source("incl/start.R") message("*** rng ...") okind <- RNGkind() ## A valid regular seed f <- Future(42, seed = 42L) print(f) stopifnot(identical(RNGkind(), okind)) ## A valid L'Ecuyer-CMRG RNG seed seed <- c(407L, 1420090545L, 65713854L, -990249945L, 1780737596L, -1213437427L, 1082168682L) f <- Future(42, seed = seed) print(f) stopifnot(identical(RNGkind(), okind)) f <- Future(42, seed = TRUE) print(f) stopifnot(identical(RNGkind(), okind)) f <- Future(42, seed = FALSE) print(f) stopifnot(identical(RNGkind(), okind)) f <- Future(42, seed = NULL) print(f) stopifnot(identical(RNGkind(), okind)) ## See Section 6 on 'Random-number generation' in ## vignette("parallel", package = "parallel") fsample <- function(x, size = 4L, seed = NULL, what = c("future", "%<-%")) { what <- match.arg(what) ## Must use session-specific '.GlobalEnv' here .GlobalEnv <- globalenv() oseed <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed orng <- RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG")[1L] on.exit(RNGkind(orng)) if (isFALSE(seed) || isNA(seed) || is.null(seed)) { if (what == "future") { fs <- list() for (ii in seq_len(size)) { label <- sprintf("fsample_%d-%d", ii,, size=1L)) fs[[ii]] <- future({ sample(x, size = 1L) }, seed = seed, label = label) print(fs[[ii]]) } res <- value(fs) } else { res <- listenv::listenv() for (ii in seq_len(size)) { label <- sprintf("fsample_%d-%d", ii,, size=1L)) res[[ii]] %<-% { sample(x, size = 1L) } %seed% seed %label% label } res <- as.list(res) } } else { ## Reset state of random seed afterwards? on.exit({ if (is.null(oseed)) { rm(list = ".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE) } else { .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed <- oseed } }, add = TRUE) set.seed(seed) .seed <- .Random.seed if (what == "future") { fs <- list() for (ii in seq_len(size)) { .seed <- parallel::nextRNGStream(.seed) fs[[ii]] <- future({ sample(x, size = 1L) }, seed = .seed) } res <- value(fs) } else { res <- listenv::listenv() for (ii in seq_len(size)) { .seed <- parallel::nextRNGStream(.seed) res[[ii]] %<-% { sample(x, size = 1L) } %seed% .seed } res <- as.list(res) } } res } # fsample() dummy <- sample(0:3, size = 1L) seed0 <- .Random.seed stopifnot(identical(RNGkind(), okind)) ## Reference sample with fixed random seed plan("sequential") y0 <- fsample(0:3, seed = 42L) ## Assert that random seed is reset stopifnot( identical(.GlobalEnv$.Random.seed, seed0), identical(RNGkind(), okind) ) for (cores in 1:availCores) { ## Speed up CRAN checks: Skip on CRAN Windows 32-bit if (!fullTest && isWin32) next message(sprintf("Testing with %d cores ...", cores)) options(mc.cores = cores) for (strategy in supportedStrategies(cores)) { message(sprintf("%s ...", strategy)) plan(strategy) for (what in c("future", "%<-%")) { .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed <- seed0 ## Fixed random seed y1 <- fsample(0:3, seed = 42L, what = what) print(y1) stopifnot(identical(y1, y0)) ## Assert that random seed is reset stopifnot( identical(.GlobalEnv$.Random.seed, seed0), identical(RNGkind(), okind) ) ## Fixed random seed y2 <- fsample(0:3, seed = 42L, what = what) print(y2) stopifnot(identical(y2, y1)) stopifnot(identical(y2, y0)) ## Assert that random seed is reset stopifnot( identical(.GlobalEnv$.Random.seed, seed0), identical(RNGkind(), okind) ) ## No seed for (misuse in c("ignore", "warning", "error")) { options(future.rng.onMisuse = misuse) y3 <- tryCatch({ ## WORKAROUND: fsample() triggers a R_FUTURE_GLOBALS_ONREFERENCE ## warning. Not sure why. /HB 2019-12-27 ovalue <- Sys.getenv("R_FUTURE_GLOBALS_ONREFERENCE") on.exit(Sys.setenv("R_FUTURE_GLOBALS_ONREFERENCE" = ovalue)) Sys.setenv("R_FUTURE_GLOBALS_ONREFERENCE" = "ignore") fsample(0:3, what = what, seed = FALSE) }, warning = identity, error = identity) print(y3) if (misuse %in% c("warning", "error")) { stopifnot( inherits(y3, misuse), inherits(y3, "RngFutureCondition"), inherits(y3, switch(misuse, warning = "RngFutureWarning", error = "RngFutureError" )) ) } ## seed = NULL equals seed = FALSE but without the check of misuse y4 <- fsample(0:3, what = what, seed = NULL) print(y4) } options(future.rng.onMisuse = "ignore") } message(sprintf("%s ... done", strategy)) } message(sprintf("Testing with %d cores ... DONE", cores)) } ## for (cores ...) message("- Assert that RNG mistakes does not muffle run-time errors") options( future.debug = FALSE, future.rng.onMisuse = "warning" ) for (signal in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { message("signal=", signal) f <- future({; log("a") }, seed = FALSE) r <- result(f) print(r) res <- tryCatch(value(f, signal = signal), error = identity) print(res) stopifnot(inherits(res, "error")) } stopifnot(identical(RNGkind(), okind)) message("*** rng ... DONE") source("incl/end.R")