test_that("`identify` works identically to piped `galah_identify`", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() result1 <- galah_call() |> galah_identify("Litoria") result2 <- galah_call() |> identify("Litoria") expect_equal(result1, result2) }) test_that("`filter` works identically to piped `galah_filter`", { result1 <- galah_call() |> filter(year == 2010) result2 <- galah_call() |> galah_filter(year == 2010) expect_equal(result1, result2) }) test_that("`select` works identically to piped `galah_select`", { result1 <- galah_call() |> select(year, group = "basic") result2 <- galah_call() |> galah_select(year, group = "basic") expect_equal(result1, result2) }) test_that("`group_by` works identically to piped `galah_group_by`", { result1 <- galah_call() |> group_by(year, basisOfRecord) result2 <- galah_call() |> galah_group_by(year, basisOfRecord) expect_equal(result1, result2) }) test_that("`st_crop` works identically to piped `galah_polygon`", { location <- "POLYGON((143.32 -18.78,145.30 -20.52,141.52 -21.50,143.32 -18.78))" result1 <- galah_call() |> st_crop(location) result2 <- galah_call() |> galah_polygon(location) expect_equal(result1, result2) }) test_that("`count` works identically to piped `atlas_counts`", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() result1 <- galah_call() |> galah_identify("Litoria") |> atlas_counts() result2 <- galah_call() |> identify("Litoria") |> count() |> collect() expect_equal(result1, result2) }) test_that("`slice_head` works for atlas_counts", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() result <- galah_call() |> filter(year >= 2010) |> group_by(year) |> slice_head(n = 5) |> count() |> collect() expect_equal(nrow(result), 5) })