context("Interaction with parallel package") library(parallel) test_that("delaunayn can be called with mc.apply", { ## mc.cores must be 1 on Windows. Otherwise use only 2 cores to comply ## with CRAN guidelines. mc.cores <- ifelse([1] == "Windows", 1, 2) ## Set seed for replicability set.seed(1) ## Create points and try standard Delaunay Triangulation N <- 100000 P <- matrix(runif(2*N), N, 2) T <- delaunayn(P) expect_identical(nrow(T), 199966L) ## Now try out the parallel version. Ts <- mclapply(list(P, P, P, P), delaunayn, mc.cores=mc.cores) expect_length(Ts, 4) expect_identical(nrow(Ts[[1]]), 199966L) expect_identical(Ts[[1]], T) })