R Under development (unstable) (2024-07-02 r86866 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(magrittr) > library(unittest) > > library(gadget3) > > # Zip name/value arguments together into a list > named_list <- function(...) { + x <- list(...) + structure( + x[seq_along(x) %% 2 == 0], + names = as.character(x[seq_along(x) %% 2 == 1])) + } > > cmp_grep <- function (a, ...) { + re <- paste0('\\Q', c(...), '\\E', collapse = ".*") + if (grepl(re, a, perl = TRUE)) return(TRUE) + c(re, "Not found in:", a) + } > > # NB: Name has to be different, or it gets sucked into the model > g3_avoid_zero <- g3_env$avoid_zero > g3_logspace_add <- g3_env$logspace_add > g3_logspace_add_vec <- g3_env$logspace_add_vec > g3_lgamma_vec <- lgamma > > ok_group("g3_distribution_preview", { + dat <- expand.grid(year = 1990:1994, step = 2, area = 'IXa') + dat$number <- seq_len(nrow(dat)) + out <- g3_distribution_preview(dat, area_group = c(IXa = 1)) + ok(ut_cmp_equal(out, structure( + 1:5, + dim = c(length = 1L, time = 5L, area = 1L), + dimnames = list( + length = "0:Inf", + time = c("1990-02", "1991-02", "1992-02", "1993-02", "1994-02"), + area = "IXa") )), "Returned number array") + + dat <- expand.grid(year = 1990:1994, step = 2, area = 'IXa') + dat$weight <- seq_len(nrow(dat)) * 40 + out <- g3_distribution_preview(dat, area_group = c(IXa = 1)) + ok(ut_cmp_equal(out, structure( + 1:5 * 40, + dim = c(length = 1L, time = 5L, area = 1L), + dimnames = list( + length = "0:Inf", + time = c("1990-02", "1991-02", "1992-02", "1993-02", "1994-02"), + area = "IXa") )), "Returned weight array") + + dat <- expand.grid(year = 1990:1994, step = 2, area = 'IXa') + dat$number <- seq_len(nrow(dat)) * 9 + dat$weight <- seq_len(nrow(dat)) * 40 + out <- g3_distribution_preview(dat, area_group = c(IXa = 1)) + ok(ut_cmp_equal(out, structure( + 1:5 * 9, + dim = c(length = 1L, time = 5L, area = 1L), + dimnames = list( + length = "0:Inf", + time = c("1990-02", "1991-02", "1992-02", "1993-02", "1994-02"), + area = "IXa") )), "Number array wins if both present") + + }) # g3_distribution_preview ok - Returned number array ok - Returned weight array ok - Number array wins if both present > > ok_group("g3l_distribution_sumofsquares", { + ok(cmp_grep( + deparse1(environment(g3l_distribution_sumofsquares(c('area', 'age')))$modelstock__sstotal), + 'sum(stock_ssinv(modelstock__x, "time", "area", "age"))', + NULL), "Added custom totals to sumofsquares modelstock__x") + ok(cmp_grep( + deparse1(environment(g3l_distribution_sumofsquares(c('area', 'age')))$obsstock__sstotal), + 'sum(stock_ssinv(obsstock__x, "time", "area", "age"))', + NULL), "Added custom totals to sumofsquares modelstock__x") + ok(cmp_grep( + deparse1(g3l_distribution_sumofsquares(c('area', 'length'))), + 'stock_ss(modelstock__x, length = default)', + 'modelstock__sstotal[[modelstock__length_idx]]', + 'stock_ss(obsstock__x, length = default)', + 'obsstock__sstotal[[obsstock__length_idx]]', + NULL), "Adding length also adds to the stock_ss()") + + # Stratified sumofsquares + prey_a <- g3_stock('prey_a', seq(1, 5, by = 1)) %>% g3s_age(1,5) + prey_a__init <- g3_stock_instance(prey_a) + prey_a__init[] <- runif(length(prey_a__init)) + obsdata <- expand.grid( + year = 2000, + length = seq(1, 5, by = 1), + age = 3:4) # NB: Only report age 3,4 + obsdata$number <- runif(nrow(obsdata)) + model_fn <- g3_to_r(list( + # Keep TMB happy + g3_formula({ + nll <- nll + g3_param("dummy", value = 0) + REPORT(prey_a__num) + }), + g3a_time(2000, 2001), + g3a_initialconditions(prey_a, + num_f = g3_formula(stock_ss(prey_a__init), prey_a__init = prey_a__init), + wgt_f = 10), + g3l_abundancedistribution("adist", + obsdata, + function_f = g3l_distribution_sumofsquares(over = c("area", "length")), + stocks = list(prey_a), + report = TRUE))) + model_cpp <- g3_to_tmb(attr(model_fn, 'actions'), trace = FALSE) + if (Sys.getenv('G3_TEST_TMB') == "2") { + #model_cpp <- edit(model_cpp) + #writeLines(TMB::gdbsource(g3_tmb_adfun(model_cpp, compile_flags = "-g", output_script = TRUE))) + model_tmb <- g3_tmb_adfun(model_cpp, trace = TRUE, compile_flags = c("-O0", "-g")) + } + + params <- attr(model_fn, 'parameter_template') + r <- model_fn(params) + modeldata <- attr(r, 'prey_a__num') + expected_nll <- 0 + for (age in 3:4) for (length in 1:5) { + # Proportion compared to others in age group, for that length + expected_nll <- expected_nll + ( + # Proportion compared to others in this length group + modeldata[length, age] / sum(modeldata[length, c(3,4)]) - + obsdata[obsdata$age == age & obsdata$length == length, 'number'] / sum(obsdata[obsdata$length == length, 'number']) + ) ** 2 + } + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.numeric(r), expected_nll), "g3l_distribution_sumofsquares statified over length") + if (Sys.getenv('G3_TEST_TMB') == "2") gadget3:::ut_tmb_r_compare(model_fn, model_tmb, params, model_cpp = model_cpp) + }) # g3l_distribution_sumofsquares ok - Added custom totals to sumofsquares modelstock__x ok - Added custom totals to sumofsquares modelstock__x ok - Adding length also adds to the stock_ss() ok - g3l_distribution_sumofsquares statified over length > > ok_group("g3l_distribution:transform_fs", { + prey_a <- g3_stock('prey_a', seq(1, 5, by = 1)) %>% g3s_age(1,5) %>% g3s_livesonareas(1:2) + prey_a__init <- g3_stock_instance(prey_a) + prey_a__init[] <- runif(length(prey_a__init)) + obsdata <- expand.grid( + year = 2000, + length = seq(1, 5, by = 1), + age = 1:5) + obsdata$number <- runif(nrow(obsdata)) + model_fn <- g3_to_r(list( + g3a_time(2000, 2001), + g3a_initialconditions(prey_a, + num_f = g3_formula(stock_ss(prey_a__init), prey_a__init = prey_a__init), + wgt_f = 10), + g3l_abundancedistribution("wt", + obsdata, + function_f = g3l_distribution_sumofsquares(), + stocks = list(prey_a), + transform_fs = list( + age = g3_formula( g3_param_array('reader1matrix', value = diag(5))[g3_idx(preage), g3_idx(age)] )), + report = TRUE), + g3l_abundancedistribution("wtperstock", + obsdata, + function_f = g3l_distribution_sumofsquares(), + stocks = list(prey_a), + transform_fs = list(age = g3_formula( stock_switch(stock, + prey_a = g3_param_array('reader1matrix', value = diag(prey_a__maxage - prey_a__minage + 1)), + x = 0)[prey_a__preage_idx, prey_a__age_idx] )), + report = TRUE), + g3l_abundancedistribution("nt", + obsdata, + function_f = g3l_distribution_sumofsquares(), + stocks = list(prey_a), + report = TRUE), + # Keep TMB happy + g3_formula( nll <- nll + g3_param("dummy", value = 0) ))) + model_cpp <- g3_to_tmb(attr(model_fn, 'actions'), trace = FALSE) + if (Sys.getenv('G3_TEST_TMB') == "2") { + #model_cpp <- edit(model_cpp) + #writeLines(TMB::gdbsource(g3_tmb_adfun(model_cpp, compile_flags = "-g", output_script = TRUE))) + model_tmb <- g3_tmb_adfun(model_cpp, trace = TRUE, compile_flags = c("-O0", "-g")) + } + + # Given results / params, apply matrix manually and make sure the results match + do_test <- function (r, params, msg) { + nt <- attr(r, 'adist_sumofsquares_nt_model__num') + wt <- attr(r, 'adist_sumofsquares_wt_model__num') + wtperstock <- attr(r, 'adist_sumofsquares_wtperstock_model__num') + m <- params$reader1matrix + apply_matrix <- function (destage) { + nt[,1,] * m[1,destage] + + nt[,2,] * m[2,destage] + + nt[,3,] * m[3,destage] + + nt[,4,] * m[4,destage] + + nt[,5,] * m[5,destage] + + 0 + } + ok(ut_cmp_equal(wt, wtperstock), paste0("wt / wtperstock: ", msg)) + ok(ut_cmp_equal(apply_matrix(1), wt[,1,]), paste0("age1: ", msg)) + ok(ut_cmp_equal(apply_matrix(2), wt[,2,]), paste0("age2: ", msg)) + ok(ut_cmp_equal(apply_matrix(3), wt[,3,]), paste0("age3: ", msg)) + ok(ut_cmp_equal(apply_matrix(4), wt[,4,]), paste0("age4: ", msg)) + ok(ut_cmp_equal(apply_matrix(5), wt[,5,]), paste0("age5: ", msg)) + } + + params <- attr(model_fn, 'parameter_template') + r <- model_fn(params) + do_test(r, params, "Identity matrix") + if (Sys.getenv('G3_TEST_TMB') == "2") gadget3:::ut_tmb_r_compare(model_fn, model_tmb, params, model_cpp = model_cpp) + + params <- attr(model_fn, 'parameter_template') + # Age 1 smeared over bottom 3 groups + params$reader1matrix[1,] <- c(0.5, 0.25, 0.25, 0, 0) + # Age 2 smeared over 2 groups + params$reader1matrix[2,] <- c(0, 0.75, 0.25, 0, 0) + r <- model_fn(params) + do_test(r, params, "age1, age2 smeared") + if (Sys.getenv('G3_TEST_TMB') == "2") gadget3:::ut_tmb_r_compare(model_fn, model_tmb, params, model_cpp = model_cpp) + }) # g3l_distribution:transform_fs ok - wt / wtperstock: Identity matrix ok - age1: Identity matrix ok - age2: Identity matrix ok - age3: Identity matrix ok - age4: Identity matrix ok - age5: Identity matrix ok - wt / wtperstock: age1, age2 smeared ok - age1: age1, age2 smeared ok - age2: age1, age2 smeared ok - age3: age1, age2 smeared ok - age4: age1, age2 smeared ok - age5: age1, age2 smeared > > # g3l_distribution_sumofsquaredlogratios > ok(ut_cmp_identical( + deparse1(g3l_distribution_sumofsquaredlogratios()), + "~sum((log(stock_ss(obsstock__x) + 10) - log(stock_ss(modelstock__x) + 10))^2)"), "g3l_distribution_sumofsquaredlogratios: Formula code as expected") ok - g3l_distribution_sumofsquaredlogratios: Formula code as expected > ok(ut_cmp_identical( + length(environment(g3l_distribution_sumofsquaredlogratios())), 0L), "g3l_distribution_sumofsquaredlogratios: Environment empty") ok - g3l_distribution_sumofsquaredlogratios: Environment empty > > # NB: Also added some aggregate areas for fleet data > areas <- list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, x = 1:2, y = 3) > prey_a <- g3_stock('prey_a', seq(1, 10)) %>% g3s_livesonareas(areas[c('a')]) > prey_b <- g3_stock('prey_b', seq(1, 10)) %>% g3s_livesonareas(areas[c('b')]) > prey_c <- g3_stock('prey_c', seq(1, 10)) %>% g3s_livesonareas(areas[c('c')]) > fleet_abc <- g3_fleet('fleet_abc') %>% g3s_livesonareas(areas[c('a', 'b', 'c')]) > > # Generate observation data for stock distribution > # NB: No prey_b, only compare prey_a and prey_c > sd_data <- expand.grid(year = 1999:2000, step = c(1, 2), area = c('x', 'y'), stock = c("prey_a", "prey_c"), length = c(1,6)) > sd_data$number <- floor(runif(length(sd_data$year), min=100, max=999)) > > # Generate observation data for catch distribution > cd_data <- expand.grid(year = 1999:2000, step = c(1, 2), area = c('x', 'y'), length = c(1,6)) > cd_data$number <- floor(runif(length(cd_data$year), min=100, max=999)) > > # Generate observation data for catch distribution by biomass > cd_weight_data <- expand.grid(year = 1999:2000, step = c(1, 2), area = c('x', 'y'), length = c(1,6)) > cd_weight_data$weight <- floor(runif(length(cd_data$year), min=1000, max=9999)) > > # Generate observation data for catch distribution (multinomial) > multinomial_data <- expand.grid(year = 1999:2000, step = c(1, 2), length = c(1,6)) > multinomial_data$number <- floor(runif(length(multinomial_data$year), min=100, max=999)) > > surveyindices_data <- expand.grid(year = 1999:2000, step = c(1, 2)) > surveyindices_data$number <- floor(runif(length(surveyindices_data$year), min=100, max=999)) > > # Can't make catchdistribution without fleets > ok(ut_cmp_error(g3l_catchdistribution( + 'utcd', + cd_data, + fleets = list(), + stocks = list(prey_a, prey_b, prey_c), + area_group = areas, + g3l_distribution_sumofsquares()), "Fleets must be supplied"), "g3l_catchdistribution: Invalid without fleets") ok - g3l_catchdistribution: Invalid without fleets > ok(ut_cmp_error(g3l_abundancedistribution( + 'utcd', + cd_data, + fleets = list(fleet_abc), + stocks = list(prey_a, prey_b, prey_c), + area_group = areas, + g3l_distribution_sumofsquares()), "Fleets must not be supplied"), "g3l_abundancedistribution: Invalid with fleets") ok - g3l_abundancedistribution: Invalid with fleets > > # Generate a step that reports the value of (var_name) into separate variable (steps) times > # (initial_val) provides a definition to use to set variable type > report_step <- function (var_name, steps, initial_val) { + out <- ~{} + for (i in seq(steps - 1, 0, by = -1)) { + step_var_name <- paste0("step", i, "_", var_name) + assign(step_var_name, initial_val) + out <- gadget3:::f_optimize(gadget3:::f_substitute(~if (cur_time == i) { + comment(report_comment) + if (is_nll) { + # nll is a scalar, and should have attributes stripped + step_var <- as.numeric(nll) + } else { + step_var[] <- var + } + REPORT(step_var) + } else rest, list( + report_comment = paste0("Reporting on ", var_name, " at step ", i), + is_nll = var_name == 'nll', + step_var = as.symbol(step_var_name), + var = as.symbol(var_name), + i = i, + rest = out ))) + } + return(out) + } > > base_actions <- list( + g3a_time(1999,2000, step_lengths = c(6, 6), project_years = 0), + g3a_initialconditions(prey_a, ~10 * prey_a__midlen, ~100 * prey_a__midlen), + g3a_initialconditions(prey_b, ~10 * prey_b__midlen, ~100 * prey_b__midlen), + g3a_initialconditions(prey_c, ~10 * prey_c__midlen, ~100 * prey_c__midlen), + g3a_predate_totalfleet( + fleet_abc, + list(prey_a, prey_b, prey_c), + suitabilities = list( + prey_a = ~g3_param_vector("fleet_abc_a"), + prey_b = ~g3_param_vector("fleet_abc_b"), + prey_c = ~g3_param_vector("fleet_abc_c")), + amount_f = ~g3_param('amount_ab', value = 100) * area), + named_list( + # Capture data just before final step erases it + gadget3:::step_id(10, 'g3l_distribution', 'cdist_sumofsquares_utcd', 1, 'zzzz'), report_step('cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num', 4, array( + # NB: Lift definition from deparse(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num) + dim = c(2L, 2L), + dimnames = list( + c("1:6", "6:10"), + c("x", "y")))), + gadget3:::step_id(10, 'g3l_distribution', 'cdist_sumofsquares_utsd', 1, 'zzzz'), report_step('cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num', 4, array( + # NB: Lift definition from deparse(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num) + dim = c(2L, 2L, 2L), + dimnames = list( + c("1:6", "6:10"), + c("prey_a", "prey_c"), + c("x", "y")))), + gadget3:::step_id(10, 'g3l_distribution', 'cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight', 1, 'zzzz'), report_step('cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt', 4, array( + # NB: Lift definition from deparse(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt) + dim = c(2L, 2L), + dimnames = list( + c("1:6", "6:10"), + c("x", "y")))), + gadget3:::step_id(10, 