context("Test error messages - new api") test_that("Columns with all missing stop", { iris2 <- iris iris2$Sepal.Width = NA expect_error( gbmt(Species == 'setosa' ~ ., data = iris2, distribution = gbm_dist('Bernoulli'), train_params = training_params(num_trees=2)) ,'variable 2: Sepal.Width is not of type - numeric, ordered or factor.' ) iris2$Petal.Width = NA expect_error( gbmt(Species == 'setosa' ~ ., data = iris2, distribution = gbm_dist('Bernoulli'), train_params = training_params(num_trees=2)) ,'variable 2, 4: Sepal.Width, Petal.Width is not of type - numeric, ordered or factor.' ) }) test_that("x longer than y", { expect_error( gbmt_fit(x = iris[,c('Sepal.Length', 'Petal.Length')] , y = (iris$Species[1:145] == 'setosa') , distribution = gbm_dist('Bernoulli'), train_params=training_params(num_trees = 2)) ,'The number of rows in x does not equal the length of y\\.') }) test_that("Excessive levels in x", { testExcess <- data.frame( y = sample(c(0,1), 1025, replace = TRUE) ,x1 = runif(1025) ,x2 = factor(1:1025) ) expect_error( gbmt_fit(x = testExcess[,c('x1', 'x2')] , y = testExcess$y , distribution = gbm_dist("Bernoulli"), train_params=training_params(num_trees = 2)) ,'gbm does not currently handle categorical variables with more than 1024 levels\\. Variable 2\\: x2 has 1025 levels\\.') }) test_that("Inacceptable classes", { testClasses <- data.frame( y = sample(c(0,1), 15, replace = TRUE) ,x1 = runif(15) ,x2 = seq(as.Date('2015-01-01'), as.Date('2015-01-15'), 'days') ) expect_error( gbmt_fit(x = testClasses[,c('x1', 'x2')] , y = testClasses$y , distribution = gbm_dist('Bernoulli'), train_params=training_params(num_trees = 2, min_num_obs_in_node = 1)) ,'variable 2\\: x2 is not of type - numeric, ordered or factor\\.') }) context("Test error messages - old api") test_that("Columns with all missing stop", { iris2 <- iris iris2$Sepal.Width = NA expect_error( gbm(Species == 'setosa' ~ ., data = iris2, distribution = 'Bernoulli', n.trees = 2) ,'variable 2: Sepal.Width is not of type - numeric, ordered or factor.' ) iris2$Petal.Width = NA expect_error( gbm(Species == 'setosa' ~ ., data = iris2, distribution = 'Bernoulli', n.trees = 2) ,'variable 2, 4: Sepal.Width, Petal.Width is not of type - numeric, ordered or factor.' ) }) test_that("x longer than y", { expect_error( = iris[,c('Sepal.Length', 'Petal.Length')] , y = (iris$Species[1:145] == 'setosa') , distribution = 'Bernoulli', n.trees = 2) ,'The number of rows in x does not equal the length of y\\.') }) test_that("Excessive levels in x", { testExcess <- data.frame( y = sample(c(0,1), 1025, replace = TRUE) ,x1 = runif(1025) ,x2 = factor(1:1025) ) expect_error( = testExcess[,c('x1', 'x2')] , y = testExcess$y , distribution = 'Bernoulli', n.trees = 2) ,'gbm does not currently handle categorical variables with more than 1024 levels\\. Variable 2\\: x2 has 1025 levels\\.') }) test_that("Inacceptable classes", { testClasses <- data.frame( y = sample(c(0,1), 15, replace = TRUE) ,x1 = runif(15) ,x2 = seq(as.Date('2015-01-01'), as.Date('2015-01-15'), 'days') ) expect_error( = testClasses[,c('x1', 'x2')] , y = testClasses$y , distribution = 'Bernoulli', n.trees = 2, n.minobsinnode = 1) ,'variable 2\\: x2 is not of type - numeric, ordered or factor\\.') })