context("Testing the behavior of FCMres class") test_that("Testing the behavior of the FCMres class object : error if not list",{ expect_error({ obj <- matrix(0, nrow = , ncol = 3) FCMres(obj) }) }) test_that("Testing the behavior of the FCMres class object : simple case with vector data",{ data(LyonIris) library(dplyr) AnalysisFields <-c("Lden","NO2","PM25","VegHautPrt","Pct0_14","Pct_65","Pct_Img", "TxChom1564","Pct_brevet","NivVieMed") Data <- sf::st_drop_geometry(LyonIris[AnalysisFields]) clust <- hclust(dist(Data), method = "ward.D2") # getting the groups LyonIris$Hclust_groups <- as.character(cutree(clust, k = 4)) Data$Hclust_groups <- as.character(cutree(clust, k = 4)) centers <- Data %>% group_by(Hclust_groups) %>% summarise_all(mean) centers <- as.matrix(centers[2:ncol(centers)]) member_mat <- cat_to_belongings(Data$Hclust_groups) Data$Hclust_groups <- NULL hclustres <- FCMres(list( "Centers" = centers, "Belongings" = member_mat, "Data" = Data, "m" = 1, "algo" = "hclust" )) ## test 1 : test1 <- is.FCMres(hclustres) ## test 2 : Centers <- hclustres$Centers hclustres$Centers <- NULL test2 <- is.FCMres(hclustres) == FALSE ## test 3 : err <- expect_error({ hclustres <- FCMres(list( "Centers" = centers, "Data" = Data, "m" = 1, "algo" = "hclust" )) }) ## test 4 : err <- expect_error({ hclustres <- FCMres(list( "Centers" = centers, "Belongings" = "hclust", "Data" = Data, "m" = 1, "algo" = "hclust" )) }) ## test 5 : err <- expect_error({ hclustres <- FCMres(list( "Centers" = centers, "Belongings" = member_mat[1:5,], "Data" = Data, "m" = 1, "algo" = "hclust" )) }) ## test 6 : member_mat[1,1] <- 5 err <- expect_warning({ hclustres <- FCMres(list( "Centers" = centers, "Belongings" = member_mat, "Data" = Data, "m" = 1, "algo" = "hclust" )) }) }) test_that("Testing the behavior of the FCMres class object : simple case with raster data",{ library(terra) Arcachon <- terra::rast(system.file("extdata/Littoral4_2154.tif", package = "geocmeans")) names(Arcachon) <- c("blue", "green", "red", "infrared", "SWIR1", "SWIR2") library(dplyr) # loading each raster as a column in a matrix # and scale each column all_data <-, lapply(names(Arcachon), function(n){ rast <- Arcachon[[n]] return(terra::values(terra::scale(rast),mat = FALSE)) })) # removing the rows with missing values missing <- complete.cases(all_data) all_data <- all_data[missing,] # applying the kmeans algorithm with 7 groups kmean7 <- kmeans(all_data, 7) # creating Data (do not forget the standardization) Data <- lapply(names(Arcachon), function(n){ rast <- Arcachon[[n]] return(terra::scale(rast)) }) names(Data) <- names(Arcachon) # creating rasters ref_raster <- Arcachon[[1]] rasters <- lapply(1:7, function(i){ # creating a vector with only 0 values vals <- rep(0, terra::ncell(ref_raster)) # filling it with values when the pixels are not NA vals[missing] <- ifelse(kmean7$cluster == i,1,0) # setting the values in a rasterLayer rast <- ref_raster terra::values(rast) <- vals return(rast) }) # creating centers all_data <- names(all_data) <- names(Arcachon) all_data$kmean_groups <- as.character(kmean7$cluster) centers <- all_data %>% group_by(kmean_groups) %>% summarise_all(mean) centers <- as.matrix(centers[2:ncol(centers)]) myFCMres <- FCMres(list( "Data" = Data, "Centers" = centers, "rasters" = rasters, "m" = 1, "algo" = "kmeans" )) ## test1 : err <- expect_error({ myFCMres <- FCMres(list( "Data" = Data, "Centers" = centers, "m" = 1, "algo" = "kmeans" )) }) ## test2 : err <- expect_error({ myFCMres <- FCMres(list( "Data" = Data, "Centers" = centers, "rasters" = centers, "m" = 1, "algo" = "kmeans" )) }) })