R Under development (unstable) (2024-03-18 r86148 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(magrittr) > library(unittest) > > library(gadget3) > > cmp_code <- function (a, b) ut_cmp_identical(deparse(a), deparse(b)) > > ok_group("step_id", { + step_id <- gadget3:::step_id + stock_a <- g3_stock('stock_aaa', seq(10, 35, 5)) + stock_b <- g3_stock('stock_bbb', seq(10, 35, 5)) + + ok(ut_cmp_identical(step_id("camel"), "camel "), "String: camel") + ok(ut_cmp_error({ + step_id(list(4)) + }, "list\\(4\\)"), "General lists not allowed") + + ok(ut_cmp_identical(step_id(0), "000"), "Padding numbers: 0") + ok(ut_cmp_identical(step_id(99), "099"), "Padding numbers: 99") + ok(ut_cmp_identical(step_id(100), "100"), "Padding numbers: 100") + + ok(ut_cmp_identical(step_id(stock_a), "stock_aaa "), "Stock name: stock_a") + ok(ut_cmp_identical(step_id(stock_b), "stock_bbb "), "Stock name: stock_b") + + ok(ut_cmp_identical(step_id(0, 10, 200), "000:010:200"), "Multiple numbers: 0, 10, 200") + ok(ut_cmp_identical(step_id(0, stock_a, "camel"), "000:stock_aaa :camel "), "All the things") + + ok(ut_cmp_identical( + sort(sapply(-1:11, gadget3:::step_id), method="radix"), + c("-01", "000", "001", "002", "003", "004", "005", "006", "007", "008", "009", "010", "011"), + filter = NULL), "-1 sorted before 0") + }) # step_id ok - String: camel ok - General lists not allowed ok - Padding numbers: 0 ok - Padding numbers: 99 ok - Padding numbers: 100 ok - Stock name: stock_a ok - Stock name: stock_b ok - Multiple numbers: 0, 10, 200 ok - All the things ok - -1 sorted before 0 > > ok_group("g3_step:stock_reshape", { + source <- g3_stock('source', seq(10, 40, 10)) + source__num <- g3_stock_instance(source) + source__wgt <- g3_stock_instance(source) + dest_even <- g3_stock('dest_even', seq(10, 40, 10)) # Input == output + dest_even__num <- g3_stock_instance(dest_even) + dest_even__wgt <- g3_stock_instance(dest_even) + dest_combine <- g3_stock('dest_combine', seq(10, 40, 40)) # All input combined + dest_combine__num <- g3_stock_instance(dest_combine) + dest_combine__wgt <- g3_stock_instance(dest_combine) + aaextra <- 100 + dest_combine__aaextra <- g3_stock_instance(dest_combine) + dest_2group <- g3_stock('dest_2group', seq(10, 40, 20)) # 2 groups + dest_2group__num <- g3_stock_instance(dest_2group) + dest_2group__wgt <- g3_stock_instance(dest_2group) + dest_wider <- g3_stock('dest_wider', seq(0, 90, 10)) # Wider top and bottom + dest_wider__num <- g3_stock_instance(dest_wider) + dest_wider__wgt <- g3_stock_instance(dest_wider) + dest_nolength <- gadget3:::g3_storage('dest_nolength') # No length at all + dest_nolength__num <- g3_stock_instance(dest_nolength) + + nll <- 0.0 + actions <- list( + g3a_initialconditions(source, ~g3_param_vector("source_num"), ~g3_param_vector("source_wgt")), + + list('900:dest_even' = gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_iterate(dest_even, stock_intersect(source, { + stock_ss(dest_even__num) <- stock_reshape(dest_even, stock_ss(source__num)) + REPORT(dest_even__num) + })))), + + list('900:dest_combine' = gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_iterate(dest_combine, stock_intersect(source, { + stock_ss(dest_combine__num) <- stock_reshape(dest_combine, stock_ss(source__num)) + REPORT(dest_combine__num) + })))), + + # The "aaextra" var gets ignored + list('900:dest_combine_aaextra' = gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_iterate(dest_combine, stock_intersect(source, { + stock_ss(dest_combine__aaextra) <- stock_reshape(dest_combine, aaextra * stock_ss(source__num)) + REPORT(dest_combine__aaextra) + })))), + + list('900:dest_2group' = gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_iterate(dest_2group, stock_intersect(source, { + stock_ss(dest_2group__num) <- stock_reshape(dest_2group, stock_ss(source__num)) + REPORT(dest_2group__num) + })))), + + list('900:dest_wider' = gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_iterate(dest_wider, stock_intersect(source, { + stock_ss(dest_wider__num) <- stock_reshape(dest_wider, stock_ss(source__num)) + REPORT(dest_wider__num) + })))), + + list('900:dest_nolength' = gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_iterate(dest_nolength, stock_intersect(source, { + stock_ss(dest_nolength__num) <- stock_reshape(dest_nolength, stock_ss(source__num)) + REPORT(dest_nolength__num) + })))), + + list('999' = ~{ + nll <- nll + g3_param('x') + return(nll) + })) + + # Compile model + params <- list( + source_num = c(11, 22, 33, 44), + source_wgt = c(11, 22, 33, 44), + x = 1.0) + model_fn <- g3_to_r(actions) + # model_fn <- edit(model_fn) + result <- model_fn(params) + + if (nzchar(Sys.getenv('G3_TEST_TMB'))) { + model_cpp <- g3_to_tmb(actions, trace = FALSE) + # model_cpp <- edit(model_cpp) + model_tmb <- g3_tmb_adfun(model_cpp, params, compile_flags = c("-O0", "-g")) + } else { + writeLines("# skip: not compiling TMB model") + model_cpp <- c() + } + + ok(ut_cmp_identical( + sort(all.vars(body(model_fn))[endsWith(all.vars(body(model_fn)), '_lgmatrix')]), + c("source_dest_2group_lgmatrix", + "source_dest_combine_lgmatrix", + "source_dest_wider_lgmatrix")), "Generated matrices for mismatched stocks, not dest_even") + + # str(attributes(result)) + ok(ut_cmp_equal( + as.vector(attr(result, 'dest_even__num')), + c(11, 22, 33, 44)), "dest_even__num") + ok(ut_cmp_equal( + as.vector(attr(result, 'dest_combine__num')), + c(11 + 22 + 33 + 44)), "dest_combine__num") + ok(ut_cmp_equal( + as.vector(attr(result, 'dest_combine__aaextra')), + aaextra * c(11 + 22 + 33 + 44)), "dest_combine__aaextra") + ok(ut_cmp_equal( + as.vector(attr(result, 'dest_2group__num')), + c(11 + 22, 33 + 44)), "dest_2group__num") + ok(ut_cmp_equal( + as.vector(attr(result, 'dest_wider__num')), + c(0, 11, 22, 33, 44, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)), "dest_wider__num") + ok(ut_cmp_equal( + as.vector(attr(result, 'dest_nolength__num')), + sum(11, 22, 33, 44)), "dest_nolength__num") + + if (nzchar(Sys.getenv('G3_TEST_TMB'))) { + param_template <- attr(model_cpp, "parameter_template") + param_template$value <- params[param_template$switch] + gadget3:::ut_tmb_r_compare(model_fn, model_tmb, param_template) + } else { + writeLines("# skip: not running TMB tests") + } + }) # g3_step:stock_reshape # skip: not compiling TMB model ok - Generated matrices for mismatched stocks, not dest_even ok - dest_even__num ok - dest_combine__num ok - dest_combine__aaextra ok - dest_2group__num ok - dest_wider__num ok - dest_nolength__num # skip: not running TMB tests > > ok_group("g3_step:stock_ss", { + stock <- g3_stock('halibut', 1:10) %>% g3s_age(1,10) %>% g3s_livesonareas(1) + stock__num <- g3_stock_instance(stock) + ok(cmp_code( + gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_ss(stock__num, area = 5)), + ~stock__num[, stock__age_idx, 5]), "Can replace individual dimension subsets with something else (area)") + ok(cmp_code( + gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_ss(stock__num, age = i + 1)), + ~stock__num[, i + 1, stock__area_idx]), "Can replace individual dimension subsets with something else (age)") + ok(cmp_code( + gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_ss(stock__num, area = , age = j)), + ~stock__num[, j, ]), "Missing values are honoured too") + + ok(cmp_code( + gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_ss(stock__num, length = 0L)), + ~stock__num[0L, stock__age_idx, stock__area_idx]), "Length can be overriden with a constant") + ok(cmp_code( + gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_ss(stock__num, length = default)), + ~stock__num[stock__length_idx, stock__age_idx, stock__area_idx]), "Length can be turned back on again") + }) # g3_step:stock_ss ok - Can replace individual dimension subsets with something else (area) ok - Can replace individual dimension subsets with something else (age) ok - Missing values are honoured too ok - Length can be overriden with a constant ok - Length can be turned back on again > > ok_group("g3_step:stock_switch", { + # NB: Differing names, ordinarily stock_imm would be "prey_stock", e.g. + stock_imm <- g3_stock('ling_imm', c(1)) + stock_mat <- g3_stock('ling_mat', c(1)) + stock_zat <- g3_stock('ling_zat', c(1)) + + ok(cmp_code( + gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_switch(stock_imm, ling_imm = 123, ling_mat = 456, ling_pat = 789)), + ~123), "stock_imm: Chose ling_imm value") + ok(cmp_code( + gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_switch(stock_mat, ling_imm = 123, ling_mat = 456, ling_pat = 789)), + ~456), "stock_mat: Chose ling_mat value") + ok(ut_cmp_error( + gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_switch(stock_zat, ling_imm = 123, ling_mat = 456, ling_pat = 789)), + "ling_zat"), "stock_zat: No default, threw an error") + ok(cmp_code( + gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_switch(stock_zat, ling_imm = 123, ling_mat = 456, ling_pat = 789, 999)), + ~999), "stock_zat: Chose default value") + }) # g3_step:stock_switch ok - stock_imm: Chose ling_imm value ok - stock_mat: Chose ling_mat value ok - stock_zat: No default, threw an error ok - stock_zat: Chose default value > > ok_group("g3_step:dependent_formulas", (function () { + stock_imm <- g3s_age(g3_stock('ling_imm', 1), 1, 3) + stock_imm__num <- g3_stock_instance(stock_imm, 0) + stock_area <- g3s_livesonareas(g3s_age(g3_stock('area_imm', 1), 1, 3), 1:2) + stock_area__num <- g3_stock_instance(stock_area, 0) + + by_age_f <- ~ 2 * age + f <- gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_iterate(stock_imm, stock_ss(stock_imm__num) + by_age_f)) + ok(cmp_code(f, ~for (age in seq(ling_imm__minage, ling_imm__maxage, by = 1)) g3_with( + ling_imm__age_idx := g3_idx(age - ling_imm__minage + 1L), + by_age_f := (2 * age), + (ling_imm__num[, ling_imm__age_idx] + by_age_f))), "by_age_f: 2 * age gets inserted inside loop") + + f <- gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_iterate(stock_area, stock_ss(stock_area__num) + by_age_f)) + ok(cmp_code(f, ~for (area_imm__area_idx in seq_along(area_imm__areas)) g3_with( + area := area_imm__areas[[area_imm__area_idx]], + for (age in seq(area_imm__minage, area_imm__maxage, by = 1)) g3_with( + area_imm__age_idx := g3_idx(age - area_imm__minage + 1L), + by_age_f := (2 * age), + (area_imm__num[, area_imm__age_idx, area_imm__area_idx] + by_age_f)))), "by_age_f: 2 * age gets inserted inside double loop") + + independent_f <- ~2 * stock_imm__minage + f <- gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_iterate(stock_imm, stock_ss(stock_imm__num) + independent_f)) + ok(cmp_code(f, ~g3_with(independent_f := (2 * ling_imm__minage), for (age in seq(ling_imm__minage, ling_imm__maxage, by = 1)) g3_with( + ling_imm__age_idx := g3_idx(age - ling_imm__minage + 1L), + (ling_imm__num[, ling_imm__age_idx] + independent_f)))), "independent_f: 2 gets inserted outside loop, still renamed though") + + independent_switch_f <- ~2 * stock_switch(stock_imm, ling_imm = 22 + 33) + f <- gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_iterate(stock_imm, stock_ss(stock_imm__num) + independent_switch_f)) + ok(cmp_code(f, ~g3_with(independent_switch_f := (2 * (22 + 33)), for (age in seq(ling_imm__minage, ling_imm__maxage, by = 1)) g3_with( + ling_imm__age_idx := g3_idx(age - ling_imm__minage + 1L), + (ling_imm__num[, ling_imm__age_idx] + independent_switch_f)))), "independent_switch_f: stock_switch() resolved") + + independent_f <- ~2 * stock_area__minage + f <- gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_iterate(stock_area, stock_ss(stock_area__num) + independent_f)) + ok(cmp_code(f, ~g3_with(independent_f := (2 * area_imm__minage), for (area_imm__area_idx in seq_along(area_imm__areas)) g3_with( + area := area_imm__areas[[area_imm__area_idx]], + for (age in seq(area_imm__minage, area_imm__maxage, by = 1)) g3_with( + area_imm__age_idx := g3_idx(age - area_imm__minage + 1L), + (area_imm__num[, area_imm__age_idx, area_imm__area_idx] + independent_f))))), "independent_f: 2 gets inserted outside double loop, still renamed though") + + global_f <- g3_global_formula(~4 * age, init_val = ~4 + 4) + f <- gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_iterate(stock_imm, stock_ss(stock_imm__num) + global_f)) + ok(cmp_code(f, ~for (age in seq(ling_imm__minage, ling_imm__maxage, by = 1)) g3_with( + ling_imm__age_idx := g3_idx(age - ling_imm__minage + 1L), + { + global_f <- 4 * age + (ling_imm__num[, ling_imm__age_idx] + global_f) + })), "global_f: iterative case gets inserted inside loop") + ok(any(grepl("global_f <- 4 + 4", deparse(g3_to_r(list(f))), fixed = TRUE)), "global_f: init_val in header when fully compiled") + + global_ind_f <- g3_global_formula(~4 * 99, init_val = ~4 + 6) + f <- gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_iterate(stock_imm, stock_ss(stock_imm__num) + global_ind_f)) + ok(cmp_code(f, ~{ + global_ind_f <- 4 * 99 + for (age in seq(ling_imm__minage, ling_imm__maxage, by = 1)) g3_with( + ling_imm__age_idx := g3_idx(age - ling_imm__minage + 1L), + (ling_imm__num[, ling_imm__age_idx] + global_ind_f)) + }), "global_ind_f: iterative case gets inserted outside loop") + ok(any(grepl("global_ind_f <- 4 + 6", deparse(g3_to_r(list(f))), fixed = TRUE)), "global_ind_f: init_val in header when fully compiled") + + global_init_f <- g3_global_formula(init_val = ~2 * 2) + f <- gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_iterate(stock_imm, stock_ss(stock_imm__num) + global_init_f)) + ok(cmp_code(f, ~for (age in seq(ling_imm__minage, ling_imm__maxage, by = 1)) g3_with( + ling_imm__age_idx := g3_idx(age - ling_imm__minage + 1L), + (ling_imm__num[, ling_imm__age_idx] + global_init_f))), "global_ind_f: global_ind_f not mentioned anywhere in formula") + ok(any(grepl("global_init_f <- 2 * 2", deparse(g3_to_r(list(f))), fixed = TRUE)), "global_init_f: init_val in header when fully compiled") + + f <- gadget3:::g3_step(g3_formula(quote( + stock_iterate(stock, stock_ss(stock__num) + const + by_age) + ), + const = g3_parameterized('const', by_stock = TRUE), + by_age = g3_parameterized("byage", by_stock = TRUE, by_age = TRUE), + stock = stock_imm)) + ok(cmp_code(f, g3_formula(quote( + g3_with( + by_age := g3_param_table("ling_imm.byage", expand.grid(age = seq(ling_imm__minage, ling_imm__maxage))), + const := g3_param("ling_imm.const"), + for (age in seq(ling_imm__minage, ling_imm__maxage, by = 1)) g3_with( + ling_imm__age_idx := g3_idx(age - ling_imm__minage + 1L), + (ling_imm__num[, ling_imm__age_idx] + const + by_age))) + ))), "add_dependent_formula: stock substituted both inside and outside loop") + + })()) # g3_step:dependent_formulas ok - by_age_f: 2 * age gets inserted inside loop ok - by_age_f: 2 * age gets inserted inside double loop ok - independent_f: 2 gets inserted outside loop, still renamed though ok - independent_switch_f: stock_switch() resolved ok - independent_f: 2 gets inserted outside double loop, still renamed though ok - global_f: iterative case gets inserted inside loop ok - global_f: init_val in header when fully compiled ok - global_ind_f: iterative case gets inserted outside loop ok - global_ind_f: init_val in header when fully compiled ok - global_ind_f: global_ind_f not mentioned anywhere in formula ok - global_init_f: init_val in header when fully compiled ok - add_dependent_formula: stock substituted both inside and outside loop > > ok_group("g3_step:stock_prepend", { + stock_a <- g3_stock(c(t = 'stock', q = 'stick', 'aaa'), seq(10, 35, 5)) + + ok(cmp_code( + gadget3:::g3_step(~{ + stock_prepend(stock_a, g3_param('parr', optmise = FALSE)) + stock_prepend(stock_a, g3_param('parr', optmise = FALSE, upper = 5)) + }), ~{ + g3_param("stock_stick_aaa.parr", optmise = FALSE) + g3_param("stock_stick_aaa.parr", optmise = FALSE, upper = 5) + }), "Passed through options") + ok(cmp_code( + gadget3:::g3_step(~{ + stock_prepend(stock_a, name_part = 't', g3_param('parr')) + stock_prepend(stock_a, g3_param('parr'), name_part = 't') + stock_prepend(stock_a, g3_param('parr', lower = 4, upper = 5), name_part = 't') + }), ~{ + g3_param("stock.parr") + g3_param("stock.parr") + g3_param("stock.parr", lower = 4, upper = 5) + }), "name_part can be either beffore or after name, not passed through to g3_param call") + ok(cmp_code( + gadget3:::g3_step(~{ + stock_prepend(stock_a, name_part = c('t', 'q'), g3_param('par1')) + stock_prepend(stock_a, name_part = c('q', 't'), g3_param('par1')) + stock_prepend(stock_a, name_part = c('t'), g3_param('par1')) + }), ~{ + g3_param("stock_stick.par1") + g3_param("stick_stock.par1") + g3_param("stock.par1") + }), "name_part can contain multiple name_parts, get used in order") + ok(cmp_code( + gadget3:::g3_step(~{ + stock_prepend("bling", g3_param("Linf", value = 1)) + stock_prepend("blang", g3_param("Linf", value = 1)) + }), ~{ + g3_param("bling.Linf", value = 1) + g3_param("blang.Linf", value = 1) + }), "stock_var can also be a string (worked out by g3_parameterized), which just gets prepended") + }) # g3_step:stock_prepend ok - Passed through options ok - name_part can be either beffore or after name, not passed through to g3_param call ok - name_part can contain multiple name_parts, get used in order ok - stock_var can also be a string (worked out by g3_parameterized), which just gets prepended > > ok_group("g3_step:stock_prepend:table", { + stock_a <- g3_stock(c(t = 'stock', 'aaa'), seq(10, 35, 5)) + stock_b <- g3_stock(c(t = 'stock', 'bbb'), seq(10, 35, 5)) + + ok(cmp_code( + gadget3:::g3_step(~{ + stock_prepend(stock_a, g3_param_table('par1', data.frame(age = seq(stock_a__minage, stock_a__maxage), year = 2:3))) + stock_prepend(stock_a, g3_param_table('par1', data.frame(age = seq(stock_a__minage, stock_a__maxage), len = stock_a__minlen))) + }), ~{ + g3_param_table("stock_aaa.par1", data.frame(age = seq(stock_aaa__minage, stock_aaa__maxage), year = 2:3)) + g3_param_table("stock_aaa.par1", data.frame(age = seq(stock_aaa__minage, stock_aaa__maxage), len = stock_aaa__minlen)) + }), "renamed parts in table_defn") + + ok(cmp_code( + gadget3:::g3_step(~{ + stock_prepend(stock_a, g3_param_table('par1', data.frame(year = 2:3), upper = 5)) + stock_prepend(stock_a, g3_param_table('par1', data.frame(year = 2:3), upper = 5, lower = 2)) + }), ~{ + g3_param_table('stock_aaa.par1', data.frame(year = 2:3), upper = 5) + g3_param_table('stock_aaa.par1', data.frame(year = 2:3), upper = 5, lower = 2) + }), "passed through remaining params") + + ok(cmp_code( + gadget3:::g3_step(~{ + stock_prepend(stock_a, name_part = 't', g3_param_table('par1', data.frame(year = 2:3), upper = 5)) + stock_prepend(stock_a, g3_param_table('par1', data.frame(year = 2:3), upper = 5, lower = 2), name_part = 't') + }), ~{ + g3_param_table('stock.par1', data.frame(year = 2:3), upper = 5) + g3_param_table('stock.par1', data.frame(year = 2:3), upper = 5, lower = 2) + }), "Can use name_part before or after actual name") + + ok(cmp_code( + gadget3:::g3_step(~{ + stock_prepend(stock_a, name_part = 't', g3_param_table('par1', stock_with(stock_b, data.frame(age = seq(stock_a__minage, stock_b__maxage))))) + stock_prepend(stock_b, name_part = 't', g3_param_table('par1', stock_with(stock_a, data.frame(age = seq(stock_a__minage, stock_b__maxage))))) + }), ~{ + g3_param_table('stock.par1', data.frame(age = seq(stock_aaa__minage, stock_bbb__maxage))) + g3_param_table('stock.par1', data.frame(age = seq(stock_aaa__minage, stock_bbb__maxage))) + }), "Can stock_with other stocks into table_defn") + + stock_a <- g3_stock(c(t = 'stock', q = 'stick', 'aaa'), seq(10, 35, 5)) + ok(cmp_code( + gadget3:::g3_step(~{ + stock_prepend(stock_a, name_part = c('t', 'q'), g3_param_table('par1', data.frame(year = 2:3))) + stock_prepend(stock_a, name_part = c('q', 't'), g3_param_table('par1', data.frame(year = 2:3))) + stock_prepend(stock_a, name_part = c('t'), g3_param_table('par1', data.frame(year = 2:3))) + }), ~{ + g3_param_table("stock_stick.par1", data.frame(year = 2:3)) + g3_param_table("stick_stock.par1", data.frame(year = 2:3)) + g3_param_table("stock.par1", data.frame(year = 2:3)) + }), "name_part can contain multiple name_parts, get used in order") + }) # g3_step:stock_prepend:table ok - renamed parts in table_defn ok - passed through remaining params ok - Can use name_part before or after actual name ok - Can stock_with other stocks into table_defn ok - name_part can contain multiple name_parts, get used in order > > ok_group("list_to_stock_switch", { + # NB: Differing names, ordinarily stock_imm would be "prey_stock", e.g. + stock_imm <- g3_stock('ling_imm', c(1)) + stock_mat <- g3_stock('ling_mat', c(1)) + stock_zat <- g3_stock('ling_zat', c(1)) + do_ss <- function (stock, l) { + f <- gadget3:::list_to_stock_switch(l) + assign('stock', stock, envir = environment(f)) + gadget3:::g3_step(f) + } + + ok(ut_cmp_error( + gadget3:::list_to_stock_switch(list(1,2)), + "one default"), "Only one default option allowed") + ok(ut_cmp_error( + gadget3:::list_to_stock_switch(list(a = 1, 2, 