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Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(magrittr) > library(unittest) > > library(gadget3) > > stock_imm1 <- g3_stock('stock_imm1', seq(10, 40, 10)) %>% g3s_age(3, 7) > stock_imm2 <- g3_stock('stock_imm2', seq(10, 40, 10)) %>% g3s_age(4, 7) > stock_mat <- g3_stock('stock_mat', seq(30, 40, 10)) %>% g3s_age(5, 7) > > ok_group('g3a_spawn_recruitment_fecundity', { + ok(ut_cmp_identical( + rlang::f_rhs( g3a_spawn_recruitment_fecundity(90, 91, 92, 93, 94)$s ), + quote( sum(stock__midlen^91 * age^92 * stock_ss(stock__spawningnum)^93 * stock_ss(stock__wgt)^94) )), "g3a_spawn_recruitment_fecundity$s") + ok(ut_cmp_identical( + rlang::f_rhs( g3a_spawn_recruitment_fecundity(90, 91, 92, 93, 94)$r ), + quote( 90 * s )), "g3a_spawn_recruitment_fecundity$r") + }) # g3a_spawn_recruitment_fecundity ok - g3a_spawn_recruitment_fecundity$s ok - g3a_spawn_recruitment_fecundity$r > > ok_group('g3a_spawn_recruitment_simplessb', { + ok(ut_cmp_identical( + rlang::f_rhs( g3a_spawn_recruitment_simplessb(91)$s ), + quote( sum(stock_ss(stock__wgt) * stock_ss(stock__spawningnum)) )), "g3a_spawn_recruitment_simplessb$s") + ok(ut_cmp_identical( + rlang::f_rhs( g3a_spawn_recruitment_simplessb(91)$r ), + quote( 91 * s )), "g3a_spawn_recruitment_simplessb$r") + }) # g3a_spawn_recruitment_simplessb ok - g3a_spawn_recruitment_simplessb$s ok - g3a_spawn_recruitment_simplessb$r > > ok(ut_cmp_error( + g3a_spawn(stock_mat, output_stocks = list(stock_imm1, stock_imm2), output_ratios = c(9,9,9), recruitment_f = list(s = 1, r = 1)), + "output_ratios"), "Length of output_ratios must match") ok - Length of output_ratios must match > ok(ut_cmp_error( + g3a_spawn(stock_mat, output_stocks = list(stock_imm1, stock_imm2), output_ratios = c(9,9), recruitment_f = list(s = 1, r = 1)), + "output_ratios"), "output_ratios must sum to 1") ok - output_ratios must sum to 1 > > ok_group('g3a_spawn', { + year_range <- 1982:1990 + + ling_imm <- g3_stock('ling_imm', seq(20, 156, 4)) %>% + g3s_livesonareas(c(1)) %>% + g3s_age(3, 10) + + ling_mat <- g3_stock('ling_mat', seq(20, 156, 4)) %>% + g3s_livesonareas(c(1)) %>% + g3s_age(5, 15) + + igfs <- g3_fleet('igfs') %>% g3s_livesonareas(c(1)) + + imm_report <- g3s_clone(ling_imm, 'imm_report') %>% g3s_time(year = local(year_range), step = 1:4) + mat_report <- g3s_clone(ling_mat, 'mat_report') %>% g3s_time(year = local(year_range), step = 1:4) + + ling_imm_actions <- list( + g3a_initialconditions_normalparam(ling_imm, + factor_f = ~age * g3_param("lingimm.init") * g3_param("lingimm.init.scalar"), + mean_f = ~g3_param("ling.Linf"), + stddev_f = ~10, + alpha_f = ~g3_param("lingimm.walpha"), + beta_f = ~g3_param("lingimm.wbeta")), + g3a_naturalmortality(ling_imm, g3a_naturalmortality_exp(~g3_param("lingimm.M"))), + g3a_age(ling_imm), + list()) + + ling_mat_actions <- list( + g3a_initialconditions_normalparam(ling_mat, + factor_f = ~age * g3_param("lingmat.init") * g3_param("lingmat.init.scalar"), + mean_f = ~g3_param("ling.Linf"), + stddev_f = ~10, + alpha_f = ~g3_param("lingmat.walpha"), + beta_f = ~g3_param("lingmat.wbeta")), + g3a_naturalmortality(ling_mat, g3a_naturalmortality_exp(~g3_param("lingmat.M"))), + g3a_age(ling_mat), + g3a_spawn( + ling_mat, + recruitment_f = g3a_spawn_recruitment_ricker( + ~g3_param("ricker.mu"), + ~g3_param("ricker.lambda")), + proportion_f = g3_suitability_exponentiall50(alpha = ~-g3_param("spawn.prop.alpha"), l50 = ~g3_param("spawn.prop.l50")), + mortality_f = g3_suitability_straightline(alpha = ~g3_param("spawn.mort.alpha"), beta = ~g3_param("spawn.mort.beta")), + weightloss_f = ~g3_param("spawn.weightloss"), + output_stocks = list(ling_imm), + mean_f = 50, + stddev_f = 0.9, + alpha_f = 1, + beta_f = 1, + run_f = ~cur_step==1), + list()) + + report_actions <- list( + g3a_report_stock(imm_report,ling_imm, ~stock_ss(ling_imm__num)), + g3a_report_stock(imm_report,ling_imm, ~stock_ss(ling_imm__wgt)), + g3a_report_stock(mat_report,ling_mat, ~stock_ss(ling_mat__num)), + g3a_report_stock(mat_report,ling_mat, ~stock_ss(ling_mat__wgt)), + list()) + + time_actions <- list( + g3a_time(min(year_range), max(year_range), c(3,3,3,3), project_years = 0), + list()) + + # Add steps to exercise rest of recruitment functions, and check they produce identical TMB results + recruitment_test_step <- function (recruitment_f) { + action_name <- gadget3:::unique_action_name() + + # Re-implement enough of spawning to test recruitment + stock <- ling_mat + out_var_name <- paste0('stock__rf_', sys.call()[[2]][[1]]) + assign(out_var_name, g3_stock_instance(stock)) + out <- list() + out[[gadget3:::step_id(999, action_name)]] <- gadget3:::g3_step(gadget3:::f_substitute( + ~g3_with(s := 0 * nll, { # TODO: Ugly mess to get type right + stock_iterate(stock, if (run_f) { + s <- s + recruitment_s_f + stock_ss(stock__outvar) <- 1 + } else { + stock_ss(stock__outvar) <- 0 + }) + g3_with(r := recruitment_r_f, + stock_with(stock, stock__outvar <- r * stock__outvar / avoid_zero(sum(stock__outvar)))) + }), + list( + recruitment_r_f = recruitment_f$r, + recruitment_s_f = recruitment_f$s, + stock__outvar = as.symbol(out_var_name)))) + return(out) + } + recruitment_f_actions <- list( + recruitment_test_step(g3a_spawn_recruitment_fecundity( + p0 = runif(1, min=0.1, max=0.9), + p1 = runif(1, min=0.1, max=0.9), + p2 = runif(1, min=0.1, max=0.9), + p3 = runif(1, min=0.1, max=0.9), + p4 = runif(1, min=0.1, max=0.9))), + recruitment_test_step(g3a_spawn_recruitment_simplessb(runif(1, min=0.1, max=0.9))), + recruitment_test_step(g3a_spawn_recruitment_ricker(runif(1, min=0.1, max=0.9), runif(1, min=0.1, max=0.9))), + recruitment_test_step(g3a_spawn_recruitment_bevertonholt(runif(1, min=0.1, max=0.9), runif(1, min=0.1, max=0.9))), + recruitment_test_step(g3a_spawn_recruitment_hockeystick(runif(1, min=0.1, max=0.9), runif(1, min=0.1, max=0.9))), + list()) + + actions <- c( + ling_imm_actions, + ling_mat_actions, + report_actions, + recruitment_f_actions, + time_actions) + + # Compile model + model_fn <- g3_to_r(actions, trace = FALSE) + # model_fn <- edit(model_fn) + if (nzchar(Sys.getenv('G3_TEST_TMB'))) { + model_cpp <- g3_to_tmb(actions, trace = FALSE) + # model_cpp <- edit(model_cpp) + model_tmb <- g3_tmb_adfun(model_cpp, compile_flags = c("-O0", "-g")) + } else { + writeLines("# skip: not compiling TMB model") + } + + params <- attr(model_fn, 'parameter_template') + params$lingimm.init <- 0 + params$lingimm.init.scalar <- 0 + params$lingimm.rec.scalar <- 100 + params$lingimm.M <- 0 + params$lingimm.walpha <- 1e-1 + params$lingimm.wbeta <- 2 + params$lingmat.init <- 1 + params$lingmat.init.scalar <- 100 + params$lingmat.rec.scalar <- 100 + params$lingmat.M <- 0.95 + params$lingmat.walpha <- 1e-6 + params$lingmat.wbeta <- 2 + params$ling.init.F <- 0.4 + params$ling.mat.alpha <- 0.01 + params$ling.mat.l50 <- 75 + params$ling.mat.beta <- 0.01 + params$ling.mat.a50 <- 7 + params$ling.Linf <- 160 + params$ling.bbin <- 6 + params$ling.k <- 10 + params$ricker.mu <- 1 + params$ricker.lambda <- 1e-6 + params$spawn.prop.alpha <- 0.5 + params$spawn.prop.l50 <- 120 + params$spawn.mort.alpha <- 0 + params$spawn.mort.beta <- 0 + params$spawn.weightloss <- 0.1 + + # Make sure the inttest model produces identical output in TMB and R + if (nzchar(Sys.getenv('G3_TEST_TMB'))) { + param_template <- attr(model_cpp, "parameter_template") + param_template$value <- params[param_template$switch] + gadget3:::ut_tmb_r_compare(model_fn, model_tmb, param_template) + } + }) # g3a_spawn # skip: not compiling TMB model > > proc.time() user system elapsed 1.43 0.06 1.48 # Looks like you passed all 6 tests.