galah_config(verbose = FALSE) test_that("`collapse()` doesn't ping an API for type = `'occurrences-count'`", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() result <- request_data() |> filter(year == 2010) |> count() |> collapse() expect_true(inherits(result, "query")) expect_equal(result$type, "data/occurrences-count") }) test_that("atlas_counts works with no arguments", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() count <- atlas_counts() expect_s3_class(count, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) expect_gt(count$count, 0) }) test_that("count() |> collect() works with no arguments", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() count <- galah_call() |> count() |> collect() expect_s3_class(count, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) expect_gt(count$count, 0) }) test_that("`identify()` reduces the number of records returned by `count()`", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() counts_all <- galah_call() |> count() |> collect() counts_mammals <- galah_call() |> identify("Perameles") |> count() |> collect() expect_type(counts_mammals$count, "integer") expect_true(counts_mammals$count < counts_all$count) }) test_that("`filter()` works with dates", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() counts <- galah_call() |> filter(species == "Cacatua galerita", eventDate >= "2023-01-07T00:00:00Z", eventDate < "2023-01-08T00:00:00Z") |> count() |> collect() expect_type(counts$count, "integer") }) test_that("`galah_identify()` works with `atlas_counts()`", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() counts_all <- galah_call() |> count() |> collect() counts_mammals <- galah_call() |> galah_identify("Perameles") |> atlas_counts() expect_type(counts_mammals$count, "integer") expect_true(counts_mammals$count < counts_all$count) }) test_that("`count()` handles multiple 'group by' variables", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() counts <- galah_call() |> filter(year >= 2021) |> group_by(year, month, basisOfRecord) |> count() |> collect() expect_s3_class(counts, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) expect_equal(names(counts), c("year", "month", "basisOfRecord", "count")) expect_true(all(counts$year >= 2021)) }) test_that("`count()` handles 'species' as a 'group by' variable", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() counts <- galah_call() |> filter(year > 2020) |> identify("Perameles") |> group_by(species, year) |> count() |> collect() expect_s3_class(counts, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) expect_true(all(names(counts) %in% c("species", "year", "count"))) expect_true(all(counts$year > 2020)) expect_true(all(grepl("^Perameles", counts$species))) }) test_that("atlas_counts handles 'taxonConceptID' as a 'group by' variable", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() counts <- galah_call() |> identify("Perameles") |> filter(year >= 2015) |> group_by(taxonConceptID, year) |> count() |> collect() expect_s3_class(counts, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) expect_equal(names(counts), c("taxonConceptID", "year", "count")) expect_true(all(counts$year >= 2015)) }) test_that("atlas_counts returns same result with filter using `,` and `&`", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() count_comma <- galah_call() |> filter(year >= 2010, year < 2020) |> count() |> collect() count_and <- galah_call() |> filter(year >= 2010 & year < 2020) |> count() |> collect() expect_equal(count_comma, count_and) }) # Spatial not checked test_that("atlas_counts filters correctly with galah_geolocate/galah_polygon", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() wkt <- "POLYGON ((146.5425 -42.63203, 146.8312 -43.13203, 147.4085 -43.13203, 147.6972 -42.63203, 147.4085 -42.13203, 146.8312 -42.13203, 146.5425 -42.63203))" |> sf::st_as_sfc() base_query <- galah_call() |> identify("Perameles") |> filter(year >= 2020) |> count() counts <- base_query |> collect() counts_filtered <- base_query |> galah_geolocate(wkt) |> collect() expect_s3_class(counts_filtered, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) count_1 <- counts_filtered$count[1] count_2 <- counts$count[1] expect_lt(count_1, count_2) }) test_that("atlas_counts filters correctly with