source("incl/start.R") library("listenv") message("*** multisession() ...") for (cores in 1:availCores) { ## Speed up CRAN checks: Skip on CRAN Windows 32-bit if (!fullTest && isWin32) next message(sprintf("Testing with %d cores ...", cores)) options(mc.cores = cores) ## No global variables f <- multisession({ 42L }) print(f) stopifnot(inherits(f, "ClusterFuture") || (inherits(f, "SequentialFuture") && f$lazy)) print(resolved(f)) y <- value(f) print(y) stopifnot(y == 42L) ## A global variable a <- 0 f <- multisession({ b <- 3 c <- 2 a * b * c }, globals = TRUE) print(f) ## A multisession future is evaluated in a separate ## R session process. Changing the value of a global ## variable should not affect the result of the ## future. a <- 7 ## Make sure globals are frozen v <- value(f) print(v) stopifnot(v == 0) message("*** multisession() with globals and blocking") x <- listenv() for (ii in 2:1) { message(sprintf(" - Creating multisession future #%d ...", ii)) x[[ii]] <- multisession({ ii }, globals = TRUE) } message(sprintf(" - Resolving %d multisession futures", length(x))) v <- sapply(x, FUN = value) stopifnot(all(v == 1:2)) message("*** multisession() - workers inherit .libPaths()") libs <- value(future(.libPaths())) str(list( main = .libPaths(), workers = libs )) stopifnot(identical(libs, .libPaths())) message("*** multisession() and errors") f <- multisession({ stop("Whoops!") 1 }) print(f) v <- value(f, signal = FALSE) print(v) stopifnot(inherits(v, "simpleError")) res <- try(value(f), silent = TRUE) print(res) stopifnot(inherits(res, "try-error")) ## Error is repeated res <- try(value(f), silent = TRUE) print(res) stopifnot(inherits(res, "try-error")) ## Custom error class f <- multisession({ stop(structure(list(message = "boom"), class = c("MyError", "error", "condition"))) }) print(f) v <- value(f, signal = FALSE) print(v) stopifnot(inherits(v, "error"), inherits(v, "MyError")) ## Make sure error is signaled res <- tryCatch(value(f), error = identity) stopifnot(inherits(res, "error")) ## Issue #200: Custom condition class attributes are lost ## ## stopifnot(inherits(res, "MyError")) ## Make sure to stop these cluster processes to avoid triggering ## checking for detritus in the temp directory ... NOTE ClusterRegistry(action = "stop") message(sprintf("Testing with %d cores ... DONE", cores)) } ## for (cores ...) message("*** multisession() - too large globals ... DONE") message("*** multisession(..., workers = 1L) ...") a <- 2 b <- 3 yTruth <- a * b f <- multisession({ a * b }, globals = TRUE, workers = 1L) rm(list = c("a", "b")) v <- value(f) print(v) stopifnot(v == yTruth) message("*** multisession(..., workers = 1L) ... DONE") message("*** multisession(..., gc = TRUE) ...") plan(multisession, workers = 2L) f <- future({ gc() }) v <- value(f) print(v) f <- future({ integer(10e6) }) v <- value(f) str(v) f <- future({ gc() }) v <- value(f) print(v) f <- future({ integer(10e6) }, gc = TRUE) v <- value(f) str(v) f <- future({ gc() }) v <- value(f) print(v) message("*** multisession(..., gc = TRUE) ... TRUE") message("*** multisession(...) - stopping with plan() change ...") plan(multisession, workers = 2L) f <- future(1L) ## Collect value, to speep up the stopping of the parallel workers, ## and to make sure we're not leaving any stray processes behind. v <- value(f) cl <- ClusterRegistry("get") stopifnot(inherits(cl, "cluster"), length(cl) >= 1L) plan(sequential) cl <- ClusterRegistry("get") stopifnot(is.null(cl), length(cl) == 0L) message("*** multisession(...) - stopping with plan() change ... DONE") message("*** multisession() ... DONE") source("incl/end.R")