library(testthat) test_that("rss.ELR.test works as expected",{ set.seed(123)<-rss.simulation(H=3,nsamp=c(6,8,10),dist="normal", rho=0.8,delta=0) result=rss.ELR.test(, alpha=0.05, mu0=0) expect_equal(result$RSS_mean,-0.0527, tolerance = 1e-3) expect_equal(result$`-2*log.LR`, 0.1488, tolerance = 1e-3) expect_equal(result$p.value, 0.6996, tolerance = 1e-3) expect_equal(result$CI, c(-0.3153,0.2204), tolerance = 1e-3) expect_warning(rss.ELR.test(, alpha=0.05, mu0=5), "Warning: Convergence failed due to extreme deviation, leading to infinite LRT and p-value = 0.") }) test_that("rss.ELR.test handles wrong input with error",{,nsamp=c(6,7,8),dist="normal", rho=0.8,delta=0) expect_error(rss.ELR.test(, alpha=1.1, mu0=0), "alpha is out of bound.") expect_error(rss.ELR.test([,1], alpha=0.05, mu0=0), "The input data must contain 'rank' and 'y' variables.") expect_error(rss.ELR.test([,2], alpha=0.05, mu0=0), "The input data must contain 'rank' and 'y' variables.") })