R Under development (unstable) (2025-02-05 r87692 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > > havePackages = c( + 'INLA' = requireNamespace('INLA', quietly=TRUE) + ) > > if(requireNamespace("INLA", quietly=TRUE) ) { + INLA::inla.setOption(num.threads=2) + # not all versions of INLA support blas.num.threads + try(INLA::inla.setOption(blas.num.threads=2), silent=TRUE) + } > > print(havePackages) INLA FALSE > > # as in example > require('geostatsp') Loading required package: geostatsp Loading required package: Matrix Loading required package: terra terra 1.8.15 > myPoints = vect(cbind(rbeta(100,2,2), rbeta(100,3,4))) > > mycov = rast(matrix(rbinom(100, 1, 0.5), 10, 10), extent=ext(0, 1, 0, 1)) > names(mycov)="x1" > > res = lgcp( + formula=~factor(x1), + data=myPoints, + grid=20, + covariates=mycov, + prior=list(sd=0.1, range=c(0.4)), + ) > > if(length(res$parameters)) { + knitr::kable(res$parameters$summary, digits=3) + + plot(res$raster[["predict.exp"]]) + plot(myPoints,add=TRUE,col="#0000FF30",cex=0.5) + } > > # intercept only > > res = lgcp( + data=myPoints, + grid=20, + covariates=mycov, + formula=~1, + priorCI=list(sd=c(0.9, 1.1), range=c(0.4, 0.41)) + ) > > if(length(res$parameters)) { + + knitr::kable(res$parameters$summary, digits=3) + + plot(res$raster[["predict.exp"]]) + plot(myPoints,add=TRUE,col="#0000FF30",cex=0.5) + } > > > # some missing values > mycov2 = deepcopy(mycov) > temp = values(mycov2) > temp[1:4] = NA > values(mycov2) = temp > > if(all(havePackages)) { + + res = lgcp(data=myPoints, grid=20, covariates=mycov2, + formula=~factor(x1), + priorCI=list(sd=c(0.9, 1.1), range=c(0.4, 0.41)) + ) + + if(length(res$parameters)) { + + plot(res$raster[["predict.exp"]]) + plot(myPoints,add=TRUE,col="#0000FF30",cex=0.5) + } + } > > > data('murder') > murder = unwrap(murder) > data('torontoPop') > torontoPdens = unwrap(torontoPdens) > torontoIncome = unwrap(torontoIncome) > torontoBorder = unwrap(torontoBorder) > > highDens = torontoPdens > 100 > > > myCov = list( + pop=torontoPdens, + highDens = highDens, + inc = log(torontoIncome) + ) > > formula = ~ inc*highDens + offset(pop, log=TRUE) > > > resL=lgcp(formula, data=murder, + grid=squareRaster(murder, 30), + covariates=myCov, verbose=TRUE, + border=torontoBorder) inla done > > resO = lgcp( ~ inc + pop, + data=murder, + grid=squareRaster(murder, 30), + covariates=list(inc=myCov$inc, pop=log(myCov$pop)), + border=torontoBorder) > > if(length(resL$parameters)) { + + rbind(resL$param$summary, resO$param$summary) + } > > > > # check spdfToBrock > > if(requireNamespace('diseasemapping', quietly=TRUE)){ + require('diseasemapping') + + data('kentucky') + kentucky = unwrap(kentucky) + + popList = list( + '2002' = kentucky[,c('M.50', 'M.55', 'M.60')], + '2005' = kentucky[,c('F.50', 'F.55', 'F.60')] + ) + for(D in names(popList)) + names(popList[[D]]) = paste('expected_', seq(as.numeric(D)-1, len=3), sep='') + + popBrick = spdfToBrick( + x=popList, + template=squareRaster(kentucky, 10), + logSumExpected=FALSE + ) + sum(popList[['2002']]$expected_2001, na.rm=TRUE) + sum(values(popBrick[['expected_2001']]), na.rm=TRUE)*prod(res(popBrick)) + + popBrick2 = spdfToBrick( + x=popList, + template=squareRaster(kentucky, 10), + logSumExpected=TRUE + ) + + sum(unlist(lapply(popList, function(qq) apply(values(qq), 2, sum, na.rm=TRUE)))) + sum(exp(values(popBrick2)), na.rm=TRUE)*prod(res(popBrick2)) + + } > > > > > proc.time() user system elapsed 5.29 0.21 5.46