'g3l_distribution', 'cdist_multinomial_multinom', 1, 'zzzz'), report_step('cdist_multinomial_multinom_model__num', 4, array( + # NB: Lift definition from deparse(r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_model__num) + dim = c(2L), + dimnames = list( + c("1:6", "6:10")))), + gadget3:::step_id(990, 'prey_a__predby_fleet_abc'), report_step('prey_a__predby_fleet_abc', 4, g3_stock_instance(prey_a)), + gadget3:::step_id(990, 'prey_b__predby_fleet_abc'), report_step('prey_b__predby_fleet_abc', 4, g3_stock_instance(prey_b)), + gadget3:::step_id(990, 'prey_c__predby_fleet_abc'), report_step('prey_c__predby_fleet_abc', 4, g3_stock_instance(prey_c)), + gadget3:::step_id(990, 'prey_a__num'), report_step('prey_a__num', 4, g3_stock_instance(prey_a)), + gadget3:::step_id(990, 'prey_b__num'), report_step('prey_b__num', 4, g3_stock_instance(prey_b)), + gadget3:::step_id(990, 'prey_c__num'), report_step('prey_c__num', 4, g3_stock_instance(prey_c)), + gadget3:::step_id(990, 'nll'), report_step('nll', 4, 0.0), + gadget3:::step_id(999), ~{ + REPORT(cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num) + REPORT(cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num) + REPORT(cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt) + REPORT(cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt) + REPORT(cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num) + REPORT(cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num) + REPORT(cdist_multinomial_multinom_model__num) + REPORT(cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num) + REPORT(prey_a__wgt) + REPORT(prey_b__wgt) + REPORT(prey_c__wgt) + REPORT(prey_a__num) + REPORT(prey_b__num) + REPORT(prey_c__num) + + # NB: In theory we could inspect the return value, but TMB doesn't give an easy public method for that + REPORT(nll) + })) > actions <- c(base_actions, list( + g3l_catchdistribution( + 'utcd', + cd_data, + list(fleet_abc), + list(prey_a, prey_b, prey_c), + area_group = areas, + g3l_distribution_sumofsquares()), + g3l_catchdistribution( + 'utcd_weight', + cd_weight_data, + list(fleet_abc), + list(prey_a, prey_b, prey_c), + area_group = areas, + g3l_distribution_sumofsquares()), + g3l_catchdistribution( + 'utsd', + sd_data, + list(fleet_abc), + list(prey_a, prey_b, prey_c), + area_group = areas, + g3l_distribution_sumofsquares()), + g3l_catchdistribution( + 'multinom', + multinomial_data, + list(fleet_abc), + list(prey_a), + area_group = areas, + g3l_distribution_multinomial()), + g3l_abundancedistribution( + 'surveyindices', + surveyindices_data, + fleets = list(), + stocks = list(prey_b), + area_group = areas, + report = TRUE, # NB: Using built-in reporting vs. version hacked in tests + g3l_distribution_surveyindices_log(alpha = ~g3_param("si_alpha", value = 0), beta = ~g3_param("si_beta", value = 0))), + NULL)) > > # Compile model > model_fn <- g3_to_r(actions, trace = FALSE) > # model_fn <- edit(model_fn) > if (nzchar(Sys.getenv('G3_TEST_TMB'))) { + params <- attr(model_fn, 'parameter_template') + params$fleet_abc_a <- c(0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0) + params$fleet_abc_b <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0, 0) + params$fleet_abc_c <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0) + + model_cpp <- g3_to_tmb(actions, trace = FALSE) + # model_cpp <- edit(model_cpp) + model_tmb <- g3_tmb_adfun(model_cpp, params, compile_flags = c("-O0", "-g")) + } else { + writeLines("# skip: not compiling TMB model") + model_cpp <- c() + } # skip: not compiling TMB model > > ok_group("Likelihood per step", { + params <- attr(model_fn, 'parameter_template') + # Randomly catch, but get something everywhere + params$fleet_abc_a <- runif(10, min=0.1, max=0.9) + params$fleet_abc_b <- runif(10, min=0.1, max=0.9) + params$fleet_abc_c <- runif(10, min=0.1, max=0.9) + params$amount_ab <- 1000000 + params$si_alpha <- 4 + params$si_beta <- 2 + params$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight <- 1 + params$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_weight <- 1 + params$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_weight <- 1 + params$cdist_multinomial_multinom_weight <- 1 + params$adist_surveyindices_log_surveyindices_weight <- 1 + + result <- model_fn(params) + r <- attributes(result) + # str(result) + # str(as.list(r), vec.len = 10000) + + ok(ut_cmp_equal( + sort(as.vector(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num)), + sort(sd_data$number)), "cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num: Imported from data.frame, order not necessarily the same") + + ok(ut_cmp_equal( + r$adist_surveyindices_log_surveyindices_model__params, + c(params$si_alpha, params$si_beta)), "adist_surveyindices_log_surveyindices_model__params: Reported our hard-coded linear regression parameters") + + ######## cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a', 1]), c( + sum(r$step0_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,] / r$prey_a__wgt[1:5,]), + sum(r$step0_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,] / r$prey_a__wgt[6:10,]))), "step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a',1]: prey_a in area 1") + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c', 1]), c( + 0, + 0)), "step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c',1]: No prey_c in area 1") + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a', 2]), c( + 0, + 0)), "step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a',2]: No prey_a in area 2") + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c', 2]), c( + sum(r$step0_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,] / r$prey_c__wgt[1:5,]), + sum(r$step0_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,] / r$prey_c__wgt[6:10,]))), "step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c',2]: prey_c in area 2") + + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a', 1]), c( + sum(r$step1_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,] / r$prey_a__wgt[1:5,]), + sum(r$step1_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,] / r$prey_a__wgt[6:10,]))), "step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a',1]: prey_a in area 1") + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c', 1]), c( + 0, + 0)), "step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c',1]: No prey_c in area 1") + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a', 2]), c( + 0, + 0)), "step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a',2]: No prey_a in area 2") + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c', 2]), c( + sum(r$step1_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,] / r$prey_c__wgt[1:5,]), + sum(r$step1_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,] / r$prey_c__wgt[6:10,]))), "step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c',2]: prey_c in area 2") + + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a', 1]), c( + sum(r$step2_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,] / r$prey_a__wgt[1:5,]), + sum(r$step2_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,] / r$prey_a__wgt[6:10,]))), "step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a',1]: