context("rrs") ################ # rrs testthat # ################ # Faulty datasets fubar <- randCyto fubar$g1 <- as.numeric(fubar$g1) # Tests test_that("rrs throws error with invalid arguments", { # Odd-numbered amount of vars expect_error( rrs(dat = randCyto[, 1:4]) ) # Non-binary second feature expect_error( rrs(dat = fubar) ) # Incorrectly specified alpha expect_error( rrs(dat = randCyto, alpha = 0) ) # Incorrectly specified p_correct expect_error( rrs(dat = randCyto, p_correct = "x") ) } ) test_that("rrs works", { expect_named( rrs(dat = randCyto) ) expect_named( rrs(dat = randCyto, p_correct = "FDR") ) } )