iter=30 refresh = 0 source("helpers.R") context("stan_esf") test_that("make_EV returns a data.frame", { A <- shape2mat(georgia, "B") EV <- make_EV(A) expect_is(EV, "data.frame") }) test_that('data types correct', { A <- shape2mat(georgia, "B") expect_is(A, 'Matrix') EV <- make_EV(A) expect_is(EV, 'data.frame') EV.l <- make_EV(A, values = TRUE) expect_is(EV.l, 'list') L <- lisa(EV[,10], A) expect_is(L, 'data.frame') L.df <- lisa(EV[,10], A, type = FALSE) expect_is(L.df, 'numeric') }) test_that("ESF model works", { data(sentencing) n <- nrow(sentencing) C <- shape2mat(sentencing) SW( fit <- stan_esf(sents ~ offset(log(expected_sents)), data = sentencing, C = C, chains = 1, family = poisson(), iter = iter, refresh = refresh) ) expect_geostan(fit) }) test_that("ESF model works by providing EV", { data(sentencing) n <- nrow(sentencing) C <- shape2mat(sentencing, "B") EV <- make_EV(C) SW( fit <- stan_esf(sents ~ offset(log(expected_sents)), data = sentencing, EV = EV, C = C, chains = 1, family = poisson(), iter = iter, refresh = refresh) ) expect_geostan(fit) }) test_that("ICAR accepts covariate ME with logit transform", { data(georgia) C <- shape2mat(georgia) georgia$income <- georgia$income/1e3 georgia$ <- georgia$ georgia$log_income <- log(georgia$income) georgia$ <- se_log(georgia$income, georgia$ georgia$college <- georgia$college/1e3 georgia$ <- georgia$ ME <- prep_me_data(se = data.frame(college = georgia$, log_income = georgia$, logit = c(TRUE, FALSE), bounds =c (0, Inf) ) SW( fit <- stan_esf(deaths.male ~ offset(log( + college + log_income, data = georgia, re = ~ GEOID, ME = ME, C = C, prior = list( intercept = normal(0, 5), beta = normal(c(0,0), c(4,4)) ), chains = 1, family = poisson(), iter = iter, refresh = refresh) ) expect_geostan(fit) }) test_that("ESF with censored y", { data(georgia) C <- shape2mat(georgia) SW( fit <- stan_esf(deaths.female ~ offset(log( + insurance, re = ~ GEOID, censor_point = 9, data = georgia, chains = 1, family = poisson(), C = C, iter = iter, refresh = refresh ) ) expect_geostan(fit) }) test_that("slim ESF works", { data(georgia) C <- shape2mat(georgia) SW( fit <- stan_esf(deaths.female ~ offset(log( + insurance, re = ~ GEOID, censor_point = 9, data = georgia, chains = 1, family = poisson(), slim = TRUE, C = C, iter = iter, refresh = refresh ) ) expect_geostan(fit) SW( fit <- stan_esf(deaths.female ~ offset(log( + insurance, re = ~ GEOID, censor_point = 9, data = georgia, chains = 1, family = poisson(), drop = c('fitted', 'esf'), C = C, iter = iter, refresh = refresh ) ) expect_geostan(fit) })