prey_a in area 1") + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c', 1]), c( + 0, + 0)), "step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c',1]: No prey_c in area 1") + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a', 2]), c( + 0, + 0)), "step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a',2]: No prey_a in area 2") + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c', 2]), c( + sum(r$step2_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,] / r$prey_c__wgt[1:5,]), + sum(r$step2_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,] / r$prey_c__wgt[6:10,]))), "step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c',2]: prey_c in area 2") + + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a', 1]), c( + sum(r$step3_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,] / r$prey_a__wgt[1:5,]), + sum(r$step3_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,] / r$prey_a__wgt[6:10,]))), "step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a',1]: prey_a in area 1") + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c', 1]), c( + 0, + 0)), "step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c',1]: No prey_c in area 1") + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a', 2]), c( + 0, + 0)), "step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a',2]: No prey_a in area 2") + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c', 2]), c( + sum(r$step3_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,] / r$prey_c__wgt[1:5,]), + sum(r$step3_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,] / r$prey_c__wgt[6:10,]))), "step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c',2]: prey_c in area 2") + ######## + + ######## cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,1]), c( + sum( + sum(r$step0_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1] / r$prey_a__wgt[1:5,1]), + sum(r$step0_prey_b__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1] / r$prey_b__wgt[1:5,1])), + sum( + sum(r$step0_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1] / r$prey_a__wgt[6:10,1]), + sum(r$step0_prey_b__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1] / r$prey_b__wgt[6:10,1])), + NULL)), "step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,1]: all prey in area a/b") + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,2]), c( + sum( + sum(r$step0_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1] / r$prey_c__wgt[1:5,1])), + sum( + sum(r$step0_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1] / r$prey_c__wgt[6:10,1])), + NULL)), "step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,2]: all prey in area c") + + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,1]), c( + sum( + sum(r$step1_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1] / r$prey_a__wgt[1:5,1]), + sum(r$step1_prey_b__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1] / r$prey_b__wgt[1:5,1])), + sum( + sum(r$step1_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1] / r$prey_a__wgt[6:10,1]), + sum(r$step1_prey_b__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1] / r$prey_b__wgt[6:10,1])), + NULL)), "step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,1]: all prey in area a/b") + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,2]), c( + sum( + sum(r$step1_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1] / r$prey_c__wgt[1:5,1])), + sum( + sum(r$step1_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1] / r$prey_c__wgt[6:10,1])), + NULL)), "step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,2]: all prey in area c") + + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,1]), c( + sum( + sum(r$step2_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1] / r$prey_a__wgt[1:5,1]), + sum(r$step2_prey_b__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1] / r$prey_b__wgt[1:5,1])), + sum( + sum(r$step2_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1] / r$prey_a__wgt[6:10,1]), + sum(r$step2_prey_b__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1] / r$prey_b__wgt[6:10,1])), + NULL)), "step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,1]: all prey in area a/b") + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,2]), c( + sum( + sum(r$step2_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1] / r$prey_c__wgt[1:5,1])), + sum( + sum(r$step2_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1] / r$prey_c__wgt[6:10,1])), + NULL)), "step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,2]: all prey in area c") + + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,1]), c( + sum( + sum(r$step3_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1] / r$prey_a__wgt[1:5,1]), + sum(r$step3_prey_b__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1] / r$prey_b__wgt[1:5,1])), + sum( + sum(r$step3_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1] / r$prey_a__wgt[6:10,1]), + sum(r$step3_prey_b__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1] / r$prey_b__wgt[6:10,1])), + NULL)), "step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,1]: all prey in area a/b") + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,2]), c( + sum( + sum(r$step3_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1] / r$prey_c__wgt[1:5,1])), + sum( + sum(r$step3_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1] / r$prey_c__wgt[6:10,1])), + NULL)), "step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,2]: all prey in area c") + ######## + + ######## adist_surveyindices_log_surveyindices_model__num + ok(ut_cmp_equal( + as.vector(r$adist_surveyindices_log_surveyindices_model__num), + c( + sum(r$step0_prey_b__num), + sum(r$step1_prey_b__num), + sum(r$step2_prey_b__num), + sum(r$step3_prey_b__num), + NULL)), "adist_surveyindices_log_surveyindices_model__num: Built-in reporting gave us step 0..3 abundance") + ######## + + ok(ut_cmp_equal(r$step0_nll, sum( + # utsd: stock 1 / area 1 + (r$step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,1,1] / sum(r$step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,1]) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,1,1,1] / sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,1,1])) ** 2, + # utsd: stock 2 / area 1 + (r$step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,2,1] / sum(r$step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,1]) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,2,1,1] / sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,1,1])) ** 2, + # utsd: stock 1 / area 2 + (r$step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,1,2] / sum(r$step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,2]) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,1,1,2] / sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,1,2])) ** 2, + # utsd: stock 2 / area 2 + (r$step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,2,2] / sum(r$step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,2]) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,2,1,2] / sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,1,2])) ** 2, + # utcd: area 1 + (r$step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,1] / sum(r$step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,1]) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,1,1] / sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,1,1])) ** 2, + # utcd: area 2 + (r$step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,2] / sum(r$step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,2]) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,1,2] / sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,1,2])) ** 2, + # utcd_weight: area 1 + (r$step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,1])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,1,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,1,1]))) ** 2, + # utcd_weight: area 2 + (r$step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,2])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,1,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,1,2]))) ** 2, + # multinom: + (2 * (-sum(r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,1] * log(g3_logspace_add_vec(r$step0_cdist_multinomial_multinom_model__num/g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step0_cdist_multinomial_multinom_model__num)) * + 10000, (1/(length(r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,1]) * 10)) * 10000)/10000)) + + (sum(g3_lgamma_vec(1 + r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,1])) - lgamma(1 + + sum(r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,1]))))), + # surveyindices: + 0, # NB: We don't calculate until end + 0)), "step0_nll: Sum of squares") + + ok(ut_cmp_equal(r$step1_nll, sum( + # utsd: stock 1 / area 1 + (r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,1,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,1])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,1,2,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,2,1]))) ** 2, + # utsd: stock 2 / area 1 + (r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,2,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,1])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,2,2,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,2,1]))) ** 2, + # utsd: stock 1 / area 2 + (r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,1,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,2])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,1,2,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,2,2]))) ** 2, + # utsd: stock 2 / area 2 + (r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,2,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,2])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,2,2,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,2,2]))) ** 2, + # utcd: area 1 + (r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,1])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,2,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,2,1]))) ** 2, + # utcd: area 2 + (r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,2])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,2,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,2,2]))) ** 2, + # utcd_weight: area 1 + (r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,1])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,2,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,2,1]))) ** 2, + # utcd_weight: area 2 + (r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,2])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,2,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,2,2]))) ** 2, + # multinom: + (2 * (-sum(r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,2] * log(g3_logspace_add_vec(r$step1_cdist_multinomial_multinom_model__num/g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step1_cdist_multinomial_multinom_model__num)) * + 10000, (1/(length(r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,2]) * 10)) * 10000)/10000)) + + (sum(g3_lgamma_vec(1 + r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,2])) - lgamma(1 + + sum(r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,2]))))), + # surveyindices: + 0, # NB: We don't calculate until end + r$step0_nll)), "step1_nll: Sum of squares, including step0_nll") + + ok(ut_cmp_equal(r$step2_nll, sum( + # utsd: stock 1 / area 1 + (r$step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,1,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,1])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,1,3,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,3,1]))) ** 2, + # utsd: stock 2 / area 1 + (r$step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,2,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,1])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,2,3,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,3,1]))) ** 2, + # utsd: stock 1 / area 2 + (r$step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,1,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,2])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,1,3,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,3,2]))) ** 2, + # utsd: stock 2 / area 2 + (r$step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,2,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,2])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,2,3,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,3,2]))) ** 2, + # utcd: area 1 + (r$step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,1])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,3,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,3,1]))) ** 2, + # utcd: area 2 + (r$step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,2])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,3,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,3,2]))) ** 2, + # utcd_weight: area 1 + (r$step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,1])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,3,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,3,1]))) ** 2, + # utcd_weight: area 2 + (r$step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,2])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,3,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,3,2]))) ** 2, + # multinom: + (2 * (-sum(r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,3] * log(g3_logspace_add_vec(r$step2_cdist_multinomial_multinom_model__num/g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step2_cdist_multinomial_multinom_model__num)) * + 10000, (1/(length(r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,3]) * 10)) * 10000)/10000)) + + (sum(g3_lgamma_vec(1 + r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,3])) - lgamma(1 + + sum(r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,3]))))), + # surveyindices: + 0, # NB: We don't calculate until end + r$step1_nll)), "step2_nll: Sum of squares, including step1_nll") + + ok(ut_cmp_equal(r$step3_nll, sum( + # utsd: stock 1 / area 1 + (r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,1,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,1])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,1,4,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,4,1]))) ** 2, + # utsd: stock 2 / area 1 + (r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,2,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,1])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,2,4,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,4,1]))) ** 2, + # utsd: stock 1 / area 2 + (r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,1,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,2])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,1,4,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,4,2]))) ** 2, + # utsd: stock 2 / area 2 + (r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,2,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,2])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,2,4,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,4,2]))) ** 2, + # utcd: area 1 + (r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,1])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,4,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,4,1]))) ** 2, + # utcd: area 2 + (r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,2])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,4,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,4,2]))) ** 2, + # utcd_weight: area 1 + (r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,1])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,4,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,4,1]))) ** 2, + # utcd_weight: area 2 + (r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,2])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,4,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,4,2]))) ** 2, + # multinom: + (2 * (-sum(r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,4] * log(g3_logspace_add_vec(r$step3_cdist_multinomial_multinom_model__num/g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step3_cdist_multinomial_multinom_model__num)) * + 10000, (1/(length(r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,4]) * 10)) * 10000)/10000)) + + (sum(g3_lgamma_vec(1 + r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,4])) - lgamma(1 + + sum(r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,4]))))), + # surveyindices: + sum((params$si_alpha + + params$si_beta * log(g3_avoid_zero(r$adist_surveyindices_log_surveyindices_model__num[,])) - + log(g3_avoid_zero(r$adist_surveyindices_log_surveyindices_obs__num[,])))**2), + r$step2_nll)), "step3_nll: Sum of squares, including step2_nll") + + if (nzchar(Sys.getenv('G3_TEST_TMB'))) { + param_template <- attr(model_cpp, "parameter_template") + param_template$value <- params[param_template$switch] + gadget3:::ut_tmb_r_compare(model_fn, model_tmb, param_template) + } + }) # Likelihood per step ok - cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num: Imported from data.frame, order not necessarily the same ok - adist_surveyindices_log_surveyindices_model__params: Reported our hard-coded linear regression parameters ok - step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a',1]: prey_a in area 1 ok - step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c',1]: No prey_c in area 1 ok - step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a',2]: No prey_a in area 2 ok - step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c',2]: prey_c in area 2 ok - step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a',1]: prey_a in area 1 ok - step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c',1]: No prey_c in area 1 ok - step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a',2]: No prey_a in area 2 ok - step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c',2]: prey_c in area 2 ok - step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a',1]: prey_a in area 1 ok - step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c',1]: No prey_c in area 1 ok - step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a',2]: No prey_a in area 2 ok - step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c',2]: prey_c in area 2 ok - step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a',1]: prey_a in area 1 ok - step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c',1]: No prey_c in area 1 ok - step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a',2]: No prey_a in area 2 ok - step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c',2]: prey_c in area 2 ok - step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,1]: all prey in area a/b ok - step0_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,2]: all prey in area c ok - step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,1]: all prey in area a/b ok - step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,2]: all prey in area c ok - step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,1]: all prey in area a/b ok - step2_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,2]: all prey in area c ok - step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,1]: all prey in area a/b ok - step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,2]: all prey in area c ok - adist_surveyindices_log_surveyindices_model__num: Built-in reporting gave us step 0..3 abundance ok - step0_nll: Sum of squares ok - step1_nll: Sum of squares, including step0_nll ok - step2_nll: Sum of squares, including step1_nll ok - step3_nll: Sum of squares, including step2_nll > > ok_group("Likelihood per year", { + # Change model to aggregate over a year + # NB: No prey_b, only compare prey_a and prey_c + # NB: No step column now + sd_data <- expand.grid(year = 1999:2000, area = c('x', 'y'), stock = c("prey_a", "prey_c"), length = c(1,6)) + sd_data$number <- floor(runif(length(sd_data$year), min=100, max=999)) + attr(sd_data, 'area') <- list( + x = areas[c('a', 'b')], + y = areas[c('c')]) + + # Change model to aggregate over a year + # NB: No step column now + cd_data <- expand.grid(year = 1999:2000, area = c('x', 'y'), length = c(1,6)) + cd_data$number <- floor(runif(length(cd_data$year), min=100, max=999)) + attr(cd_data, 'area') <- list( + x = areas[c('a', 'b')], + y = areas[c('c')]) + + # Change model to aggregate over a year + cd_weight_data <- expand.grid(year = 1999:2000, area = c('x', 'y'), length = c(1,6)) + cd_weight_data$weight <- floor(runif(length(cd_data$year), min=1000, max=9999)) + + # Change model to aggregate over a year + # NB: No step column now + multinomial_data <- expand.grid(year = 1999:2000, length = c(1,6)) + multinomial_data$number <- floor(runif(length(multinomial_data$year), min=100, max=999)) + + # NB: No step column now + surveyindices_data <- expand.grid(year = 1999:2000) + surveyindices_data$number <- floor(runif(length(surveyindices_data$year), min=100, max=999)) + + actions <- c(base_actions, list( + g3l_catchdistribution( + 'utcd', + cd_data, + list(fleet_abc), + list(prey_a, prey_b, prey_c), + area_group = areas, + g3l_distribution_sumofsquares()), + g3l_catchdistribution( + 'utcd_weight', + cd_weight_data, + list(fleet_abc), + list(prey_a, prey_b, prey_c), + area_group = areas, + g3l_distribution_sumofsquares()), + g3l_catchdistribution( + 'utsd', + sd_data, + list(fleet_abc), + list(prey_a, prey_b, prey_c), + area_group = areas, + g3l_distribution_sumofsquares()), + g3l_catchdistribution( + 