library(testthat) library(gcplyr) test_that("make_design issues errors when expected for invalid pattern strings", { expect_error( make_design(nrows = 8, ncols = 12, lookup_tbl_start = "A", "design_elem" = list(c("test1", "test2", "test3"), 2:4, 5:7, "123")), regexp = "Some values in pattern are not in lookup table. Check that you have lookup_tbl_start correct and that you're only using alphanumeric values") expect_error( make_design(nrows = 8, ncols = 12, pattern_split = ",", "design_elem" = list(c("test1", "test2", "test3"), 2:4, 5:7, "1,2,aa")), regexp = "Pattern values are multi-character after splitting, but not all pattern values are numeric") expect_error( make_design(nrows = 8, ncols = 12, pattern_split = ",", "design_elem" = list(c("test1", "test2", "test3"), 7:9, 5:7, "1,2,3")), regexp = "has rows or columns out of range") expect_error( make_design(nrows = 8, ncols = 12, pattern_split = ",", "design_elem" = list(c("test1", "test2", "test3"), 2:4, 11:13, "1,2,3")), regexp = "has rows or columns out of range") }) test_that("make_design works as expected for numerical pattern strings", { expect_equal( make_design(wellnames_sep = "", nrows = 4, ncols = 4, colnames_first = TRUE, "name" = list(c(1, "a", "hello"), 2:3, 2:4, pattern = "122333")), expected = data.frame( Well = paste(rep(1:4, each = 4), rep(LETTERS[1:4], 4), sep = ""), name = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "1", "hello", NA, NA, "a", "hello", NA, NA, "a", "hello", NA)) ) }) test_that("make_design works as expected for patterns that are vectors", { expect_equal( make_design(wellnames_sep = "", nrows = 4, ncols = 4, colnames_first = TRUE, "name" = list(c(1, "a", "hello"), 2:3, 2:4, pattern = c(1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3))), expected = data.frame( Well = paste(rep(1:4, each = 4), rep(LETTERS[1:4], 4), sep = ""), name = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "1", "hello", NA, NA, "a", "hello", NA, NA, "a", "hello", NA)) ) }) test_that("make_design works with 0's in numerical pattern string", { expect_equal( make_design(wellnames_sep = "", nrows = 4, ncols = 4, colnames_first = TRUE, "name" = list(c(1, "a", "hello"), 2:3, 2:4, pattern = "122033")), expected = data.frame( Well = paste(rep(1:4, each = 4), rep(LETTERS[1:4], 4), sep = ""), name = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "1", NA, NA, NA, "a", "hello", NA, NA, "a", "hello", NA)) ) }) test_that("make_design works for multiple design elements", { expect_equal( make_design(wellnames_sep = "", nrows = 4, ncols = 4, colnames_first = TRUE, "name" = list(c(1, "a", "hello"), 2:3, 2:4, pattern = "122033"), "name2" = list(c(1, "a", "hello"), 2:3, 2:4, pattern = "233011")), expected = data.frame(Well = paste(rep(1:4, each = 4), rep(LETTERS[1:4], 4), sep = ""), name = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "1", NA, NA, NA, "a", "hello", NA, NA, "a", "hello", NA), name2 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "a", NA, NA, NA, "hello", 1, NA, NA, "hello", 1, NA)) ) }) test_that("make_design works as expected for alpha pattern strings", { expect_equal( make_design(wellnames_sep = "", nrows = 4, ncols = 4, colnames_first = TRUE, lookup_tbl_start = "a", "name" = list(c(1, "a", "hello"), 2:3, 2:4, pattern = "abbccc")), expected = data.frame( Well = paste(rep(1:4, each = 4), rep(LETTERS[1:4], 4), sep = ""), name = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "1", "hello", NA, NA, "a", "hello", NA, NA, "a", "hello", NA)) ) }) test_that("write_blocks works for output_format = 'single'", { example_dfs_list <- rep(list(NA), 4) for (i in 1:length(example_dfs_list)) { example_dfs_list[[i]] <-*(1:96)), nrow = 8, byrow = T)) } my_blockcurves_allmetad <- rep(list(NA), length(example_dfs_list)) for (i in 1:length(my_blockcurves_allmetad)) { my_blockcurves_allmetad[[i]] <- list(data = example_dfs_list[[i]], metadata = c(block_name = paste(formatC(i, width = 3, flag = "0"), sep = ""), type1 = example_dfs_list[[i]][8, 8], type2 = example_dfs_list[[i]][4, 7])) } my_blockcurves_namesonly <- rep(list(NA), length(example_dfs_list)) for (i in 1:length(my_blockcurves_namesonly)) { my_blockcurves_namesonly[[i]] <- list(data = example_dfs_list[[i]], metadata = c(block_name = paste(formatC(i, width = 3, flag = "0"), sep = ""))) } #For block_name_location = "file" fil <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv") write_blocks(blocks = my_blockcurves_allmetad, file = fil, output_format = "single", block_name_location = "file") fil <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv") write_blocks(blocks = my_blockcurves_namesonly, file = fil, output_format = "single", block_name_location = "file") #For block_name_location = "filename" fil <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv") expect_warning( write_blocks(blocks = my_blockcurves_allmetad, file = fil, output_format = "single", block_name_location = "filename")) fil <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv") expect_warning( write_blocks(blocks = my_blockcurves_namesonly, file = fil, output_format = "single", block_name_location = "filename")) }) test_that("write_blocks works for output_format = 'pasted'", { example_dfs_list <- rep(list(NA), 4) for (i in 1:length(example_dfs_list)) { example_dfs_list[[i]] <-*(1:96)), nrow = 8, byrow = T)) } my_blockcurves_allmetad <- rep(list(NA), length(example_dfs_list)) for (i in 1:length(my_blockcurves_allmetad)) { my_blockcurves_allmetad[[i]] <- list(data = example_dfs_list[[i]], metadata = c(block_name = paste(formatC(i, width = 3, flag = "0"), sep = ""), type1 = example_dfs_list[[i]][8, 8], type2 = example_dfs_list[[i]][4, 7])) } my_blockcurves_namesonly <- rep(list(NA), length(example_dfs_list)) for (i in 1:length(my_blockcurves_namesonly)) { my_blockcurves_namesonly[[i]] <- list(data = example_dfs_list[[i]], metadata = c(block_name = paste(formatC(i, width = 3, flag = "0"), sep = ""))) } #For block_name_location = "file" fil <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv") expect_no_error(write_blocks(blocks = my_blockcurves_allmetad, file = fil, output_format = "pasted", block_name_location = "file")) fil <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv") expect_no_error(write_blocks(blocks = my_blockcurves_namesonly, file = fil, output_format = "pasted", block_name_location = "file")) #For block_name_location = "filename" fil <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv") expect_warning(write_blocks(blocks = my_blockcurves_allmetad, file = fil, output_format = "pasted", block_name_location = "filename")) fil <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv") expect_no_error(write_blocks(blocks = my_blockcurves_namesonly, file = fil, output_format = "pasted", block_name_location = "filename")) }) test_that("write_blocks works for output_format = 'multiple'", { example_dfs_list <- rep(list(NA), 4) for (i in 1:length(example_dfs_list)) { example_dfs_list[[i]] <-*(1:96)), nrow = 8, byrow = T)) } my_blockcurves_allmetad <- rep(list(NA), length(example_dfs_list)) for (i in 1:length(my_blockcurves_allmetad)) { my_blockcurves_allmetad[[i]] <- list(data = example_dfs_list[[i]], metadata = c(block_name = paste(formatC(i, width = 3, flag = "0"), sep = ""), type1 = example_dfs_list[[i]][8, 8], type2 = example_dfs_list[[i]][4, 7])) } my_blockcurves_namesonly <- rep(list(NA), length(example_dfs_list)) for (i in 1:length(my_blockcurves_namesonly)) { my_blockcurves_namesonly[[i]] <- list(data = example_dfs_list[[i]], metadata = c(block_name = paste(formatC(i, width = 3, flag = "0"), sep = ""))) } #For block_name_location = "file" fil <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv") expect_warning(write_blocks(blocks = my_blockcurves_allmetad, file = fil, output_format = "multiple", block_name_location = "file")) fil <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv") expect_warning(write_blocks(blocks = my_blockcurves_namesonly, file = fil, output_format = "multiple", block_name_location = "file")) #For block_name_location = "filename" fil <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv") expect_message(write_blocks(blocks = my_blockcurves_allmetad, file = fil, output_format = "multiple", block_name_location = "filename")) fil <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv") expect_no_error(write_blocks(blocks = my_blockcurves_namesonly, file = fil, output_format = "multiple", block_name_location = "filename")) })