source("incl/start.R") options(future.debug = FALSE) message("*** Relaying and split standard output and conditions ...") message(" - default (implicit split = FALSE)") plan(sequential) relay <- recordRelay({ f <- future({ cat("O\n") message("M") 1L }) }) message(" class: ", paste(sQuote(class(f)), collapse = ", ")) stopifnot(length(relay$stdout) == 0L) stopifnot(length(relay$msgs) == 0L) relay <- recordRelay(v <- value(f)) stopifnot(identical(relay$stdout, "O\n")) stopifnot(identical(relay$msgs, "M\n")) message(" - split = FALSE") plan(sequential, split = FALSE) relay <- recordRelay({ f <- future({ cat("O\n") message("M") 1L }) }) message(" class: ", paste(sQuote(class(f)), collapse = ", ")) stopifnot(length(relay$stdout) == 0L) stopifnot(length(relay$msgs) == 0L) relay <- recordRelay(v <- value(f)) stopifnot(identical(relay$stdout, "O\n")) stopifnot(identical(relay$msgs, "M\n")) message(" - split = TRUE") plan(sequential, split = TRUE) relay <- recordRelay({ f <- future({ cat("O\n") message("M") 1L }) }) message(" class: ", paste(sQuote(class(f)), collapse = ", ")) stopifnot(identical(relay$stdout, "O\n")) stopifnot(identical(relay$msgs, "M\n")) relay <- recordRelay(v <- value(f)) stopifnot(identical(relay$stdout, "O\n")) stopifnot(identical(relay$msgs, "M\n")) message("*** Relaying and split standard output and conditions ... DONE") source("incl/end.R")