library(testthat) test_that("rss.prop.sampling works as expected",{ set.seed(123) data(iris) id=1:nrow(iris) X=ifelse(iris$Sepal.Length<5.8,0,1), X=X, H=3,nsamp=c(6,6,6)) expect_s3_class(,"data.frame") expect_equal(colnames(, c("rank","ID")) expect_equal(dim(, c(18,2)) <- as.numeric(tapply($ID,$rank,length)) expect_equal(, c(6,6,6)) }) test_that("rss.prop.sampling handles wrong input with error",{ data(iris) id=1:nrow(iris) expect_error(rss.prop.sampling(ID=id, X=iris$Petal.Length, H=5, nsamp=c(3,5,7)), "Set size are different with the length of sample allocations") expect_error(rss.prop.sampling(ID=id, X=iris$Petal.Length, H=2, nsamp=c(3,5,7)), "Set size are different with the length of sample allocations") # Mismatched lengths of ID, X, Y expect_error(rss.prop.sampling(ID = id[-1], X = iris$Petal.Length, H = 3, nsamp = c(3, 5, 7)), "ID and X must have the same length.") })