# Warning generated by `galah_identify()` about empty query test_that("galah_identify returns an empty tibble when no args provided", { expect_warning({result <- galah_identify()}) expect_equal(nrow(result), 0) expect_warning(galah_identify(), "No query passed") }) test_that("galah_identify runs a search when given a string", { result <- galah_identify("Litoria peronii") expect_equal(nrow(result), 1) }) test_that("galah_identify runs a search on multiple strings", { result <- galah_identify("amphibia", "reptilia", "aves", "mammalia") expect_equal(nrow(result), 4) }) test_that("galah_identify runs a search on multiple strings wrapped by c()", { search_terms <- c("amphibia", "reptilia", "aves", "mammalia") result <- galah_identify(search_terms) expect_equal(nrow(result), 4) }) test_that("galah_identify pipes correctly", { result <- galah_call() |> galah_identify("Litoria") |> galah_filter(year == 2020) expect_false(is.null(result$identify)) expect_false(is.null(result$filter)) }) test_that("galah_identify pipes correctly when taxa are partially returned", { galah_config(verbose = FALSE) result <- galah_call() |> galah_identify("Litoria", "blarghy") |> galah_filter(year == 2020) expect_false(is.null(result$identify)) expect_false(is.null(result$filter)) galah_config(verbose = TRUE) }) test_that("galah_identify warns when taxa are partially returned", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() expect_message( galah_call() |> galah_identify("Litoria", "blarghy") |> galah_filter(year == 2020) |> count() |> compute(), cli::cli_text("Matched {.bold 1 of 2}") ) }) test_that("galah_identify warns when identifiers are partially returned", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() galah_config(run_checks = TRUE) ids <- c("https://biodiversity.org.au/afd/taxa/0df99ece-1982-4605-a2b3-4fcb7660ee2b", "https://id.biodiversity.org.au/node/apni/2910467", "https://id.biodiversity.org.au/node/apni/291047") # wrong id expect_message( galah_call() |> galah_identify(ids) |> galah_filter(year == 2020) |> count() |> compute(), cli::cli_text("Matched {.bold 2 of 3}") ) expect_no_warning( galah_identify(ids) ) }) test_that("galah_identify truncates unmatched list of taxa at 3 ", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() expect_message( galah_call() |> galah_identify("Litoria", "blarghy", "blorp", "florp", "skorp") |> galah_filter(year == 2020) |> count() |> compute(), c( cli::cli_text("Matched {.bold 1 of 5} taxonomic search terms in selected atlas (Australia)."), "!" = cli::cli_text("{.yellow 4 unmatched search term:}"), cli::cli_text(format_error_bullets(c("{.yellow \"blarghy\", \"blorp\", \"florp\" + 1 more}"))) ) ) }) test_that("galah_identify errors for deprecated `search = FALSE` argument", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() galah_config(run_checks = TRUE) ids <- c("https://biodiversity.org.au/afd/taxa/0df99ece-1982-4605-a2b3-4fcb7660ee2b", "https://id.biodiversity.org.au/node/apni/2910467", "https://id.biodiversity.org.au/node/apni/291047", "fred", "bort") # wrong id expect_error( galah_call() |> galah_identify(ids, search = FALSE) |> galah_filter(year == 2020) |> count() |> collapse()) }) test_that("galah_identify warns for deprecated `search = TRUE` argument", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() galah_config(run_checks = TRUE) ids <- c("Litoria", "Crinia") expect_warning( galah_call() |> galah_identify(ids, search = TRUE) |> galah_filter(year == 2020) |> count() |> collapse()) }) ## NOTE: Not certain if this is a necessary test # cli::test_that_cli("Partial taxonomic match message theming", { # testthat::local_edition(3) # testthat::expect_snapshot(local({ # cli::cli_div(theme = list(span.bold = list("font-weight" = "bold"), # span.yellow = list(color = "yellow"))) # c( # cli::cli_text("Matched {.bold 2 of 3} taxonomic search terms in selected atlas (Australia)."), # "!" = cli::cli_text("{.yellow 1 unmatched search term:}"), # cli::cli_text(format_error_bullets(c("{.yellow \"https://id.biodiversity.org.au/node/apni/291047\"}"))) # ) # })) # })