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Type 'q()' to quit R. > #+ setup > library('geostatsp') Loading required package: Matrix Loading required package: terra terra 1.8.15 > #' > > #' # simulated data > > # exclude this line to use the RandomFields package > options(useRandomFields = FALSE) > > Ncell = 40 > > myRaster = squareRaster(ext(0,6000,0,6000), Ncell) > > myParam=c(oneminusar=0.1, conditionalVariance=2.5^2,shape=2) > myQ = maternGmrfPrec(myRaster, param=myParam) > attributes(myQ)$info$optimalShape shape variance range cellSize 4.092496 110.524266 900.000000 150.000000 > set.seed(0) > mySim = RFsimulate(attributes(myQ)$info$optimalShape, myRaster) install the RandomFields package for faster simulations > > otherPar = c(intercept=1, beta = 2, tau=10) > myCov = myRaster > values(myCov) = rep(seq(-1,1,len=ncol(myCov)), nrow(myCov)) > > myLambda = otherPar['intercept'] + otherPar['beta'] * myCov + mySim > myY = myLambda > values(myY)=rnorm(prod(dim(myLambda)),values(myLambda), sd=otherPar['tau']) > > names(myCov) = 'x' > names(myY) = gsub("^layer\\.","sim", names(mySim)) > #' > > > > #+ plotSim, fig.cap='simulated data', fig.subcap =c('random effect','observed') > plot(mySim) > > plot(myY) > #' > > #' grid search > > #+ simGrid > myResR = lgm(formula = sim ~ x, + data=c(myY, myCov), + oneminusar = exp(seq(log(0.05), log(0.2),len=25)), + nugget = exp(seq(log(5), log(100),len=21)), shape=2, + adjustEdges=TRUE) > #' > > #+ simPlot > Sbreaks = c(-100000,-50,-20,-10, -5, -2, -1,0) > > if(requireNamespace("mapmisc", quietly=TRUE)) { + myCol = mapmisc::colourScale( + breaks = Sbreaks + max(myResR$array[,-1,'logLreml',], na.rm=TRUE), + style='fixed', + col=terrain.colors + ) + + image( + as.numeric(dimnames(myResR$array)$propNugget)[-1], + as.numeric(dimnames(myResR$array)$oneminusar), + myResR$array[1,-1,'logLreml',], + xlab = 'propNugget', ylab='oneminusar', + log='xy', + col=myCol$col, breaks=myCol$breaks) + mapmisc::legendBreaks("topright", breaks = Sbreaks, col=myCol$col) + + + points(myResR$param['propNugget'], myResR$param['oneminusar']) + text(myResR$param['propNugget'], myResR$param['oneminusar'], 'mle', pos=3) + + points(otherPar['tau']^2/myParam['conditionalVariance'], myParam['oneminusar'], pch=16, col='red') + text(otherPar['tau']^2/myParam['conditionalVariance'], myParam['oneminusar'], 'truth', pos=3) + } > #' > > > #+ results > myResR$param mlDeviance remlDeviance 0.00000000 0.00000000 tausq xisq 96.36887135 3.71022520 boxcox sigmasq 1.00000000 101.81739187 (Intercept) x -0.20960843 0.65228343 (Intercept)BetaHatSe xBetaHatSe 3.47935734 7.47260548 range shape 1021.72841054 2.00000000 sigmasqXisq optimalShape 27.44237517 1.43855082 optimalVarianceAndShape.shape optimalVarianceAndShape.variance 1.59322794 34.94381807 oneminusar propNugget 0.07937005 25.97386040 > attributes(myQ)$info$optimalShape shape variance range cellSize 4.092496 110.524266 900.000000 150.000000 > otherPar intercept beta tau 1 2 10 > #' > > #' checkResults > > #+ checkResultsSetup > > oneRes = c( + oneminusar = as.numeric(dimnames(myResR$array)$oneminusar[5]), + shape=2, + propNugget = as.numeric(dimnames(myResR$array)$propNugget[4])) > > Q = maternGmrfPrec( + myRaster, + param=c(conditionalVariance=1, oneRes[c('oneminusar','shape')]), + adjustEdges=TRUE) > > Qinv = as.matrix(solve(Q)) > > obsCov = cbind(y=values(myY), intercept=1, x=values(myCov)) > Xseq = 2:ncol(obsCov) > Nobs = nrow(obsCov) > #' > > #' no nugget > > #+ checkNoNugget > (xProdQ = crossprod(obsCov, Q) %*% obsCov) 3 x 3 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix" sim intercept x sim 353839.892739 -2.021419e+00 2.074457e+00 intercept -2.021419 6.182566e-01 4.476280e-14 x 2.074457 3.394507e-14 3.241081e-01 > xProdQ - myResR$model$extras$ssq[,,1,'ssq', as.character(oneRes['oneminusar'])] 3 x 3 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix" sim intercept x sim -5.809125e-08 -3.050893e-13 1.159961e-12 intercept -9.503509e-14 4.440892e-15 8.722190e-15 x -3.463896e-14 -1.364880e-14 -2.181588e-14 > > myResR$array[,1,c('(Intercept)BetaHat','xBetaHat'),as.character(oneRes['oneminusar'])] (Intercept)BetaHat xBetaHat -3.269546 6.400511 > myResR$model$extras$ssq[Xseq,1,1,'beta', as.character(oneRes['oneminusar'])] (Intercept) x -3.269546 6.400511 > (betahat=drop(solve(xProdQ[Xseq,Xseq]) %*% xProdQ[Xseq, -Xseq])) intercept x -3.269546 6.400511 > > myResR$array[,1,c('xisqHatMl','xisqHatReml'),as.character(oneRes['oneminusar'])] xisqHatMl xisqHatReml 221.1375 221.4143 > myResR$model$extras$ml[,1,c('profiledVarianceHatMl','profiledVarianceHatReml'), as.character(oneRes['oneminusar'])] profiledVarianceHatMl profiledVarianceHatReml 221.1375 221.4143 > resid = obsCov[,1] - betahat[1] - obsCov[,3]*betahat[2] > (varhat = diag(crossprod(resid, Q) %*% resid)/(nrow(obsCov) - c(ml=0,reml=length(Xseq)))) ml reml 221.1375 221.4143 > > > > -0.5*myResR$model$extras$ml[,'0','m2logLml', as.character(oneRes['oneminusar'])] [1] -6861.931 > myResR$array[,1,'logLml',as.character(oneRes['oneminusar'])] [1] -6861.931 > > if(requireNamespace("mvtnorm", quietly=TRUE)) + mvtnorm::dmvnorm( + resid, + sigma = varhat['ml'] * Qinv, log=TRUE) > #' > > #' with nugget > > #+ checkWithNugget > V = (1/oneRes['propNugget']) * Qinv + Diagonal(nrow(Q)) > Vinv = solve(V) > > (xProdQ = crossprod(obsCov, Vinv) %*% obsCov) 3 x 3 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix" sim intercept x sim 124321.060517 -1.342479e+00 2.559467e+00 intercept -1.342479 3.961904e+00 3.621256e-12 x 2.559467 3.623296e-12 1.999803e+00 > myResR$model$extras$ssq[,, as.character(oneRes['propNugget']),'ssq', as.character(oneRes['oneminusar'])] datasetCol datasetRow sim (Intercept) x sim 124321.060517 -1.342479e+00 2.559467e+00 (Intercept) -1.342479 3.961904e+00 -9.295934e-13 x 2.559467 -9.295934e-13 1.999803e+00 > > > (betahat= drop(solve(xProdQ[Xseq,Xseq]) %*% xProdQ[Xseq, -Xseq])) intercept x -0.3388471 1.2798594 > myResR$array[, + as.character(oneRes['propNugget']), + c('(Intercept)BetaHat','xBetaHat'), + as.character(oneRes['oneminusar'])] (Intercept)BetaHat xBetaHat -0.3388471 1.2798594 > > resid = obsCov[,1] - betahat[1] - obsCov[,3]*betahat[2] > (varhat = diag(crossprod(resid, Vinv) %*% resid)/(nrow(obsCov) - c(ml=0,reml=length(Xseq)))) ml reml 77.69833 77.79558 > myResR$array[, + as.character(oneRes['propNugget']), + c('tausqHatMl','tausqHatReml'), + as.character(oneRes['oneminusar'])] tausqHatMl tausqHatReml 77.69833 77.79558 > > -0.5*myResR$model$extras$ml[,as.character(oneRes['propNugget']),'m2logLml', as.character(oneRes['oneminusar'])] [1] -6181.48 > myResR$array[,as.character(oneRes['propNugget']),'logLml',as.character(oneRes['oneminusar'])] [1] -6181.48 > > if(requireNamespace("mvtnorm", quietly=TRUE)) + mvtnorm::dmvnorm( + resid, + sigma = as.matrix(varhat['ml'] * V), log=TRUE) > > #' > > #' # swiss rain > > #+ swissRain > data('swissRainR') > swissRainR= unwrap(swissRainR) > > anotherx = rast(swissRainR[['alt']]) > values(anotherx) = seq(0,1,len=ncell(anotherx)) > names(anotherx) = "myvar" > > swissRainR2 = c(swissRainR[['alt']], + sqrt(swissRainR[['prec1']]), + anotherx) > #' > > #+ aggregateIfWindows > > if(.Platform$OS.type=='windows') { + swissRainR2 = aggregate(swissRainR2, fact=2) + } > #' > > #+ swissRainFit > > swissResR = lgm( + formula=prec1 ~ alt+ myvar, + data=swissRainR2, shape=2, + oneminusar = exp(seq(log(0.01), log(0.1), len=11)), + nugget = exp(seq(log(0.25), log(2.5), len=11)), + adjustEdges=TRUE ) Warning messages: 1: In maternGmrfPrec.dgCMatrix(NN, param = c(shape = as.vector(shape), : grid is 45 by 16which may be too small for range 19.8997487421323 cells, 1- Ar param0.01 2: In maternGmrfPrec.dgCMatrix(NN, param = c(shape = as.vector(shape), : grid is 45 by 16which may be too small for range 17.7124615423636 cells, 1- Ar param0.0125892541179417 3: In maternGmrfPrec.dgCMatrix(NN, param = c(shape = as.vector(shape), : grid is 45 by 16which may be too small for range 15.7601693452856 cells, 1- Ar param0.0158489319246111 > #' > > #+ swissRainPlot > if(requireNamespace("mapmisc", quietly=TRUE)) { + myCol = mapmisc::colourScale( + breaks = Sbreaks + max(swissResR$array[,-1,'logLreml',], na.rm=TRUE), + style='fixed', + col=terrain.colors + ) + + image( + as.numeric(dimnames(swissResR$array)$propNugget)[-1], + as.numeric(dimnames(swissResR$array)$oneminusar), + swissResR$array[1,-1,'logLreml',], + xlab = 'propNugget', ylab='oneminusar', + log='xy', + col=myCol$col, breaks=myCol$breaks) + mapmisc::legendBreaks("topright", breaks = Sbreaks, col=myCol$col) + } > #' > > > > #' boxcox > #+ boxCox > > > yBC = sqrt(myY + 1 - min(minmax(myY))) > names(yBC) = names(myY) > myResBC = lgm( + formula = sim ~ x, + data=c(yBC, myCov), + oneminusar = exp(seq(log(0.05), log(0.15), len=11)), + nugget = exp(seq(log(5), log(50), len=11)), + shape=2, reml=FALSE, + mc.cores=1, + fixBoxcox=FALSE, + adjustEdges=FALSE) > #' > > #+ boxCoxPlot > > plot(myResBC$profL$boxcox,type='o', + ylim=max(c(-10000,myResBC$profL$boxcox[,2]), na.rm=TRUE)-c(3,0)) > > myResBC$param mlDeviance remlDeviance 0.0000000 0.0000000 tausq xisq 27.9378913 2.8004229 boxcox sigmasq 2.0500000 34.9486223 (Intercept) x 26.2773154 -0.3980429 (Intercept)BetaHatSe xBetaHatSe 0.3032953 0.5147615 range shape 810.8258529 2.0000000 sigmasqXisq optimalShape 12.4797660 1.3122568 optimalVarianceAndShape.shape optimalVarianceAndShape.variance 1.5269332 16.3399839 oneminusar propNugget 0.1204112 9.9763116 > if(requireNamespace("mapmisc", quietly=TRUE)){ + myCol = mapmisc::colourScale( + breaks = Sbreaks, + style='fixed', + col=terrain.colors + ) + + image( + myResBC$profL$twoDim$x[-1], + myResBC$profL$twoDim$y, + myResBC$profL$twoDim$z[-1,], + log='xy', + ylab = 'range', xlab='propNugget', + col=myCol$col, breaks=myCol$breaks+max(myResBC$array[,,'logLreml',], na.rm=TRUE)) + mapmisc::legendBreaks("topright", myCol) + points(myResBC$param['propNugget'], myResBC$param['oneminusar']) + } > #' > > #' optimizing, doesn't work > > #+ optimizepropNugget > > if(Sys.info()['user'] =='patrick' & FALSE) { + myResRopt = lgm( + formula = sim ~ x, + data=c(myY, myCov), + oneminusar = seq(0.05, 0.2,len=4), + shape=2) + + if(!interactive()) pdf("doesntwork.pdf") + plot(myResRopt$array[,,'oneminusar',], myResRopt$array[,,'propNugget',]) + + if(!interactive()) dev.off() + + swissResRoptAr = lgm( + formula=layer ~ alt+ myvar, + data=swissRainR2, shape=2, + oneminusar = seq(0.1, 0.5, len=4), + adjustEdges=FALSE + ) + + swissResRopt = lgm( + formula=layer ~ alt+ myvar, + data=swissRainR2, shape=2, + adjustEdges=FALSE + ) + + + swissResRopt$summary + + # with edge correction. + # time consuming, only run this if Patrick is checking + + + + # optimize only nugget + swissResROptNug = lgm( + formula=prec1 ~ alt+ myvar, + data=swissRainR2, shape=2, + oneminusar=seq(0.05, 0.1, len=4), + adjustEdges=FALSE,fixNugget=TRUE, + mc.cores=1 + ) + + plot(swissResROptNug$profL$range, type='l') + } > > > #' > > proc.time() user system elapsed 56.35 1.50 57.84