)$info$optimal[ + c('range','shape','variance')]) + + + + prodUncor = covMatMatern %*% (precMat) + prodCor = covMatMatern %*% (precMatCorr) + prodAdj = covMatMatern %*% (precMatAdj) + prodAdjOpt = covMatMaternAdj %*% (precMatAdj) + + + + thebreaks = c(-100, -0.25, 0.25, 0.75, 1.5, 5, 10, 100) + + thecol = terrain.colors(length(thebreaks)-1) + + if(!interactive()){ + pdf("maternGmrfDiagRast.pdf",height=8,width=5) + } + par(mfrow=c(3,1)) + temp = attributes(precMat)$raster + values(temp) = diag(prodCor) + plot(temp,breaks=thebreaks,col=thecol,legend=F) + # mapmisc::legendBreaks('right',breaks=thebreaks, col=thecol) + + temp = attributes(precMat)$raster + values(temp) = diag(prodUncor) + plot(temp,breaks=thebreaks,col=thecol,legend=FALSE) + + temp = attributes(precMat)$raster + values(temp) = diag(prodAdj) + plot(temp,breaks=thebreaks,col=thecol,legend=FALSE) + + if(!interactive()){ + dev.off() + } + + if(!interactive()){ + pdf("maternGmrfHist.pdf",height=9,width=7) + } + par(mfrow=c(4,2),mar=c(4,4,0,0)) + + hist(Matrix::diag(prodUncor),breaks=60,ylab='vanilla') + abline(v=1) + hist(prodUncor[lower.tri(prodUncor,diag=FALSE)],breaks=60) + abline(v=0) + + thebreaks = c(-10,seq(0.4, 1.1, len=61),10) + + if(interactive()){ + hist(Matrix::diag(prodCor),breaks=thebreaks,ylab='edge') + } else { + hist(Matrix::diag(prodCor),breaks=60,ylab='edge') + } + abline(v=1) + hist(prodCor[lower.tri(prodCor,diag=FALSE)],breaks=60) + abline(v=0) + + if(interactive()){ + hist(Matrix::diag(prodAdj),60,ylab='adj') + } else { + hist(Matrix::diag(prodAdj),breaks=60,ylab='edge') + } + abline(v=1) + hist(prodAdj[lower.tri(prodAdj,diag=FALSE)],breaks=60) + abline(v=0) + + if(interactive()){ + hist(Matrix::diag(prodAdjOpt),breaks=60,ylab='adj optimal') + } else { + hist(Matrix::diag(prodAdjOpt),breaks=60,ylab='edge') + } + abline(v=1) + hist(prodAdjOpt[lower.tri(prodAdjOpt,diag=FALSE)],breaks=60) + abline(v=0) + + + if(!interactive()){ + dev.off() + } + + + # testing marginal variance + if(FALSE){ + + # order one + Sa = seq(from=4.01,to=5,len=10) + maxvar=NULL + for(a in Sa) { + myp = theNN + myp@x = c(4+a^2,-2*a,2,1,0,0,0,0)[myp@x] + myv = solve(myp) + values(myr) = diag(myv) + maxvar = c(maxvar,max(myr[15,])) + + } + + phi = 4/Sa + scale = sqrt(Sa-4) + range = sqrt(8)/scale + + margvar = (4/pi)^(scale^0.5/2)/(4*pi*(Sa-4)) + margvar = (4/pi)^(scale^2/2)/(4*pi*(Sa-4)) + + margvarOld = 1/(4*pi*(Sa-4)) + + + par(mfrow=c(4,1),mar=c(2,4,0,0)) + they= c(-0.1, 0.1) + plot(range, maxvar/margvar-1,log='x',ylab='range',ylim=they) + lines(range, maxvar/margvarOld-1,col='grey') + abline(h=0) + + plot(1-phi, maxvar/margvar-1,ylab='phi',ylim=they) + lines(1-phi, maxvar/margvarOld-1,col='grey') + abline(h=0) + plot(scale, maxvar/margvar-1,ylab='scale',ylim=they) + lines(scale, maxvar/margvarOld-1,col='grey') + abline(h=0) + plot(Sa-4, maxvar/margvar-1,log='x',ylab='Sa-4',ylim=they) + lines(Sa-4, maxvar/margvarOld-1,col='grey') + abline(h=0) + max(maxvar/margvar) + them=which.max(maxvar/margvar) + c(range[them],phi[them],scale[them],Sa[them]) + + + # order