'multinom', + multinomial_data, + list(fleet_abc), + list(prey_a), + area_group = areas, + g3l_distribution_multinomial()), + g3l_abundancedistribution( + 'surveyindices', + surveyindices_data, + fleets = list(), + stocks = list(prey_b), + area_group = areas, + report = TRUE, + g3l_distribution_surveyindices_log(alpha = ~g3_param("si_alpha", value = 0), beta = ~g3_param("si_beta", value = 0))))) + + # Compile model + model_fn <- g3_to_r(actions, trace = FALSE) + # model_fn <- edit(model_fn) + if (nzchar(Sys.getenv('G3_TEST_TMB'))) { + model_cpp <- g3_to_tmb(actions, trace = FALSE) + # model_cpp <- edit(model_cpp) + model_tmb <- g3_tmb_adfun(model_cpp, params, compile_flags = c("-O0", "-g")) + } else { + writeLines("# skip: not compiling TMB model") + } + + params <- attr(model_fn, 'parameter_template') + params$fleet_abc_a <- runif(10, min=0.1, max=0.9) + params$fleet_abc_b <- runif(10, min=0.1, max=0.9) + params$fleet_abc_c <- runif(10, min=0.1, max=0.9) + params$amount_ab <- 1000000 + params$si_alpha <- 1.82 + params$si_beta <- 3.74 + params$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight <- 1 + params$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_weight <- 1 + params$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_weight <- 1 + params$cdist_multinomial_multinom_weight <- 1 + params$adist_surveyindices_log_surveyindices_weight <- 1 + + result <- model_fn(params) + r <- attributes(result) + # str(result) + # str(as.list(r), vec.len = 10000) + + ok(ut_cmp_equal( + sort(as.vector(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num)), + sort(sd_data$number)), "cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num: Imported from data.frame, order not necessarily the same") + + ok(ut_cmp_equal( + r$adist_surveyindices_log_surveyindices_model__params, + c(params$si_alpha, params$si_beta)), "adist_surveyindices_log_surveyindices_model__params: Reported our hard-coded linear regression parameters") + + + ######## cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a', 1]), c( + sum( + (r$step0_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,] / r$prey_a__wgt[1:5,]), + (r$step1_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,] / r$prey_a__wgt[1:5,])), + sum( + sum(r$step0_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,] / r$prey_a__wgt[6:10,]), + sum(r$step1_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,] / r$prey_a__wgt[6:10,])), + NULL)), "step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a',1]: prey_a summed over year") + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c', 1]), c( + 0, + 0, + NULL)), "step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c',1]: No prey_c in first area") + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a', 2]), c( + 0, + 0, + NULL)), "step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a',2]: No prey_a in second area") + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c', 2]), c( + sum( + (r$step0_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,] / r$prey_c__wgt[1:5,]), + (r$step1_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,] / r$prey_c__wgt[1:5,])), + sum( + sum(r$step0_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,] / r$prey_c__wgt[6:10,]), + sum(r$step1_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,] / r$prey_c__wgt[6:10,])), + NULL)), "step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c',2]: prey_c summed over year") + ######## + + ######## cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,1]), c( + sum( + sum(r$step0_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1] / r$prey_a__wgt[1:5,1]), + sum(r$step0_prey_b__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1] / r$prey_b__wgt[1:5,1]), + sum(r$step1_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1] / r$prey_a__wgt[1:5,1]), + sum(r$step1_prey_b__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1] / r$prey_b__wgt[1:5,1])), + sum( + sum(r$step0_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1] / r$prey_a__wgt[6:10,1]), + sum(r$step0_prey_b__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1] / r$prey_b__wgt[6:10,1]), + sum(r$step1_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1] / r$prey_a__wgt[6:10,1]), + sum(r$step1_prey_b__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1] / r$prey_b__wgt[6:10,1])), + NULL)), "step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,1]: all prey from a/b and steps 0 & 1") + + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,2]), c( + sum( + sum(r$step0_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1] / r$prey_c__wgt[1:5,1]), + sum(r$step1_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1] / r$prey_c__wgt[1:5,1])), + sum( + sum(r$step0_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1] / r$prey_c__wgt[6:10,1]), + sum(r$step1_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1] / r$prey_c__wgt[6:10,1])), + NULL)), "step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,2]: all prey from c and steps 0/1") + ######## + + ######## cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,1]), c( + sum( + sum(r$step0_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1]), + sum(r$step0_prey_b__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1]), + sum(r$step1_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1]), + sum(r$step1_prey_b__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1])), + sum( + sum(r$step0_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1]), + sum(r$step0_prey_b__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1]), + sum(r$step1_prey_a__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1]), + sum(r$step1_prey_b__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1])), + NULL)), "step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,1]: total biomass of prey from a/b and steps 0 & 1") + + ok(ut_cmp_equal(as.vector(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,2]), c( + sum( + sum(r$step0_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1]), + sum(r$step1_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[1:5,1])), + sum( + sum(r$step0_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1]), + sum(r$step1_prey_c__predby_fleet_abc[6:10,1])), + NULL)), "step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,2]: total biomass of prey from c and steps 0/1") + ######## + + ######## adist_surveyindices_surveyindices_model__num + ok(ut_cmp_equal( + as.vector(r$adist_surveyindices_log_surveyindices_model__num), + c( + sum(r$step0_prey_b__num) + sum(r$step1_prey_b__num), + sum(r$step2_prey_b__num) + sum(r$step3_prey_b__num), + NULL)), "adist_surveyindices_log_surveyindices_model__num: Built-in reporting gave us step 0..3 abundance") + ######## + + ok(ut_cmp_equal(r$step0_nll, 0), "step0_nll: nll not calculated yet") + + ok(ut_cmp_equal(r$step1_nll, sum( + # utsd: stock 1 / area 1 + (r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,1,1] / sum(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,1]) - + # NB: Still using first time data, unlike per-step example + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,1,1,1] / sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,1,1])) ** 