# test_that("show_all_distributions() works", { # skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() # x <- show_all_distributions() # expect_s3_class(x, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) # expect_gte(nrow(x), 1000) # expect_true(all(colnames(x) %in% # c("id", "family", "genus", "species", "common_name", # "taxon_concept_id", "label", "area_km", "data_resource_uid"))) # y <- show_all(distributions) # expect_equal(x, y) # }) # # test_that("`request_data(type = 'distributions')` works with `identify()`", { # skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() # x <- galah_call(type = "distributions") |> # identify("Foa fo") |> # collect() # expect_s3_class(x, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) # expect_gte(nrow(x), 1) # expect_true(all(colnames(x) %in% # c("id", "family", "genus", "species", "common_name", # "taxon_concept_id", "label", "area_km", "data_resource_uid", # "geometry"))) # # ditto with atlas_distributions # y <- galah_call() |> # identify("Foa fo") |> # atlas_distributions() # expect_equal(x, y) # }) # # test_that("`request_data(type = 'distributions')` works with `filter()`", { # skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() # x <- galah_call(type = "distributions") |> # filter(id == 25239) |> # collect() # expect_s3_class(x, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) # expect_gte(nrow(x), 1) # expect_true(all(colnames(x) %in% # c("id", "family", "genus", "species", "common_name", # "taxon_concept_id", "label", "area_km", "data_resource_uid", # "geometry"))) # # ditto with atlas_distributions # y <- galah_call() |> # filter(id == 25239) |> # atlas_distributions() # expect_equal(x, y) # }) # # test_that("request_data(type = 'distributions') works without filters", { # skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() # x <- galah_call(type = "distributions") |> # collapse() # expect_s3_class(x, "query") # expect_gte(nrow(x$url), 1000) # n_rows <- 50 # x$url <- x$url[seq_len(n_rows), ] # y <- collect(x) # expect_equal(nrow(y), n_rows) # }) # # test_that("atlas_distributions() fails when both identify and filter are supplied", { # skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() # expect_error({galah_call() |> # identify("Foa fo") |> # filter(id == 25239) |> # atlas_distributions()}) # })