context("wrapper") # grab the feed for portland's biketown... these feeds # change regularly, so test failures might result from # changes in the operation model of biketown rather than # failure of the software biketown <- tryCatch( get_gbfs("biketown_pdx"), error = function(e) {e} ) if (inherits(biketown, "error")) { skip("no internet connection or deprecated bikeshare system") } bike_itau <- tryCatch( get_gbfs("santiago"), error = function(e) {e} ) if (inherits(bike_itau, "error")) { skip("no internet connection or deprecated bikeshare system") } chicago_url <- "" if (url_exists(chicago_url)) { chicago <- tryCatch( get_gbfs(chicago_url), error = function(e) {e} ) if (inherits(chicago, "error")) { skip("deprecated bikeshare system") } } else { skip("no internet connection") } test_that("main wrapper works", { skip_if_offline(host = "") expect_equal(class(biketown), "list") expect_equal(class(bike_itau), "list") expect_equal(class(chicago), "list") }) test_that("argument checking works", { skip_if_offline(host = "") # no directory supplied but user wants to save expect_error(get_gbfs("biketown_pdx", output = "save"), "The argument to output suggests") })