2, + # utsd: stock 2 / area 1 + (r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,2,1] / sum(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,1]) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,2,1,1] / sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,1,1])) ** 2, + # utsd: stock 1 / area 2 + (r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,1,2] / sum(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,2]) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,1,1,2] / sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,1,2])) ** 2, + # utsd: stock 2 / area 2 + (r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,2,2] / sum(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,2]) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,2,1,2] / sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,1,2])) ** 2, + # utcd: area 1 + (r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,1] / sum(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,1]) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,1,1] / sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,1,1])) ** 2, + # utcd: area 2 + (r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,2] / sum(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,2]) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,1,2] / sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,1,2])) ** 2, + # utcd_weight: area 1 + (r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,1] / sum(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,1]) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,1,1] / sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,1,1])) ** 2, + # utcd_weight: area 2 + (r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,2] / sum(r$step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,2]) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,1,2] / sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,1,2])) ** 2, + # multinom: + (2 * (-sum(r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,1] * log(g3_logspace_add_vec(r$step1_cdist_multinomial_multinom_model__num/g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step1_cdist_multinomial_multinom_model__num)) * + 10000, (1/(length(r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,1]) * 10)) * 10000)/10000)) + + (sum(g3_lgamma_vec(1 + r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,1])) - lgamma(1 + + sum(r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,1]))))), + # surveyindices: + 0, # NB: We don't calculate until end + 0)), "step1_nll: Sum of squares") + + ok(ut_cmp_equal(r$step3_nll, sum( + # utsd: stock 1 / area 1 + (r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,1,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,1])) - + # NB: Second time data, not 4th as in per-step example + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,1,2,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,2,1]))) ** 2, + # utsd: stock 2 / area 1 + (r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,2,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,1])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,2,2,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,2,1]))) ** 2, + # utsd: stock 1 / area 2 + (r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,1,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,2])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,1,2,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,2,2]))) ** 2, + # utsd: stock 2 / area 2 + (r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,2,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,,2])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,2,2,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num[,,2,2]))) ** 2, + # utcd: area 1 + (r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,1])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,2,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,2,1]))) ** 2, + # utcd: area 2 + (r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,2])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,2,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_obs__num[,2,2]))) ** 2, + # utcd_weight: area 1 + (r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,1])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,2,1] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,2,1]))) ** 2, + # utcd_weight: area 2 + (r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step3_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,2])) - + r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,2,2] / g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_obs__wgt[,2,2]))) ** 2, + # multinom: + (2 * (-sum(r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,2] * log(g3_logspace_add_vec(r$step3_cdist_multinomial_multinom_model__num/g3_avoid_zero(sum(r$step3_cdist_multinomial_multinom_model__num)) * + 10000, (1/(length(r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,2]) * 10)) * 10000)/10000)) + + (sum(g3_lgamma_vec(1 + r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,2])) - lgamma(1 + + sum(r$cdist_multinomial_multinom_obs__num[,2]))))), + # surveyindices: + sum((params$si_alpha + + params$si_beta * log(g3_avoid_zero(r$adist_surveyindices_log_surveyindices_model__num[,])) - + log(g3_avoid_zero(r$adist_surveyindices_log_surveyindices_obs__num[,])))**2), + r$step1_nll)), "step3_nll: Sum of squares, including step1_nll") + + if (nzchar(Sys.getenv('G3_TEST_TMB'))) { + param_template <- attr(model_cpp, "parameter_template") + param_template$value <- params[param_template$switch] + gadget3:::ut_tmb_r_compare(model_fn, model_tmb, param_template) + } + }) # Likelihood per year # skip: not compiling TMB model ok - cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_obs__num: Imported from data.frame, order not necessarily the same ok - adist_surveyindices_log_surveyindices_model__params: Reported our hard-coded linear regression parameters ok - step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a',1]: prey_a summed over year ok - step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c',1]: No prey_c in first area ok - step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_a',2]: No prey_a in second area ok - step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utsd_model__num[,'prey_c',2]: prey_c summed over year ok - step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,1]: all prey from a/b and steps 0 & 1 ok - step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_model__num[,2]: all prey from c and steps 0/1 ok - step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,1]: total biomass of prey from a/b and steps 0 & 1 ok - step1_cdist_sumofsquares_utcd_weight_model__wgt[,2]: total biomass of prey from c and steps 0/1 ok - adist_surveyindices_log_surveyindices_model__num: Built-in reporting gave us step 0..3 abundance ok - step0_nll: nll not calculated yet ok - step1_nll: Sum of squares ok - step3_nll: Sum of squares, including step1_nll > > proc.time() user system elapsed 5.42 0.07 5.48 # Looks like you passed all 68 tests.