3)), + "one default"), "Only one default option allowed") + + out <- do_ss(stock_zat, list(99)) + ok(cmp_code(out, ~99), "Single default item") + out <- do_ss(stock_zat, list(ling_imm = quote(2 + 2), ling_zat = 343, 99)) + ok(cmp_code(out, ~343), "Mixed value types") + + out <- do_ss(stock_zat, list(ling_imm = quote(2 + 2), ling_zat = g3_formula(stock__midlen^x, x = 2), 99)) + ok(cmp_code(out, ~(ling_zat__midlen^x)), "Formula as output value, stock substitutions happened") + ok(ut_cmp_equal(environment(out)$x, 2), "Formula innards got copied") + + out <- do_ss(stock_imm, g3_formula(stock__midlen^x, x = 2)) + ok(cmp_code(out, ~(ling_imm__midlen^x)), "Bare formula is treated as default") + out <- do_ss(stock_mat, g3_formula(stock__midlen^x, x = 2)) + ok(cmp_code(out, ~(ling_mat__midlen^x)), "Bare formula is treated as default") + }) # list_to_stock_switch ok - Only one default option allowed ok - Only one default option allowed ok - Single default item ok - Mixed value types ok - Formula as output value, stock substitutions happened ok - Formula innards got copied ok - Bare formula is treated as default ok - Bare formula is treated as default > > ok_group("g3_step:stock_iterate", { + stock <- g3_stock('halibut', 1:10) %>% g3s_age(1,10) %>% g3s_livesonareas(c(x1 = 1, x2 = 2)) + stock__num <- g3_stock_instance(stock) + + ok(cmp_code(rlang::f_rhs(gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_iterate(stock, stock_ss(stock) ))), quote( + for (halibut__area_idx in seq_along(halibut__areas)) g3_with( + area := halibut__areas[[halibut__area_idx]], + for (age in seq(halibut__minage, halibut__maxage, by = 1)) g3_with( + halibut__age_idx := g3_idx(age - halibut__minage + 1L), + stock[, halibut__age_idx, halibut__area_idx])) + )), "By default iterate over area/age") + + ok(cmp_code(rlang::f_rhs(gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_iterate(stock, stock_ss(stock, area = ) ))), quote( + for (age in seq(halibut__minage, halibut__maxage, by = 1)) g3_with( + halibut__age_idx := g3_idx(age - halibut__minage + 1L), + stock[, halibut__age_idx, ]) + )), "Can turn area off") + + ok(cmp_code(rlang::f_rhs(gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_iterate(stock, stock_ssinv(stock, 'area', 'length' ) ))), quote( + for (halibut__area_idx in seq_along(halibut__areas)) g3_with( + area := halibut__areas[[halibut__area_idx]], + for (halibut__length_idx in seq_along(halibut__midlen)) g3_with( + length := halibut__midlen[[halibut__length_idx]], + stock[halibut__length_idx, , halibut__area_idx])) + )), "Or use stock_ssinv to say what we do want") + + ok(cmp_code(rlang::f_rhs(gadget3:::g3_step(~stock_iterate(stock, stock_ss(stock, length = default) ))), quote( + for (halibut__area_idx in seq_along(halibut__areas)) g3_with( + area := halibut__areas[[halibut__area_idx]], + for (age in seq(halibut__minage, halibut__maxage, by = 1)) g3_with( + halibut__age_idx := g3_idx(age - halibut__minage + 1L), + for (halibut__length_idx in seq_along(halibut__midlen)) g3_with( + length := halibut__midlen[[halibut__length_idx]], + stock[halibut__length_idx, halibut__age_idx, halibut__area_idx]))) + )), "Can turn length back on & iterate over all dimensions") + }) # g3_step:stock_iterate ok - By default iterate over area/age ok - Can turn area off ok - Or use stock_ssinv to say what we do want ok - Can turn length back on & iterate over all dimensions > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.73 0.10 0.84 # Looks like you passed all 59 tests.