test_that("atlas_taxonomy 'identify' must be specified", { expect_error({ galah_call() |> filter(rank == "kingdom") |> atlas_taxonomy() }) }) test_that("atlas_taxonomy 'filter' must be specified", { expect_error({ galah_call() |> identify("Animalia") |> atlas_taxonomy() }) }) test_that("atlas_taxonomy requires a single taxon", { expect_error({ galah_call() |> identify("Animalia", "Plantae") |> filter(rank == "Phylum") |> atlas_taxonomy() }) }) test_that("atlas_taxonomy makes a tree when piped", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() tree <- galah_call() |> identify("fungi") |> filter(rank >= phylum) |> atlas_taxonomy() expect_s3_class(tree, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) expect_equal(ncol(tree), 4) expect_gte(nrow(tree), 1) }) test_that("atlas_taxonomy example runs", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() df <- galah_call() |> galah_identify("chordata") |> galah_filter(rank == class) |> atlas_taxonomy() expect_s3_class(df, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) expect_equal(ncol(df), 4) expect_gte(nrow(df), 1) }) # FIXME: add test for non-piped usage of `atlas_taxonomy()` # FIXME: add test for constrain_ids