two + + Sa2 = seq(from=4.01,to=5,len=40) + maxvar2=NULL + for(a in Sa2) { + myp = theNN + myp@x = c("1" = a*(a*a+12), + "2" = -3*(a*a+3), + "3" = 6*a, + "4" = 3*a, + "5" = -3, + "6" = -1)[myp@x] + myv = solve(myp) + values(myr) = diag(myv) + maxvar2 = c(maxvar2,max(myr[15,])) + + } + + phi2 = 4/Sa2 + scale2 = sqrt(Sa2-4) + range2 = sqrt(8*2)/scale2 + + + margvar = (4/pi)^(scale^2/2)/(4*pi*2*(Sa2-4)^2) + margvarOld = 1/(4*pi*2*(Sa2-4)^2) + + + par(mfrow=c(4,1),mar=c(2,4,0,0)) + they= c(-0.1, 0.1) + plot(range, maxvar2/margvar-1,log='x',ylab='range',ylim=they) + lines(range, maxvar2/margvarOld-1,col='grey') + abline(h=0) + + plot(1-phi, maxvar2/margvar-1,ylab='phi',ylim=they) + lines(1-phi, maxvar2/margvarOld-1,col='grey') + abline(h=0) + plot(scale, maxvar2/margvar-1,ylab='scale',ylim=they) + lines(scale, maxvar2/margvarOld-1,col='grey') + abline(h=0) + plot(Sa-4, maxvar2/margvar-1,log='x',ylab='Sa-4',ylim=they) + lines(Sa-4, maxvar2/margvarOld-1,col='grey') + abline(h=0) + max(maxvar2/margvar) + them=which.max(maxvar2/margvar) + c(range2[them],phi2[them],scale2[them],Sa2[them]) + + + + plot(xseqFull, matern(xseqFull, param=params), + type = 'l',ylab='cov', xlab='dist', + main="matern v gmrf", + ylim=params['variance']*c(0.25,1.05), + xlim=c(-0.75, 0.75)*params['range']) + + # middle cell + themid='mid' + + plot(xseq-xymid[1], + vx[,themid] - matern(xseq-xymid[1], param=params), + col='red',lty=thelty[themid], + lwd=thelwd[themid],type='o',pch=1,ylim=c(-55,12)) + matlines(yseq-xymid[2], + vy[,themid]- matern(yseq-xymid[2], param=params), + col='orange',lty=thelty[themid], + lwd=thelwd[themid],type='o',pch=2) + + + matlines(aseq*diagdist, + vur[,themid]- matern(aseq*diagdist, param=params), + col='yellow',lty=thelty[themid], + lwd=thelwd[themid],type='o',pch=3) + + matlines(aseq*diagdist, vll[,themid]- matern(aseq*diagdist, param=params), + col='pink',lty=thelty[themid], + lwd=thelwd[themid],type='o',pch=4) + + xseqFull = seq(-400,400,len=1000) + + mbase = matern(xseqFull, param= + c(params[c('variance','range')], + params['shape']) + ) + lines(xseqFull, + matern(xseqFull, + param= + c(params['variance'], + params['range']/1.025, + params['shape']/1.23) + )-mbase, + col='blue' + ) + lines(xseqFull, + matern(xseqFull, + param= + c(params['variance'], + params['range']/1.0225, + params['shape']/1.22) + )-mbase, + col='grey' + ) + } + + # test providing ar parameter + + paramsAR = c(shape=1,oneminusar=0.1) + # N=theNN;param=paramsAR;adjustEdges=TRUE;adjustParam=FALSE + + precMatAR =maternGmrfPrec(theNN, param=paramsAR, + adjustEdges=FALSE, + adjustParam=FALSE) + + + # find better parameters using a numerical optimizer + precMatAdjAR =maternGmrfPrec(theNN, param=paramsAR, + adjustEdges=TRUE,adjustParam=TRUE) + + + # and with the adjustment + precMatCorrAR =maternGmrfPrec(theNN, param=paramsAR, + adjustEdges=TRUE,adjustParam=FALSE) + } > > proc.time() user system elapsed 7.84 0.31 8.15