galah_geolocate/galah_bbox/galah_radius", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() wkt <- "POLYGON ((146.5425 -42.63203, 146.8312 -43.13203, 147.4085 -43.13203, 147.6972 -42.63203, 147.4085 -42.13203, 146.8312 -42.13203, 146.5425 -42.63203))" |> sf::st_as_sfc() base_query <- galah_call() |> identify("Perameles") |> filter(year >= 2020) |> count() counts <- base_query |> collect() counts_filtered <- base_query |> galah_geolocate(wkt, type = "bbox") |> collect() counts_filtered_radius <- base_query |> galah_geolocate(lon = 147, lat = -42.9, radius = 20, type = "radius") |> collect() expect_s3_class(counts_filtered, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) expect_s3_class(counts_filtered_radius, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) count_1 <- counts_filtered$count[1] count_2 <- counts$count[1] count_3 <- counts_filtered_radius$count[1] expect_lt(count_1, count_2, count_3) }) test_that("atlas_counts returns species counts", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() count_species <- galah_call(type = "species") |> count() |> collect() count_records <- galah_call() |> count() |> collect() expect_s3_class(count_species, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) expect_type(count_species$count, "integer") expect_gt(count_species$count, 0) expect_lt(count_species$count, count_records$count) }) test_that("species counts work with group_by()", { skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() count_species <- galah_call(type = "species") |> identify("Crinia") |> filter(year >= 2020) |> group_by(year) |> arrange(year) |> count() |> collect() count_records <- galah_call() |> identify("Crinia") |> filter(year >= 2020) |> group_by(year) |> arrange(year) |> count() |> collect() expect_s3_class(count_species, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) expect_type(count_species$count, "integer") expect_gte(nrow(count_species), 4) expect_true(all(count_species$count > 0)) expect_true(all(count_species$count < 100)) expect_true(all(count_records$year == count_species$year)) expect_true(all(count_records$count >= count_species$count)) }) test_that("order of `group_by()` doesn't affect result in `atlas_counts()", { # This is a test for Issue #198 raised by @shandiya # skip_if_offline(); skip_on_ci() reg <- c("Gibson Desert", "Little Sandy Desert", "Southern Volcanic Plain", "Flinders Lofty Block") # IBRA then year (with no limit) ibra_year <- galah_call() |> filter(cl1048 == reg, year >= 1971, year <= 2020) |> group_by(cl1048, year) |> arrange(desc(count)) |> count() |> collect() year_ibra <- galah_call() |> filter(cl1048 == reg, year >= 1971, year <= 2020) |> group_by(year, cl1048) |> arrange(desc(count)) |> count() |> collect() # we expect these two tibbles to have the same colnames, # but in a different order (respecting user-supplied info) expect_true(all(colnames(ibra_year) %in% c("year", "cl1048", "count"))) expect_true(all(colnames(year_ibra) %in% c("year", "cl1048", "count"))) expect_false(all(colnames(year_ibra) == colnames(ibra_year))) # we also expect them to have the same number of rows, and the same total expect_equal(nrow(ibra_year), nrow(year_ibra)) expect_equal(sum(ibra_year$count), sum(year_ibra$count)) ## FIXME: # expect_equal(ibra_year, year_ibra) # this fails, ## because `arrange` is not (re-)applied after download, ## so rows are not in the same order }) ## BELOW HERE TESTS WILL FAIL # capture_requests("count_piped_2", { # test_that("atlas_counts ignores superfluous piped arguments", { # counts <- galah_call() |> # filter(year >= 2018) |> # group_by(year) |> # galah_down_to(species) |> # select(taxonConceptID) |> # count() # expect_s3_class(counts, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) # expect_equal(names(counts), c("year", "count")) # expect_gt(nrow(counts), 0) # }) # }) # test_that("atlas_counts handles pagination", { # vcr::use_cassette("count_with_pagination", { # counts <- galah_call() |> # group_by(year) |> # slice_head(n = 101) |> # count() # }) # expect_s3_class(counts, c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) # expect_equal(nrow(counts), 101) # expect_equal(names(counts), c("year", "count")) # }) # FIXME: check non-piped args work # FIXME: check `galah_` functions work # FIXME: check `atlas_counts`