context("dynamic feeds") test_that("dynamic feeds work", { skip_if_offline(host = "") get_station_status("biketown_pdx") get_free_bike_status("biketown_pdx") }) test_that("file saving and overwriting works", { skip("row-binding trips up on GHA") # make a temporary directory dir <- tempdir() # save the file to a subdirectory of it get_station_status("biketown_pdx", paste0(dir, "/test")) # ...and then append to it get_station_status("biketown_pdx", paste0(dir, "/test")) }) test_that("row binding checks work", { skip_if_offline(host = "") # make a temporary directory dir <- tempdir() # grab some data to work with pdx_status <- get_station_status("biketown_pdx", dir, output = "both") # try to overwrite it, but... # ... with a column pulled off pdx_status_ <- pdx_status %>% dplyr::select(-station_id) expect_error(datasets_can_be_row_binded( pdx_status_, paste0(dir, "/station_status.rds")), "columns, while") # ... or a column name changed pdx_status_ <- pdx_status %>% dplyr::rename(stationId = station_id) expect_error(datasets_can_be_row_binded( pdx_status_, paste0(dir, "/station_status.rds")), "has different column names") # ... or different column types pdx_status_ <- pdx_status %>% dplyr::mutate(station_id = as.factor(station_id)) expect_error(datasets_can_be_row_binded( pdx_status_, paste0(dir, "/station_status.rds")), "has different column types") })