context("tsearch") test_that("tsearch gives the expected output", { x <- c(-1, -1, 1) y <- c(-1, 1, -1) p <- cbind(x, y) tri <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3), 1, 3) ## Should be in triangle #1 ts <- tsearch(x, y, tri, -1, -1) expect_equal(ts, 1) ## Should be in triangle #1 ts <- tsearch(x, y, tri, 1, -1) expect_equal(ts, 1) ## Should be in triangle #1 ts <- tsearch(x, y, tri, -1, 1) expect_equal(ts, 1) ## Centroid ts <- tsearch(x, y, tri, -1/3, -1/3) expect_equal(ts, 1) ## Should be outside triangle #1, so should return NA ts <- tsearch(x, y, tri, 1, 1) expect_true( }) test_that("tsearch can deal with faulty input", { x <- c(-1, -1, 1) y <- c(-1, 1, -1) p <- cbind(x, y) tri <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3), 1, 3) ## NULLs and NAs ## expect_error(tsearch(x, y, tri, NA, NA)) expect_error(tsearch(x, y, NA, -1, 1)) expect_error(tsearch(NA, NA, tri, -1, 1)) expect_error(tsearch(x, y, tri, NULL, NULL)) expect_error(tsearch(x, y, NULL, -1, 1)) expect_error(tsearch(NULL, NULL, tri, -1, 1)) ## Wrong number of columns expect_error(tsearch(p, 0, tri, -1, 1)) ## Non-integer triangulation expect_error(tsearch(x, y, matrix(runif(15), 5, 3), -1, 1), regexp="does not have integer elements") ## Wrong number of columns in triangulation expect_error(tsearch(x, y, matrix(1:4, 4, 2), -1, 1)) ## Mismatch in x and y lengths expect_error(tsearch(x, y[-1], tri, -1, 1)) ## Mismatch in xi and yi lengths expect_error(tsearch(x, y, tri, c(-1, 1), 1)) ## A subtle one! This gives numeric(0) as the final arguments and ## should give idx with no elements and a 0x3 matrix for p ps <- matrix(0, 0, 2) expect_equal(tsearch(x, y, tri, ps[,1], ps[,2], bary=TRUE), list(idx=integer(0), p=matrix(0, 0, 3))) }) ## See ## ## for inspiration for the test below test_that("tsearch gives the expected output when computer precision problem arise", { # ==== Hand made test ==== x1 <- 1/10 y1 <- 1/9 x2 <- 100/8 y2 <- 100/3 P <- rbind(c(x1, y1), c(x2, y2), c(100/4, 100/9), c(-100/8, 100/6)) # And a single point p(x, y) lying exactly on the segment [p1, p2] : xi <- x1 + (3/7)*(x2 - x1) yi <- y1 + (3/7)*(y2 - y1) # Should always give triangle 2 since this is the lastest tested tri1 <- rbind(1:3, c(1, 2, 4)) ts <- tsearch(P[,1], P[,2], tri1, xi, yi) expect_equal(ts, 2) tri2 <- rbind(c(1, 2, 4), 1:3) ts <- tsearch(P[,1], P[,2], tri2, xi, yi) expect_equal(ts, 2) # The same but with only one triangle P <- rbind(c(x1, y1), c(x2, y2), c(100/4, 100/9)) tri <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3), 1, 3) ts <- tsearch(P[,1], P[,2], tri, xi, yi) expect_equal(ts, 1) tri <- matrix(c(3, 2, 1), 1, 3) ts <- tsearch(P[,1], P[,2], tri, xi, yi) expect_equal(ts, 1) # The same but with the other triangle P <- rbind(c(x2, y2), c(100/4, 100/9), c(-100/8, 100/6)) tri <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3), 1, 3) ts <- tsearch(P[,1], P[,2], tri, xi, yi) expect_equal(ts, 1) tri <- matrix(c(3, 2, 1), 1, 3) ts <- tsearch(P[,1], P[,2], tri, xi, yi) expect_equal(ts, 1) # Another test x <- c(6.89, 7.15, 7.03) y <- c(7.76, 7.75, 8.35) tri <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3), 1, 3) ts <- tsearch(x, y, tri, 7.125, 7.875) expect_equal(ts, 1) # ==== Test known to bug in former code ==== x <- c(278287.03, 278286.89, 278287.15, 278287.3) y <- c(602248.35, 602247.76, 602247.75, 602248.35) xi = 278287.125 yi = 602247.875 # Should always give triangle 2 but here it does not work tri = rbind(c(3,1,4), c(3,1,2)) ts <- tsearch(x, y, tri, xi, yi) expect_equal(ts, 2) tri = rbind(c(1,2,3), c(1,3,4)) ts <- tsearch(x, y, tri, xi, yi) expect_equal(ts, 1) # This is because the buffer epsilon is 1.0e-12. x <- c(278287.03, 278287.15, 278287.3) y <- c(602248.35, 602247.75, 602248.35) tri <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3), 1, 3) ts <- tsearch(x, y, tri, xi, yi) expect_true( #expect_equal(ts, 1) #With epsilon = 1.0e-10 it works. }) test_that("no regression on Issue #39", { ## See ## vertices P <- rbind( c(373.8112, 4673.726), #31 c(222.9705, 4280.085), #32 c(291.0508, 4476.996), #42 c(553.4783, 4523.605), #43 c(222.6388, 4023.920), #44 c(445.2401, 4370.940), #48 c(81.54986, 4125.393)) #61 ## I found this error on my system with Ubuntu 16.04, R 3.4.1 and ## `geometry_0.4.2`. `geometry_0.4.0` gave the same error). The error ## persists on Windows 10 with R 3.6.1. ## triangulation T <- rbind( c(3, 2, 6), c(5, 2, 7), c(4, 1, 3)) ## data data <- rbind( c(221.6, 4171.8), c(250.4, 4311.8), c(496.6, 4516.2), c(254.0, 4294.8), c(199.4, 4072.6)) ## With bug returns NA for datapoints 3 and 5 expect_equal(tsearch(P[,1], P[,2],T, data[,1], data[,2]), c(2, 1, 3, 1, 2)) data2 <- rbind( c(221.6, 4171.8), c(250.4, 4311.8), c(496.6, 4516.2), c(254.0, 4294.8), c(199.4, 4072.0)) #note that only the Y coordinate of datapoint 5 was changed expect_equal(tsearch(P[,1], P[,2],T, data2[,1], data2[,2]), c(2, 1, 3, 1, 2)) }) test_that("no regression on Issue #57", { load(file.path(system.file(package="geometry"), "extdata", "issue57-tsearch.RData")) dn <- delaunayn(P, options = "") tri <- tsearch(P[, "XCoord"], P[, "YCoord"], dn, Pi[, "XCoord"], Pi[, "YCoord"], bary = T) tri2 <- tsearch(P[, "XCoord"], P[, "YCoord"], dn, Pi[, "XCoord"], Pi[, "YCoord"], bary = T, method = "orig") ## trimesh(dn, P[,"XCoord"], P[, "YCoord"]) ## points(P[,"XCoord"], P[,"YCoord"], col='red') expect_equal(tri, tri2) })