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Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(unittest) > > library(gadget3) > > ok_group('edit.g3_r - Round-trip through an editor results in working code', { + nll <- 0.0 + model_fn <- g3_to_r(list(~{ + nll <- g3_param('nll') + return(nll) + })) + model_fn_n <- edit(model_fn, editor = '/bin/true') + attr(model_fn_n, 'srcref') <- NULL + attr(model_fn_n, 'srcfile') <- NULL + ok(ut_cmp_identical( + capture.output(str(model_fn)), + capture.output(str(model_fn_n))), "str() output of 2 functions is the same") + + n <- runif(1) + ok(ut_cmp_identical(n, model_fn(list(nll = n))), "Original function works") + ok(ut_cmp_identical(n, model_fn_n(list(nll = n))), "Edited function works too") + }) # edit.g3_r - Round-trip through an editor results in working code ok - str() output of 2 functions is the same ok - Original function works ok - Edited function works too Warning message: In utils::file.edit(file, title = title, editor = editor) : '"/bin/true"' not found > > ok_group('print.g3_r', { + cap <- function (x) { + out <- capture.output(x) + out[grepl("^<", out)] <- "<>" + return(out) + } + model_fn <- g3_to_r(list( g3_formula( + return(x + sum(y)), + y = c(4, 5), + x = g3_parameterized('parp') ))) + ok(ut_cmp_identical(cap(print(model_fn)), c( + "function (param) ", + "{", + " cur_time <- -1L", + " stopifnot(\"parp\" %in% names(param))", + " x <- param[[\"parp\"]]", + " while (TRUE) {", + " cur_time <- cur_time + 1L", + " return(x + sum(y))", + " }", + "}", + "<>", + "<>", + NULL)), "Default print output has code, no attributes") + ok(ut_cmp_identical(cap(print(model_fn, with_environment = TRUE, with_template = TRUE)), c( + "function (param) ", + "{", + " cur_time <- -1L", + " stopifnot(\"parp\" %in% names(param))", + " x <- param[[\"parp\"]]", + " while (TRUE) {", + " cur_time <- cur_time + 1L", + " return(x + sum(y))", + " }", + "}", + "<>", + "<>", + "Environment:", + " $ y : num [1:2] 4 5", + " $ reporting_enabled: int 1", + "Parameter template:", + " $ parp: num 0", + NULL)), "Can add with_environment = TRUE, with_template = TRUE") + }) # print.g3_r ok - Default print output has code, no attributes ok - Can add with_environment = TRUE, with_template = TRUE > > ok_group("g3_to_r: attr.actions", { + actions <- list( + list("001" = ~{ 1 + 1 }, "002" = ~{2 + 2}), + "003" = ~{3 + 3}) + model_fn <- g3_to_r(actions) + ok(ut_cmp_identical(attr(model_fn, 'actions'), actions), "actions returned as attribute uncollated") + }) # g3_to_r: attr.actions ok - actions returned as attribute uncollated > > ok_group("g3_to_r: attr.parameter_template", { + actions <- list( + list("001" = ~{ 1 + 1 }, "002" = ~{2 + 2}), + "003" = ~{3 + 3}) + model_fn <- g3_to_r(actions) + ok(ut_cmp_identical(attr(model_fn, 'parameter_template'), NULL), "Empty parameter template") + + actions <- list( + "001" = ~{ 1 + 1 }, + "002" = ~{g3_param('moo', value = 4) + g3_param('oink', value = 99)}, + "003" = ~{3 + 3}) + model_fn <- g3_to_r(actions) + ok(ut_cmp_identical(attr(model_fn, 'parameter_template'), list(moo = 4, oink = 99)), "2 values populated") + }) # g3_to_r: attr.parameter_template ok - Empty parameter template ok - 2 values populated > > ok_group('g3_param', { + param <- attr(g3_to_r(list(g3a_time(2000, 2004, project_years = 0), ~{ + g3_param('a') + # NB: We don't actually use optimise, but shouldn't error if it's there + g3_param('b', value = 4, optimise = FALSE) + })), 'parameter_template') + ok(ut_cmp_identical( + param[c('a', 'b')], + list(a = 0, b = 4)), "Param list included value values") + + # Definitions-as-code should still parse g3_param()s (it's a different path to formulas) + model_fn <- g3_to_r(list(g3_formula( + return(y), + y = quote( 2 + g3_param("peep") )))) + ok(ut_cmp_identical(model_fn(list(peep = 4)), 6), "Unevaluated code had g3_param() resolved") + }) # g3_param ok - Param list included value values ok - Unevaluated code had g3_param() resolved > > ok_group('g3_param_table', { + param <- attr(g3_to_r(list(g3a_time(2000, 2004, step_lengths = rep(3, times = 4), project_years = 0), ~{ + g3_param_table('pt', expand.grid( # NB: We can use base R + cur_year = seq(start_year, end_year), # NB: We can use g3a_time's vars + cur_step = 2:3)) + g3_param_table('pg', expand.grid( + cur_year = start_year, + # NB: We don't actually use optimise, but shouldn't error if it's there + cur_step = 1:2), value = 4, optimise = FALSE) + })), 'parameter_template') + ok(ut_cmp_identical( + param[c(paste('pt', 2000:2004, 2, sep = '.'), paste('pt', 2000:2004, 3, sep = '.'), 'pg.2000.1', 'pg.2000.2')], + structure( + as.list(c(rep(0, 5), rep(0, 5), rep(4, 2))), + names = c( + paste('pt', 2000:2004, 2, sep = '.'), + paste('pt', 2000:2004, 3, sep = '.'), + 'pg.2000.1', + 'pg.2000.2'))), "Param table turned into multiple parameters, value set") + + params.in <- attr(g3_to_r(list( g3a_time(1990, 2000), g3_formula( + quote(d), + d = g3_parameterized('par.years', value = 0, by_year = TRUE, exponentiate = TRUE), + x = NA) )), 'parameter_template') + ok(ut_cmp_identical(grep('^par', names(params.in), value = TRUE), c( + paste0('par.years.', 1990:2000, '_exp'), + NULL)), "exponentiate prefix ends up at the end of parameters") + }) # g3_param_table ok - Param table turned into multiple parameters, value set ok - exponentiate prefix ends up at the end of parameters > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.60 0.03 0.62 # Looks like you passed all 12 tests.