context("delaunayn") test_that("delaunayn produces the correct output", { ## Create points that, when passed to Qhull with the Qt option, ## would give degenerate simplices - thanks to Bill Denney for ## example ps <- as.matrix(rbind(data.frame(a=0, b=0, d=0), merge(merge(data.frame(a=c(-1, 1)), data.frame(b=c(-1, 1))), data.frame(d=c(-1, 1))))) ts <- delaunayn(ps) expect_type(ts, "integer") expect_identical(dim(ts), c(12L, 4L)) ## With output.options=TRUE, there should be a trinagulation, areas and ## neighbours and the sum of the ares should be 8 ts.full <- delaunayn(ps, output.options=TRUE) expect_equal(ts, ts.full$tri, check.attributes=FALSE) expect_equal(length(ts.full$areas), nrow(ts.full$tri)) expect_equal(length(ts.full$neighbours), nrow(ts.full$tri)) expect_equal(sum(ts.full$area), 8) ## With full output, there should be a trinagulation, areas and ## neighbours and the sum of the ares should be 8 ## full will be deprecated in a future version ts.full <- delaunayn(ps, full=TRUE) expect_equal(ts, ts.full$tri, check.attributes=FALSE) expect_equal(length(ts.full$areas), nrow(ts.full$tri)) expect_equal(length(ts.full$neighbours), nrow(ts.full$tri)) expect_equal(sum(ts.full$area), 8) ## tsearchn shouldn't return a "degnerate simplex" error. expect_silent(tsearchn(ps, ts, cbind(1, 2, 4))) ## If the input matrix contains NAs, delaunayn should return an error ps <- rbind(ps, NA) expect_error(delaunayn(ps)) }) test_that("In the case of just one triangle, delaunayn returns a matrix", { pc <- rbind(c(0, 0), c(0, 1), c(1, 0)) pct <- delaunayn(pc) expect_type(pct, "integer") expect_identical(dim(pct), c(1L, 3L)) ## With no options it should also produce a triangulation. This ## mirrors the behaviour of octave and matlab pct <- delaunayn(pc, "") expect_type(pct, "integer") expect_identical(dim(pct), c(1L, 3L)) pct.full <- delaunayn(pc, output.options=TRUE) expect_equal(pct.full$areas, 0.5) }) test_that("In the case of a degenerate triangle, delaunayn returns a matrix with zero rows", { pc <- rbind(c(0, 0), c(0, 1), c(0, 2)) pct <- delaunayn(pc) expect_type(pct, "integer") expect_identical(dim(pct), c(0L, 3L)) pct.full <- delaunayn(pc, output.options=TRUE) expect_equal(length(pct.full$areas), 0) expect_equal(length(pct.full$neighbours), 0) }) test_that("In the case of just one tetrahaedron, delaunayn returns a matrix", { pc <- rbind(c(0, 0, 0), c(0, 1, 0), c(1, 0, 0), c(0, 0, 1)) pct <- delaunayn(pc) expect_type(pct, "integer") expect_identical(dim(pct), c(1L, 4L)) pct.full <- delaunayn(pc, output.options=TRUE) expect_equal(pct.full$areas, 1/6) }) test_that("Output to file works", { ps <- matrix(rnorm(3000), ncol=3) ps <- sqrt(3)*ps/drop(sqrt((ps^2) %*% rep(1, 3))) fname <- path.expand(file.path(tempdir(), "test1.txt")) pst <- delaunayn(ps, paste0("QJ TO '", fname, "'")) expect_true(file.exists(fname)) }) test_that("The QJ option can give degenerate simplices", { ## Create degenerate simplex - thanks to Bill Denney for example ps <- as.matrix(rbind(data.frame(a=0, b=0, d=0), merge(merge(data.frame(a=c(-1, 1)), data.frame(b=c(-1, 1))), data.frame(d=c(-1, 1))))) ## The QJ option leads to on simplex being very small ts <- delaunayn(ps, "QJ") expect_warning(tsearchn(ps, ts, cbind(1, 2, 4))) }) test_that("A square is triangulated", { ## This doesn't work if the Qz option isn't supplied square <- rbind(c(0, 0), c(0, 1), c(1, 0), c(1, 1)) expect_equal(delaunayn(square), rbind(c(4, 2, 1), c(4, 3, 1)), check.attributes=FALSE) expect_error(delaunayn(square, ""), "QH6239 Qhull precision error: initial Delaunay input sites are cocircular or cospherical") }) test_that("No regression on issue 11: All points in a box far from the origin are triangulated", { ## Generate set of randomly generated points in a 40 unit square, ## 250,000 from the origin set.seed(2) p <- geometry::rbox(4000, D=2, 20) + 250000 ## Triangulate t <- delaunayn(p) ## Count how many of the points aren't in the triangulation - should be zero expect_equal(length(setdiff(seq(1,nrow(p)), unique(c(t[,1], t[,2], t[,3])))), 0) ## Plotting: in the plot below, untriangulated points appear in red ## Basted on Jean-Romain's example in ## x <- p[,1] ## y <- p[,2] ## plot(x, y, cex = 0.1, col = "red") ## trimesh(t, x, y, add = T) }) test_that("No regression on issue 12: All points in a small box with different x and y distances to the origin are triangulated", { ## Generate set of randomly generated points in a 40 unit square, ## with x distance of 5E5 from the origin and y distance 5E6 from ## the orgin. Note that the mean x and y values relative to the ## width of the window are quite different to each other. set.seed(2) p <- geometry::rbox(4000, D=2, 20) + 5E5 p[,2] <- p[,2] + 5E6 ## Expect warnings without the correct options expect_warning(delaunayn(p), "points missing from triangulation") expect_warning(delaunayn(p, options="Qt Qc Qz Qbb"), "points missing from triangulation") expect_warning(delaunayn(p, options="Qt Qc Qz QbB"), "points missing from triangulation") ## Centring the points does allow triangulation p.centred <- cbind(p[,1] - mean(p[,1]), p[,2] - mean(p[,2])) delaunayn(p.centred) })